Anti gunners, NRA convention will allow all legal carry options....

.... so I just gave up and reverted to my 'gut' reaction--get rid of the goddamned things. Individuals with Guy's extreme views don't help.
Why do you suppose there's "no middle ground"?
I tried, M14, to come to some reasonable middle ground but the gun owners in this country don't seem to want to compromise at all. I would actually be very satisfied with a ban on military-style assault weapons. AR 15's and such belong on a battlefield, not in our closets and on our streets. People can hunt and defend themselves perfectly well with less dangerous guns. Why these weapons ever crept into the civilian population, I don't know, but they don't belong there. That's one middle ground that would actually make me pretty happy. Are there any gun owners out there who would agree to such a thing?
Let's wait and see if any are here.
Lady, I own a gun, a Ruger revolver. I haven't looked at it in several months, and I pray I never need to use it. I am a strong advocate of gun registration and banning combat-type weapons along with their clips. I recognize the need for weapons in diverse situations, such as ranchers and populations of wide open spaces full of hungry critters. I have no urge to hunt, but I also recognize there are those who need the testosterone boost of killing a living creature that is no threat to them. It's a cave-man leftover that must be acknowledged and we just have to live with it. But I do also scorn Hunt Clubs where animals are penned, then released for lazy hunters with deep pockets. Also hunting from helicopters. That's a sorry comment on all mankind.
You are like many conservatives who can't discuss something beyond an 'us vs them' mentality. In your world you keep score because that is what you use as a sauve so you feel good.
No one knows all the intricacies of all the laws on the books in all the states, not me and not you. But in your mind you NEED to believe you do. Knock yourself out.
Still butt-hurt over the open carry machine-gun thing, eh?
Still butt-hurt about being caught in your "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership", lie,. eh?
Maybe if you didn't speak from ignorance and dishonesty, you would not have these problems.
Lady, I own a gun, a Ruger revolver. I haven't looked at it in several months, and I pray I never need to use it. I am a strong advocate of gun registration and banning combat-type weapons along with their clips.... ....I have no urge to hunt, but I also recognize there are those who need the testosterone boost of killing a living creature that is no threat to them
No offense but....
When you use terms like this, do you know how you sound to people knowledgeable about firearms and the issues surrounding them?
I tried, M14, to come to some reasonable middle ground but the gun owners in this country don't seem to want to compromise at all.
I would actually be very satisfied with a ban on military-style assault weapons. AR 15's and such belong on a battlefield, not in our closets and on our streets
What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?
Still waiting for an answer.
Lady, I own a gun, a Ruger revolver. I haven't looked at it in several months, and I pray I never need to use it. I am a strong advocate of gun registration and banning combat-type weapons along with their clips.... ....I have no urge to hunt, but I also recognize there are those who need the testosterone boost of killing a living creature that is no threat to them
No offense but....
When you use terms like this, do you know how you sound to people knowledgeable about firearms and the issues surrounding them?
No offense taken, M14. I realize how hot is the button that triggers the reaction to my kind of view on the subject. And you post truth when you point out my lack of knowledge about firearms, although I am very familiar with the issues surrounding them.
.... so I just gave up and reverted to my 'gut' reaction--get rid of the goddamned things. Individuals with Guy's extreme views don't help.
Why do you suppose there's "no middle ground"?
I tried, M14, to come to some reasonable middle ground but the gun owners in this country don't seem to want to compromise at all.
I would actually be very satisfied with a ban on military-style assault weapons. AR 15's and such belong on a battlefield, not in our closets and on our streets
What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?
"What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?" A longer, fuller life would be my answer. A better chance at no more Columbines or Sandy Hooks or Aurora or Tucson, et al. M14, I do not doubt that you are a responsible gun owner. But our nation is in peril from within by our own who have a mindset that thinks we can shoot our problems away. And like a sickness, we need to address it. If you have Diabetes, you have to give up sweets for your own good, or else. Would it hurt so much to live without assault weapons and large ammo clips and get by with rifles, shotguns and handguns, at least for a while until we sift out the crazies? Think of it as a Muslim immigration ban. Temporary.
What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?
"What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?" A longer, fuller life would be my answer. do not have a commensurate expansion of gun rights to offer in exchange for the restriction of the right in this manner?
How about his:
We agree to a ban on 'assault weapons' and you agree to a 50+ state universal recognition of concealed carry permits -- my OH permit is good in all 50 states, DC and the US external possessions.

If not that, then what would you offer?
You are like many conservatives who can't discuss something beyond an 'us vs them' mentality. In your world you keep score because that is what you use as a sauve so you feel good.
No one knows all the intricacies of all the laws on the books in all the states, not me and not you. But in your mind you NEED to believe you do. Knock yourself out.
Still butt-hurt over the open carry machine-gun thing, eh?
Still butt-hurt about being caught in your "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership", lie,. eh?
Maybe if you didn't speak from ignorance and dishonesty, you would not have these problems.

Ignorance is the air you breath. Fear is what you snort. Knowledge is cancer to you.

You have your memes and nothing penetrates your bubble of the fear of existence. You, like most conservatives are anti-Constitution but you looove to talk the opposite. Sorry but you aren't hiding from anyone. You are what you are.
You are like many conservatives who can't discuss something beyond an 'us vs them' mentality. In your world you keep score because that is what you use as a sauve so you feel good.
No one knows all the intricacies of all the laws on the books in all the states, not me and not you. But in your mind you NEED to believe you do. Knock yourself out.
Still butt-hurt over the open carry machine-gun thing, eh?
Still butt-hurt about being caught in your "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership", lie,. eh?
Maybe if you didn't speak from ignorance and dishonesty, you would not have these problems.
Ignorance is the air you breath. Fear is what you snort. Knowledge is cancer to you.
You have your memes and nothing penetrates your bubble of the fear of existence. You, like most conservatives are anti-Constitution but you looove to talk the opposite. Sorry but you aren't hiding from anyone. You are what you are.
Wow... that butt-hurt must go all the way up. Need a colostomy bag?

"The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership"
You are like many conservatives who can't discuss something beyond an 'us vs them' mentality. In your world you keep score because that is what you use as a sauve so you feel good.
No one knows all the intricacies of all the laws on the books in all the states, not me and not you. But in your mind you NEED to believe you do. Knock yourself out.
Still butt-hurt over the open carry machine-gun thing, eh?
Still butt-hurt about being caught in your "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership", lie,. eh?
Maybe if you didn't speak from ignorance and dishonesty, you would not have these problems.
Ignorance is the air you breath. Fear is what you snort. Knowledge is cancer to you.
You have your memes and nothing penetrates your bubble of the fear of existence. You, like most conservatives are anti-Constitution but you looove to talk the opposite. Sorry but you aren't hiding from anyone. You are what you are.
Wow... that butt-hurt must go all the way up. Need a colostomy bag?

"The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership"

Give us a kiss Newman. You have butt on your mind, this your way of getting out of the closet? Good for you, be yourself.
This is the ultimate show of how obsessed certain men are with their potency. Where would one be safer, and have less 'need' for a 'gun' than at an N.R.A. meeting?
But...the Republicans won't allow guns. Oh where's the outrage!?

Now criminals all around the Republican convention will know it's a GUN FREE ZONE and swarm in to commit unspeakable acts of criminality. How can any sane Republican attend knowing they can't carry a gun to protect themselves?

Gun metal lickers are faawwnnny.

Yeah...exactly like that...whining like a bitchy little girl.......thanks for showing us how it was done....and of course you deflect from the purpose of this show that the NRA is going to have armed Americans at their event....

Daws makes the point, doesn't everyone at an NRA event carry? If not why aren't their gun carrying brethren shunning them! "Oh light weight heathen! We cast thou out from amongst us for not being armed to teeth to so you can shoot out the teeth of sum' 'n coming t' git you! Be gone Satan!"

The point of the whole thing is that Republicans are high hypocrites. They froth at the mouth and bend over the nearest table for the NRA but won't allow people to carry guns at their convention. The NRA aren't being hypocrites, they shout from the roof (in their underwear) that everyone should carry two guns and a bazooka over their shoulder and they allow this in their convention. It's like trekkies who go to a trek convention with Spock ears. No one at the convention is going to tell them they can't wear their Spock ears, it's a damn Star Trek convention!
Do all abortion rights activists actually have abortions? Think about it...

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