Anti gun protester David Hogg protected by armed guards

how fitting. Don't get me wrong, I 'm sure he needs them. But is it not ironic that as he proudly declares he wants to take your guns, that he also feels the need to have guns around him for protection

That's how it works with gun grabbers. You don't have the right to protect yourself with a firearm, but they do



David Hogg is a VIP now.

The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Now he’s got a book deal, and publicists — and armed guards.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg - protected by armed guards? - The American Mirror

Why would he need armed guards, because gun crazy nuts want him dead.

If it's good enough for him, why not for everyone?
So many gun owners, like much of the NRA membership, are hypocritical.

The David Hogg guy is more real than are they as true Americans.

Maybe real but pretty much irrelevant now. Was a billboard for progressives back in April but impressed nobody in Congress who were in a deep snooze again by May. Nobody is caring about David Hogg!:113:
Fuck you, there've been MANY times in my life I've stood up for friends in public who were being bullied going all the way back to high school.
Yeah...I’ve been around your kind before. I know your idea of “standing up”. Which is essentially whining like a little bitch “that’s not very nice”. That’s not “standing up”, snowflake.

Not that that is bad. It’s great if you can resolve things peacefully. I would prefer that every time, frankly. I just hate pussies who talk a big game. Believe me - it’s not even remotely possible to go through life without some serious fights if you’re really “standing up”.

Nonsense - what state are you in tough guy?
There is no need to confront people or get into fights unless THEY throw a first punch.
I agree with that 100%. Anyone who doesn’t agree with that is a bonafide asshole. The problem is, someone is going to take a swing at you in life unless you’re a pussy who doesn’t stand up to people. It’s just a reality.

More nonsense ^ Pussies are the guys who people pick fights with.
how fitting. Don't get me wrong, I 'm sure he needs them. But is it not ironic that as he proudly declares he wants to take your guns, that he also feels the need to have guns around him for protection

That's how it works with gun grabbers. You don't have the right to protect yourself with a firearm, but they do



David Hogg is a VIP now.

The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Now he’s got a book deal, and publicists — and armed guards.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg - protected by armed guards? - The American Mirror

Why would he need armed guards, because gun crazy nuts want him dead.
There are nuts who want to shoot up kids in school, but Hogg is against putting armed guards in schools. Hes a hypocrite and youre too uninformed to comment on this.
What a bizarre stick with which to beat this youth.
If you had sensible gun laws he wouldn't need protecting from people like the knuckle draggers on here.
...and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14.
Gulping Gayturd is SO “proud” that he spends hours on the internet joining progressives arguing against the 2nd Amendment. :eusa_doh:

No he doesn't - Like me he is a gun owner. Kindly cut it with the nonsense.

It is amazing that to the zealots me not carrying a gun with me 24/7 makes me anti-gun and against the 2nd.

What kind of a mind thinks like that?
ya know what i am sick of leftists like you

who are willing to be a subject

yes hoggs life is more important then yours

he deserves the right to self defense

you dont

It was a simple question, so take the stick out of your leftist ass and answer the question.

And by the way, I have more than enough guns to protect me and my family and your family as well.

--LOL-- i dont believe you ya fraud

that is because you are a mindless Trump sheep and in your little fucked up world anyone that does not sniff the ass of Trump like you do could not possibly have guns or anything like that.

20 years in the Marines, certified as an instructor in all automatic weapons the Marine Corps infantry had at the time (all 4 of them!) and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14. That was more than a half a century ago, and I am still a gun owner.

So, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next set of talking points.

--LOL who cares what you think --LOL

no matter how much or what you post loser

i dont believe you

you are simply a fraud

Obviously you care because you keep responding to my post. If you did not care you would not respond.

--LOL go fuck yourself troll
It was a simple question, so take the stick out of your leftist ass and answer the question.

And by the way, I have more than enough guns to protect me and my family and your family as well.

--LOL-- i dont believe you ya fraud

that is because you are a mindless Trump sheep and in your little fucked up world anyone that does not sniff the ass of Trump like you do could not possibly have guns or anything like that.

20 years in the Marines, certified as an instructor in all automatic weapons the Marine Corps infantry had at the time (all 4 of them!) and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14. That was more than a half a century ago, and I am still a gun owner.

So, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next set of talking points.

--LOL who cares what you think --LOL

no matter how much or what you post loser

i dont believe you

you are simply a fraud

Obviously you care because you keep responding to my post. If you did not care you would not respond.

--LOL go fuck yourself troll

Now you are having sexual fantasies about me.

I am really in your head now! :19:
If I was getting threats from gun huggers I too would have armed guards. Hogg would be an idiot if he didn`t do so. People often hate the things that they fear and this kid scares the shit out of the crazies with guns. What`s so hard to understand?

He scares nothing. Anyway, care to address the question at hand? Why is his personal security more important than yours?

I did address the question at hand. The kid gets threats from gun pussies therefore he should have protection. Find a passing 5th grader to explain that to you.
--LOL-- i dont believe you ya fraud

that is because you are a mindless Trump sheep and in your little fucked up world anyone that does not sniff the ass of Trump like you do could not possibly have guns or anything like that.

20 years in the Marines, certified as an instructor in all automatic weapons the Marine Corps infantry had at the time (all 4 of them!) and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14. That was more than a half a century ago, and I am still a gun owner.

So, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next set of talking points.

--LOL who cares what you think --LOL

no matter how much or what you post loser

i dont believe you

you are simply a fraud

Obviously you care because you keep responding to my post. If you did not care you would not respond.

--LOL go fuck yourself troll

Now you are having sexual fantasies about me.

I am really in your head now! :19:

that is because you are a mindless Trump sheep and in your little fucked up world anyone that does not sniff the ass of Trump like you do could not possibly have guns or anything like that.

20 years in the Marines, certified as an instructor in all automatic weapons the Marine Corps infantry had at the time (all 4 of them!) and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14. That was more than a half a century ago, and I am still a gun owner.

So, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next set of talking points.

--LOL who cares what you think --LOL

no matter how much or what you post loser

i dont believe you

you are simply a fraud

Obviously you care because you keep responding to my post. If you did not care you would not respond.

--LOL go fuck yourself troll

Now you are having sexual fantasies about me.

I am really in your head now! :19:


He scares nothing. Anyway, care to address the question at hand? Why is his personal security more important than yours?

It's kind of funny from my perspective because people who open carry oftentimes will get a lot of flack from others saying that "open carry is a threat" and that people who do so are just being jerks. So having an "entourage" which includes armed body guards is not also advertising that one has the means of lethal force at their disposal that can be dispatched in a instant to neutralize a threat?

I can just about guarantee you that even if every firearm was magically removed from every lawful citizen today, that he would still refuse to go anywhere without his armed guards. Because you know - criminals
The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

The logic of this argument, used again and again is just ridiculous.

I wouldn't want to be protected by armed guys. It would imply there's something wrong with the place I am.

But that doesn't mean I should be stupid and not have armed guards where they are necessary.

Who wouldn't fear some of these gun nuts enough to require protection?

Very evident not many support your logic s0n.... Congress is in doing dick:flirtysmile4:
Been watching the philosophical debate on guns for 10 years in here. Gun grabbers say the same ghey stuff nobody cares about....leads to banners and a few marches here and there but otherwise zero.
If I was getting threats from gun huggers I too would have armed guards. Hogg would be an idiot if he didn`t do so. People often hate the things that they fear and this kid scares the shit out of the crazies with guns. What`s so hard to understand?

He scares nothing. Anyway, care to address the question at hand? Why is his personal security more important than yours?

I did address the question at hand. The kid gets threats from gun pussies therefore he should have protection. Find a passing 5th grader to explain that to you.
Dont kids in school deserve protection as well? Why cant they have armed guards too? Hogg is against that, but he has no problem getting security for himself. Hes a hypocrite and you are the person sticking up for a hypocrite.
how fitting. Don't get me wrong, I 'm sure he needs them. But is it not ironic that as he proudly declares he wants to take your guns, that he also feels the need to have guns around him for protection

That's how it works with gun grabbers. You don't have the right to protect yourself with a firearm, but they do



David Hogg is a VIP now.

The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Now he’s got a book deal, and publicists — and armed guards.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg - protected by armed guards? - The American Mirror

Why would he need armed guards, because gun crazy nuts want him dead.
There are nuts who want to shoot up kids in school, but Hogg is against putting armed guards in schools. Hes a hypocrite and youre too uninformed to comment on this.

No sorry - Hogg is not opposed to more highly trained armed guards. He thinks it would be dumb to arm teachers.

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