Anti gunners, NRA convention will allow all legal carry options.... failed to answer the question....what gun control laws do you want?
false! you just didn't like the answer didn't actually answer the question till your post # 67....
And you didn't like that answer either.

Of course, because the ideas are stupid...but at least now we can discuss why those particular ideas are not only stupid and pointless, but also un constitutional.....

Explain why...that is called having a conversation.......

psych evaluations.....there are 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there were a total of 4 mass shootings last year only 2 were by nuts, the other 2 were by muslim terrorists.....

so out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands, a total of two were used in mass shootings....and yet you want to subject the law abiding owners of 356,999,998 million guns to government controlled psychological evaluations...

And that makes sense to you...since criminals won't do them and mass shooters won't only normal, law abiding people will actually do them....

And the cost.....for getting the psych evaluation to exercise a no different than when guys like you charged a Poll Tax to keep blacks from voting....back when the democrats didn't want blacks to vote.
Except you guys have yet to name a "reasonable" and "logicial" gun law that does anything you say it is meant to do.....

Please, name one.

I have two...which are already codified in our law. If you commit a crime with a gun you go to jail. If you are a violent felon caught with a gun, you go to jail.

The two I support work every time they are used.......I have yet to see an idea from the anti gunners here that actually work to keep criminals and mass shooters from getting guns.

What their ideas actually do...make it harder for normal, law abiding gun owners to own and carry guns...

The whole point is that those people are not committing crimes with guns...and as we saw in Britain...controlling their guns does not lower or alter the gun crime rate.

But......every single law you guys want to put in place beyond the two I have described target normal people and not criminals.
bullshit ,but you had to say something .
here's some extremely reasonable suggestions , every potential gun owner would have to undergo psychological and competency tests.
non retailers of fire arms could only own as many guns as the can shoot accurately at the same time.
as to the criminals more raids more often .

And authors could only write one book a year, or one column..after they had cleared it through an appropriate government agency to check it for libel against other citizens, incitement laws to prevent incitements to violence....and on and on.....

You should only be allowed to post on line after taking classes on libel laws, and get psych and English competency make sure you won't act like a Troll on line....and you would only be allowed as many electronic devices as you could use at the same time....

No....applying the same laws to the First Amendment as you do to the 2nd Amendment......

You would have to get a psych eval to preach in a church after you showed a competency in the religious texts you were going to use at your church.....
False equivalent.

Nope, exact equivalent......Religion can incite incredibly violent behavior....been watching the news Psych evals, and competency tests on their particular religious scriptures are just "common sense" right...since you guys say that isis and the other muslim terrorists aren't obeying their own texts...right?
false! you just didn't like the answer didn't actually answer the question till your post # 67....
And you didn't like that answer either.

Of course, because the ideas are stupid...but at least now we can discuss why those particular ideas are not only stupid and pointless, but also un constitutional.....

Explain why...that is called having a conversation.......

psych evaluations.....there are 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there were a total of 4 mass shootings last year only 2 were by nuts, the other 2 were by muslim terrorists.....

so out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands, a total of two were used in mass shootings....and yet you want to subject the law abiding owners of 356,999,998 million guns to government controlled psychological evaluations...

And that makes sense to you...since criminals won't do them and mass shooters won't only normal, law abiding people will actually do them....

And the cost.....for getting the psych evaluation to exercise a no different than when guys like you charged a Poll Tax to keep blacks from voting....back when the democrats didn't want blacks to vote.
Do you understand the concept of brevity?
bullshit ,but you had to say something .
here's some extremely reasonable suggestions , every potential gun owner would have to undergo psychological and competency tests.
non retailers of fire arms could only own as many guns as the can shoot accurately at the same time.
as to the criminals more raids more often .

And authors could only write one book a year, or one column..after they had cleared it through an appropriate government agency to check it for libel against other citizens, incitement laws to prevent incitements to violence....and on and on.....

You should only be allowed to post on line after taking classes on libel laws, and get psych and English competency make sure you won't act like a Troll on line....and you would only be allowed as many electronic devices as you could use at the same time....

No....applying the same laws to the First Amendment as you do to the 2nd Amendment......

You would have to get a psych eval to preach in a church after you showed a competency in the religious texts you were going to use at your church.....
False equivalent.

Nope, exact equivalent......Religion can incite incredibly violent behavior....been watching the news Psych evals, and competency tests on their particular religious scriptures are just "common sense" right...since you guys say that isis and the other muslim terrorists aren't obeying their own texts...right?
Again false equivalent. didn't actually answer the question till your post # 67....
And you didn't like that answer either.

Of course, because the ideas are stupid...but at least now we can discuss why those particular ideas are not only stupid and pointless, but also un constitutional.....

Explain why...that is called having a conversation.......

psych evaluations.....there are 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there were a total of 4 mass shootings last year only 2 were by nuts, the other 2 were by muslim terrorists.....

so out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands, a total of two were used in mass shootings....and yet you want to subject the law abiding owners of 356,999,998 million guns to government controlled psychological evaluations...

And that makes sense to you...since criminals won't do them and mass shooters won't only normal, law abiding people will actually do them....

And the cost.....for getting the psych evaluation to exercise a no different than when guys like you charged a Poll Tax to keep blacks from voting....back when the democrats didn't want blacks to vote.
Do you understand the concept of brevity?

Yep. The Soul of Wit.
And authors could only write one book a year, or one column..after they had cleared it through an appropriate government agency to check it for libel against other citizens, incitement laws to prevent incitements to violence....and on and on.....

You should only be allowed to post on line after taking classes on libel laws, and get psych and English competency make sure you won't act like a Troll on line....and you would only be allowed as many electronic devices as you could use at the same time....

No....applying the same laws to the First Amendment as you do to the 2nd Amendment......

You would have to get a psych eval to preach in a church after you showed a competency in the religious texts you were going to use at your church.....
False equivalent.

Nope, exact equivalent......Religion can incite incredibly violent behavior....been watching the news Psych evals, and competency tests on their particular religious scriptures are just "common sense" right...since you guys say that isis and the other muslim terrorists aren't obeying their own texts...right?
Again false equivalent. me how I am wrong.

Watch CNN Commentator Rip Donald Trump For Lying About Clinton's Gun Position

No....applying the same laws to the First Amendment as you do to the 2nd Amendment......

You would have to get a psych eval to preach in a church after you showed a competency in the religious texts you were going to use at your church.....
False equivalent.

Nope, exact equivalent......Religion can incite incredibly violent behavior....been watching the news Psych evals, and competency tests on their particular religious scriptures are just "common sense" right...since you guys say that isis and the other muslim terrorists aren't obeying their own texts...right?
Again false equivalent. me how I am wrong.
Now you're yammering.

Ha ha you ?...the racist pseudo Intellectual Jack wagon a yuge losah ...weak

Donald Trump Shows What A Hypocritical Coward He Really Is While Speaking To The NRA

While speaking the NRA, Donald Trump demanded that Hillary Clinton's Secret Service agents give up their firearms, but Trump has also supported banning guns which means that his Secret Service agents should disarm.…

Ha ha you ?...the racist pseudo Intellectual Jack wagon a yuge losah ...weak

Donald Trump Shows What A Hypocritical Coward He Really Is While Speaking To The NRA

While speaking the NRA, Donald Trump demanded that Hillary Clinton's Secret Service agents give up their firearms, but Trump has also supported banning guns which means that his Secret Service agents should disarm.…

Which guns, and when............nice try though...he is going to beat her like a drum.....

Ha ha you ?...the racist pseudo Intellectual Jack wagon a yuge losah ...weak

Donald Trump Shows What A Hypocritical Coward He Really Is While Speaking To The NRA

While speaking the NRA, Donald Trump demanded that Hillary Clinton's Secret Service agents give up their firearms, but Trump has also supported banning guns which means that his Secret Service agents should disarm.…

Which guns, and when............nice try though...he is going to beat her like a drum.....
Then you woke up.
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols. And the NRA and every other gun-barrel-sucker thinks this just fine. You do in fact believe in heavy gun control. The only reason this limited segment of the weapons market is so adamantly defended by the NRA and gun lobby is this is where they make their money. I notice the NRA hasn't come out DEMANDING every American be armed with exactly what our military is armed with across the board 'cuz'n we need ta be pertectin a'r 2nd 'mendment raiwghts'.

It's a scam. The NRA is the snake-oil salesman for the gun manufacturers. If you look at the NRA as a union, which is what it is, and 85% of their members agree with background checks and other sensible ideas and laws to keep some guns from getting into the hands of people that shouldn't have them, and the NRA ignores their own members, you now understand who they are working for.

Rather odd yes that Republicans are so vehement about dismantling unions but the NRA and other right wing groups which are unions get a pass.

Hypocrisy has its party and anyone whining about 'you b'leeve in gun control' are only outraged at anyone regulating, which is in the Constitution, gun ownership. But as with almost all 'causes' on the right its only purpose is to feeeeel good.
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols. And the NRA and every other gun-barrel-sucker thinks this just fine. You do in fact believe in heavy gun control. The only reason this limited segment of the weapons market is so adamantly defended by the NRA and gun lobby is this is where they make their money. I notice the NRA hasn't come out DEMANDING every American be armed with exactly what our military is armed with across the board 'cuz'n we need ta be pertectin a'r 2nd 'mendment raiwghts'.

It's a scam. The NRA is the snake-oil salesman for the gun manufacturers. If you look at the NRA as a union, which is what it is, and 85% of their members agree with background checks and other sensible ideas and laws to keep some guns from getting into the hands of people that shouldn't have them, and the NRA ignores their own members, you now understand who they are working for.

Rather odd yes that Republicans are so vehement about dismantling unions but the NRA and other right wing groups which are unions get a pass.

Hypocrisy has its party and anyone whining about 'you b'leeve in gun control' are only outraged at anyone regulating, which is in the Constitution, gun ownership. But as with almost all 'causes' on the right its only purpose is to feeeeel good.
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols. And the NRA and every other gun-barrel-sucker thinks this just fine. You do in fact believe in heavy gun control. The only reason this limited segment of the weapons market is so adamantly defended by the NRA and gun lobby is this is where they make their money. I notice the NRA hasn't come out DEMANDING every American be armed with exactly what our military is armed with across the board 'cuz'n we need ta be pertectin a'r 2nd 'mendment raiwghts'.

It's a scam. The NRA is the snake-oil salesman for the gun manufacturers. If you look at the NRA as a union, which is what it is, and 85% of their members agree with background checks and other sensible ideas and laws to keep some guns from getting into the hands of people that shouldn't have them, and the NRA ignores their own members, you now understand who they are working for.

Rather odd yes that Republicans are so vehement about dismantling unions but the NRA and other right wing groups which are unions get a pass.

Hypocrisy has its party and anyone whining about 'you b'leeve in gun control' are only outraged at anyone regulating, which is in the Constitution, gun ownership. But as with almost all 'causes' on the right its only purpose is to feeeeel good.
Is it true Mar-a-lago is a gun-free zone?
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.
Said no rational and honest person, ever.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols.
This is either a statement of abject ignorance or an outright lie.

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