Anti-gunner lunatics are getting hoisted by their own petards.

God I hope so.

You hope that a group is running America, and you hold on to your guns worried about the government? Wow are you brainwashed..

You at the ones who say we need to get rid of guns , then rely on that government to take care of US while the government once again fails to protect.

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You are listening to the Jibber Jabber that they are feeding you... Try thinking for yourself Andaronjim.

I do, I am paid to be a critical thinker, which is why I ask questions all the time, but since you are a goosestepping, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, you cant realize how fucking stupid you are. Seig Heil , I salute you and your Fascist ways.
Just take a look at Delta and United taking away the NRA discounts and the paid off Georgia Gov.. tries to use government taxes ... What a NRA suck up..


God I hope so.
And the NRA will be laughing all the way to the bank, all while not doing shit for the average gun owner like myself.
You aren't an average gun owner. You're a commie.

Most likely, you aren't even legally supposed to have firearms. You are proof that bad guys don't pay attention to gun laws.
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!

Hey! It works right? Making drugs illegal is how we solved the drug problem.
One more reason to tear each other up. Nothing is going to get done. If the Parkland shooting had happened on October 31, 2018, it might have made a difference. Not now. I predict March 14 and March 24 marches will fizzle like a wet match. 70% of the country supports banning AR-type guns. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell will not let such legislation even come to the floor.
Why bother arguing it? Because it's one more reason to tear each other up.

Where do you get that 70% number?
Polls reported on the news.

Ohhh, those kind of polls. :badgrin:

A CNN poll reported by The Blaze:

What did the poll find?

The poll, conducted Feb. 20-23 among a sample of 1,016 respondents, found that 70 percent of American adults favor stricter gun control laws while just 27 are opposed.

The numbers mark a significant shift in public opinion on the issue, even after mass shootings. The same poll found that after the Las Vegas massacre last October, just 52 percent of American adults favored stricter gun control laws, while 44 percent didn’t.

And after the Pulse Nightclub shooting in June 2016, only 55 percent of adults told CNN they were in favor of increased gun regulations while 42 percent said they opposed them.

The last time CNN’s poll registered such high support for stricter gun control laws was in December 1993, when 70 percent of Americans said then they supported increased gun regulations.
New poll finds gun control support rising to levels seen just before 1994 assault weapons ban

A USA Today poll:
The poll found 63 percent of respondents believe weapons like the AR-15 should be banned. It is not clear from the polling if those surveyed support a full ban of semi-automatic weapons, or a ban of the AR-15 in particular, which was used in the Florida high school shooting and other recent mass shootings.

Majority support increased gun restrictions: poll

Seems the tv announcers are exaggerating a bit, mixing up their terms. "Stricter gun control laws" does not equal "banning AR-type rifles." However, according to the USA Today poll, 63% do. So thank you for helping me get that all straight.

The poll, conducted Feb. 20-23 among a sample of 1,016 respondents, found that 70 percent of American adults favor stricter gun control laws while just 27 are opposed.

I have a feeling if it said 70% percent oppose stricter gun control laws, you'd be shouting it from the roof tops. No reason to laugh at it.

Any poll reported in the MSM will never do that though, no matter how true it might be.
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!

No one is taking away your guns, stop hyperventilating
They all lie about the NRA's "money" influence anyways. They don't know what the hell they are talking about, and it is obvious if you dig just a BIT under the surface. As usual, libs use hyperbole and lies because they have NO valid arguments otherwise.

Don't blame the NRA for failed gun control efforts

There's only one problem with that theory. It's all wrong.

Of course, the NRA does spend money and it does have a sophisticated and persistent messaging operation. But so do dozens of other organizations and causes. So, how does the NRA stack up against them?

Not too well. The NRA, gun makers, and gun rights issues do not even show up on the OpenSecrets website lists for top lobbying firms, top lobbying sectors, top lobbying issues, or top lobbying industries for the years 1998-2017.

The figures for Florida Senator Marco Rubio are particularly educational, since he has been a target of a lot of anti-NRA screeds since the shooting in his home state. A look at the top 20 donors to Rubio directly and his PAC since 2009 does not include the NRA. Over his career since 2009, Rubio has raised a total of more than $91 million in donations. The NRA is responsible for just over $3 million of that, or 3.3 percent. Big whoop, as they say. Yes, $3 million is a lot of money and more than most of us could ever donate to anything. But context is everything, and the even a so-called "poster boy" for NRA donations would only be 3.3 percent lighter in campaign cash without them.

Again, that certainly doesn't mean the NRA isn't spending a lot of money. But the Poltifact fact-checking website puts the total amount of NRA spending since 1998 at $203 million. That figure is even smaller than it looks when you consider 30 percent of Americans, or about 100 million people, own a gun. By contrast, Wall Street and the broader financial industrial shelled out more than $1.1 billion in the 2016 election cycle alone. The financial industry employs only about six million people in total.

The bulk of that $203 million doesn't actually go to candidates as the hysterical tweets and finger pointers seem to believe. It's spent on those "issue ads" that you see mostly on cable news channels during election years. But even if those ads are extremely influential, they are a much different animal than direct campaign donations to individual congressional and presidential candidates.

There's even a question of whether the NRA is very persuasive among actual gun owners. Fewer than 20 percent of American gun owners are even NRA members. That should tell us something about the "chicken or the egg" argument about the gun lobby. The NRA is much more likely piggybacking off the beliefs of gun owners as opposed to framing them in the first place. The real power is with those voting gun owners, not the lobby group that purports to represent them.

Some gun control advocates are wise to this fact. New America senior fellow Lee Drutman has been working to debunk the myth of the all-powerful NRA's money for several years. Beginning in 2012, he noted the NRA hadn't even made donations to a majority of members of Congress. He also made the correct designation between allegiance and influence. That is, the NRA supports candidates that already align with its philosophy as opposed to paying them to toe the line.

Former New York City mayor and media billionaire Mike Bloomberg has thus made a futile point over the years to combat the NRA's money machine. Bloomberg founded "Everytown for Gun Safety" in 2014based on matching the NRA's financial clout. It hasn't been a total political failure. But in the wake of so many mass shootings since 2014, it's also fair to say Everytown hasn't been able to shepherd any new significant national gun laws to passage either.

I am beginning to see just how wrong you are..just watch the NRA as the people start standing up to them.. They hide behind their little paid off army.


The NRA is a special interest group (no different than ANY liberal special interest group) that supports and helps to defend our rights. Sorry if that bothers you so much. I will continue to vote against the anti-rights politicians and keep donating money to the NRA for educational ads and such.
That is all fine and dandy...but you are wrong, besides the Big Pharma who has both sides paid be a group that has as much power as the NRA..
So many still think that the NRA is the 2nd Amendment..
Ah now we go off on Big Pharma that was paid by Obamacare.... Yep, more stupidity of the left and they don't even know it...
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!

No one is taking away your guns, stop hyperventilating
No shit, but if the government could take our guns away, you would be there at my door wanting my stuff...
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!

No one is taking away your guns, stop hyperventilating

No, they aren't. Thanks to the NRA.

Game, set, MATCH. I'm out.

(drops mike)
And the NRA will be laughing all the way to the bank, all while not doing shit for the average gun owner like myself.

The NRA has its claws deep into the skin of America.. we can see that now just how deep..
You know that the NRA is a conglomeration of many US citizens who have one thing in common? That is to quell liberalism and its death wish on America....

The NRA is a corrupt group paying off big money to keep people looking the other way..


Who are they paying?

"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!

No one is taking away your guns, stop hyperventilating
No shit, but if the government could take our guns away, you would be there at my door wanting my stuff...

I don't need your stuff..

And the NRA will be laughing all the way to the bank, all while not doing shit for the average gun owner like myself.
You aren't an average gun owner. You're a commie.

Most likely, you aren't even legally supposed to have firearms. You are proof that bad guys don't pay attention to gun laws.

you are so darn cute when you follow me around like a puppy dog looking for a pat on the head.
And the NRA will be laughing all the way to the bank, all while not doing shit for the average gun owner like myself.

What do you want them to do for you?


nothing, which is why I am smart enough not to give them any of my hard earned money.

Then why do you lament that they aren't doing anything for average gun owners, like yourself?


I do not lament about it, I laugh my ass off at people stupid enough to send them money. They might as well be sending it to Creflo Dollar

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