Anti-gunner lunatics are getting hoisted by their own petards.

Support freedom, support the constitution, don't give in to the emotional stupidity of the left. Support the NRA.
No thanks, I'll keep my firearms and my money...

Predfan thinks that the NRA is the 2nd amendment....

The NRA has you guys all scared..

All they have to do is call out their little army.. Fking assult weapons ban expired in 2004 , what are you protecting ?
Post ban, crime rates plummeted. Under the ban, the crime rates were the highest in history. Hmm...
Killing toys is something that only a person ignorant about guns would ever say. Guns are not toys. We can see why some of you would project your own inadequacies onto others and think they would see guns as toys ever.
Y'all are devolving.

That is what happens when people are faced with the truth, they cannot handle the truth.

Try us. Post something that's true for once, liar. I don't think you have the ability.

Here is something that is 100% true...

I have been a gun owner since 1979. I spent 20 years in the Marines during which time I was certified as an instructor for all the automatic weapons used by the infantry (all 4 of them!) . During my 20 years I had to leave my guns with my parents because it is too much trouble to move them from state to state and country to country. But that is ok because I got to qualify with the .45/9mm every year and the M16 every year till I picked up E7.

Oh and hey look, do you have one of these..
View attachment 179330

or one of these..
View attachment 179332

I am betting you do not.

Meh, who'd you borrow that from? Was that your dad's?
Once you tell a bunch of lies here, as you have, who could be expected to believe anything you say ever? I have a DD214. You don't have to believe me, I don't give a shit, liar.
Ironically, you post a lie.

I definitely believe that the ultimate goal is a total ban on weapons. They think weapons in this country will just disappear and it will be like guns never existed if they do that. Trust the government to protect us, they say. :) Lol.

There are more guns in the country than people, how do you think "they" will get rid of them?

They won't, but they seem to think that is what will happen. They will try this by incremental banning. Every time after something bad happens or some lunatic shoots people, they will demand more and more and more "control" over the people and our rights.

There are two ways it will happen. The first is an outright ban. They may not be able to come to your door to get yours but you won't be able to shoot it, or buy any others, or buy parts for it, or ammo. The other way is to legislate our guns into useless paperweights. Gun grabbers like him are one of two types: they are either highly ignorant, or highly dishonest.
I just don't see it happening.. The police do not like the Liberals for what the BLM movement has done against them. The military doesn't like the liberals, because of what the liberals have done to the military man. The ARMED US citizen around 100,000,000 of them wont allow the liberals to even come close to gun confiscation as all it would take is about 2,000,000 of them to march on Washington DC and those cowards who rely on the local police will abandon ship and run away like a little girl. They know as the majority, US united against them is their worst nightmare...


They aren't going to take them tomorrow. It's the death from 1000 paper cuts.
As usual we see the same demagoguery, fallacies, and lies from the NRA and others on the reprehensible right.

There are no 'gun grabbers,' no one seeks to 'take' anyone's guns.

The only lunatics are the NRA and conservatives who try to propagate their ridiculous fallacies and lies

Ironically, you post a lie.

I definitely believe that the ultimate goal is a total ban on weapons. They think weapons in this country will just disappear and it will be like guns never existed if they do that. Trust the government to protect us, they say. :) Lol.

Of course it is. How often do they point to Australia as an example we should follow? Australia confiscated the guns of it's citizens.

  1. take or seize (someone's property) with authority.
    "the guards confiscated his camera"
    synonyms: impound, seize, commandeer, requisition, appropriate,expropriate, sequester, sequestrate, take (away);
    "the guards confiscated his camera"
    • take (a possession, especially land) as a penalty and give it to the public treasury.

  1. obtain in exchange for payment.
    "we had to find some money to buy a house"
    synonyms: purchase, acquire, obtain, get, pick up.
It is totally dishonest to say the guns of Australia were Confiscated. A lie, me boy. As you know. Now, I know you know that the guns were purchased from the individuals. Not taken without remuneration.

In addition, the people VOTED to rid themselves of the guns, because they had been used to kill people in a mass shooting.
Simple lie, from a simpleton. Got it. Try a little truth next time. Dipshit.

No, they offered to pay a small sum for the guns but you had NO CHOICE. You lose, thanks for playing.
If you don't like freedom or you would rather have your security, then you should live in another country. America is not the right country for you. You were born into the wrong country as opposed to the wrong body. :D
Cuba was opened by the 1/2 white community agitator, take your socialist ass over there and find out how great it is. Just leave your passport at the border as FREE people don't like you here.
As usual we see the same demagoguery, fallacies, and lies from the NRA and others on the reprehensible right.

There are no 'gun grabbers,' no one seeks to 'take' anyone's guns.

The only lunatics are the NRA and conservatives who try to propagate their ridiculous fallacies and lies

Ironically, you post a lie.

I definitely believe that the ultimate goal is a total ban on weapons. They think weapons in this country will just disappear and it will be like guns never existed if they do that. Trust the government to protect us, they say. :) Lol.

Of course it is. How often do they point to Australia as an example we should follow? Australia confiscated the guns of it's citizens.

  1. take or seize (someone's property) with authority.
    "the guards confiscated his camera"
    synonyms: impound, seize, commandeer, requisition, appropriate,expropriate, sequester, sequestrate, take (away);
    "the guards confiscated his camera"
    • take (a possession, especially land) as a penalty and give it to the public treasury.

  1. obtain in exchange for payment.
    "we had to find some money to buy a house"
    synonyms: purchase, acquire, obtain, get, pick up.
It is totally dishonest to say the guns of Australia were Confiscated. A lie, me boy. As you know. Now, I know you know that the guns were purchased from the individuals. Not taken without remuneration.

In addition, the people VOTED to red themselves of the guns, because they had been used to kill people.
Simple lie, from a simpleton. Got it. Try a little truth next time. Dipshit.
Australia vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
Murders with firearms per million 3
Ranked 36th. 32.57
Ranked 10th. 11 times more than Australia
Now look at this statistic real closely....What do you see? For a GUN FREE area where all guns were purchased from the individuals, how is there still 3 murders per million by a gun? Were those illegal guns that crossed the border from the South? Oh yeah, Australia is an island and even then surrounded by water on all sides, GUNS still got in....

Many Aussies said "Fuck off mate!" and didn't turn their guns in.
If the libs think for one second that I believe their lies about them not wanting to eventually ban weapons, then they are even more stupid than I thought. They will never stop with their demands to us to relinquish our rights. If there is another shooting next week with a different type of weapon, they will be demanding that one be banned too.
Now look at this statistic real closely....What do you see? For a GUN FREE area where all guns were purchased from the individuals, how is there still 3 murders per million by a gun?
It is not a gun free area. Firearms are strictly regulated. But keep building your ignorant strawmen, even as your firearm homicide rate remains multiples of other developed nations. After all, what are recurring public massacres when compared to 'freedom'?
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Killing toys is something that only a person ignorant about guns would ever say. Guns are not toys. We can see why some of you would project your own inadequacies onto others and think they would see guns as toys ever.

When you get done insulting people and think of something intelligent to say, send me a passenger pigeon. You do nothing but bump up the noise level wherever you go.
I wish everyone had a serious attitude toward guns and their power to take life. But they don't.
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Killing toys is something that only a person ignorant about guns would ever say. Guns are not toys. We can see why some of you would project your own inadequacies onto others and think they would see guns as toys ever.

When you get done insulting people and think of something intelligent to say, send me a passenger pigeon. You do nothing but bump up the noise level wherever you go.

Sorry if the truth hurts you. Most gun owners don't see their guns as "toys." What you said and your pigeon holing of all gun owners is what is insulting so fuck you.
Now look at this statistic real closely....What do you see? For a GUN FREE area where all guns were purchased from the individuals, how is there still 3 murders per million by a gun?
It is not a gun free area. Firearms are strictly regulated. But keep building your ignorant strawmen, even as your firearm homicide rate remains multiples of other developed nations.
firearm homicide rate
Mostly black on black homicides. Why is the inner cities of liberalism such a deadly place.
The VAST majority of gun owners would NEVER kill a person unless they absolutely had to, you bunch of douchebags. How dare you claim WE are insulting you? YOU are the ones who are insulting. YOU are the ones who are wanting to take something from us. WE have done nothing wrong and have broken NO laws.
Your assumptions and lies about us being irresponsible people who see guns as toys and want to commit mass murder is what is INSULTING, you bitches.
Well when the liberals really start to take our guns away, there will be mass executions of those liberals because they will be mistaken as ISIS sympathizers like Obama was...It will mean that the liberals have destroyed the constitution and the 2nd amendment and those laws are the only reason why we keep from acting. We are lawful citizens but destroy our country and we must act. The Japanese found out the hard way, you liberals will too.
Your assumptions and lies about us being irresponsible people who see guns as toys and want to commit mass murder is what is INSULTING, you bitches.
Well when the liberals really start to take our guns away, there will be mass executions of those liberals because they will be mistaken as ISIS sympathizers like Obama was...It will mean that the liberals have destroyed the constitution and the 2nd amendment and those laws are the only reason why we keep from acting. We are lawful citizens but destroy our country and we must act. The Japanese found out the hard way, you liberals will too.

I don't know what will happen, but I think it is much more insulting to be put in the same category as a mass murdering lunatic just because you support the 2nd amendment. That is fucking bullshit. I am sick of these libs and their screaming temper tantrums and bogus accusations.

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