Anti-Klan Statute Nabs a New Generation of Violent Leftists

Such historical facts confuse the issue for the dems, who NEED to believe the Myth of the Southern Strategy and the EVULNESS of the GOP.
The Southern Strategy is a well-established fact.
The South changed from Democratic to Republican. Didn't you notice?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

n American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[4] It also helped push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

The Southern Strategy is a well established lie.

What were the supposed "strategies" to appeal to "racism" in the South?

LOL, Nixon promoted the Minority Business Development Agency, and Reagan started the Amnesty of illegal Mexicans ordeal.

The Republicans have done about as much for the White people as Democrats have... Which is virtually nothing.
Democrats have killed white people.

Republicans aren't there....yet.

Like white supremaciats have killed blacks and Jews, little uneducated child?
This discussion doesn't include brainless bitches like you.

Scurry away now.
LOL, Nixon promoted the Minority Business Development Agency, and Reagan started the Amnesty of illegal Mexicans ordeal.

The Republicans have done about as much for the White people as Democrats have... Which is virtually nothing.
Democrats have killed white people.

Republicans aren't there....yet.

You mean in Serbia, or do you mean in Abortion?

Democrats and the entire mainstream western left are directly responsible for tens of thousands of white people being murdered across the globe.

Jews, Leftists, and Capitalists are all directly largely responsible for multi-culturalism.

Now If you're a Jewish Leftist Capitalist.................Soros (Cough)
Pretty much all of them are Democrats.

Democrats own the corporations every bit as much as they own the media and academia.

In the media absolutely the owners are mostly Democrats, as in Academia.

However, there's still a a lot of contractors, and farmers hiring illegal Mexicans, and they tend to be not so Democrat, if anything they're probably more Republican for tax reasons.
Such historical facts confuse the issue for the dems, who NEED to believe the Myth of the Southern Strategy and the EVULNESS of the GOP.
The Southern Strategy is a well-established fact.
The South changed from Democratic to Republican. Didn't you notice?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

n American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[4] It also helped push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

The Southern Strategy is a well established lie.

What were the supposed "strategies" to appeal to "racism" in the South?

LOL, Nixon promoted the Minority Business Development Agency, and Reagan started the Amnesty of illegal Mexicans ordeal.

The Republicans have done about as much for the White people as Democrats have... Which is virtually nothing.
Democrats have killed white people.

Republicans aren't there....yet.

Like white supremaciats have killed blacks and Jews, little uneducated child?

Nazis killed Whites, KKK killed Whites, Confederates killed Whites, so what White Supremacists are you talking about that were "Only Targeting Blacks, and Jews???"

Kind of actually supports that there's never been any real White Supremacists in power, no?
Last edited:
When you talk about Thurmond, and all, you are happy to define them and any drift towards the right, as solely driven by civil rights.

But Jimmy Carter, and all, you minimize the effect that civil rights have there, because it does not serve your purpose of smearing the GOP and the South.

The South is good when it votes dem, Racist when it votes republican.

Nothing self serving in that. oh no.

(and I clearly did not say that Carter took credit for the 64 bill. I said the DEMS did. Don't play games.)

So, who desegregated the Southern Schools?

And this....

1. 1966 Republican Bo Calloway ran against Democrat Lester Maddox, who “gained national attention for refusing to serve blacks in his popular cafeteria near the Georgia Tech campus. Newsmen tipped off about the confrontation reported how restaurant patrons and employees wielded ax handles while Mr. Maddox waved a pistol. …” Lester Maddox Dies at 87; Segregationist Ex-Governor Leaves Complicated Legacy | HighBeam Business: Arrive Prepared

a. Maddox was endorsed by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the above governor’s race. When the race was too close to call, the Democrat state legislature gave it to Maddox.

Such historical facts confuse the issue for the dems, who NEED to believe the Myth of the Southern Strategy and the EVULNESS of the GOP.
The Southern Strategy is a well-established fact.
The South changed from Democratic to Republican. Didn't you notice?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

n American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[4] It also helped push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

The Southern Strategy is a well established lie.

What were the supposed "strategies" to appeal to "racism" in the South?

LOL, Nixon promoted the Minority Business Development Agency, and Reagan started the Amnesty of illegal Mexicans ordeal.

The Republicans have done about as much for the White people as Democrats have... Which is virtually nothing.

There were different, and mitigating factors,

but yes.

The point being in this thread, that the Southern Strategy, ie that Nixon and republicans since have pandered to racists to win the south,

is obviously shit, the moment you start actually looking at the idea.
Nice "objective" link there --- from the text once it finally worked:

>> Mathias quotes an Antifa member named Molly: "The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible. Those are anti-Klan statutes."

Yes, they are. But the Klan was the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. And this particular group of new-Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Movement, so ... more lefties. <<​

More history revisionism would be more accurate, since both the Klan and the Nazis were, and are, far-right fascists. The very name "Antifa(scist)" kind of locks down where each entity sits.

Yet another episode in desperate denialism. Doublethink has arrived.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.
The Southern Strategy is a well-established fact.
The South changed from Democratic to Republican. Didn't you notice?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

n American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[4] It also helped push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

The Southern Strategy is a well established lie.

What were the supposed "strategies" to appeal to "racism" in the South?

LOL, Nixon promoted the Minority Business Development Agency, and Reagan started the Amnesty of illegal Mexicans ordeal.

The Republicans have done about as much for the White people as Democrats have... Which is virtually nothing.
Democrats have killed white people.

Republicans aren't there....yet.

Like white supremaciats have killed blacks and Jews, little uneducated child?

Nazis killed Whites, KKK killed Whites, Confederates killed Whites, so what White Supremacists are you talking about that were "Only Targeting Blacks, and Jews???"

Where do you see the word "only"?

The very name "white supremacist" centers on a race, not a religion. Now you could say "white Christian supremacist" and it would be accurate but you're still leaving entities out. Inasmuch as the KKK targeted blacks, Jews, Catholics, labor unions, immigrants, drunks, 'loose' women and philandering husbands and the Irreligious, to be comprehensive you'd need to say "white Protestant Christian corporatist nativist teetotalist puritannical supremacists" but of course that gets unwieldy.

Kind of actually supports that there's never been any real White Supremacists in power, no?

The Klan acquired tremendous power at its peak in the 1920s. It got governors, Senators and local officials elected in easily a dozen states, ran a governor out of his job when he tried to expel them (Oklahoma), generated massive support in the (Protestant, esp Methodist) churches, openly held public events like picnics and races, ran a smear campaign against a POTUS candidate because he was Catholic, and in at least one case virtually ran the entire state:

-- it's estimated that as many as one-third of the entire adult male population of that state was Klan. While it lasted it became politically unwise to criticize the Klan. They got Walton removed as governor in Oklahoma and that was before they coalesced most of that power.

And before they sprang up their fellow travellers had set up Jim Crow segregation in the South by working on the local and state levels --- trying to in effect nullify the Civil War and keep (conserve) the older established social structure that War took away. Which is the same thing the original Klan of 1865 and its many siblings were trying to do.

I'd say all of that's a smigeon of "white supremacists in power", no?
The Southern Strategy is a well established lie.

What were the supposed "strategies" to appeal to "racism" in the South?

LOL, Nixon promoted the Minority Business Development Agency, and Reagan started the Amnesty of illegal Mexicans ordeal.

The Republicans have done about as much for the White people as Democrats have... Which is virtually nothing.
Democrats have killed white people.

Republicans aren't there....yet.

Like white supremaciats have killed blacks and Jews, little uneducated child?

Nazis killed Whites, KKK killed Whites, Confederates killed Whites, so what White Supremacists are you talking about that were "Only Targeting Blacks, and Jews???"

Where do you see the word "only"?

The very name "white supremacist" centers on a race, not a religion. Now you could say "white Christian supremacist" and it would be accurate but you're still leaving entities out. Inasmuch as the KKK targeted blacks, Jews, Catholics, labor unions, immigrants, drunks, 'loose' women and philandering husbands and the Irreligious, to be comprehensive you'd need to say "white Protestant Christian corporatist nativist teetotalist puritannical supremacists" but of course that gets unwieldy.

Kind of actually supports that there's never been any real White Supremacists in power, no?

The Klan acquired tremendous power at its peak in the 1920s. It got governors, Senators and local officials elected in easily a dozen states, ran a governor out of his job when he tried to expel them (Oklahoma), generated massive support in the (Protestant, esp Methodist) churches, openly held public events like picnics and races, ran a smear campaign against a POTUS candidate because he was Catholic, and in at least one case virtually ran the entire state:

-- it's estimated that as many as one-third of the entire adult male population of that state was Klan. While it lasted it became politically unwise to criticize the Klan. They got Walton removed as governor in Oklahoma and that was before they coalesced most of that power.

And before they sprang up their fellow travellers had set up Jim Crow segregation in the South by working on the local and state levels --- trying to in effect nullify the Civil War and keep (conserve) the older established social structure that War took away. Which is the same thing the original Klan of 1865 and its many siblings were trying to do.

I'd say all of that's a smigeon of "white supremacists in power", no?

The Nazis, and Confederates killed mostly Whites, the KKK on the other hand didn't kill mostly Whites, but still killed some Whites none the less.
Nice "objective" link there --- from the text once it finally worked:

>> Mathias quotes an Antifa member named Molly: "The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible. Those are anti-Klan statutes."

Yes, they are. But the Klan was the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. And this particular group of new-Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Movement, so ... more lefties. <<​

More history revisionism would be more accurate, since both the Klan and the Nazis were, and are, far-right fascists. The very name "Antifa(scist)" kind of locks down where each entity sits.

Yet another episode in desperate denialism. Doublethink has arrived.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.

You respond to a post containing the word "anymore"

and cite behavior from PROHIBITION, and before.

Nice "objective" link there --- from the text once it finally worked:

>> Mathias quotes an Antifa member named Molly: "The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible. Those are anti-Klan statutes."

Yes, they are. But the Klan was the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. And this particular group of new-Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Movement, so ... more lefties. <<​

More history revisionism would be more accurate, since both the Klan and the Nazis were, and are, far-right fascists. The very name "Antifa(scist)" kind of locks down where each entity sits.

Yet another episode in desperate denialism. Doublethink has arrived.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.

You respond to a post containing the word "anymore"

and cite behavior from PROHIBITION, and before.


What the fuck is your native language? "Any more", misspelled as one word, is used there as a comparator.

"You're not a rock star any more than I'm the queen of Belgium".
Nice "objective" link there --- from the text once it finally worked:

>> Mathias quotes an Antifa member named Molly: "The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible. Those are anti-Klan statutes."

Yes, they are. But the Klan was the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. And this particular group of new-Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Movement, so ... more lefties. <<​

More history revisionism would be more accurate, since both the Klan and the Nazis were, and are, far-right fascists. The very name "Antifa(scist)" kind of locks down where each entity sits.

Yet another episode in desperate denialism. Doublethink has arrived.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.

You respond to a post containing the word "anymore"

and cite behavior from PROHIBITION, and before.


What the fuck is your native language? "Any more", misspelled as one word, is used there as a comparator.

"You're not a rock star any more than I'm the queen of Belgium".

Your attempt to deflect from your nonsense with semantics is noted and laughed at.

Prohibition ended 85 years ago.

Nice "objective" link there --- from the text once it finally worked:

>> Mathias quotes an Antifa member named Molly: "The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible. Those are anti-Klan statutes."

Yes, they are. But the Klan was the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. And this particular group of new-Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Movement, so ... more lefties. <<​

More history revisionism would be more accurate, since both the Klan and the Nazis were, and are, far-right fascists. The very name "Antifa(scist)" kind of locks down where each entity sits.

Yet another episode in desperate denialism. Doublethink has arrived.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.
It is hilarious how you don’t see that Antifa is doing the same thing, especially in Europe. Keeping uppity white people in their place while embracing the very racist elements that they claim to be against to beat down any white person who even gets the idea that the future should include them and their children in it as well. Antifa will be as despised every bit as much as the Klan is today when I am old.

Social fascism is the only reason why the left even has power in Europe. The left has long since lost the battle of brains against the right across the continent and now relies on completely on violence and censorship to be able to hide from debate and physical retribution.
Nice "objective" link there --- from the text once it finally worked:

>> Mathias quotes an Antifa member named Molly: "The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible. Those are anti-Klan statutes."

Yes, they are. But the Klan was the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. And this particular group of new-Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Movement, so ... more lefties. <<​

More history revisionism would be more accurate, since both the Klan and the Nazis were, and are, far-right fascists. The very name "Antifa(scist)" kind of locks down where each entity sits.

Yet another episode in desperate denialism. Doublethink has arrived.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.

You respond to a post containing the word "anymore"

and cite behavior from PROHIBITION, and before.


What the fuck is your native language? "Any more", misspelled as one word, is used there as a comparator.

"You're not a rock star any more than I'm the queen of Belgium".
The general accuracy of my spelling and grammar usage on here should obviously tell you that I know very well what the difference is between the words “any” and “more” used together versus “anymore”.

That was either a typo or an autocorrect from my “smart”phone(I can’t remember which).
The Southern Strategy is a well-established fact.
The South changed from Democratic to Republican. Didn't you notice?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

n American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[4] It also helped push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

The Southern Strategy is a well established lie.

What were the supposed "strategies" to appeal to "racism" in the South?

LOL, Nixon promoted the Minority Business Development Agency, and Reagan started the Amnesty of illegal Mexicans ordeal.

The Republicans have done about as much for the White people as Democrats have... Which is virtually nothing.
Democrats have killed white people.

Republicans aren't there....yet.

Like white supremaciats have killed blacks and Jews, little uneducated child?
This discussion doesn't include brainless bitches like you.

Scurry away now.

You live in a delusional space if you think an uneducated lowlife like you should tell me to do anything.

Now go to school. Learn something. Until then save us the trouble if telling you what a loser you are.
The Southern Strategy is a well established lie.

What were the supposed "strategies" to appeal to "racism" in the South?

LOL, Nixon promoted the Minority Business Development Agency, and Reagan started the Amnesty of illegal Mexicans ordeal.

The Republicans have done about as much for the White people as Democrats have... Which is virtually nothing.
Democrats have killed white people.

Republicans aren't there....yet.

Like white supremaciats have killed blacks and Jews, little uneducated child?
This discussion doesn't include brainless bitches like you.

Scurry away now.

You live in a delusional space if you think an uneducated lowlife like you should tell me to do anything.

Now go to school. Learn something. Until then save us the trouble if telling you what a loser you are.

LOL, As if you're extremely educated, I'm calling bull on that one.
Nice "objective" link there --- from the text once it finally worked:

>> Mathias quotes an Antifa member named Molly: "The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible. Those are anti-Klan statutes."

Yes, they are. But the Klan was the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. And this particular group of new-Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Movement, so ... more lefties. <<​

More history revisionism would be more accurate, since both the Klan and the Nazis were, and are, far-right fascists. The very name "Antifa(scist)" kind of locks down where each entity sits.

Yet another episode in desperate denialism. Doublethink has arrived.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.
It is hilarious how you don’t see that Antifa is doing the same thing <snip>

They may be, but I didn't post about AntiFa, now did I. The post was about the Klan being a fascist element. Apparently you agree now since you gave up the challenge.
Nice "objective" link there --- from the text once it finally worked:

>> Mathias quotes an Antifa member named Molly: "The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible. Those are anti-Klan statutes."

Yes, they are. But the Klan was the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. And this particular group of new-Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Movement, so ... more lefties. <<​

More history revisionism would be more accurate, since both the Klan and the Nazis were, and are, far-right fascists. The very name "Antifa(scist)" kind of locks down where each entity sits.

Yet another episode in desperate denialism. Doublethink has arrived.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.

You respond to a post containing the word "anymore"

and cite behavior from PROHIBITION, and before.


What the fuck is your native language? "Any more", misspelled as one word, is used there as a comparator.

"You're not a rock star any more than I'm the queen of Belgium".
The general accuracy of my spelling and grammar usage on here should obviously tell you that I know very well what the difference is between the words “any” and “more” used together versus “anymore”.

That was either a typo or an autocorrect from my “smart”phone(I can’t remember which).

It doesn't matter; I understood it as you meant it. Purell up there didn't. Actually I'm sure he did, but he couldn't think of anything to post that didn't involve playing stupid.
Nice "objective" link there --- from the text once it finally worked:

>> Mathias quotes an Antifa member named Molly: "The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible. Those are anti-Klan statutes."

Yes, they are. But the Klan was the radical left wing of the Democratic Party. And this particular group of new-Nazis called themselves the National Socialist Movement, so ... more lefties. <<​

More history revisionism would be more accurate, since both the Klan and the Nazis were, and are, far-right fascists. The very name "Antifa(scist)" kind of locks down where each entity sits.

Yet another episode in desperate denialism. Doublethink has arrived.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.

You respond to a post containing the word "anymore"

and cite behavior from PROHIBITION, and before.


What the fuck is your native language? "Any more", misspelled as one word, is used there as a comparator.

"You're not a rock star any more than I'm the queen of Belgium".

Your attempt to deflect from your nonsense with semantics is noted and laughed at.

Prohibition ended 85 years ago.


--- And while it was on the Klan was pushing it. Which is the whole point contained in the nested posts.

Learn to English.
Except the Klan are not actually fascists anymore than Antifa is....

Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.

You respond to a post containing the word "anymore"

and cite behavior from PROHIBITION, and before.


What the fuck is your native language? "Any more", misspelled as one word, is used there as a comparator.

"You're not a rock star any more than I'm the queen of Belgium".

Your attempt to deflect from your nonsense with semantics is noted and laughed at.

Prohibition ended 85 years ago.


--- And while it was on the Klan was pushing it. Which is the whole point contained in the nested posts.

Learn to English.

Today, the Klan is a powerless fringe.

While the Left is doing things like speech codes.

IN Canada and the UK, it is ILLEGALS to say certain things about gays or muslims. You can be arrested for believing and saying something that liberals don't like.

ANd many liberals here support such controlling shit.

SO, tell me. Do you really care about assholes being controlling. Or was that just something you said, so that you could attack your enemies?
Of course it is. Not "fascist" as in a government system but in the social sense, a group of thugs who envision the world as a certain way and then go out and terrorize those who depart from their perverse vision. That's what the Klan was doing when it pulled people out of their houses and whipped them for not going to church or being drunk. That's social fascism. That's why they were so adamantly Prohibitionist --- a way of controlling social behaviour with in that case the help of the government.

The same reason they were against integration --- controlling people despite the government. That's also why they enforced the segregation that preceded integration and made the latter necessary --- controlling social behaviour with the help of the local government, and acting as Jim Crow's enforcers. When Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan in the 1940s he found that many of the local klavern were the local police. That's why taking his revelations to higher law authority wasn't effective --- systemic corruption --- and he found a much more effective avenue by writing an exposé book about it.

With the law or without it, the underlying purpose is always controlling social behaviour. The prime directive is to keep black / Jews / Catholics / immigrants / labor unions "in their place", to punish those who drank, gambled or philandered, all through intimidation. Obsession with controlling what other people are doing --- now that's what I call social fascism.

You respond to a post containing the word "anymore"

and cite behavior from PROHIBITION, and before.


What the fuck is your native language? "Any more", misspelled as one word, is used there as a comparator.

"You're not a rock star any more than I'm the queen of Belgium".

Your attempt to deflect from your nonsense with semantics is noted and laughed at.

Prohibition ended 85 years ago.


--- And while it was on the Klan was pushing it. Which is the whole point contained in the nested posts.

Learn to English.

Today, the Klan is a powerless fringe.
Powerless fringe?

You respond to a post containing the word "anymore"

and cite behavior from PROHIBITION, and before.


What the fuck is your native language? "Any more", misspelled as one word, is used there as a comparator.

"You're not a rock star any more than I'm the queen of Belgium".

Your attempt to deflect from your nonsense with semantics is noted and laughed at.

Prohibition ended 85 years ago.


--- And while it was on the Klan was pushing it. Which is the whole point contained in the nested posts.

Learn to English.

Today, the Klan is a powerless fringe.
Powerless fringe?


Yep. Standard media photo of a white supremacist rally.

NOte the close in shot, so you can't see how small the rally is.

I'm surprised you didn't find a shot, where the camera man kneels and shots up, to get a sky backdrop.

If it were a real threat, with say, thousands showing up, marching to show their power, we would see a shot from a fucking HELICOPTER, to panic people about the KLAN being on the MARCH!


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