Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.

I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

Employers are only complying with Federal Anti discrimination statues.

If there's a queer, or midgit, or negro in the workplace, then don't say anything that will make them uncomfortable. Frankly, this seems to be a pretty simple policy to follow, unless you are from a culture that practices discrimination (Duck Dynasty pushes the envelope). What is astonishing to me is that DD is especially discriminatory toward women (as one would expect from those that adhere to the Old Testament), yet there is no PC backlash.


NOW is not as sensative about this sort of discrimination? Women are protrayed as being Homemakers with their proper place being in the kitchen, tending to children (including their husbands), and NOW is silent? Could we imagine this reaction in 1975? I think not.

Clearly, there is an evolutionary process through which these minority groups mature, and eventually seperate the silly from the serious indescretion.

Hate to burst your bubble. But we are all responsible for our own feelings. There is no way someone can read the mind of every person that reads an article and decide if what is said will 'make them uncomfortable.' If someone says something in the workplace that makes you uncomfortable then it is your place to tell them it makes you uncomfortable and ask them not to say it again. If it happens again, you may or may not have an EEOC complaint.
I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

Employers are only complying with Federal Anti discrimination statues.

If there's a queer, or midgit, or negro in the workplace, then don't say anything that will make them uncomfortable. Frankly, this seems to be a pretty simple policy to follow, unless you are from a culture that practices discrimination (Duck Dynasty pushes the envelope). What is astonishing to me is that DD is especially discriminatory toward women (as one would expect from those that adhere to the Old Testament), yet there is no PC backlash.


NOW is not as sensative about this sort of discrimination? Women are protrayed as being Homemakers with their proper place being in the kitchen, tending to children (including their husbands), and NOW is silent? Could we imagine this reaction in 1975? I think not.

Clearly, there is an evolutionary process through which these minority groups mature, and eventually seperate the silly from the serious indescretion.

How bizarre! You don't watch that show do you? Grandmother Miss Kay spends her time in the kitchen, when she's not dragging the family bowling or furniture shopping. The other women are all depicted as working at the executive jobs they normally do!

There was one particularly "pro woman" episode in which the women had designed an apron for Miss Kay, and the only one who knew how to operate a sewing machine was Uncle Si.

The person who makes the best draperies in 6 counties here in western KY is a guy built like Arnold Schwartzenager. Just sayin'. And I posted the pics of the Egyptian quilters on becki's thread. They were all men.
Then what is the motherfucking problem?

And how does anyone know "how" you are a bigot Mac? It just "feels" that way when people try and communicate with you.

But it's ok to be a bigot Mac. The PC police won't shut you up. Because you won't let them.

Carry on worrying about a multi millionaire that pulled this shit with A&E knowing about it and knowing that this kind of bullshit would bump ratings and increase viewership.

And people like you Mac, a true bigot, think this shit means something real. LMAO.

I'm sure Mac's sensitivities are upset because he said something rude at work once and they had a talking to in human resources about how that's inappropriate for work.

That's what I'm guessing.

And this happened fairly recently, because Mac wasn't this much of a douchebag before the election.

I think you must be right. Because all he is doing is roiling with generalized, undirected, irrational and emotional contempt, bordering on the verse of butthurt. It just--it just has to be wrong. Just has to. He can't quite tell you why, or what it is exactly that is so wrong. All he seems to know is that he just won't let it be right. Even if he has to become the monster he claims he's fighting against. Gotta get that whale.

It is clear to everyone except you why he believes it is wrong. Because he believes in God, which is an Absolute Who is responsible for creating men and women and Who says that behavior is wrong, in a sick world that has stopped believing in absolutes.
I think the Dixie Chicks might have a thing or two to say about the tolerance and respect for the right to free speech of right-wingers.

Anyone, from either the left or the right, who attacks the sacred cows of the other side, is subject to politically correct censure. Right wingers are just as intolerant as those on the left.

so what..this isn't about right wingers or the frikken Dixie chicks
they decided to open their mouth OVERSEAS at a concert and their fans let them KNOW about it...Not a company or the Producers of their shows or some militant Fascist homosexual group such as Glaad...but here's this for them:eusa_boohoo:
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The controversy over Duck Dynasty has little to do with Duck Dynasty. It's been building for a long time. It's all the bakers, photographers, school children, Chick Fil A. It's a people that MAY finally be saying ENOUGH. I hope so. I heard someone just the other say that this might be a turning point, the day when decency makes a stand. We can only hope that Christians mobilize and exercise the power that the majority has.

Luckily for Christians, they have instructions they should have been paying attention to all along:

Jude 1:

3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ....

...7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities...

...10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves....

...16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

17 But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;

18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts....

...22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:

23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

Every christian preacher, priest etc. should be reciting Jude above. Unless of course it has become politically-incorrect to do so [see Jude: 1; 1-22 again]. Those that know better and stand by doing nothing will be judged, according to my understanding of this warning, as one of the corrupt.

But on the other hand the warning urges compassion and action, even aggressive action if necessary to fend off this blight. The trick is to have compassion but to not promote in any way, shape or form, even through silence and inaction, this wrong fad that apparently is an abomination in the eyes of not just the Christian God, but also the Muslims and the Jews. Pretty much all the recipe books of your major religions say to avoid these whirlpool pits of the downward spiral. If it seems unnatural, it probably is: rule of thumb. These various religions strive to keep people on the "straight and natural". And if trying to reproduce with another man's anus seems unnatural; it probably is. We've got HIV/AIDS as the sort of bold/italic/underscore to that point.

*stands at the pulpit*

"So go forth and make good secular arguments because you've let this wild horse run on so long that all ears are deafened now to the standard pleading of any church. Churches and organized religions are mocked by the unwitting servants of the Great Jealous Petty Prick. So speak to them in their own language: the language of science. Because the language of science and logic is the bridge between their hopeless insanity and their recovery. Their captivity and their freedom. The dark and the Light.

For there is an unseen enemy that prowls just behind the shine in the eyes of men. It whispers in their ears and uses their peer groups likewise affected to prod and herd them also in more obvious and overt ways. Between whispering and bullying, this Master keeps his skanky, shabby herd in line, blindly charging forward. Their only Commandment from this cunning master is "never reflect on the origins of how you think you are". So silence from those on the path of Light is this Agenda's greatest ally.

And therefore hence the passage of Jude and its warnings.

If you look closely at "normal" people's eyes, you can with practice get good at seeing one of two things: Either a shine that is warm, that relaxes you at once and makes you feel connected. Or what looks like that shine but is flatter/artificial and just behind it if you are careful you can see things that look like almost transparent gray shadows darting back and forth. You can really get this reaction out of someone you suspect is having you on. Stop, quiet your thoughts and simply gaze directly into their eyes as they ramble on in front of you. If they are up to no good you will see them visibly squirm as you stand there, empty of thought before them. You may even see these shadows too. An excellent subject to start your experiment with is a politician. They are the extreme masters of the "flat shined eyes" that squirm when put to the test. "A club tie, firm handshake. A certain look in the eye and an easy smile"... *shudder* Or you can just move to Los Angeles for 6 months if you want an immersion project in this new Come to think of it Hollywood expresses its intent on the silver screen every day so if you can't travel, just turn on the boob tube. You don't get the "gut feeling" part with this two dimensional lesson. But you sure could get practice at the eye thing?

You've probably seen a more tangible version of what I'm talking about when they show this or that serial killer on the news. With them it's flatly obvious, this "eye phenomenon". One look at them and you get he heebie-jeebies. They are though the more obvious and dedicated vessels to the dark agenda. Less aware/less obvious models of this vehicle can often do more damage though; since they are often mistaken for those with good intentions. Often they've fooled themselves first so they can be more effective with fooling you.

It's a feeling in your gut when you look in the eyes of another person more than anything you could eventually train yourselves to actually see. If you meet someone and they instantly make you feel relaxed and connected, stick with them and get their phone number! If you meet anyone who you think is being nice to you, or who is outright mean, and who makes you though feel uneasy, tense or uncomfortable; chances are you should avoid them like the plague."

*steps down from pulpit*

Oh, and one more thing: these people can be found both outside and inside your own church congretation. Both types. Unfortunately.

So you think a non Christian should be telling Christian preachers what to preach. Man, that's completely whacked.
Pretty funny. You are merely defending someone you agree with. So when someone YOU agree with decides to make PUBLIC his or her private beliefs, and those beliefs show their blatant bigotry, intolerance and narcissism, everyone else should just shut the fuck up.

You are an idiot, thanks for making THAT public.

No he isn't. And you don't have the right to tell someone to "shut the fuck up" either. That is what we call "intolerance"; something you liberal blowhards preach so often about but rarely put into practice. How is a man a bigot for expressing himself? Perhaps you should reevaluate your position.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless"

HOW would you take it? HOW would YOU label it if someone said that about you?

Perhaps YOU should reevaluate your position?

He did not compare anything. He just gave a LIST of things he considered sins. Example: Murder, rape, shoplifting. Making a list of something does not imply that all are equivalent.
Then what is the motherfucking problem?

And how does anyone know "how" you are a bigot Mac? It just "feels" that way when people try and communicate with you.

But it's ok to be a bigot Mac. The PC police won't shut you up. Because you won't let them.

Carry on worrying about a multi millionaire that pulled this shit with A&E knowing about it and knowing that this kind of bullshit would bump ratings and increase viewership.

And people like you Mac, a true bigot, think this shit means something real. LMAO.

I'm sure Mac's sensitivities are upset because he said something rude at work once and they had a talking to in human resources about how that's inappropriate for work.

That's what I'm guessing.

And this happened fairly recently, because Mac wasn't this much of a douchebag before the election.

I think you must be right. Because all he is doing is roiling with generalized, undirected, irrational and emotional contempt, bordering on the verse of butthurt. It just--it just has to be wrong. Just has to. He can't quite tell you why, or what it is exactly that is so wrong. All he seems to know is that he just won't let it be right. Even if he has to become the monster he claims he's fighting against. Gotta get that whale.

Well, I suppose I could lace all of my comments with name-calling, personal insults, hyperbole, denial, distortion, deflection, straw men, diversion and outright lies, but with folks like you here, it just seems like that would be so redundant.

That, plus I managed to grow out of that behavior by the 7th or 8th grade.


People are offended by the Thought Police, and the Thought Police don't have enough muscle to stop A&E from acting in interest of their profits and keeping Phil Robertson on.

Of course, this whole episode just how irrelevant the issues are that our political discourse allows discussion on, showing how easily the little people are distracted by side issues of no significance, whether it be the christians or the fag foot soldiers of the left. It also shows how far the culture has degenerated that some scripted TV personality is the political rally point of one side and the demon of the other.

Politics is now like professional wrestling. Scripted and moderated for mass consumption.
Gays get another stick in the eye from the majority.

Duck the Halls: Duck Dynasty Christmas Album Zooms Up Charts | Truth Revolt

According to Billboard, Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas ranked 6th best-selling album this week across all genres, trailing only releases by Beyonce, Garth Brooks, Kelly Clarkson, R. Kelly, and One Direction.

In Country, the Duck Dynasty album earned 2nd, behind Garth Brooks’ new multi-CD release, Blame It All On My Roots. Prior to the release of Brooks' best-of compilation, the album attained the top-ranked slot for the genre, and its highest ranking for all genres was third.

--- just one more demonstration that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

You really don't get it do you? You're just determined to imagine two "sides" in conflict in your fantasy comic book -- because that's what your blogosphere commands you to do, and you obey. In the world of reality both of those 'sides' are laughing all the way to the bank. Hand in hand. So to speak.
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Uh oh, minor problem [MENTION=19018]Bfgrn[/MENTION].

I'm pro-gay rights. I'm agnostic. I don't agree with what he said.

Wanna try again?


You guys are completely blinded by your hatred, and SO damn easy.


Agree with him or not, when someone get up on a soapbox and makes their private views public domain, they are inviting push back and ridicule, especially when those views are as toxic, narcissistic and derogatory as Robertson's. HE is the one who opened his pie hole. No one forced him to spew his venom. Robertson is a self righteous, self-centered narcissist.

Yet you give HIM a complete pass, and you are giving NONE to the people who objected to his venomous diatribe. I guess THEY should have remained SILENT.

HE brought the wrath upon himself. But you are blinded by your hatred for liberals. You 'claim' to be non-partisanship, but the reality is you see yourself as above everyone else...a TRUE narcissist.

A liberal gay man has you and Robertson pegged...

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
Oscar Wilde

We all have our priorities when it comes to political issues. In my case, the intellectual dishonesty and absolutism perpetrated by the PC Police is more of an annoyance to me than gay rights. Guilty there, that's just the way my little brain works. PC is hurting far more people than bigotry against gays.

And I don't consider my self "non-partisan". I'm "anti-partisan", because partisan ideologues are causing great damage to this country. I'm partisan on any given issue, but my opinions don't happen to conveniently and transparently fall in line with those of one silly "side".

The slant in your OP puts the lie to that idea.
Gays get another stick in the eye from the majority.

Duck the Halls: Duck Dynasty Christmas Album Zooms Up Charts | Truth Revolt

According to Billboard, Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas ranked 6th best-selling album this week across all genres, trailing only releases by Beyonce, Garth Brooks, Kelly Clarkson, R. Kelly, and One Direction.

In Country, the Duck Dynasty album earned 2nd, behind Garth Brooks’ new multi-CD release, Blame It All On My Roots. Prior to the release of Brooks' best-of compilation, the album attained the top-ranked slot for the genre, and its highest ranking for all genres was third.

--- just one more demonstration that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

You really don't get it do you? You're just determined to imagine two "sides" in conflict in your fantasy comic book -- because that's what your blogosphere commands you to do, and you obey. In the world of reality both of those 'sides' are laughing all the way to the bank. Hand in hand. So to speak.

I am wondering if this wasn't a ploy by A&E and Glaad(and their combined fag armies), to not only increase the profits of DD and indirectly A&E, but also of GLAAD.

The fag armies had to have known they would fail. But they don't care, and probably made a lot of money through donation from leftists and homos not in "the know" so to speak with this stunt.
This issue with the duck guy is just the latest and biggest example of what I'm talking about. I've never seen the show, I've never heard anything that would make me want to watch it, I don't like what he said about gays, I have no idea if there is a God or not.

And I absolutely admit to being big-time sensitive about PC, because I'm a completely virulent and somewhat psychotic proponent of the First Amendment. To make a (very) long story short, the gay issue is just one subset of a larger issue regarding PC for me.

I've always been touched by the phrase "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it". Can't tell you why, I just am. I feel terribly lucky to have been born here. And when people are punished for saying what they think, or intimidated from saying it in the first place, I get really pissed off.

I could keep going, I hope that answers your question.


A big defender of the first amendment...for WHOM? You defend Phil Robertson's right to spew his venom, and the people he is ridiculing and degrading have the right to remain SILENT.

Silly liberal, debating is for adults.

There is nothing wrong with people calling Phil a jerk, an asshole, or whatever. What GLAAD is doing, is going to the next step via making threats about the economic well-being of A&E if GLAAD does not get thier way.

If Phils comments were soooo offensive, you would expect a slower, more broad groundswell of opposition, like what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Such a groundswell may still occur against Phil, but A&E didnt even wait for that, GLAAD said "boo" and A&E proudly got on it's knees and started slurping.


Radio stations organizing to boycott the Dixie Chicks (for disagreeing with the war of all things) had their current record plummeting in one week.

Is that "slow groundswell" enough for your ass?
Gays get another stick in the eye from the majority.

Duck the Halls: Duck Dynasty Christmas Album Zooms Up Charts | Truth Revolt

According to Billboard, Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas ranked 6th best-selling album this week across all genres, trailing only releases by Beyonce, Garth Brooks, Kelly Clarkson, R. Kelly, and One Direction.

In Country, the Duck Dynasty album earned 2nd, behind Garth Brooks’ new multi-CD release, Blame It All On My Roots. Prior to the release of Brooks' best-of compilation, the album attained the top-ranked slot for the genre, and its highest ranking for all genres was third.

--- just one more demonstration that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

You really don't get it do you? You're just determined to imagine two "sides" in conflict in your fantasy comic book -- because that's what your blogosphere commands you to do, and you obey. In the world of reality both of those 'sides' are laughing all the way to the bank. Hand in hand. So to speak.
There's no such thing as bad publicity?! That is a very stupid thing to say if you're not talking about someone like Paris Hilton or Jesse Jackson Sr.
I've said it many times: When someone says something with which we disagree, we can use that as an opportunity to open communication with them. It's our chance to have a civil, honest, mature debate on any given important issue.

Shine a light on it, nice and bright. If one side is wrong or lying, it will be abundantly clear. If both sides are honest and have good points, perhaps we can find some common ground and create some momentum towards fixing the problem.

Pretty basic stuff. The problem is that people on both ends are so quick to give up and deteriorate to the name-calling, insults, hyperbole threats and lies. We're so narcissistic that we just don't have the ability to do the hard work.

That's all I'm saying.


And that is EXACTLY what happened here. 1. Offensive statement made 2. Offensive statement called out

Where is the PC?

In my original post, my main point was (and is) that those who don't like what the hairy duck guy said are controlling the argument by continually bringing up Freedom of Speech or contracts or religion, and that those who are defending keep letting them do it.

You did say that ----- and it's a crock of horseshit. The whiners who brought this silly issue up continually frame it as a "speech" and "religion" issue. That's the only reason people like me even ventured into this silly-ass shit.
The fag armies had to have known they would fail. But they don't care, and probably made a lot of money through donation from leftists and homos not in "the know" so to speak with this stunt.

Your assumption that GLAAD has failed is laughable. Because while you are up in arms defending Phil, state after state is either voting to allow gays to marry, or seeing their legislated bans on gay marriage being overturned in the courts. Public opinion polls now show that the majority of Americans now favour gay marriage. In Utah, the ban was overturned by the federal court of appeal, and gays are lining up to be married. A late pre-holiday attempt to put a stay on gay marriages was denied as well.

Gay marriage has been legal in Canada for more than 10 years now and God hasn't rained any lightning bolts down upon us. In fact our country continues to thrive, while the US has seen nothing but divisive politcal strife over social issues, which is holding your country back in recovering from Bush's recession.

As long as you people let a bunch of narrow minded bigots set a political agenda which opposes gays, treats women as breeding cattle, and calls half of the population "takers", you will continue to see the decline of the American empire.
A big defender of the first amendment...for WHOM? You defend Phil Robertson's right to spew his venom, and the people he is ridiculing and degrading have the right to remain SILENT.

Silly liberal, debating is for adults.

There is nothing wrong with people calling Phil a jerk, an asshole, or whatever. What GLAAD is doing, is going to the next step via making threats about the economic well-being of A&E if GLAAD does not get thier way.

If Phils comments were soooo offensive, you would expect a slower, more broad groundswell of opposition, like what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Such a groundswell may still occur against Phil, but A&E didnt even wait for that, GLAAD said "boo" and A&E proudly got on it's knees and started slurping.


Radio stations organizing to boycott the Dixie Chicks (for disagreeing with the war of all things) had their current record plummeting in one week.

Is that "slow groundswell" enough for your ass?

So radio stations stopped buying thier albums, causing thier record sales to plummet?? It wasnt that people stopped buying thier albums?

Also, post some evidence of radio stations organizing these boycotts.

Of course you wont.
The fag armies had to have known they would fail. But they don't care, and probably made a lot of money through donation from leftists and homos not in "the know" so to speak with this stunt.

Your assumption that GLAAD has failed is laughable. Because while you are up in arms defending Phil, state after state is either voting to allow gays to marry, or seeing their legislated bans on gay marriage being overturned in the courts. Public opinion polls now show that the majority of Americans now favour gay marriage. In Utah, the ban was overturned by the federal court of appeal, and gays are lining up to be married. A late pre-holiday attempt to put a stay on gay marriages was denied as well.

Gay marriage has been legal in Canada for more than 10 years now and God hasn't rained any lightning bolts down upon us. In fact our country continues to thrive, while the US has seen nothing but divisive politcal strife over social issues, which is holding your country back in recovering from Bush's recession.

As long as you people let a bunch of narrow minded bigots set a political agenda which opposes gays, treats women as breeding cattle, and calls half of the population "takers", you will continue to see the decline of the American empire.

I said they failed in this most recent stunt(but they weren't looking to win, necessarily), Phil Robertson is coming back in February to the show.

This was a good way to get the people to fill the coffers for their next fag marriage fight. Engineering a faux controversy over the holidays if you will.

GLAAD certainly isn't stupid by any means.
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Gays get another stick in the eye from the majority.

Duck the Halls: Duck Dynasty Christmas Album Zooms Up Charts | Truth Revolt

According to Billboard, Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas ranked 6th best-selling album this week across all genres, trailing only releases by Beyonce, Garth Brooks, Kelly Clarkson, R. Kelly, and One Direction.

In Country, the Duck Dynasty album earned 2nd, behind Garth Brooks’ new multi-CD release, Blame It All On My Roots. Prior to the release of Brooks' best-of compilation, the album attained the top-ranked slot for the genre, and its highest ranking for all genres was third.

--- just one more demonstration that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

You really don't get it do you? You're just determined to imagine two "sides" in conflict in your fantasy comic book -- because that's what your blogosphere commands you to do, and you obey. In the world of reality both of those 'sides' are laughing all the way to the bank. Hand in hand. So to speak.
There's no such thing as bad publicity?! That is a very stupid thing to say if you're not talking about someone like Paris Hilton or Jesse Jackson Sr.

Come back when you've grown up and seen the real world there, Junior. It's an old and proven phrase. In a case like this it means even if there is a faction of DD watchers who swear they'll stop watching in protest (which is highly doubtful), a whole new faction of non-DD watchers will tune in just to see what all the kerfuffle is about. They figure maybe they'll get to see the next Archie Bunker moment live.

That's what sells ratings. Welcome to our planet. Duh.
The fag armies had to have known they would fail. But they don't care, and probably made a lot of money through donation from leftists and homos not in "the know" so to speak with this stunt.

Your assumption that GLAAD has failed is laughable. Because while you are up in arms defending Phil, state after state is either voting to allow gays to marry, or seeing their legislated bans on gay marriage being overturned in the courts. Public opinion polls now show that the majority of Americans now favour gay marriage. In Utah, the ban was overturned by the federal court of appeal, and gays are lining up to be married. A late pre-holiday attempt to put a stay on gay marriages was denied as well.

Gay marriage has been legal in Canada for more than 10 years now and God hasn't rained any lightning bolts down upon us. In fact our country continues to thrive, while the US has seen nothing but divisive politcal strife over social issues, which is holding your country back in recovering from Bush's recession.

As long as you people let a bunch of narrow minded bigots set a political agenda which opposes gays, treats women as breeding cattle, and calls half of the population "takers", you will continue to see the decline of the American empire.

Typical for a progressive, you cannot seperate one issue from another, namely government recognition of gay marriage vs. opinions that homosexual behaviors are sinful and immoral.

But it it what we have come to expect from the progressives, the simplistic, black/white form of "logic" found in those unable to understand differences between legal precendents and opinions.

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