Anti gun protester David Hogg protected by armed guards

Precisely HOW am I arguing an anti-gun position?
Apparently you’re not a bad’re just mentally ill. :uhh:

You posted this exactly 2 posts after posting a meme implying only people insecure about their penis own firearms. But you’re “not” arguing an anti-gun position, uh? :eusa_doh:

the making of another fine limousine liberal

do as i say not as i do

fck the asshole

So, if an anti-gun person hiring an armed guard is an example of "do as i say not as i do", would and America first person who has their wares made in China and other places also be an example of a "do as i say not as i do" person?
ya know what i am sick of leftists like you

who are willing to be a subject

yes hoggs life is more important then yours

he deserves the right to self defense

you dont

It was a simple question, so take the stick out of your leftist ass and answer the question.

And by the way, I have more than enough guns to protect me and my family and your family as well.

--LOL-- i dont believe you ya fraud

that is because you are a mindless Trump sheep and in your little fucked up world anyone that does not sniff the ass of Trump like you do could not possibly have guns or anything like that.

20 years in the Marines, certified as an instructor in all automatic weapons the Marine Corps infantry had at the time (all 4 of them!) and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14. That was more than a half a century ago, and I am still a gun owner.

So, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next set of talking points.
the making of another fine limousine liberal

do as i say not as i do

fck the asshole

So, if an anti-gun person hiring an armed guard is an example of "do as i say not as i do", would and America first person who has their wares made in China and other places also be an example of a "do as i say not as i do" person?
ya know what i am sick of leftists like you

who are willing to be a subject

yes hoggs life is more important then yours

he deserves the right to self defense

you dont

It was a simple question, so take the stick out of your leftist ass and answer the question.

And by the way, I have more than enough guns to protect me and my family and your family as well.

--LOL-- i dont believe you ya fraud

that is because you are a mindless Trump sheep and in your little fucked up world anyone that does not sniff the ass of Trump like you do could not possibly have guns or anything like that.

20 years in the Marines, certified as an instructor in all automatic weapons the Marine Corps infantry had at the time (all 4 of them!) and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14. That was more than a half a century ago, and I am still a gun owner.

So, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next set of talking points.
If that is true, Why do you care about someone else’s firearm ownership? You know it’s none of your fucking business
The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

The logic of this argument, used again and again is just ridiculous.

I wouldn't want to be protected by armed guys. It would imply there's something wrong with the place I am.

But that doesn't mean I should be stupid and not have armed guards where they are necessary.

Who wouldn't fear some of these gun nuts enough to require protection?
Its called believing your bs

Your reply seems not to have anything to do with what I actually said.
The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

The logic of this argument, used again and again is just ridiculous.

I wouldn't want to be protected by armed guys. It would imply there's something wrong with the place I am.

But that doesn't mean I should be stupid and not have armed guards where they are necessary.

Who wouldn't fear some of these gun nuts enough to require protection?
Something wrong with the "place you am?"

Yes, the grammar is wrong with the "place you am?"
Who wouldn't fear some of these gun nuts enough to require protection?
So are you stating that people should arm themselves against people with guns?

I'm saying that if the situation is such that there is a danger, then use the tools to protect yourself.

The problem here is that in the US this is a necessary thing. It shouldn't be, not in a western first world country.
It shouldn't be, not in a western first world country.
Astounding ignorance. Who the fuck are you to decide what "should be" and "shouldn't be" in a "1st world country"?

You're a typical ignorant left-wing. Every 1st world nation should be armed because every 1st world nation should have the LIBERTY and the FREEDOM to own firearms.
So, if an anti-gun person hiring an armed guard is an example of "do as i say not as i do", would and America first person who has their wares made in China and other places also be an example of a "do as i say not as i do" person?
ya know what i am sick of leftists like you

who are willing to be a subject

yes hoggs life is more important then yours

he deserves the right to self defense

you dont

It was a simple question, so take the stick out of your leftist ass and answer the question.

And by the way, I have more than enough guns to protect me and my family and your family as well.

--LOL-- i dont believe you ya fraud

that is because you are a mindless Trump sheep and in your little fucked up world anyone that does not sniff the ass of Trump like you do could not possibly have guns or anything like that.

20 years in the Marines, certified as an instructor in all automatic weapons the Marine Corps infantry had at the time (all 4 of them!) and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14. That was more than a half a century ago, and I am still a gun owner.

So, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next set of talking points.
If that is true, Why do you care about someone else’s firearm ownership? You know it’s none of your fucking business

I do not care at all about anyone's firearms. I am the guy that says that the 2nd is not limited to guns or firearms.

I just love pointing out the hypocairy on both sides, you Trump zealots call Hogg out for being against guns yet having armed guards, but you turn a blind eye to Trump being against shit being made overseas while all his shit is made overseas.
the making of another fine limousine liberal

do as i say not as i do

fck the asshole

So, if an anti-gun person hiring an armed guard is an example of "do as i say not as i do", would and America first person who has their wares made in China and other places also be an example of a "do as i say not as i do" person?
ya know what i am sick of leftists like you

who are willing to be a subject

yes hoggs life is more important then yours

he deserves the right to self defense

you dont

It was a simple question, so take the stick out of your leftist ass and answer the question.

And by the way, I have more than enough guns to protect me and my family and your family as well.

--LOL-- i dont believe you ya fraud

that is because you are a mindless Trump sheep and in your little fucked up world anyone that does not sniff the ass of Trump like you do could not possibly have guns or anything like that.

20 years in the Marines, certified as an instructor in all automatic weapons the Marine Corps infantry had at the time (all 4 of them!) and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14. That was more than a half a century ago, and I am still a gun owner.

So, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next set of talking points.

--LOL who cares what you think --LOL

no matter how much or what you post loser

i dont believe you

you are simply a fraud
So, if an anti-gun person hiring an armed guard is an example of "do as i say not as i do", would and America first person who has their wares made in China and other places also be an example of a "do as i say not as i do" person?
ya know what i am sick of leftists like you

who are willing to be a subject

yes hoggs life is more important then yours

he deserves the right to self defense

you dont

It was a simple question, so take the stick out of your leftist ass and answer the question.

And by the way, I have more than enough guns to protect me and my family and your family as well.

--LOL-- i dont believe you ya fraud

that is because you are a mindless Trump sheep and in your little fucked up world anyone that does not sniff the ass of Trump like you do could not possibly have guns or anything like that.

20 years in the Marines, certified as an instructor in all automatic weapons the Marine Corps infantry had at the time (all 4 of them!) and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14. That was more than a half a century ago, and I am still a gun owner.

So, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for the next set of talking points.
If that is true, Why do you care about someone else’s firearm ownership? You know it’s none of your fucking business

how fitting. Don't get me wrong, I 'm sure he needs them. But is it not ironic that as he proudly declares he wants to take your guns, that he also feels the need to have guns around him for protection

That's how it works with gun grabbers. You don't have the right to protect yourself with a firearm, but they do



David Hogg is a VIP now.

The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Now he’s got a book deal, and publicists — and armed guards.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg - protected by armed guards? - The American Mirror
how fitting. Don't get me wrong, I 'm sure he needs them. But is it not ironic that as he proudly declares he wants to take your guns, that he also feels the need to have guns around him for protection

That's how it works with gun grabbers. You don't have the right to protect yourself with a firearm, but they do



David Hogg is a VIP now.

The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Now he’s got a book deal, and publicists — and armed guards.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg - protected by armed guards? - The American Mirror

This is an interesting double standard seen around the nation and world today. I believe proposed restrictions on our right to bear arms should be treated no less importantly than those placed on free speech. In nation after nation throughout the EU and perhaps most poignantly in South Africa what we are seeing are a citizenry encircled by extremely high rates of targeted crime who have in fact been denied completely their ability to defend themselves, their daughters and families, and their communities. This should be a cacophonic wake up call to every last American.

Who are we as a people, as a nation if the most basic need imaginable beyond sustenance--to defend our lives and the lives of those we care about--is removed? Three hundred million plus souls waiting to become victims, that's who.

Now about that double standard. Hypocrisy always catches up to the zealot. While I can understand a child's outrage over an attack on his school, translating his victimhood onto the rest of society is unacceptable. Gun control has never been an effective preventer of gun violence. We all know how successful gun free zones have proven to be; taking guns from Americans only makes them less able to survive until the police get there.

Hogg rolling around with an armed detail perfectly illustrates every American's need to own a firearm while simultaneously invalidating his entire cause. What if he is mobbed by supporters for a selfie or autograph (if kids even want still want those) and one of his bodyguards takes aim?

What Hogg needs to feel safe in public (guns) so does most everyone else; 99% of trips outside our homes into society will not require armed self defense. It's the 1% that we need to be armed to deal with. Any other position is a deception aimed at taking away your ability to defend yourself. Too many people think they live in a fortress and are immune to being attacked and killed outside their homes.

Much like the border children David Hogg has been weaponized to push a political agenda. I doubt he understands that any more than a toddler taken from Nicaragua to Texas.
The push the machine is making in America is for us to believe the only ones requiring protection utilizing a firearm are LEO and the elite, and the criminal element

For the rest of us, we are just collateral damage


Hypocrite: Anti-Gun David Hogg Caught Taking Stroll in NYC with Apparent Armed Guards Feet Away

Self-defense for me, but not for thee: That seems to be the new message of anti-Second Amendment advocate David Hogg, at least if claims by people who spotted him in New York City recently are correct.

Earlier this week, the spotlight-seeking Parkland student-turned activist was photographed in the Big Apple apparently flanked by bodyguards with military haircuts and Secret Service-style suits.

Hypocrite: Anti-Gun David Hogg Caught Taking Stroll in NYC with Apparent Armed Guards Feet Away
If I was getting threats from gun huggers I too would have armed guards. Hogg would be an idiot if he didn`t do so. People often hate the things that they fear and this kid scares the shit out of the crazies with guns. What`s so hard to understand?

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