Anti gun protester David Hogg protected by armed guards

I've seen the cop argument before and it is stoopid. Cops spend all day responding to things like domestic disputes and to various other kooks and criminals. Simply pulling someone over even for a minor traffic violation can be dicey. So kindly spare me on that one.
DrLove’s very irrational post here reminded me of left-wing “logic” on this issue:

Do you carry your gun in to do your banking? If so, you're a bigger idiot than I thought.
Uh...who does their “banking” in a bank anymore? What are you, like 78? :laugh:

Snowflake, I literally haven’t stepped foot in a bank in over 20 years. My pay checks are all direct deposit. My bills are all done online. My taxes are all done online and either deposited via wire transfers or paid online. And about 90% of that is done from my phone.

I do all the same things Goober, but yes - I see walk in to see my banker at least 3-4 times a year. I also receive rent checks that are not direct deposit and occasionally need cash.

The longer we talk, the dumber your arguments are becoming. Have a nice day.
But unless you encounter dangerous situations from day to day like a cop does, the chances you'll ever need it are one in a million.

Unless you get in an accident, the chances that’s you’ll need a seatbelt is ZERO. 0.

The longer we talk, the dumber your arguments are becoming.
That is left-wing code for “the longer we debate, the more I’m getting my ass handed to me by a conservative armed with facts...time to get the hell out of dodge”. :laugh:
You stated it was “nonsense” that not having a firearm results in diminished self-defense capabilities.

I'm 6'5" 225 pounds and in very good shape. Nobody has ever messed with me in public.

Were you the runt of the class, or does your insecurity arise from having a small peeper? :)
My Glock is for home defense and plinking at the range. I have no problem with a properly trained and sober individual carrying concealed.
And yet you’ve sat here for an hour arguing an anti-gun position. Progressives are so weak-minded and indoctrinated that they actually argue for left-wing positions that they don’t even agree with. :eusa_doh:
But unless you encounter dangerous situations from day to day like a cop does, the chances you'll ever need it are one in a million.

Unless you get in an accident, the chances that’s you’ll need a seatbelt is ZERO. 0.


Now you are once again comparing the risk of getting in an accident to that of NEEDING a gun in public.

Stop it - I gotta scoot, but it's been a blast! ;)
I'm 6'5" 225 pounds and in very good shape.
Nobody asked. Nobody cares. Stop giving me your personal dossier. We’re not hooking up. I’m straight and I’m married.
Nobody has ever messed with me in public.
That’s because you’re a pussy. You won’t stand up to anyone for anything “in public”. My best buddy on my college football team was 6-5” 275lbs. He never got into an altercation. He too was a bonafide pussy. Wanted no part of a fight. Would let someone take his last meal before he would confront them. Was absolutely scared to death of me when I would lose my temper even though he was just as strong and significantly larger.
Were you the runt of the class, or does your insecurity arise from having a small peeper? :)
Ever notice that progressives steer every debate towards the male appendage? Most progressive males are queers. I’ve been in a shit-ton of fights in my life. I’ve won them all. So what? That doesn’t do any good when someone pulls a gun or a knife or a lead pipe. It doesn’t help when there are 4 or 5 of them. It also doesn’t help that I’m not 20 anymore and they might be.
The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

The logic of this argument, used again and again is just ridiculous.

I wouldn't want to be protected by armed guys. It would imply there's something wrong with the place I am.

But that doesn't mean I should be stupid and not have armed guards where they are necessary.

Who wouldn't fear some of these gun nuts enough to require protection?
If the right were not so dead set on destroying people who exercised their rights to free speech no armed guards would be needed...
I'm 6'5" 225 pounds and in very good shape.
Nobody asked. Nobody cares. Stop giving me your personal dossier. We’re not hooking up. I’m straight and I’m married.
Nobody has ever messed with me in public.
That’s because you’re a pussy. You won’t stand up to anyone for anything “in public”. My best buddy on my college football team was 6-5” 275lbs. He never got into an altercation. He too was a bonafide pussy. Wanted no part of a fight. Would let someone take his last meal before he would confront them. Was absolutely scared to death of me when I would lose my temper even though he was just as strong and significantly larger.
Were you the runt of the class, or does your insecurity arise from having a small peeper? :)
Ever notice that progressives steer every debate towards the male appendage? Most progressive males are queers. I’ve been in a shit-ton of fights in my life. I’ve won them all. So what? That doesn’t do any good when someone pulls a gun or a knife or a lead pipe. It doesn’t help when there are 4 or 5 of them. It also doesn’t help that I’m not 20 anymore and they might be.

I suspect that you have gay tendencies .. or are a Father forever scarred by your son's homosexuality.

"Standing up" in public?

Fuck you, there've been MANY times in my life I've stood up for friends in public who were being bullied going all the way back to high school.

Matter of fact, Boise, ID has a massive immigrant population and I stood up for a Habib wearing lady at my local Starbucks last year when some asshole like you bullied his way in front of her.

He EXITED the building (pronto)

I'm a "pussy"? Fuck you Further. There is no need to confront people or get into fights unless THEY throw a first punch. Smile and walk the FUCK away - That is what JESUS would do but you are clearly just an asshole as opposed to nice guy.

SOOO apparently you were confronted by 4 or 5 dudes who pulled guns and lead pipes?

I'd suggest that you work harder and get out of your ghetto.

However, I DO appreciate the confirmation :)

My Glock is for home defense and plinking at the range. I have no problem with a properly trained and sober individual carrying concealed.
And yet you’ve sat here for an hour arguing an anti-gun position. Progressives are so weak-minded and indoctrinated that they actually argue for left-wing positions that they don’t even agree with. :eusa_doh:

So like WHAT left wing position did I not agree with asshole?
My Glock is for home defense and plinking at the range. I have no problem with a properly trained and sober individual carrying concealed.
And yet you’ve sat here for an hour arguing an anti-gun position. Progressives are so weak-minded and indoctrinated that they actually argue for left-wing positions that they don’t even agree with. :eusa_doh:

Precisely HOW am I arguing an anti-gun position?
Kindly stop making shit up

the making of another fine limousine liberal

do as i say not as i do

fck the asshole

So, if an anti-gun person hiring an armed guard is an example of "do as i say not as i do", would and America first person who has their wares made in China and other places also be an example of a "do as i say not as i do" person?
ya know what i am sick of leftists like you

who are willing to be a subject

yes hoggs life is more important then yours

he deserves the right to self defense

you dont

It was a simple question, so take the stick out of your leftist ass and answer the question.

And by the way, I have more than enough guns to protect me and my family and your family as well.

--LOL-- i dont believe you ya fraud
I suspect that you have gay tendencies .. or are a Father forever scarred by your son's homosexuality.
Now that he found out I’m not in my 20’s, he starting to fantasize about potential male offspring. :eusa_doh:

You’re out of luck chief. Never had a son so I clearly cannot be “scarred” by that.
Fuck you, there've been MANY times in my life I've stood up for friends in public who were being bullied going all the way back to high school.
Yeah...I’ve been around your kind before. I know your idea of “standing up”. Which is essentially whining like a little bitch “that’s not very nice”. That’s not “standing up”, snowflake.

Not that that is bad. It’s great if you can resolve things peacefully. I would prefer that every time, frankly. I just hate pussies who talk a big game. Believe me - it’s not even remotely possible to go through life without some serious fights if you’re really “standing up”.
There is no need to confront people or get into fights unless THEY throw a first punch.
I agree with that 100%. Anyone who doesn’t agree with that is a bonafide asshole. The problem is, someone is going to take a swing at you in life unless you’re a pussy who doesn’t stand up to people. It’s just a reality.

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