Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Here's what he's talking about -- the "morality clause".

except there is absolutely no "morality clause "in this instance. If anything the morality standards are on the side of PR :lol:

When you cut the post off there and stop reading, you gonna look really really stupid. As you just did.

"Morality clause" is a legal term as the rest of the post explained. Apparently one that flew over your head. Why don't you just go back to "libtards yammer yammer libtards yammer yammer"?

I don't need the lengthy explanation to understand where it applies or not. I read your post, it is just more convenient to answer to one line if the answer is not lengthy.
Because there is no morality clause in what PR said.

and I do not say LIBtards. Our leftard nazis are NOT LIBERAL. they are leftist retards.

Pay attention next time :lol:
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Report: A&E CEO Suspended Robertson for Sake of Gay Employees

A&E CEO Nancy Dubuc suspended Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for spouting off on gays partly because her LGBT employees were livid, according to a report from TMZ.

Dubuc felt compelled to take action out of respect for her numerous LGBT employees, including those directly involved with Duck Dynasty, angered by Robertson's comments in GQ. That may be true, but reports also indicate A&E has long been aware of Robertson's extreme far-right views on minorities, which include sweeping generalizations on African-Americans and extreme vitriol against gays; he called the latter sinful, God-less murderers in a 2010 "sermon." Another report indicated the network is hoping the scandal blows over so they can get a few more years out of the cash cow, which is not only a ratings winner, but a merchandising juggernaut.

Regardless of the intention, Dubuc is incurring much blowback, including death threats, from conservative viewers who agree with Robertson's views. No final announcement on Robertson's employment or the future of the show has been made.

Cute how the lumps together the normal backlash being recieved by A&E with the smattering of death threats, and make it look like ALL who are pissed at this not only agree 100% with robinson, but are in cahoots with those making said death threats.

Standard liberal smear tactics.

Making excuses for death threats, standard conservative tactic.

Who is making excuses? The people who did it, if caught, should be punished as applicable by law. What you are trying to do is relate my position and the position of others on this issue with support of those making said threats.

Again, you don't have any logic to back your position up, so you resort to attempted "gotcha's" and generalizations.

Once again, I win.
Lets be real, the Corporations want to own you. In fact, i would say to a great extent they already do. They truly feel if they're paying you, they own you both professionally and personally. It's a disturbing trend in America. They use the old "Well, once you agreed to work here, you agreed to our approval or disapproval of all your professional and personal decisions." So what does Constitutional Freedom really mean these days?

If you have to sign all your rights away to be employed, are you really free? I mean, we have to work right? Americans need to contemplate whether or not they want to give so much power & control to their employers. Is it only gonna be, you either be employed and be a slave, or be unemployed and preserve your Freedom & Liberty? It's something all Americans better start contemplating.

Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.

I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

Employers are only complying with Federal Anti discrimination statues.

If there's a queer, or midgit, or negro in the workplace, then don't say anything that will make them uncomfortable. Frankly, this seems to be a pretty simple policy to follow, unless you are from a culture that practices discrimination (Duck Dynasty pushes the envelope). What is astonishing to me is that DD is especially discriminatory toward women (as one would expect from those that adhere to the Old Testament), yet there is no PC backlash.


NOW is not as sensative about this sort of discrimination? Women are protrayed as being Homemakers with their proper place being in the kitchen, tending to children (including their husbands), and NOW is silent? Could we imagine this reaction in 1975? I think not.

Clearly, there is an evolutionary process through which these minority groups mature, and eventually seperate the silly from the serious indescretion.
Surprisingly it's considered just terrible that A&E is getting death threats, when death threats against Melissa Klein was a reasonable reaction, including threats to kill her children.
A&E should have simply stated these were this man's opinions, and not their own. Then they should have let it go and moved on. If gays want to get outraged and Boycott, so be it. Too much outrage can often force unintended results. And i think gays are beginning to see that. The backlash against their outrage has been pretty substantial. Time to turn the page. Time to move on.

Report: A&E CEO Suspended Robertson for Sake of Gay Employees

A&E CEO Nancy Dubuc suspended Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for spouting off on gays partly because her LGBT employees were livid, according to a report from TMZ.

Dubuc felt compelled to take action out of respect for her numerous LGBT employees, including those directly involved with Duck Dynasty, angered by Robertson's comments in GQ. That may be true, but reports also indicate A&E has long been aware of Robertson's extreme far-right views on minorities, which include sweeping generalizations on African-Americans and extreme vitriol against gays; he called the latter sinful, God-less murderers in a 2010 "sermon." Another report indicated the network is hoping the scandal blows over so they can get a few more years out of the cash cow, which is not only a ratings winner, but a merchandising juggernaut.

Regardless of the intention, Dubuc is incurring much blowback, including death threats, from conservative viewers who agree with Robertson's views. No final announcement on Robertson's employment or the future of the show has been made.
A&E knew exactly who they had contracted when the show was formulated. It is, after all, a reality show. The contract, to the best of my knowledge, never stipulated that the Robertsons could not voice their own opinions especially off the show. It's a bit like a recording company suspending a contract of a rapper for using words like "hoe" and "nigga".

Stupid and hypocritical are words that describe A&E management, whinny and petulant for GLAAD.
Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.

I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

Employers are only complying with Federal Anti discrimination statues.

If there's a queer, or midgit, or negro in the workplace, then don't say anything that will make them uncomfortable. Frankly, this seems to be a pretty simple policy to follow, unless you are from a culture that practices discrimination (Duck Dynasty pushes the envelope). What is astonishing to me is that DD is especially discriminatory toward women (as one would expect from those that adhere to the Old Testament), yet there is no PC backlash.


NOW is not as sensative about this sort of discrimination? Women are protrayed as being Homemakers with their proper place being in the kitchen, tending to children (including their husbands), and NOW is silent? Could we imagine this reaction in 1975? I think not.

Clearly, there is an evolutionary process through which these minority groups mature, and eventually seperate the silly from the serious indescretion.

How bizarre! You don't watch that show do you? Grandmother Miss Kay spends her time in the kitchen, when she's not dragging the family bowling or furniture shopping. The other women are all depicted as working at the executive jobs they normally do!

There was one particularly "pro woman" episode in which the women had designed an apron for Miss Kay, and the only one who knew how to operate a sewing machine was Uncle Si.
Seriously Mac, what about this Duckfuck thing has you so riled up? He said something some found offensive and they called him on it. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Nobody wants to legislate his speech. Hell, nobody I've heard even called for the asshole to be suspended or fired so what's your beef with this? Who do you think has "gone too far"?

Apparently that's not at all how it's supposed to work. See, Phil is allowed to say whatever he wants. You can't tell him what to say or not say. Because you can't say whatever you want. Because Mac and TemplarKormac are allowed to tell you what to say or not say. See, when Templar does it, it benefits everyone. That's different than when you do it. If you do it, nobody benefits. Oh, and Mac is God, so he just does what he wants and it always makes sense, even when it doesn't make sense. Kinda like the whole love thy neighbor/kill the gays thing when your neighbor turns out to be gay. Killing the gay is loving thy neighbor.
There is nothing wrong with people calling Phil a jerk, an asshole, or whatever. What GLAAD is doing, is going to the next step via making threats about the economic well-being of A&E if GLAAD does not get thier way.

And did you object to any of the conservative boycotts that have been launched in the past several years?
I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

Employers are only complying with Federal Anti discrimination statues.

If there's a queer, or midgit, or negro in the workplace, then don't say anything that will make them uncomfortable. Frankly, this seems to be a pretty simple policy to follow, unless you are from a culture that practices discrimination (Duck Dynasty pushes the envelope). What is astonishing to me is that DD is especially discriminatory toward women (as one would expect from those that adhere to the Old Testament), yet there is no PC backlash.


NOW is not as sensative about this sort of discrimination? Women are protrayed as being Homemakers with their proper place being in the kitchen, tending to children (including their husbands), and NOW is silent? Could we imagine this reaction in 1975? I think not.

Clearly, there is an evolutionary process through which these minority groups mature, and eventually seperate the silly from the serious indescretion.

How bizarre! You don't watch that show do you? Grandmother Miss Kay spends her time in the kitchen, when she's not dragging the family bowling or furniture shopping. The other women are all depicted as working at the executive jobs they normally do!

There was one particularly "pro woman" episode in which the women had designed an apron for Miss Kay, and the only one who knew how to operate a sewing machine was Uncle Si.

Maybe the show will throw Queers a bone (pun intended).

A&E could introduce a new employee that would produce Gay Male Inspired Duck Calls.


I'll not speculate further.
NOW is not as sensative about this sort of discrimination? Women are protrayed as being Homemakers with their proper place being in the kitchen, tending to children (including their husbands), and NOW is silent? Could we imagine this reaction in 1975? I think not.

Clearly, there is an evolutionary process through which these minority groups mature, and eventually seperate the silly from the serious indescretion.

Bullshit. I have always considered Robertson's comments about women to be part of the comedy that is the basis for this show, however cringeworthy such comedy may be. I notice his older granddaughters just laugh and roll their eyes when he makes sexist coments.

I pretty much expected these guys to be homophobic and racist as well, but I didn't think they'd be stupid enough to espouse it publically. I don't think that that Phil was fired for saying he disagrees with gay marriage. I think he was fired for saying it in such a rude, vulgar and vile way, and for equating gay sex with bestiality. I think if he had been as equally crude about women's rights, there would have been an equivalent backlack against him from NOW.
There is nothing wrong with people calling Phil a jerk, an asshole, or whatever. What GLAAD is doing, is going to the next step via making threats about the economic well-being of A&E if GLAAD does not get thier way.

And did you object to any of the conservative boycotts that have been launched in the past several years?

I think any organized boycott is idiotic, but I am tolerable of ones that start from a groundswell over time, due to indignation on a broad front.

In this case there wasnt even a boycott yet, just a threat from a special interest group and a cave in from A&E.

Boycotts should be like filibusters in the Senate. You should have to talk your ass off for a filibuster to work, and you should actually have to get a boycott going for it to bring pressure on someone.

Never, not once, because I don't allow them to.

There, I answered your question. Are you going to answer mine?

How am I a bigot, Joe? Get specific.

You used the word, back it up.


Then what is the motherfucking problem?

And how does anyone know "how" you are a bigot Mac? It just "feels" that way when people try and communicate with you.

But it's ok to be a bigot Mac. The PC police won't shut you up. Because you won't let them.

Carry on worrying about a multi millionaire that pulled this shit with A&E knowing about it and knowing that this kind of bullshit would bump ratings and increase viewership.

And people like you Mac, a true bigot, think this shit means something real. LMAO.

I'm sure Mac's sensitivities are upset because he said something rude at work once and they had a talking to in human resources about how that's inappropriate for work.

That's what I'm guessing.

And this happened fairly recently, because Mac wasn't this much of a douchebag before the election.

I think you must be right. Because all he is doing is roiling with generalized, undirected, irrational and emotional contempt, bordering on the verse of butthurt. It just--it just has to be wrong. Just has to. He can't quite tell you why, or what it is exactly that is so wrong. All he seems to know is that he just won't let it be right. Even if he has to become the monster he claims he's fighting against. Gotta get that whale.
I notice that Phil makes a special point of teaching his granddaughters how to shoot.

all this BS feminist agenda is also upside down to the reality.

Women's rights are the human rights first and foremost and everything else on top of that are the rights which are directly connected to the natural role of a woman - to be a mother and a caretaker in the family.

Only American feminist idiots would consider that ability to send women to active combat is an achievement in fighting for "women's rights".

Without having a protected status of a pregnant woman at work and a guaranteed maternity and prenatal leaves across the country.
NOW is not as sensative about this sort of discrimination? Women are protrayed as being Homemakers with their proper place being in the kitchen, tending to children (including their husbands), and NOW is silent? Could we imagine this reaction in 1975? I think not.

Clearly, there is an evolutionary process through which these minority groups mature, and eventually seperate the silly from the serious indescretion.

Bullshit. I have always considered Robertson's comments about women to be part of the comedy that is the basis for this show, however cringeworthy such comedy may be. I notice his older granddaughters just laugh and roll their eyes when he makes sexist coments.

I pretty much expected these guys to be homophobic and racist as well, but I didn't think they'd be stupid enough to espouse it publically. I don't think that that Phil was fired for saying he disagrees with gay marriage. I think he was fired for saying it in such a rude, vulgar and vile way, and for equating gay sex with bestiality. I think if he had been as equally crude about women's rights, there would have been an equivalent backlack against him from NOW.

Well, I appreciate your position, but you've simply made my point: "Crude" is relative.

What Gloria Steinem may have considered crude in 1975 is very different that what you consider crude in 2013. How many men are accosted for opening doors for women today?

I have no doubt that in 68 years, people will be amazed that GLAAD would react with the level of immaturity they've demonstrated in 2013.
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I notice that Phil makes a special point of teaching his granddaughters how to shoot.

Actually, in the episode I saw, Willie made a special point to ACT like he was teaching his daughter Sadie to shoot, then let her keep score and text messages.

Sadie (a female) is also a terrible driver.
I notice that Phil makes a special point of teaching his granddaughters how to shoot.

all this BS feminist agenda is also upside down to the reality.

Women's rights are the human rights first and foremost and everything else on top of that are the rights which are directly connected to the natural role of a woman - to be a mother and a caretaker in the family.

Only American feminist idiots would consider that ability to send women to active combat is an achievement in fighting for "women's rights".

Without having a protected status of a pregnant woman at work and a guaranteed maternity and prenatal leaves across the country.

Duck Dynasty doesn't buy into that natural role of a woman BS. The working women are all executives. Korie Robertson graduated Harding University with a business degree and is a business partner of Duck Commander. What the liberals and feminists hate is that these are all long term marriages. They have to find something wrong with a woman who stays married to her husband. She has to be oppressed in some way. Otherwise she would do the normal thing and get divorced.
I notice that Phil makes a special point of teaching his granddaughters how to shoot.

Actually, in the episode I saw, Willie made a special point to ACT like he was teaching his daughter Sadie to shoot, then let her keep score and text messages.

Sadie (a female) is also a terrible driver.

Did you see the one where he was teaching the littlest girls to shoot. He was going to pay then a dollar for every wooden duck they knocked over. And he paid off too.

Sadie might be a terrible driver, but it's John Luke that got into an accident.

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