Anti-gunner lunatics are getting hoisted by their own petards.

"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!

No one is taking away your guns, stop hyperventilating
No shit, but if the government could take our guns away, you would be there at my door wanting my stuff...

I don't need your stuff..

I wont let you take it either.. The reason why no one enters my domain without my permission? .45 auto will stop a liberal perp by taking off a limb, but since I don't shoot to maim, there is no day in court for the illegal who shouldn't be in my house.

As usual we see the same demagoguery, fallacies, and lies from the NRA and others on the reprehensible right.

There are no 'gun grabbers,' no one seeks to 'take' anyone's guns.

The only lunatics are the NRA and conservatives who try to propagate their ridiculous fallacies and lies
As usual we see the same demagoguery, fallacies, and lies from the NRA and others on the reprehensible right.

There are no 'gun grabbers,' no one seeks to 'take' anyone's guns.

The only lunatics are the NRA and conservatives who try to propagate their ridiculous fallacies and lies
What part of the GUN FREE ZONE of the Broward County School would you change to make sure no innocent children would be killed?

God I hope so.

You hope that a group is running America, and you hold on to your guns worried about the government? Wow are you brainwashed..

You at the ones who say we need to get rid of guns , then rely on that government to take care of US while the government once again fails to protect.

View attachment 179294

You are listening to the Jibber Jabber that they are feeding you... Try thinking for yourself Andaronjim.

I do, I am paid to be a critical thinker, which is why I ask questions all the time, but since you are a goosestepping, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, you cant realize how fucking stupid you are. Seig Heil , I salute you and your Fascist ways.
Just take a look at Delta and United taking away the NRA discounts and the paid off Georgia Gov.. tries to use government taxes ... What a NRA suck up..


Use government taxes? The NRA is the reason they got a tax break in the 1st place. No NRA, no tax break. If anything, it increases revenue for his state.
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!
How much do you imbibe for breakfast?

Look who's talking, druggie? Lol. I love it when the dope accuses others of doping. :D Too funny.
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!
How much do you imbibe for breakfast?

Why haven't gun free zones worked? You liberals said that would be a deterrent to school shootings.
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!
How much do you imbibe for breakfast?

Look who's talking, druggie? Lol. I love it when the dope accuses others of doping. :D Too funny.
So that much eh...
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!
How much do you imbibe for breakfast?

Why haven't gun free zones worked? You liberals said that would be a deterrent to school shootings.
I never said shit that's your imagination working on stupid. It was Dems and GOP that passed the law dumbass....The law passed in 1990, do you remember that far back or was you buzy in da backseat then?
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!
How much do you imbibe for breakfast?

Why haven't gun free zones worked? You liberals said that would be a deterrent to school shootings.
I never said shit that's youimagination working on stupid. It was Dems and GOP that passed the law dumbass....The law passed in 1990, do you remember that far back or was you buzy in da backseat then?

Why haven't your gun free zones been working to stop lunatics from shooting kids?
Why haven't ANY of the gun control laws worked but instead, these shootings seem to be happening more often than ever in the past? I know why. Because liberal gun control policies are not effective on lunatics.
The NRA is one of the very few organizations left defending our Constitution. If it falls, our Constitution won't be far behind. Remember, the Communists/Democrats have an Agenda. And disarming the populace is a major part of it. It's certainly no coincidence they spend so much time and money demonizing the NRA. They want it destroyed. Just like they want our Constitution destroyed.

I strongly urge everyone to check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on places like Amazon Prime. The Communist Agenda has been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized the Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't finished. Check out the film when you get a chance.
The NRA is one of the very few organizations left defending our Constitution. If it falls, our Constitution won't be far behind. Remember, the Communists/Democrats have an Agenda. And disarming the populace is a major part of it. It's certainly no coincidence they spend so much time and money demonizing the NRA. They want it destroyed. Just like they want our Constitution destroyed.

I strongly urge everyone to check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on places like Amazon Prime. The Communist Agenda has been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized the Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't finished. Check out the film when you get a chance.

I used to think this stuff was BS, but the more and more I hear from the liberals, the more I start to believe it is a very good possibility. Either that or they are just stupid and truly don't understand the foundations and principles of our country.
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!
How much do you imbibe for breakfast?

Look who's talking, druggie? Lol. I love it when the dope accuses others of doping. :D Too funny.
So that much eh...

Yeah, how many bones have you smoked today, dopey?
The NRA is one of the very few organizations left defending our Constitution. If it falls, our Constitution won't be far behind. Remember, the Communists/Democrats have an Agenda. And disarming the populace is a major part of it. It's certainly no coincidence they spend so much time and money demonizing the NRA. They want it destroyed. Just like they want our Constitution destroyed.

I strongly urge everyone to check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on places like Amazon Prime. The Communist Agenda has been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized the Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. But they aren't finished. Check out the film when you get a chance.

I used to think this stuff was BS, but the more and more I hear from the liberals, the more I start to believe it is a very good possibility. Either that or they are just stupid and truly don't understand the foundations and principles of our country.

Most Democrats are Useful Idiots. They don't even realize they're Communists. They refer to themselves as 'Socialists' or 'Progressives' instead. But they're advancing the Communist Agenda. They are Communists. But then there's the folks who know they're Communists and are very proud of it. They're the dangerous folks. They're the ones running the show.

If we lose the NRA, we'll likely lose our Constitution down the road. I sure hope more Americans wake up. If you get a chance, check out 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. It's both fascinating and enlightening. Check it out.
"Let's not provide security to schools, instead let's try to eliminate bad guys by taking away their tools!" How fucking STUPID is that? That is so goddamn idiotic and dunce elementary thinking that I can't even believe it!
How much do you imbibe for breakfast?

Look who's talking, druggie? Lol. I love it when the dope accuses others of doping. :D Too funny.
So that much eh...

Yeah, how many bones have you smoked today, dopey?
This isn't about me it's about you...

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