Anti gunners, NRA convention will allow all legal carry options....

What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.
Said no rational and honest person, ever.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols.
This is either a statement of abject ignorance or an outright lie.


So where is it legal to own a fully auto machine gun and carry it in public? How about a bazooka. Dynamite? C4? A .60 full auto military machine gun? A tank?

You are a sheep among the herd that bray when the NRA says bray. As with nearly every 'issue' on the right there is no issue here. The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership. But you've been indoctrinated to have a pavlovian response whenever you hear 'gun'.
remember when the anti gunners were acting like little girls when the Republican Party said they would not allow concealed carry at their convention...mainly because of the Secret Service...?

Well, the upcoming NRA convention will allow legal carry options in all of their sites...only excluding those areas temporarily taken over by the Secret Service when our future President Trump shows up....

The carry lamp is lit at NRA Louisville meeting

Lawful firearms carry is the law of the land in most places for the 145th National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting and Exhibits in Kentucky this week.

Billed as “Freedom’s Safest Place” with over 500,000 sq. ft. of gun and accessory displays and more than 830 exhibitors ranging from 1791 Gunleather to ZEV, most areas of the Kentucky Exposition Center, KFC Yum Center Arena, and Kentucky International Convention Center will permit firearm carry in accordance with state and local laws. As all three are state-owned facilities, none prohibits the lawful concealed or open carry of firearms.

With that being said, there are some exceptions to this overall policy.

“Firearms and knives will be prohibited in any areas temporarily under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Secret Service,” noted Catherine Mortensen, an NRA spokesperson, in an email to
Ridiculous thread premise.
There are no 'anti-gunners' - the notion is childish, moronic nonsense.
You keep saying that...:desk:but I am
Thank you for proving Clayton's dishonesty.
Clayton is far too optimistic. But I hold an extreme, unrealistic and probably ill advised view, not at all representative of the entire "Left." I'm too frustrated by the complexity of the situation to see any middle ground that would solve the problem of gun violence, so I just gave up and reverted to my 'gut' reaction--get rid of the goddamned things. Individuals with Guy's extreme views don't help.

And the thing is.....all the other anti gunners believe the same thing you do.....but they want to use baby steps to get new law, one gun or bullet banned at a time.....
I know that is not true. Many believe that more careful control over who owns weapons and perhaps the elimination of assault weapons is fair. Many of them own guns themselves. You should get out of your echo chamber more.
.... so I just gave up and reverted to my 'gut' reaction--get rid of the goddamned things. Individuals with Guy's extreme views don't help.
Why do you suppose there's "no middle ground"?
I tried, M14, to come to some reasonable middle ground but the gun owners in this country don't seem to want to compromise at all. I would actually be very satisfied with a ban on military-style assault weapons. AR 15's and such belong on a battlefield, not in our closets and on our streets. People can hunt and defend themselves perfectly well with less dangerous guns. Why these weapons ever crept into the civilian population, I don't know, but they don't belong there. That's one middle ground that would actually make me pretty happy. Are there any gun owners out there who would agree to such a thing?
Let's wait and see if any are here.
Ridiculous thread premise.
There are no 'anti-gunners' - the notion is childish, moronic nonsense.
You keep saying that...:desk:but I am
Thank you for proving Clayton's dishonesty.
Clayton is far too optimistic. But I hold an extreme, unrealistic and probably ill advised view, not at all representative of the entire "Left." I'm too frustrated by the complexity of the situation to see any middle ground that would solve the problem of gun violence, so I just gave up and reverted to my 'gut' reaction--get rid of the goddamned things. Individuals with Guy's extreme views don't help.

And the thing is.....all the other anti gunners believe the same thing you do.....but they want to use baby steps to get new law, one gun or bullet banned at a time.....
I know that is not true. Many believe that more careful control over who owns weapons and perhaps the elimination of assault weapons is fair. Many of them own guns themselves. You should get out of your echo chamber more. are you are wrong on the other aspects of this issue. AR-15s are not used in crime...the number ever used is less than 10 a year, with over 3,750,000 million AR-15s alone in private hands, not including AKs, Mini-14s, and all the other rifles with detachable magazines.....

Every mass shooting that has happened could easily be done with revolvers or there is no reason to target rifles....

Do you realize that rifles are used to murder fewer people each year than knives, clubs, and empty hands........and that is all rifles.....

Do you acknowledge that.....?

Yes...many of them do own guns themselves, they just don't want other people to own guns....they don't like people, they don't trust people, they see people as barely controlled sociopaths ready to snap and commit murder at the smallest traffic accident or burnt dinner.......they are the crazy ones...not the owners of over 357,000,000 privately owned guns.....

You are the one in an echo have seen actual facts.....actual data that shows that nothing you believe about guns or gun control laws is true or accurate....and you still hold your position.........why is that?
Ridiculous thread premise.
There are no 'anti-gunners' - the notion is childish, moronic nonsense.
You keep saying that...:desk:but I am
Thank you for proving Clayton's dishonesty.
Clayton is far too optimistic. But I hold an extreme, unrealistic and probably ill advised view, not at all representative of the entire "Left." I'm too frustrated by the complexity of the situation to see any middle ground that would solve the problem of gun violence, so I just gave up and reverted to my 'gut' reaction--get rid of the goddamned things. Individuals with Guy's extreme views don't help.

And the thing is.....all the other anti gunners believe the same thing you do.....but they want to use baby steps to get new law, one gun or bullet banned at a time.....
I know that is not true. Many believe that more careful control over who owns weapons and perhaps the elimination of assault weapons is fair. Many of them own guns themselves. You should get out of your echo chamber more.

Here, more actual facts for you to see, and ignore....

Number of AR-15s...

How Many Assault Weapons Are There in America? How Much Would It Cost the Government To Buy Them Back?

Add everything together, make all the necessary caveats, carry the two, and we reach the conclusion that there are somewhere around 3,750,000 AR-15-type rifles in the United States today. If there are around 310 million firearms in the USA today, that means these auto-loading assault-style rifles make up around 1 percent of the total arsenal.

FBI table 8 2013...

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murder by weapon 2013:

All rifles: 285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that)

Knives: 1,490

Hands and feet: 687

Blunt objects: 428

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....





.... so I just gave up and reverted to my 'gut' reaction--get rid of the goddamned things. Individuals with Guy's extreme views don't help.
Why do you suppose there's "no middle ground"?
I tried, M14, to come to some reasonable middle ground but the gun owners in this country don't seem to want to compromise at all. I would actually be very satisfied with a ban on military-style assault weapons. AR 15's and such belong on a battlefield, not in our closets and on our streets. People can hunt and defend themselves perfectly well with less dangerous guns. Why these weapons ever crept into the civilian population, I don't know, but they don't belong there. That's one middle ground that would actually make me pretty happy. Are there any gun owners out there who would agree to such a thing?
Let's wait and see if any are here.

Here you go...the updated table....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

For 2014 included......

All rifles: 248 (2013....285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that))

Knives: 1,567 ( 2013....1,490)

Hands and feet: 660 ( 2013 .......687 )

Blunt objects: 435 ( 2013....428)

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....






.... so I just gave up and reverted to my 'gut' reaction--get rid of the goddamned things. Individuals with Guy's extreme views don't help.
Why do you suppose there's "no middle ground"?
I tried, M14, to come to some reasonable middle ground but the gun owners in this country don't seem to want to compromise at all. I would actually be very satisfied with a ban on military-style assault weapons. AR 15's and such belong on a battlefield, not in our closets and on our streets. People can hunt and defend themselves perfectly well with less dangerous guns. Why these weapons ever crept into the civilian population, I don't know, but they don't belong there. That's one middle ground that would actually make me pretty happy. Are there any gun owners out there who would agree to such a thing?
Let's wait and see if any are here.

No....because we understand the deeper issue. The 2nd Amendment is there specifically to arm citizens against government the murder you see by agents of the Mexican government and their allies in the drug cartels just south of our up on the Autodefensas...the civilian groups that have had to be formed to fight against the drug cartels because the military and police too often are working with the drug cartels....and they have very limited access to rifles to fight against the heavily armed military, police and drug cartel hitmen......

Then you have the genocide, ethnic cleansing and mass murder you see all throughout history and in even advanced countries in Europe....

Any weapon the police and military have for the cops and soldiers is the very gun all American citizens have a right to own and carry. That is how you keep the government on the straight and narrow.

You don't understand or care about human history or human behavior......and that is why you believe what you believe......
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.
Said no rational and honest person, ever.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols.
This is either a statement of abject ignorance or an outright lie.


So where is it legal to own a fully auto machine gun and carry it in public? How about a bazooka. Dynamite? C4? A .60 full auto military machine gun? A tank?

You are a sheep among the herd that bray when the NRA says bray. As with nearly every 'issue' on the right there is no issue here. The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership. But you've been indoctrinated to have a pavlovian response whenever you hear 'gun'.

Arms are man portable, and not crew served weapons twit. The Swiss keep military grade, select fire rifles in their homes.......we can do the same. We are a free people.....we are not the subjects of the police and military.
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.
Said no rational and honest person, ever.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols.
This is either a statement of abject ignorance or an outright lie.
So where is it legal to own a fully auto machine gun and carry it in public?
Open carry is legal, so are full-auto weapons.
In, fact, if you cay a carry permit, you can mount an M60 on the roll bar of your Jeep and drive down the road with the ammo box attached and the belt in the feed tray.
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?

The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership
This is a lie.
Last edited:
.... so I just gave up and reverted to my 'gut' reaction--get rid of the goddamned things. Individuals with Guy's extreme views don't help.
Why do you suppose there's "no middle ground"?
I tried, M14, to come to some reasonable middle ground but the gun owners in this country don't seem to want to compromise at all.
I would actually be very satisfied with a ban on military-style assault weapons. AR 15's and such belong on a battlefield, not in our closets and on our streets
What have you offered the pro-gun side in return for, say, a ban on 'assault weapons'?
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.
Said no rational and honest person, ever.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols.
This is either a statement of abject ignorance or an outright lie.
So where is it legal to own a fully auto machine gun and carry it in public?
Open carry is legal, so are full-auto weapons.
In, fact, if you cay a carry permit, you can mount an M60 on the roll bar of your Jeep and drive down the road with the ammo box attached and the belt in the feed tray.
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?

The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership
This is a lie.

Yay, you can search the internet for obscure one-offs that support your radical beliefs. FEEELL GOOOD.

And you don't know the Constitution well do you. Reread the 2nd amendment Chuck. You are the liar.
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.
Said no rational and honest person, ever.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols.
This is either a statement of abject ignorance or an outright lie.
So where is it legal to own a fully auto machine gun and carry it in public?
Open carry is legal, so are full-auto weapons.
In, fact, if you cay a carry permit, you can mount an M60 on the roll bar of your Jeep and drive down the road with the ammo box attached and the belt in the feed tray.
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership
This is a lie.
Yay, you can search the internet for obscure one-offs that support your radical beliefs. FEEELL GOOOD.
Pardon me while I illustrate for the class how little you know.
Open carry is legal in:
Full-auto weapons are legal in all of these states except DE and WA,
And so, in each of these states you can legally own an M60 GPMG and walk down the street with it.
I ask again
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
And you don't know the Constitution well do you. Reread the 2nd amendment Chuck. You are the liar.
Noting in the 2nd says anything like "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".
You know this.
You, therefore, are lying.
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.
Said no rational and honest person, ever.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols.
This is either a statement of abject ignorance or an outright lie.
So where is it legal to own a fully auto machine gun and carry it in public?
Open carry is legal, so are full-auto weapons.
In, fact, if you cay a carry permit, you can mount an M60 on the roll bar of your Jeep and drive down the road with the ammo box attached and the belt in the feed tray.
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership
This is a lie.
Yay, you can search the internet for obscure one-offs that support your radical beliefs. FEEELL GOOOD.
Pardon me while I illustrate for the class how little you know.
Open carry is legal in:
Full-auto weapons are legal in all of these states except DE and WA,
And so, in each of these states you can legally own an M60 GPMG and walk down the street with it.
I ask again
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
And you don't know the Constitution well do you. Reread the 2nd amendment Chuck. You are the liar.
Noting in the 2nd says anything like "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".
You know this.
You, therefore, are lying.

You are such a poser.

There are very strict laws regarding buying 'machine guns', effectively after 1986 you can't buy one unless you are a dealer.

Also, "to buy a machine gun under the 1934 NFA, an individual needs to submit the following (the procedure remains unchanged even today):
  • Pay a tax of $200, which in 1934 was worth over $3,500
  • Fill out a lengthy application to register your gun with the federal government
  • Submit photographs
  • Submit passport photos
  • Get your chief law enforcement official to sign your application
  • Wait for the results of your background check to come back

A violation of the national firearms act results in a felony punishable by up to 10 years in federal prison, a $100,000 fine, and forfeiture of the individual’s right to own or possess firearms in the future."

This looks to me like being 'well regulated'. And there were new gun laws that went into effect in 1968 and 1986. There were grandfather allowances for older machine guns as many vets brought them back from overseas.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Looks to be right in the 2nd amendment. Well Regulated. The government heavily regulates machine gun ownership and usage. The NRA and it's braying followers could not care less about all the other guns being regulated, only the ones that are the bread and butter of the gun industry are the ones that 'must be pertect'id'. It's like a child being told it is being punished and can't play with any of its toys, then shouts "I'm playing with this cardboard box and there's nothing you can do about it, neeyaah".

Conservatives gravitate to lying like moths to a flame. You love to use half-truths and innuendo to justify your nonsense. Whatever floats your boat Newman.
Last edited:
Said no rational and honest person, ever.

This is either a statement of abject ignorance or an outright lie.
So where is it legal to own a fully auto machine gun and carry it in public?
Open carry is legal, so are full-auto weapons.
In, fact, if you cay a carry permit, you can mount an M60 on the roll bar of your Jeep and drive down the road with the ammo box attached and the belt in the feed tray.
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership
This is a lie.
Yay, you can search the internet for obscure one-offs that support your radical beliefs. FEEELL GOOOD.
Pardon me while I illustrate for the class how little you know.
Open carry is legal in:
Full-auto weapons are legal in all of these states except DE and WA,
And so, in each of these states you can legally own an M60 GPMG and walk down the street with it.
I ask again
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
And you don't know the Constitution well do you. Reread the 2nd amendment Chuck. You are the liar.
Noting in the 2nd says anything like "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".
You know this.
You, therefore, are lying.
You are such a poser.
There are very strict laws regarding buying 'machine guns', effectively after 1986 you can't buy one unless you are a dealer.
None of this changes the fact that you can open carry - without a permit - an M60 GPMG in the majority of states, a fact that you were utterly and completely unaware of until I schooled you.

Looks to be right in the 2nd amendment. Well Regulated.
"Well regulated" refers to the Militia, not the people and not the right to keep and bear arms.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
Thus, your lie, proven.
So where is it legal to own a fully auto machine gun and carry it in public?
Open carry is legal, so are full-auto weapons.
In, fact, if you cay a carry permit, you can mount an M60 on the roll bar of your Jeep and drive down the road with the ammo box attached and the belt in the feed tray.
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership
This is a lie.
Yay, you can search the internet for obscure one-offs that support your radical beliefs. FEEELL GOOOD.
Pardon me while I illustrate for the class how little you know.
Open carry is legal in:
Full-auto weapons are legal in all of these states except DE and WA,
And so, in each of these states you can legally own an M60 GPMG and walk down the street with it.
I ask again
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
And you don't know the Constitution well do you. Reread the 2nd amendment Chuck. You are the liar.
Noting in the 2nd says anything like "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".
You know this.
You, therefore, are lying.
You are such a poser.
There are very strict laws regarding buying 'machine guns', effectively after 1986 you can't buy one unless you are a dealer.
None of this changes the fact that you can open carry - without a permit - an M60 GPMG in the majority of states, a fact that you were utterly and completely unaware of until I schooled you.

Looks to be right in the 2nd amendment. Well Regulated.
"Well regulated" refers to the Militia, not the people and not the right to keep and bear arms.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
Thus, your lie, proven.

You're like a Star Wars geek who sees a button missing from Han Solo's shirt between scenes and thinks they've uncovered the secret international plot. LOL

Go buy a new machine gun and come back and tell us all about it. Careful, once it's in black and white here the Feds can access it.

And it is way too comical that you would try the 'no, the 2nd amendment only means 'militias', when the NRA and gun worshipers have dismissed this argument and said the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with 'militias'. You reveal your own lie in your own post, you try to add wording to the 2nd amendment that isn't there.

"The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home."

Sorry, that isn't in there and you don't get to flip-flop between positions in the same breath. That is Trump's forte.

Not only do you lie you live in some gun worshippers fantasy land.
Open carry is legal, so are full-auto weapons.
In, fact, if you cay a carry permit, you can mount an M60 on the roll bar of your Jeep and drive down the road with the ammo box attached and the belt in the feed tray.
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
This is a lie.
Yay, you can search the internet for obscure one-offs that support your radical beliefs. FEEELL GOOOD.
Pardon me while I illustrate for the class how little you know.
Open carry is legal in:
Full-auto weapons are legal in all of these states except DE and WA,
And so, in each of these states you can legally own an M60 GPMG and walk down the street with it.
I ask again
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
And you don't know the Constitution well do you. Reread the 2nd amendment Chuck. You are the liar.
Noting in the 2nd says anything like "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".
You know this.
You, therefore, are lying.
You are such a poser.
There are very strict laws regarding buying 'machine guns', effectively after 1986 you can't buy one unless you are a dealer.
None of this changes the fact that you can open carry - without a permit - an M60 GPMG in the majority of states, a fact that you were utterly and completely unaware of until I schooled you.

Looks to be right in the 2nd amendment. Well Regulated.
"Well regulated" refers to the Militia, not the people and not the right to keep and bear arms.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
Thus, your lie, proven.
You're like a Star Wars geek who sees a button missing from Han Solo's shirt between scenes and thinks they've uncovered the secret international plot. LOL
Awww... is puddum upset because his ignorance was on display for everyone to see?
That he was proven wrong at the top of his lungs?
And it is way too comical that you would try the 'no, the 2nd amendment only means 'militias',
You might have a point had I said something to that effect.
"Well regulated", in the 2nd, describes and modifies"militia"
Not "the people", not "the right to keep and bear arms" but"militia"
Did you pass 3rd grade English?
No? That explains why you believe "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".

"The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home."
Sorry, that isn't in there...
"That part" is established jurisprudence.
You can pretend otherwise - it just means you choose to be wrong.

Go ahead -- lie to us some more.
Yay, you can search the internet for obscure one-offs that support your radical beliefs. FEEELL GOOOD.
Pardon me while I illustrate for the class how little you know.
Open carry is legal in:
Full-auto weapons are legal in all of these states except DE and WA,
And so, in each of these states you can legally own an M60 GPMG and walk down the street with it.
I ask again
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
And you don't know the Constitution well do you. Reread the 2nd amendment Chuck. You are the liar.
Noting in the 2nd says anything like "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".
You know this.
You, therefore, are lying.
You are such a poser.
There are very strict laws regarding buying 'machine guns', effectively after 1986 you can't buy one unless you are a dealer.
None of this changes the fact that you can open carry - without a permit - an M60 GPMG in the majority of states, a fact that you were utterly and completely unaware of until I schooled you.

Looks to be right in the 2nd amendment. Well Regulated.
"Well regulated" refers to the Militia, not the people and not the right to keep and bear arms.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
Thus, your lie, proven.
You're like a Star Wars geek who sees a button missing from Han Solo's shirt between scenes and thinks they've uncovered the secret international plot. LOL
Awww... is puddum upset because his ignorance was on display for everyone to see?
That he was proven wrong at the top of his lungs?
And it is way too comical that you would try the 'no, the 2nd amendment only means 'militias',
You might have a point had I said something to that effect.
"Well regulated", in the 2nd, describes and modifies"militia"
Not "the people", not "the right to keep and bear arms" but"militia"
Did you pass 3rd grade English?
No? That explains why you believe "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".

"The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home."
Sorry, that isn't in there...
"That part" is established jurisprudence.
You can pretend otherwise - it just means you choose to be wrong.

Go ahead -- lie to us some more.

You are like many conservatives who can't discuss something beyond an 'us vs them' mentality. In your world you keep score because that is what you use as a sauve so you feel good.

No one knows all the intricacies of all the laws on the books in all the states, not me and not you. But in your mind you NEED to believe you do. Knock yourself out.

There are also old polluting cars that are grandfathered and allowed to operate even though they exceed emissions standards. At least there used to be. Neither of these subjects interests me enough to spend hours researching them in depth. You have the time, again knock yourself out.

And let me know when you get that new machine gun.
Pardon me while I illustrate for the class how little you know.
Open carry is legal in:
Full-auto weapons are legal in all of these states except DE and WA,
And so, in each of these states you can legally own an M60 GPMG and walk down the street with it.
I ask again
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
Noting in the 2nd says anything like "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".
You know this.
You, therefore, are lying.
You are such a poser.
There are very strict laws regarding buying 'machine guns', effectively after 1986 you can't buy one unless you are a dealer.
None of this changes the fact that you can open carry - without a permit - an M60 GPMG in the majority of states, a fact that you were utterly and completely unaware of until I schooled you.

Looks to be right in the 2nd amendment. Well Regulated.
"Well regulated" refers to the Militia, not the people and not the right to keep and bear arms.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
Thus, your lie, proven.
You're like a Star Wars geek who sees a button missing from Han Solo's shirt between scenes and thinks they've uncovered the secret international plot. LOL
Awww... is puddum upset because his ignorance was on display for everyone to see?
That he was proven wrong at the top of his lungs?
And it is way too comical that you would try the 'no, the 2nd amendment only means 'militias',
You might have a point had I said something to that effect.
"Well regulated", in the 2nd, describes and modifies"militia"
Not "the people", not "the right to keep and bear arms" but"militia"
Did you pass 3rd grade English?
No? That explains why you believe "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".

"The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home."
Sorry, that isn't in there...
"That part" is established jurisprudence.
You can pretend otherwise - it just means you choose to be wrong.

Go ahead -- lie to us some more.

You are like many conservatives who can't discuss something beyond an 'us vs them' mentality. In your world you keep score because that is what you use as a sauve so you feel good.

No one knows all the intricacies of all the laws on the books in all the states, not me and not you. But in your mind you NEED to believe you do. Knock yourself out.

There are also old polluting cars that are grandfathered and allowed to operate even though they exceed emissions standards. At least there used to be. Neither of these subjects interests me enough to spend hours researching them in depth. You have the time, again knock yourself out.

And let me know when you get that new machine gun.

Yeah...the 2nd Amendment is pretty clear with that "Shall not be infringed," part.
What is most amusing is people that seem to need guns and believe they are 'staunch defenders of...whatever' are in fact voraciously in favor of gun control.

Out of the huge spectrum of firearms the public is LIMITED to single shot rifles and pistols. And the NRA and every other gun-barrel-sucker thinks this just fine. You do in fact believe in heavy gun control. The only reason this limited segment of the weapons market is so adamantly defended by the NRA and gun lobby is this is where they make their money. I notice the NRA hasn't come out DEMANDING every American be armed with exactly what our military is armed with across the board 'cuz'n we need ta be pertectin a'r 2nd 'mendment raiwghts'.

It's a scam. The NRA is the snake-oil salesman for the gun manufacturers. If you look at the NRA as a union, which is what it is, and 85% of their members agree with background checks and other sensible ideas and laws to keep some guns from getting into the hands of people that shouldn't have them, and the NRA ignores their own members, you now understand who they are working for.

Rather odd yes that Republicans are so vehement about dismantling unions but the NRA and other right wing groups which are unions get a pass.

Hypocrisy has its party and anyone whining about 'you b'leeve in gun control' are only outraged at anyone regulating, which is in the Constitution, gun ownership. But as with almost all 'causes' on the right its only purpose is to feeeeel good.
Is it true Mar-a-lago is a gun-free zone?

I don't know what that is.
Pardon me while I illustrate for the class how little you know.
Open carry is legal in:
Full-auto weapons are legal in all of these states except DE and WA,
And so, in each of these states you can legally own an M60 GPMG and walk down the street with it.
I ask again
Why do you not know this?
Do you always argue from a position of abject ignorance?
Noting in the 2nd says anything like "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".
You know this.
You, therefore, are lying.
You are such a poser.
There are very strict laws regarding buying 'machine guns', effectively after 1986 you can't buy one unless you are a dealer.
None of this changes the fact that you can open carry - without a permit - an M60 GPMG in the majority of states, a fact that you were utterly and completely unaware of until I schooled you.

Looks to be right in the 2nd amendment. Well Regulated.
"Well regulated" refers to the Militia, not the people and not the right to keep and bear arms.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
Thus, your lie, proven.
You're like a Star Wars geek who sees a button missing from Han Solo's shirt between scenes and thinks they've uncovered the secret international plot. LOL
Awww... is puddum upset because his ignorance was on display for everyone to see?
That he was proven wrong at the top of his lungs?
And it is way too comical that you would try the 'no, the 2nd amendment only means 'militias',
You might have a point had I said something to that effect.
"Well regulated", in the 2nd, describes and modifies"militia"
Not "the people", not "the right to keep and bear arms" but"militia"
Did you pass 3rd grade English?
No? That explains why you believe "The Constitution calls for regulation on guns and gun ownership".

"The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home."
Sorry, that isn't in there...
"That part" is established jurisprudence.
You can pretend otherwise - it just means you choose to be wrong.

Go ahead -- lie to us some more.

You are like many conservatives who can't discuss something beyond an 'us vs them' mentality. In your world you keep score because that is what you use as a sauve so you feel good.

No one knows all the intricacies of all the laws on the books in all the states, not me and not you. But in your mind you NEED to believe you do. Knock yourself out.

There are also old polluting cars that are grandfathered and allowed to operate even though they exceed emissions standards. At least there used to be. Neither of these subjects interests me enough to spend hours researching them in depth. You have the time, again knock yourself out.

And let me know when you get that new machine gun.
Control freak

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