Anti-gunner lunatics are getting hoisted by their own petards.

The NRA has NEVER endorsed mass murder. They endorse personal responsibility. They are NOT responsible, and neither are WE, for mass murdering lunatics. Neither are guns. You don't pick up a gun and suddenly become a murderer!
Meh, who'd you borrow that from? Was that your dad's?
Once you tell a bunch of lies here, as you have, who could be expected to believe anything you say ever? I have a DD214. You don't have to believe me, I don't give a shit, liar.

what a typical little libaerl you are. Even when given overwhelming evidence you still lack even the most basic level of integrity to go "my bad, maybe I was wrong". Nope, you have to double down on your lies, just like all your liberal friends.
Ironically, you post a lie.

I definitely believe that the ultimate goal is a total ban on weapons. They think weapons in this country will just disappear and it will be like guns never existed if they do that. Trust the government to protect us, they say. :) Lol.

Of course it is. How often do they point to Australia as an example we should follow? Australia confiscated the guns of it's citizens.

  1. take or seize (someone's property) with authority.
    "the guards confiscated his camera"
    synonyms: impound, seize, commandeer, requisition, appropriate,expropriate, sequester, sequestrate, take (away);
    "the guards confiscated his camera"
    • take (a possession, especially land) as a penalty and give it to the public treasury.

  1. obtain in exchange for payment.
    "we had to find some money to buy a house"
    synonyms: purchase, acquire, obtain, get, pick up.
It is totally dishonest to say the guns of Australia were Confiscated. A lie, me boy. As you know. Now, I know you know that the guns were purchased from the individuals. Not taken without remuneration.

In addition, the people VOTED to red themselves of the guns, because they had been used to kill people.
Simple lie, from a simpleton. Got it. Try a little truth next time. Dipshit.
Australia vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Murders with firearms per million 3
Ranked 36th. 32.57
Ranked 10th. 11 times more than Australia
Now look at this statistic real closely....What do you see? For a GUN FREE area where all guns were purchased from the individuals, how is there still 3 murders per million by a gun? Were those illegal guns that crossed the border from the South? Oh yeah, Australia is an island and even then surrounded by water on all sides, GUNS still got in....

Many Aussies said "Fuck off mate!" and didn't turn their guns in.

Just another con lie. They continue to say that gun rates have gone up in Australia. Truth is otherwise. Shich is why, I would guess, there is no link above.

No doubt. But they got most of them. Now, cons continue to state that gun crime rates have gone up since the buy back in 1997. But that is a lie. Consider:
Statistics demonstrate that crime rates in Australia have increased substantially since the government there instituted a gun buy-back program in 1997.

During the 1990s, Australia was confronting a problem similar to the one that regularly confronts Americans: shooting incidents over the previous decade had left more than a hundred people dead, including the infamous Port Arthur massacre in April 1996 that saw one gunman wielding a semi-automatic rifle kill 35 people over the course of a single day (including 20 people with 29 bullets in about 90 seconds):

In 1996, Martin Bryant entered a café at the site of a historic penal colony at Port Arthur, Tasmania.

The 28-year-old ate lunch before pulling a semi-automatic rifle from his bag and embarking on a killing spree. By the time he was apprehended the next morning, 35 people were dead and 23 had been wounded. Bryant had become the worst mass-murderer in Australia’s history.

Australia had experienced mass shootings before, but the Port Arthur massacre shook the nation to its core. Bryant was later assessed to have the IQ of an 11-year-old. He told investigators that he’d paid cash for firearms at a local gun dealer.

Shortly afterwards, John Howard, the new Australian prime minister, moved to enact nationwide gun law reform (a process complicated by the fact that the Australian national government had no control over gun ownership or use, so gun reform legislation had to be passed individually by all states and territories). Those reform efforts, known as the 1996 National Firearms Agreement (NFA), included two nationwide gun buybacks, voluntary surrenders, state gun amnesties, a ban on the importation of new automatic and semiautomatic weapons, the tightening of gun owner licensing, and the creation of uniform national standards for gun registration. Australia collected and destroyed an estimated 650,000 firearms (a reduction equivalent to the removal of about forty million guns from the United States), which reduced Australia’s firearms stock by around one-fifth.

Around 2001, a piece appeared on the Internet that has been circulated widely and often ever since, attempting to make the case that Australia’s gun reform efforts were a dismal failure in terms of reducing violent crime.
Dr. David Hemenway and Mary Vriniotis of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center found in 2011 that the NFA had been “incredibly successful in terms of lives saved”:
FACT CHECK: Australian Gun Stats

So, in summary, Australia has had no mass killings and no resulting deaths since the NFA of 1997. In addition, gun deaths from other crimes have decreased substantially. While the conservatives of this country have tried to cherry pick stats that would suggest otherwise, they are simply lying.
The NRA has NEVER endorsed mass murder. They endorse personal responsibility. They are NOT responsible, and neither are WE, for mass murdering lunatics. Neither are guns. You don't pick up a gun and suddenly become a murderer!

That would be your opinion. But the NRA is one of the few differences between the US and all the other advanced nations of the world. And the availability of guns is another. So, in my opinion, you are wrong. The NRA bears a great deal of responsibility. And some do pick up a gun and suddenly become murderers. Sorry you have missed it.
The VAST majority of gun owners would NEVER kill a person unless they absolutely had to, you bunch of douchebags. How dare you claim WE are insulting you? YOU are the ones who are insulting. YOU are the ones who are wanting to take something from us. WE have done nothing wrong and have broken NO laws.
But you have. Cruz was one of you. So was the Vegas murderer. They had broken no laws. Until they did.
If the libs think for one second that I believe their lies about them not wanting to eventually ban weapons, then they are even more stupid than I thought. They will never stop with their demands to us to relinquish our rights. If there is another shooting next week with a different type of weapon, they will be demanding that one be banned too.

lefties lie. It's all they know.
They talk about how much better it is in Europe or Australia all the time. So? Go live there then! You won't be missed!
Nah. I have grand children in the us. I know, as a con, you appreciate gun rights way more than kids. But I like kids, mine and all others. And thanks to little minds like yours, paid politicians, and the NRA, too many of our kids get killed here. So, you keep your right to your assault rifle. Maybe you can go shoot a refrigerator. Or a Buick.
I will keep my hunting guns, thanks. And have no use for an assault rifle. But you would know, if you are not a congenital idiot, that many more kids will be killed, and lots more adults. So that you can shoot refrigerators, and gun and ammo companies can get rich. Along with the NRA and republican politicians the NRA pays.
Meh, who'd you borrow that from? Was that your dad's?
Once you tell a bunch of lies here, as you have, who could be expected to believe anything you say ever? I have a DD214. You don't have to believe me, I don't give a shit, liar.

what a typical little libaerl you are. Even when given overwhelming evidence you still lack even the most basic level of integrity to go "my bad, maybe I was wrong". Nope, you have to double down on your lies, just like all your liberal friends.

Meh, you are a liar. no one believes what liars say. That's just common sense.
The NRA has NEVER endorsed mass murder. They endorse personal responsibility. They are NOT responsible, and neither are WE, for mass murdering lunatics. Neither are guns. You don't pick up a gun and suddenly become a murderer!

That would be your opinion. But the NRA is one of the few differences between the US and all the other advanced nations of the world. And the availability of guns is another. So, in my opinion, you are wrong. The NRA bears a great deal of responsibility. And some do pick up a gun and suddenly become murderers. Sorry you have missed it.

the only part of you idiot post that has any truth to it is the statement "So, in my opinion, you are wrong."
The VAST majority of gun owners would NEVER kill a person unless they absolutely had to, you bunch of douchebags. How dare you claim WE are insulting you? YOU are the ones who are insulting. YOU are the ones who are wanting to take something from us. WE have done nothing wrong and have broken NO laws.
But you have. Cruz was one of you. So was the Vegas murderer. They had broken no laws. Until they did.

Doubling down on stupid? That's your plan?
Getting back to the point in the OP, the left has shot itself in the foot, bigly.
Not on this one Marion... your NRA is showing Americans just how powerful they are.. No group should have this much power in America..
I understand you want your gun rights but this group is running America behind the scenes


God I hope so.

You hope that a group is running America, and you hold on to your guns worried about the government? Wow are you brainwashed..

You at the ones who say we need to get rid of guns , then rely on that government to take care of US while the government once again fails to protect.

View attachment 179294

You are listening to the Jibber Jabber that they are feeding you... Try thinking for yourself Andaronjim.

I do, I am paid to be a critical thinker, which is why I ask questions all the time, but since you are a goosestepping, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, you cant realize how fucking stupid you are. Seig Heil , I salute you and your Fascist ways.

The shit-term "Fascist" is defined as extreme right wing/ autoritarian

Look it up dumbfuk
I am so sick and tired of your useless meaningless "feel good" laws that ONLY affect those who follow laws, not insane lunatics who want to shoot up schools full of children.
What in the FUCK are you talking about?
And the NRA will be laughing all the way to the bank, all while not doing shit for the average gun owner like myself.

And what do you want them to do for you?


His answer when asked that very same questions was: "Nothing". Can you believe it? Bitching (stupidly) that they don't do anything and then saying that he doesn't want anything. The true definition of a libtard.
Your assumptions and lies about us being irresponsible people who see guns as toys and want to commit mass murder is what is INSULTING, you bitches.
Well when the liberals really start to take our guns away, there will be mass executions of those liberals because they will be mistaken as ISIS sympathizers like Obama was...It will mean that the liberals have destroyed the constitution and the 2nd amendment and those laws are the only reason why we keep from acting. We are lawful citizens but destroy our country and we must act. The Japanese found out the hard way, you liberals will too.

Only response left is to say that you are a congenital idiot, me boy. You have no solid 2nd amendment right to guns, me boy. As you will learn. But the thing is, your just a simple con troll, blathering nonsense and shouting con talking points. Really, simply makes you irrelevant.
But your threats are funny. Very entertaining, but stupid.
God I hope so.

You hope that a group is running America, and you hold on to your guns worried about the government? Wow are you brainwashed..

You at the ones who say we need to get rid of guns , then rely on that government to take care of US while the government once again fails to protect.

View attachment 179294

You are listening to the Jibber Jabber that they are feeding you... Try thinking for yourself Andaronjim.

I do, I am paid to be a critical thinker, which is why I ask questions all the time, but since you are a goosestepping, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, you cant realize how fucking stupid you are. Seig Heil , I salute you and your Fascist ways.

The shit-term "Fascist" is defined as extreme right wing/ autoritarian

Look it up dumbfuk

Do you ever stop lying or run out of stupid?

Exactly the opposite of Right Wing:

  • n.
    A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
  • n.
    A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  • n.
    Oppressive, dictatorial control.
I am so sick and tired of your useless meaningless "feel good" laws that ONLY affect those who follow laws, not insane lunatics who want to shoot up schools full of children.
What in the FUCK are you talking about?

Never mind, it's written at a 5th grade level, too high for you. You wouldn't like what it says anyway.

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