Anti-Klan Statute Nabs a New Generation of Violent Leftists

rump put his people in charge of the departments to shut down their effectiveness. You think that is not the same as closing them down? Wow Marty, once again you prove yourself dumber than shit.

They are still doing their core jobs, they are just being cleaned up, streamlined, and turned away from bullshit progressive causes and pet projects.

Draining the swamp, motherfucker, deal with it.
Their core job is deactivating them.. Even a dumbass like you knows that is the same as closing them down.,

Yep,. dirtier air, more polluted water, more poisons dumped on our food. All great things Marty. All because the low life piece of shit you elected doesn't think corporations should spend money on those things. All fore corporate profits. I guess you have no children? At least no children you give a shit about.

Regulation is not a black/white issue. Cutting back does not equal removing. Only in your panic-driven partisan hack mind does that concept have to apply so you can work yourself up into a lather.

Show me where what Trump is doing will lead to these things, be specific. Things like the new mercury regulations made the standards too stringent at too high a cost, and had negligible actual benefits.

Shall I report you for bringing family into the discussion?

And really, cut the fake outrage about your family. Your poor artturtude towrd furture generations iswell,documented in your posts.
You dipsticks bitching about freedom of speech is just too funny..

The push towards censorship from the left is no joke.

You want to be able to use racial slurs & make bigoted posts, lie, & call people names . You called it not being politically correct..

Fuck you, you filthy liar.

No one is stopping you..

Tell it to any number of conservatives speakers, who have been prevented from speaking by violent lefty mobs, and their collaborators in administration and local politics. And be prepared to be laughed at like the moron you are.


It is you idiots that are crying when a liberal calls you out on your speech.

Your lies aren't fooling anyone, liar.

You want to spew your bullshit without repercussion.

You are the one spewing bullshit, lefty, and everyone knows it.

I have the freedom of speech to comment on your crap. Don't like it? Too fucking bad.

Nothing I have ever said, gives you a reason to think that I don't support your right to Free Speech.

That is just you being a liar.

Your claim that the left is trying to censor you morons. How? All I see if the left calling out you hste spewing Trumpettes.

Mobs rioting, protesters shouting so much that a speech is impossible, pulling fire alarms,

ALL with the local alumni working with them at varying degrees of deniability, demanding massive fees for "security" while not providing any, or just denying access to the campus,

while local cops are ordered by local dem politicians to stand down to let the violent lefty mobs attack.

For starters.

Do you need specific examples of the above? Or are you completely aware of it, and won't waste my time asking for shit you know all about?
Please. We certainly know that Republicans have never shouted down speakers. Well at least in Trump world.

How about when an attendee at a Trump rally, gets the shit beat out of them & Trump offers to pay their legal fees?

Don't pretend that you Republican Trump lovers never ever do the same shit.

Not really.

Show me the pictures of liberals not being able to speak because of the rioting mob burning shit.

Show me the pictures of the police being told to stand down and let the conservative mob attack the liberals and shut down their speech.

This ring a bell?

They are still doing their core jobs, they are just being cleaned up, streamlined, and turned away from bullshit progressive causes and pet projects.

Draining the swamp, motherfucker, deal with it.
Their core job is deactivating them.. Even a dumbass like you knows that is the same as closing them down.,

Yep,. dirtier air, more polluted water, more poisons dumped on our food. All great things Marty. All because the low life piece of shit you elected doesn't think corporations should spend money on those things. All fore corporate profits. I guess you have no children? At least no children you give a shit about.

Regulation is not a black/white issue. Cutting back does not equal removing. Only in your panic-driven partisan hack mind does that concept have to apply so you can work yourself up into a lather.

Show me where what Trump is doing will lead to these things, be specific. Things like the new mercury regulations made the standards too stringent at too high a cost, and had negligible actual benefits.

Shall I report you for bringing family into the discussion?

And really, cut the fake outrage about your family. Your poor artturtude towrd furture generations iswell,documented in your posts.
The push towards censorship from the left is no joke.

.Fuck you, you filthy liar.

.Tell it to any number of conservatives speakers, who have been prevented from speaking by violent lefty mobs, and their collaborators in administration and local politics. And be prepared to be laughed at like the moron you are.


Your lies aren't fooling anyone, liar.

You are the one spewing bullshit, lefty, and everyone knows it.

Nothing I have ever said, gives you a reason to think that I don't support your right to Free Speech.

That is just you being a liar.

Your claim that the left is trying to censor you morons. How? All I see if the left calling out you hste spewing Trumpettes.

Mobs rioting, protesters shouting so much that a speech is impossible, pulling fire alarms,

ALL with the local alumni working with them at varying degrees of deniability, demanding massive fees for "security" while not providing any, or just denying access to the campus,

while local cops are ordered by local dem politicians to stand down to let the violent lefty mobs attack.

For starters.

Do you need specific examples of the above? Or are you completely aware of it, and won't waste my time asking for shit you know all about?
Please. We certainly know that Republicans have never shouted down speakers. Well at least in Trump world.

How about when an attendee at a Trump rally, gets the shit beat out of them & Trump offers to pay their legal fees?

Don't pretend that you Republican Trump lovers never ever do the same shit.

Not really.

Show me the pictures of liberals not being able to speak because of the rioting mob burning shit.

Show me the pictures of the police being told to stand down and let the conservative mob attack the liberals and shut down their speech.

This ring a bell?


Yes. It of course, does not answer the challenge of the post you hit the reply button to post it.

THose people did not prevent anyone from speaking.

THe Police WERE told to stand down, but in the expectation that the much larger lefty mob would attack and win, not so that these ACTUAL white supremacists would.
Today, the Klan is a powerless fringe.

While the Left is doing things like speech codes.

IN Canada and the UK, it is ILLEGALS to say certain things about gays or muslims. You can be arrested for believing and saying something that liberals don't like.

ANd many liberals here support such controlling shit.

SO, tell me. Do you really care about assholes being controlling. Or was that just something you said, so that you could attack your enemies?

The very concept of Freedom of Expression is the starting point of Liberalism. So anyone you care to cite trying to curb that freedom of expression, is anti-Liberal.

The utter hypocrisy of the modern liberals, and their completely betrayal of what they supposedly stand for, has been discussed many times at length.

Hell, Bill Maher, has discussed it repeatedly.

My point stands, which I supported, stands. It is modern libs that are pushing speech codes and censor ship.


The fact that you can't tell the difference and insist on calling something its own opposite, is your problem, not that of the term you're abusing.

The fact that you think that the definition of liberal, trumps the actions of modern liberals, is funny.

People are defined by their actions. Liberals today, are acting in a way opposite to their label.

It is hard to credit that you are unaware of this.

It does not go unnoticed that you're backing away from your own ridiculous misread about time periods and what defines 'fascist' behavior. I'll accept your concession as soon as you admit you just made it. Again, since the Klan was first founded over 150 years ago, citing some of its behavior from 85 years ago is one would have to say well within range, is it not?

In discussing people's and groups' actions TODAY, citing behavior from 85 years ago, is not within range.

You dipsticks bitching about freedom of speech is just too funny..

The push towards censorship from the left is no joke.

You want to be able to use racial slurs & make bigoted posts, lie, & call people names . You called it not being politically correct..

Fuck you, you filthy liar.

No one is stopping you..

Tell it to any number of conservatives speakers, who have been prevented from speaking by violent lefty mobs, and their collaborators in administration and local politics. And be prepared to be laughed at like the moron you are.


It is you idiots that are crying when a liberal calls you out on your speech.

Your lies aren't fooling anyone, liar.

You want to spew your bullshit without repercussion.

You are the one spewing bullshit, lefty, and everyone knows it.

I have the freedom of speech to comment on your crap. Don't like it? Too fucking bad.

Nothing I have ever said, gives you a reason to think that I don't support your right to Free Speech.

That is just you being a liar.

Your claim that the left is trying to censor you morons. How? All I see if the left calling out you hste spewing Trumpettes.
Your first statement has nothing to do with nazis. The Nazis actually capped corporate profits to support the war industry.

Calling the press out is not silencing them. When websites start going down and offices get raided, then you have a point. until then, nope.

Trump is cleaning up departments that have far too many regulations. If you look at the history of Nazi Germany, they were HUGE fans of increased regulations, partly to placate workers, and partly to regulate the war economy.

None of "this shit" has anything to do with Nazism. Unless of course you are one of those room temperature IQ wankers who equate anything you don't like to "Nazi Nazi Nazi!"

rump put his people in charge of the departments to shut down their effectiveness. You think that is not the same as closing them down? Wow Marty, once again you prove yourself dumber than shit.

They are still doing their core jobs, they are just being cleaned up, streamlined, and turned away from bullshit progressive causes and pet projects.

Draining the swamp, motherfucker, deal with it.
Their core job is deactivating them.. Even a dumbass like you knows that is the same as closing them down.,

Yep,. dirtier air, more polluted water, more poisons dumped on our food. All great things Marty. All because the low life piece of shit you elected doesn't think corporations should spend money on those things. All fore corporate profits. I guess you have no children? At least no children you give a shit about.

Regulation is not a black/white issue. Cutting back does not equal removing. Only in your panic-driven partisan hack mind does that concept have to apply so you can work yourself up into a lather.

Show me where what Trump is doing will lead to these things, be specific. Things like the new mercury regulations made the standards too stringent at too high a cost, and had negligible actual benefits.

Shall I report you for bringing family into the discussion?

Either you regulate at a certain level or not. That is black & white.

Trump is rolling back regulations that protect our environment & our workers. He claims it is a burden to the poor poor corporations. So by removing them,. corporations would no longer follow those rules & the environment & all who reside in it suffer.

If you have no idea what has been done, quit posting until you become better informed.

23 Environmental Rules Rolled Back in Trump’s First 100 Days

We have been regulating not to control certain industries, but to make them so expensive to perform that they die out. It's a cuck way of banning things without banning them.

Your first one is a pipeline approval, so your list is shit.

and none of the points have any links to what was actually changed, so its basically made up.

Nice try you commie cuck.
No, he isn't. they are not silencing in any way. and their reputation is being tarnished by their own partisan actions, not by Trump.

Trump lies like any other politician, but a different flavor than progressive lying.

And his lies have never directly hurt me. Obama's one big lie sure as hell did.

Fascism/Nazism is the same thing. One of a form of the other, and have been used interchangeably.

Trump does something sdupid, the press reports it. It has nothing to do with partisanship.

Name some news story that were really "Fake News"? Lets see just how duped you really are.

What "big lie" hurt you Marty & please don't blame Obama because you chose a plan that did not include your doctor.

How many of the current headlines about Trump are based on hard evidence, vs. those that are solely based on "unnamed sources?"

THAT is the crux of 'fake news", it's the use of rumor and reports and presenting them as actual fact when making a story.

No, they changed my plan because of the new Obamacare rules. They made PPO's so expensive due to the rules I had to switch to a high deductible plan.

OK, so you have no examples.

The press has always used unnamed sources. Funny chit though, most have come true.

Reporting on Stormy Daniels. I guess you think that is Fake News?
Reporting on the women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct. I guess you call that Fake News.

The truth is, Marty, you believe that orange proven liar instead of the press. Why is that Marty? Are you really that stupid?

You & your horde of morons had a fit about Benghazi & E-mails, the press reported on this with un-named sources, Where the fuck were you then???????? I'll tell you where you weren't - running in circles screaming Fake News you hypocritical little shit.

There is a difference between using unnamed sources and treating them as fact.

What hard evidence is actually out there on the Stormy Daniels thing?

Can you find a post I made about Benghazi?

and as for a "fake news" link

CNN botches dates, inaccurately reports Trump campaign had WikiLeaks sneak peek

So, Marty, you never posted about Benghazi? Did you post how it was fake news? Why not? That is my point.

It is fact that Trump's lawyer whom Trump said was representing him, paid Daniels $130,000.00. We have the agreement.

As for your example, news gets things wrong sometimes & they admit it when it is discovered.

it always seems they get it wrong in the "make Trump look bad direction" over and over and over.....

You have no point, you waste of carbon and oxygen.
Your first statement has nothing to do with nazis. The Nazis actually capped corporate profits to support the war industry.

Calling the press out is not silencing them. When websites start going down and offices get raided, then you have a point. until then, nope.

Trump is cleaning up departments that have far too many regulations. If you look at the history of Nazi Germany, they were HUGE fans of increased regulations, partly to placate workers, and partly to regulate the war economy.

None of "this shit" has anything to do with Nazism. Unless of course you are one of those room temperature IQ wankers who equate anything you don't like to "Nazi Nazi Nazi!"

rump put his people in charge of the departments to shut down their effectiveness. You think that is not the same as closing them down? Wow Marty, once again you prove yourself dumber than shit.

They are still doing their core jobs, they are just being cleaned up, streamlined, and turned away from bullshit progressive causes and pet projects.

Draining the swamp, motherfucker, deal with it.
Their core job is deactivating them.. Even a dumbass like you knows that is the same as closing them down.,

Yep,. dirtier air, more polluted water, more poisons dumped on our food. All great things Marty. All because the low life piece of shit you elected doesn't think corporations should spend money on those things. All fore corporate profits. I guess you have no children? At least no children you give a shit about.

Regulation is not a black/white issue. Cutting back does not equal removing. Only in your panic-driven partisan hack mind does that concept have to apply so you can work yourself up into a lather.

Show me where what Trump is doing will lead to these things, be specific. Things like the new mercury regulations made the standards too stringent at too high a cost, and had negligible actual benefits.

Shall I report you for bringing family into the discussion?

And really, cut the fake outrage about your family. Your poor artturtude towrd furture generations iswell,documented in your posts.
The utter hypocrisy of the modern liberals, and their completely betrayal of what they supposedly stand for, has been discussed many times at length.

Hell, Bill Maher, has discussed it repeatedly.

My point stands, which I supported, stands. It is modern libs that are pushing speech codes and censor ship.


The fact that you think that the definition of liberal, trumps the actions of modern liberals, is funny.

People are defined by their actions. Liberals today, are acting in a way opposite to their label.

It is hard to credit that you are unaware of this.

In discussing people's and groups' actions TODAY, citing behavior from 85 years ago, is not within range.

You dipsticks bitching about freedom of speech is just too funny..

The push towards censorship from the left is no joke.

You want to be able to use racial slurs & make bigoted posts, lie, & call people names . You called it not being politically correct..

Fuck you, you filthy liar.

No one is stopping you..

Tell it to any number of conservatives speakers, who have been prevented from speaking by violent lefty mobs, and their collaborators in administration and local politics. And be prepared to be laughed at like the moron you are.


It is you idiots that are crying when a liberal calls you out on your speech.

Your lies aren't fooling anyone, liar.

You want to spew your bullshit without repercussion.

You are the one spewing bullshit, lefty, and everyone knows it.

I have the freedom of speech to comment on your crap. Don't like it? Too fucking bad.

Nothing I have ever said, gives you a reason to think that I don't support your right to Free Speech.

That is just you being a liar.

Your claim that the left is trying to censor you morons. How? All I see if the left calling out you hste spewing Trumpettes.

Mobs rioting, protesters shouting so much that a speech is impossible, pulling fire alarms,

ALL with the local alumni working with them at varying degrees of deniability, demanding massive fees for "security" while not providing any, or just denying access to the campus,

while local cops are ordered by local dem politicians to stand down to let the violent lefty mobs attack.

For starters.

Do you need specific examples of the above? Or are you completely aware of it, and won't waste my time asking for shit you know all about?
Please. We certainly know that Republicans have never shouted down speakers. Well at least in Trump world.

How about when an attendee at a Trump rally, gets the shit beat out of them & Trump offers to pay their legal fees?

Don't pretend that you Republican Trump lovers never ever do the same shit.

What a fucking weasel you are.

And I have a feeling you are a JoeBlow sock, because only that twat double replies.

Called out, bitch.
rump put his people in charge of the departments to shut down their effectiveness. You think that is not the same as closing them down? Wow Marty, once again you prove yourself dumber than shit.

They are still doing their core jobs, they are just being cleaned up, streamlined, and turned away from bullshit progressive causes and pet projects.

Draining the swamp, motherfucker, deal with it.
Their core job is deactivating them.. Even a dumbass like you knows that is the same as closing them down.,

Yep,. dirtier air, more polluted water, more poisons dumped on our food. All great things Marty. All because the low life piece of shit you elected doesn't think corporations should spend money on those things. All fore corporate profits. I guess you have no children? At least no children you give a shit about.

Regulation is not a black/white issue. Cutting back does not equal removing. Only in your panic-driven partisan hack mind does that concept have to apply so you can work yourself up into a lather.

Show me where what Trump is doing will lead to these things, be specific. Things like the new mercury regulations made the standards too stringent at too high a cost, and had negligible actual benefits.

Shall I report you for bringing family into the discussion?

And really, cut the fake outrage about your family. Your poor artturtude towrd furture generations iswell,documented in your posts.
You dipsticks bitching about freedom of speech is just too funny..

The push towards censorship from the left is no joke.

You want to be able to use racial slurs & make bigoted posts, lie, & call people names . You called it not being politically correct..

Fuck you, you filthy liar.

No one is stopping you..

Tell it to any number of conservatives speakers, who have been prevented from speaking by violent lefty mobs, and their collaborators in administration and local politics. And be prepared to be laughed at like the moron you are.


It is you idiots that are crying when a liberal calls you out on your speech.

Your lies aren't fooling anyone, liar.

You want to spew your bullshit without repercussion.

You are the one spewing bullshit, lefty, and everyone knows it.

I have the freedom of speech to comment on your crap. Don't like it? Too fucking bad.

Nothing I have ever said, gives you a reason to think that I don't support your right to Free Speech.

That is just you being a liar.

Your claim that the left is trying to censor you morons. How? All I see if the left calling out you hste spewing Trumpettes.

Mobs rioting, protesters shouting so much that a speech is impossible, pulling fire alarms,

ALL with the local alumni working with them at varying degrees of deniability, demanding massive fees for "security" while not providing any, or just denying access to the campus,

while local cops are ordered by local dem politicians to stand down to let the violent lefty mobs attack.

For starters.

Do you need specific examples of the above? Or are you completely aware of it, and won't waste my time asking for shit you know all about?
Please. We certainly know that Republicans have never shouted down speakers. Well at least in Trump world.

How about when an attendee at a Trump rally, gets the shit beat out of them & Trump offers to pay their legal fees?

Don't pretend that you Republican Trump lovers never ever do the same shit.

What a fucking weasel you are.

And I have a feeling you are a JoeBlow sock, because only that twat double replies.

Called out, bitch.
Called out? Realky Marty. What are you 8 yrears old.
Trump does something sdupid, the press reports it. It has nothing to do with partisanship.

Name some news story that were really "Fake News"? Lets see just how duped you really are.

What "big lie" hurt you Marty & please don't blame Obama because you chose a plan that did not include your doctor.

How many of the current headlines about Trump are based on hard evidence, vs. those that are solely based on "unnamed sources?"

THAT is the crux of 'fake news", it's the use of rumor and reports and presenting them as actual fact when making a story.

No, they changed my plan because of the new Obamacare rules. They made PPO's so expensive due to the rules I had to switch to a high deductible plan.

OK, so you have no examples.

The press has always used unnamed sources. Funny chit though, most have come true.

Reporting on Stormy Daniels. I guess you think that is Fake News?
Reporting on the women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct. I guess you call that Fake News.

The truth is, Marty, you believe that orange proven liar instead of the press. Why is that Marty? Are you really that stupid?

You & your horde of morons had a fit about Benghazi & E-mails, the press reported on this with un-named sources, Where the fuck were you then???????? I'll tell you where you weren't - running in circles screaming Fake News you hypocritical little shit.

There is a difference between using unnamed sources and treating them as fact.

What hard evidence is actually out there on the Stormy Daniels thing?

Can you find a post I made about Benghazi?

and as for a "fake news" link

CNN botches dates, inaccurately reports Trump campaign had WikiLeaks sneak peek

So, Marty, you never posted about Benghazi? Did you post how it was fake news? Why not? That is my point.

It is fact that Trump's lawyer whom Trump said was representing him, paid Daniels $130,000.00. We have the agreement.

As for your example, news gets things wrong sometimes & they admit it when it is discovered.

it always seems they get it wrong in the "make Trump look bad direction" over and over and over.....

You have no point, you waste of carbon and oxygen.

I guess reporting on Story Daniels was what? You said fake news.

You were crying on how thew press is making it up. Now we know your orange buddy lied about the hush money.

Defend that , asshole.
They are still doing their core jobs, they are just being cleaned up, streamlined, and turned away from bullshit progressive causes and pet projects.

Draining the swamp, motherfucker, deal with it.
Their core job is deactivating them.. Even a dumbass like you knows that is the same as closing them down.,

Yep,. dirtier air, more polluted water, more poisons dumped on our food. All great things Marty. All because the low life piece of shit you elected doesn't think corporations should spend money on those things. All fore corporate profits. I guess you have no children? At least no children you give a shit about.

Regulation is not a black/white issue. Cutting back does not equal removing. Only in your panic-driven partisan hack mind does that concept have to apply so you can work yourself up into a lather.

Show me where what Trump is doing will lead to these things, be specific. Things like the new mercury regulations made the standards too stringent at too high a cost, and had negligible actual benefits.

Shall I report you for bringing family into the discussion?

And really, cut the fake outrage about your family. Your poor artturtude towrd furture generations iswell,documented in your posts.
The push towards censorship from the left is no joke.

.Fuck you, you filthy liar.

.Tell it to any number of conservatives speakers, who have been prevented from speaking by violent lefty mobs, and their collaborators in administration and local politics. And be prepared to be laughed at like the moron you are.


Your lies aren't fooling anyone, liar.

You are the one spewing bullshit, lefty, and everyone knows it.

Nothing I have ever said, gives you a reason to think that I don't support your right to Free Speech.

That is just you being a liar.

Your claim that the left is trying to censor you morons. How? All I see if the left calling out you hste spewing Trumpettes.

Mobs rioting, protesters shouting so much that a speech is impossible, pulling fire alarms,

ALL with the local alumni working with them at varying degrees of deniability, demanding massive fees for "security" while not providing any, or just denying access to the campus,

while local cops are ordered by local dem politicians to stand down to let the violent lefty mobs attack.

For starters.

Do you need specific examples of the above? Or are you completely aware of it, and won't waste my time asking for shit you know all about?
Please. We certainly know that Republicans have never shouted down speakers. Well at least in Trump world.

How about when an attendee at a Trump rally, gets the shit beat out of them & Trump offers to pay their legal fees?

Don't pretend that you Republican Trump lovers never ever do the same shit.

What a fucking weasel you are.

And I have a feeling you are a JoeBlow sock, because only that twat double replies.

Called out, bitch.
Called out? Realky Marty. What are you 8 yrears old.

How many of the current headlines about Trump are based on hard evidence, vs. those that are solely based on "unnamed sources?"

THAT is the crux of 'fake news", it's the use of rumor and reports and presenting them as actual fact when making a story.

No, they changed my plan because of the new Obamacare rules. They made PPO's so expensive due to the rules I had to switch to a high deductible plan.

OK, so you have no examples.

The press has always used unnamed sources. Funny chit though, most have come true.

Reporting on Stormy Daniels. I guess you think that is Fake News?
Reporting on the women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct. I guess you call that Fake News.

The truth is, Marty, you believe that orange proven liar instead of the press. Why is that Marty? Are you really that stupid?

You & your horde of morons had a fit about Benghazi & E-mails, the press reported on this with un-named sources, Where the fuck were you then???????? I'll tell you where you weren't - running in circles screaming Fake News you hypocritical little shit.

There is a difference between using unnamed sources and treating them as fact.

What hard evidence is actually out there on the Stormy Daniels thing?

Can you find a post I made about Benghazi?

and as for a "fake news" link

CNN botches dates, inaccurately reports Trump campaign had WikiLeaks sneak peek

So, Marty, you never posted about Benghazi? Did you post how it was fake news? Why not? That is my point.

It is fact that Trump's lawyer whom Trump said was representing him, paid Daniels $130,000.00. We have the agreement.

As for your example, news gets things wrong sometimes & they admit it when it is discovered.

it always seems they get it wrong in the "make Trump look bad direction" over and over and over.....

You have no point, you waste of carbon and oxygen.

I guess reporting on Story Daniels was what? You said fake news.

You were crying on how thew press is making it up. Now we know your orange buddy lied about the hush money.

Defend that , asshole.

No, what I am saying is we don't have any actual information, just anonymous sources and half assed statements from all sides.

Yet you morons treat any anti-trump information as gospel regardless of it's veracity.
OK, so you have no examples.

The press has always used unnamed sources. Funny chit though, most have come true.

Reporting on Stormy Daniels. I guess you think that is Fake News?
Reporting on the women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct. I guess you call that Fake News.

The truth is, Marty, you believe that orange proven liar instead of the press. Why is that Marty? Are you really that stupid?

You & your horde of morons had a fit about Benghazi & E-mails, the press reported on this with un-named sources, Where the fuck were you then???????? I'll tell you where you weren't - running in circles screaming Fake News you hypocritical little shit.

There is a difference between using unnamed sources and treating them as fact.

What hard evidence is actually out there on the Stormy Daniels thing?

Can you find a post I made about Benghazi?

and as for a "fake news" link

CNN botches dates, inaccurately reports Trump campaign had WikiLeaks sneak peek

So, Marty, you never posted about Benghazi? Did you post how it was fake news? Why not? That is my point.

It is fact that Trump's lawyer whom Trump said was representing him, paid Daniels $130,000.00. We have the agreement.

As for your example, news gets things wrong sometimes & they admit it when it is discovered.

it always seems they get it wrong in the "make Trump look bad direction" over and over and over.....

You have no point, you waste of carbon and oxygen.

I guess reporting on Story Daniels was what? You said fake news.

You were crying on how thew press is making it up. Now we know your orange buddy lied about the hush money.

Defend that , asshole.

No, what I am saying is we don't have any actual information, just anonymous sources and half assed statements from all sides.

Yet you morons treat any anti-trump information as gospel regardless of it's veracity.

But they turn out to be true.

I know how much youb hate it but the press does not haveto divulge their sources.

Trump has you so duped, you believe him over the press. Feeble minded people like you are dangerous & how we got Trump as President.
Regulation is not a black/white issue. Cutting back does not equal removing. Only in your panic-driven partisan hack mind does that concept have to apply so you can work yourself up into a lather.

Show me where what Trump is doing will lead to these things, be specific. Things like the new mercury regulations made the standards too stringent at too high a cost, and had negligible actual benefits.

Shall I report you for bringing family into the discussion?

And really, cut the fake outrage about your family. Your poor artturtude towrd furture generations iswell,documented in your posts.
Mobs rioting, protesters shouting so much that a speech is impossible, pulling fire alarms,

ALL with the local alumni working with them at varying degrees of deniability, demanding massive fees for "security" while not providing any, or just denying access to the campus,

while local cops are ordered by local dem politicians to stand down to let the violent lefty mobs attack.

For starters.

Do you need specific examples of the above? Or are you completely aware of it, and won't waste my time asking for shit you know all about?
Please. We certainly know that Republicans have never shouted down speakers. Well at least in Trump world.

How about when an attendee at a Trump rally, gets the shit beat out of them & Trump offers to pay their legal fees?

Don't pretend that you Republican Trump lovers never ever do the same shit.

Not really.

Show me the pictures of liberals not being able to speak because of the rioting mob burning shit.

Show me the pictures of the police being told to stand down and let the conservative mob attack the liberals and shut down their speech.

This ring a bell?


Yes. It of course, does not answer the challenge of the post you hit the reply button to post it.

THose people did not prevent anyone from speaking.

THe Police WERE told to stand down, but in the expectation that the much larger lefty mob would attack and win, not so that these ACTUAL white supremacists would.

Well you keep cheering for your buddy Nazis. They are disgusarting pieces of shit that supporet Trump. That should tell you something. But it doesn't. You love it. You love the white supremacy.

What kind of asshole thinks 5 nazi fuckers pounding on a down black man is winning?

NOTHING in my post, can reasonably, hell, can SANELY be called "cheering" for Nazis, so that's crazy talk on your part.

And really, nothing but calling people you don't like, Nazis.

I don't understand, why it is ok for vile lefties like you to say shit, that is really nothing but an personal insult, and it is "wrong" of me to respond with personal insults.

Do I really have to pretend that being called a "nazi" by some asshole, is a valid political point that should be taken seriously and responded to civilly?

What a load of shit.
There is a difference between using unnamed sources and treating them as fact.

What hard evidence is actually out there on the Stormy Daniels thing?

Can you find a post I made about Benghazi?

and as for a "fake news" link

CNN botches dates, inaccurately reports Trump campaign had WikiLeaks sneak peek

So, Marty, you never posted about Benghazi? Did you post how it was fake news? Why not? That is my point.

It is fact that Trump's lawyer whom Trump said was representing him, paid Daniels $130,000.00. We have the agreement.

As for your example, news gets things wrong sometimes & they admit it when it is discovered.

it always seems they get it wrong in the "make Trump look bad direction" over and over and over.....

You have no point, you waste of carbon and oxygen.

I guess reporting on Story Daniels was what? You said fake news.

You were crying on how thew press is making it up. Now we know your orange buddy lied about the hush money.

Defend that , asshole.

No, what I am saying is we don't have any actual information, just anonymous sources and half assed statements from all sides.

Yet you morons treat any anti-trump information as gospel regardless of it's veracity.

But they turn out to be true.

I know how much youb hate it but the press does not haveto divulge their sources.

Trump has you so duped, you believe him over the press. Feeble minded people like you are dangerous & how we got Trump as President.

That's fucking funny. You morons believe anything if it bashes Trump. It's all you have. "maybe, could, might, reportedly, etc...."

And really, cut the fake outrage about your family. Your poor artturtude towrd furture generations iswell,documented in your posts.
Please. We certainly know that Republicans have never shouted down speakers. Well at least in Trump world.

How about when an attendee at a Trump rally, gets the shit beat out of them & Trump offers to pay their legal fees?

Don't pretend that you Republican Trump lovers never ever do the same shit.

Not really.

Show me the pictures of liberals not being able to speak because of the rioting mob burning shit.

Show me the pictures of the police being told to stand down and let the conservative mob attack the liberals and shut down their speech.

This ring a bell?


Yes. It of course, does not answer the challenge of the post you hit the reply button to post it.

THose people did not prevent anyone from speaking.

THe Police WERE told to stand down, but in the expectation that the much larger lefty mob would attack and win, not so that these ACTUAL white supremacists would.

Well you keep cheering for your buddy Nazis. They are disgusarting pieces of shit that supporet Trump. That should tell you something. But it doesn't. You love it. You love the white supremacy.

What kind of asshole thinks 5 nazi fuckers pounding on a down black man is winning?

NOTHING in my post, can reasonably, hell, can SANELY be called "cheering" for Nazis, so that's crazy talk on your part.

And really, nothing but calling people you don't like, Nazis.

I don't understand, why it is ok for vile lefties like you to say shit, that is really nothing but an personal insult, and it is "wrong" of me to respond with personal insults.

Do I really have to pretend that being called a "nazi" by some asshole, is a valid political point that should be taken seriously and responded to civilly?

What a load of shit.

Really, why is it you Trumpettes post something & then deny it?

You said the police were ordered to shut down but the Nazis won as if you were glad to see the so called "leftists" ( To Trumpettes these are people that are against discrimination & racism) get beat.

You said it.

We are talking about the white supremacist taking the nazi flag & offering the nazi salute.

I call them Nazis. You call them good people.
So, Marty, you never posted about Benghazi? Did you post how it was fake news? Why not? That is my point.

It is fact that Trump's lawyer whom Trump said was representing him, paid Daniels $130,000.00. We have the agreement.

As for your example, news gets things wrong sometimes & they admit it when it is discovered.

it always seems they get it wrong in the "make Trump look bad direction" over and over and over.....

You have no point, you waste of carbon and oxygen.

I guess reporting on Story Daniels was what? You said fake news.

You were crying on how thew press is making it up. Now we know your orange buddy lied about the hush money.

Defend that , asshole.

No, what I am saying is we don't have any actual information, just anonymous sources and half assed statements from all sides.

Yet you morons treat any anti-trump information as gospel regardless of it's veracity.

But they turn out to be true.

I know how much youb hate it but the press does not haveto divulge their sources.

Trump has you so duped, you believe him over the press. Feeble minded people like you are dangerous & how we got Trump as President.

That's fucking funny. You morons believe anything if it bashes Trump. It's all you have. "maybe, could, might, reportedly, etc...."


And you fuckwads still slobber all over Trump even though he is proven to be a liar.

He made up his health report. He did it to dupe you. And you love it. What the fuck is that.
it always seems they get it wrong in the "make Trump look bad direction" over and over and over.....

You have no point, you waste of carbon and oxygen.

I guess reporting on Story Daniels was what? You said fake news.

You were crying on how thew press is making it up. Now we know your orange buddy lied about the hush money.

Defend that , asshole.

No, what I am saying is we don't have any actual information, just anonymous sources and half assed statements from all sides.

Yet you morons treat any anti-trump information as gospel regardless of it's veracity.

But they turn out to be true.

I know how much youb hate it but the press does not haveto divulge their sources.

Trump has you so duped, you believe him over the press. Feeble minded people like you are dangerous & how we got Trump as President.

That's fucking funny. You morons believe anything if it bashes Trump. It's all you have. "maybe, could, might, reportedly, etc...."


And you fuckwads still slobber all over Trump even though he is proven to be a liar.

He made up his health report. He did it to dupe you. And you love it. What the fuck is that.

Obama said I could keep my plan, I wasn't able to.

All politicians lie, you just ignore the ones you like.
Not really.

Show me the pictures of liberals not being able to speak because of the rioting mob burning shit.

Show me the pictures of the police being told to stand down and let the conservative mob attack the liberals and shut down their speech.

This ring a bell?


Yes. It of course, does not answer the challenge of the post you hit the reply button to post it.

THose people did not prevent anyone from speaking.

THe Police WERE told to stand down, but in the expectation that the much larger lefty mob would attack and win, not so that these ACTUAL white supremacists would.

Well you keep cheering for your buddy Nazis. They are disgusarting pieces of shit that supporet Trump. That should tell you something. But it doesn't. You love it. You love the white supremacy.

What kind of asshole thinks 5 nazi fuckers pounding on a down black man is winning?

NOTHING in my post, can reasonably, hell, can SANELY be called "cheering" for Nazis, so that's crazy talk on your part.

And really, nothing but calling people you don't like, Nazis.

I don't understand, why it is ok for vile lefties like you to say shit, that is really nothing but an personal insult, and it is "wrong" of me to respond with personal insults.

Do I really have to pretend that being called a "nazi" by some asshole, is a valid political point that should be taken seriously and responded to civilly?

What a load of shit.

Really, why is it you Trumpettes post something & then deny it?

You said the police were ordered to shut down but the Nazis won as if you were glad to see the so called "leftists" ( To Trumpettes these are people that are against discrimination & racism) get beat..

Wow. That's not at all what I said, or implied at all. Your reading comprehension is terrible.

My point was that it is wrong to tell the cops to stand down so that your larger mob of street thugs can attack and win.

THat is ACTUALLY the type of shit, that ACTUAL nazis did. And do today.

You said it.

We are talking about the white supremacist taking the nazi flag & offering the nazi salute.

I call them Nazis. You call them good people.

No one called them good people, not me, not the President. AND you know that.

You are a vile lying piece of shit, and my question stands.

Am I really supposed to take someone calling me a Nazi, like it is a real point, instead of just an asshole insulting me for no reason?

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