Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

As for Canada, they are the 20-something snarky hipster of the global community that has done nothing of significance.

Not trying to diss all Canadians, I know some cool ones, but on the whole, yea.
The government can legalize all the gay marriage it wants. It cannot force people to accept it nor can they stop others from speaking out against it.
As long as you people let a bunch of narrow minded bigots set a political agenda which opposes gays, treats women as breeding cattle, and calls half of the population "takers", you will continue to see the decline of the American empire.
You are a real bottom feeder. Did it ever occur to you that you are the decline of your so-called American Empire?

Silly liberal, debating is for adults.

There is nothing wrong with people calling Phil a jerk, an asshole, or whatever. What GLAAD is doing, is going to the next step via making threats about the economic well-being of A&E if GLAAD does not get thier way.

If Phils comments were soooo offensive, you would expect a slower, more broad groundswell of opposition, like what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Such a groundswell may still occur against Phil, but A&E didnt even wait for that, GLAAD said "boo" and A&E proudly got on it's knees and started slurping.


Radio stations organizing to boycott the Dixie Chicks (for disagreeing with the war of all things) had their current record plummeting in one week.

Is that "slow groundswell" enough for your ass?

So radio stations stopped buying thier albums, causing thier record sales to plummet?? It wasnt that people stopped buying thier albums?

Also, post some evidence of radio stations organizing these boycotts.

Of course you wont.

Radio stations do not "buy" albums. They get flooded with free ones (promo copies). There are personnel (MDs and PDs) who spend the better part of their day weeding out what won't work, if they don't have some consulting firm doing most of that for them. Radio play is crucial to those sales -- it's the engine that drives them. The market is driven by what radio stations push ... especially in the past, before YouTube and ITunes and the like put a dent in that system.

As for the "evidence" -- well we've done this elsewhere and here's where it would be helpful to not have 132 threads on the same stupid issue but here's a sample:

>> COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- While the anti-Dixie Chicks backlash seems to have died down in most of the United States, one Colorado radio station is keeping the ban fires burning.

Country station KKCS, in Colorado Springs, has suspended two of its disc jockeys for putting the Chicks back on the air, in violation of a ban imposed after the group criticized President George W. Bush. << (here)

>> Country superstars the Dixie Chicks have been dropped from many US radio playlists after one of the singers criticised President Bush's stance on Iraq. << (BBC)

>> WDAF-AM in Kansas City, Missouri, encouraged listeners to toss their Dixie Chicks CDs into garbage cans set up outside their studio. The Dixie Chicks were dropped from WTDR-FM in Talladega, Alambama.

In Shreveport, Louisiana, protestors used a tractor to smash CDs and other Dixie Chicks items. The local country station, KRMD-FM, susequently dropped all Dixie Chicks songs. The same goes for KIZN-FM in Boise, Idaho - and that's just a small sampling. << (here)

Dixie Chicks Banned from Air after Bashing Bush ...
Radio Stations Boycott Dixie Chicks ...
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As long as you people let a bunch of narrow minded bigots set a political agenda which opposes gays, treats women as breeding cattle, and calls half of the population "takers", you will continue to see the decline of the American empire.
You are a real bottom feeder. Did it ever occur to you that you are the decline of your so-called American Empire?


Like all of us want an empire anyways, I say bring on the decline of the empire. Shows the imperialist mindset of these progressives.
So I take it you're not going to Google "Political Correctness Examples", huh? That's okay, I wasn't expecting you to back up your words, I never expect that here. Chalk another one up.

I know I don't have to actually say this, because you're clearly being obtuse, but what the heck: Any person has the right, the obligation if they choose, to speak out against things with which they disagree. Where some people draw the line is when they try to punish others for saying what they're thinking and/or intimidate others from saying what they're thinking.

This hairy duck guy? Pretty much a non-issue for me. I'm talking about the larger tactic of PC.

Now, you may want to claim that no one is ever punished or intimidated, and I just don't care enough to list the myriad examples. When partisan ideologues start playing the denial game, everything that follows is a waste of time.


I did Google "Political Correctness Examples", and found exactly what I expected. I offered you some enlightenment into WHY the results are so skewed when you Google any political word or phrase. But you can mindlessly continue to parrot what you are told.

Even one of the leading right wing rhetors admits the left has none.

The 11 Words for 2011
by Frank Luntz

Words matter. The most powerful words have helped launch social movements and cultural revolutions. The most effective words have instigated great change in public policy. The right words at the right time can literally change history.

Most of you know me as a wordsmith. From time to time my memos and language guides have appeared on these pages -- sometimes with my blessings and sometimes against my will. I realize that my work is often controversial, and often you like to attack the messenger, but it's the message that matters.

For those who care about words, I'm going to make it easy for you. No need to dig through my trash or shuffle through my papers. I will voluntarily open up my computer files to give you the "11 for 11"... the 11 most powerful words and phrases for 2011.

These are 11 phrases that will be shaping the public discourse over the coming year. You won't find a similar list from a liberal wordsmith -- there aren't any -- so you might as well use these. And if you want the other 89 words and phrases that really matter, you'll just have to buy the book.

Um, does all that mean you're saying PC doesn't exist?

I wonder what you think of what this lefty said:

Every society has Political Correctness

Strawman. Fifteen yards, loss of down.
Come back when you've grown up and seen the real world there, Junior. It's an old and proven phrase. In a case like this it means even if there is a faction of DD watchers who swear they'll stop watching in protest (which is highly doubtful), a whole new faction of non-DD watchers will tune in just to see what all the kerfuffle is about. They figure maybe they'll get to see the next Archie Bunker moment live.

That's what sells ratings. Welcome to our planet. Duh.

Even with the DD marathon, I've changed the channel and not watched A&E. Just not doing it on principle.

Radio stations organizing to boycott the Dixie Chicks (for disagreeing with the war of all things) had their current record plummeting in one week.

Is that "slow groundswell" enough for your ass?

So radio stations stopped buying thier albums, causing thier record sales to plummet?? It wasnt that people stopped buying thier albums?

Also, post some evidence of radio stations organizing these boycotts.

Of course you wont.

Radio stations do not "buy" albums. They get flooded with free ones (promo copies). There are personnel (MDs and PDs) who spend the better part of their day weeding out what won't work, if they don't have some consulting firm doing most of that for them. Radio play is crucial to those sales -- it's the engine that drives them. The market is driven by what radio stations push ... especially in the past, before YouTube and ITunes and the like put a dent in that system.

As for the "evidence" -- well we've done this elsewhere and here's where it would be helpful to not have 132 threads on the same stupid issue but here's a sample:

>> COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- While the anti-Dixie Chicks backlash seems to have died down in most of the United States, one Colorado radio station is keeping the ban fires burning.

Country station KKCS, in Colorado Springs, has suspended two of its disc jockeys for putting the Chicks back on the air, in violation of a ban imposed after the group criticized President George W. Bush. << (here)

>> Country superstars the Dixie Chicks have been dropped from many US radio playlists after one of the singers criticised President Bush's stance on Iraq. << (BBC)

>> WDAF-AM in Kansas City, Missouri, encouraged listeners to toss their Dixie Chicks CDs into garbage cans set up outside their studio. The Dixie Chicks were dropped from WTDR-FM in Talladega, Alambama.

In Shreveport, Louisiana, protestors used a tractor to smash CDs and other Dixie Chicks items. The local country station, KRMD-FM, susequently dropped all Dixie Chicks songs. The same goes for KIZN-FM in Boise, Idaho - and that's just a small sampling. << (here)

Dixie Chicks Banned from Air after Bashing Bush ...
Radio Stations Boycott Dixie Chicks ...

and yet you still ignore the fact that thier album sales decreased, and harp on radio stations not playing thier music. The fact still is people stopped buying thier albums, and thats a groundswell.

What we have to wait and see is if Duck Dynasty ratings tank. THEN you can compare these two scenarios. Right now you can't because A&E floundered within 48 hours of this becoming newsworthy.

Nice attempt at comparing the two, but again, as usual, your post and point fails miserably.
Great watching the racist/bigot/fundie hater dupes alienate the great majority of the country- keep it up, you're the greatest lol...
--- just one more demonstration that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

You really don't get it do you? You're just determined to imagine two "sides" in conflict in your fantasy comic book -- because that's what your blogosphere commands you to do, and you obey. In the world of reality both of those 'sides' are laughing all the way to the bank. Hand in hand. So to speak.
There's no such thing as bad publicity?! That is a very stupid thing to say if you're not talking about someone like Paris Hilton or Jesse Jackson Sr.

Come back when you've grown up and seen the real world there, Junior. It's an old and proven phrase. In a case like this it means even if there is a faction of DD watchers who swear they'll stop watching in protest (which is highly doubtful), a whole new faction of non-DD watchers will tune in just to see what all the kerfuffle is about. They figure maybe they'll get to see the next Archie Bunker moment live.

That's what sells ratings. Welcome to our planet. Duh.
Your planet Sparky? You come up with some convoluted platitude which you can't seem to nail, and probably
upset because your parents cut your allowance, and yet come up with the kind of drivel above. I am an American who lives in the Czech Republic and am currently in Greece visiting my Greek mother who is 86.

Who the fuck are you punk?
As long as you people let a bunch of narrow minded bigots set a political agenda which opposes gays, treats women as breeding cattle, and calls half of the population "takers", you will continue to see the decline of the American empire.
You are a real bottom feeder. Did it ever occur to you that you are the decline of your so-called American Empire?


Now you know how a crack addict was elected mayor of Toronto.
As long as you people let a bunch of narrow minded bigots set a political agenda which opposes gays, treats women as breeding cattle, and calls half of the population "takers", you will continue to see the decline of the American empire.
You are a real bottom feeder. Did it ever occur to you that you are the decline of your so-called American Empire?


Now you know how a crack addict was elected mayor of Toronto.

And he is honestly the best politician they have. That's the sad part.
So radio stations stopped buying thier albums, causing thier record sales to plummet?? It wasnt that people stopped buying thier albums?

Also, post some evidence of radio stations organizing these boycotts.

Of course you wont.

Radio stations do not "buy" albums. They get flooded with free ones (promo copies). There are personnel (MDs and PDs) who spend the better part of their day weeding out what won't work, if they don't have some consulting firm doing most of that for them. Radio play is crucial to those sales -- it's the engine that drives them. The market is driven by what radio stations push ... especially in the past, before YouTube and ITunes and the like put a dent in that system.

As for the "evidence" -- well we've done this elsewhere and here's where it would be helpful to not have 132 threads on the same stupid issue but here's a sample:

>> COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- While the anti-Dixie Chicks backlash seems to have died down in most of the United States, one Colorado radio station is keeping the ban fires burning.

Country station KKCS, in Colorado Springs, has suspended two of its disc jockeys for putting the Chicks back on the air, in violation of a ban imposed after the group criticized President George W. Bush. << (here)

>> Country superstars the Dixie Chicks have been dropped from many US radio playlists after one of the singers criticised President Bush's stance on Iraq. << (BBC)

>> WDAF-AM in Kansas City, Missouri, encouraged listeners to toss their Dixie Chicks CDs into garbage cans set up outside their studio. The Dixie Chicks were dropped from WTDR-FM in Talladega, Alambama.

In Shreveport, Louisiana, protestors used a tractor to smash CDs and other Dixie Chicks items. The local country station, KRMD-FM, susequently dropped all Dixie Chicks songs. The same goes for KIZN-FM in Boise, Idaho - and that's just a small sampling. << (here)

Dixie Chicks Banned from Air after Bashing Bush ...
Radio Stations Boycott Dixie Chicks ...

and yet you still ignore the fact that thier album sales decreased, and harp on radio stations not playing thier music. The fact still is people stopped buying thier albums, and thats a groundswell.

What we have to wait and see is if Duck Dynasty ratings tank. THEN you can compare these two scenarios. Right now you can't because A&E floundered within 48 hours of this becoming newsworthy.

Nice attempt at comparing the two, but again, as usual, your post and point fails miserably.


Radio stations playing or not playing some artist's music IS what drives their record sales; that and concerts. What the fuck do you think they do it for?

Moreover the boycott was not just a passive ignoring but an active taboo:

>> The blowback proceeded at a breakneck pace, driven at least partly by conservative Internet forums where phone numbers to country radio stations were posted. Thousands of protest calls were made. &#8220;You had death threats on all of us DJs,&#8221; says Bubba, one half of Big D and Bubba, a syndicated morning show then based out of Baton Rouge. &#8220;But on top of that, people were calling our advertisers, businesses like furniture stores, and saying, &#8216;We&#8217;re going to boycott you because you advertise on the station that plays the Dixie Chicks.&#8217;&#8202;&#8221; Bob Cole got similar calls on the Chicks&#8217; home turf in Austin. &#8220;We tried to keep playing it,&#8221; he says, &#8220;but we got bomb threats and death threats.&#8221; The following week Cumulus Media issued a company-wide edict forbidding its 42 country stations from playing Chicks records, but that was almost unnecessary. Stations across the U.S. had already reached that decision. The Chicks&#8217; number one country single, &#8220;Travelin&#8217; Soldier,&#8221; fell off the charts in just two weeks.

But angry fans didn&#8217;t restrict their fury to radio. Smashed CDs were mailed to Sony Nashville, at least one of which was smeared with feces. Another was mailed to the home of a Sony A&R rep, presumably because he&#8217;d been thanked in the disc&#8217;s liner notes. << (Texas Monthly)

Do we have a fair comparison? Naah, probably not. Unless you can show me GLAAD death threats.
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There's no such thing as bad publicity?! That is a very stupid thing to say if you're not talking about someone like Paris Hilton or Jesse Jackson Sr.

Come back when you've grown up and seen the real world there, Junior. It's an old and proven phrase. In a case like this it means even if there is a faction of DD watchers who swear they'll stop watching in protest (which is highly doubtful), a whole new faction of non-DD watchers will tune in just to see what all the kerfuffle is about. They figure maybe they'll get to see the next Archie Bunker moment live.

That's what sells ratings. Welcome to our planet. Duh.
Your planet Sparky? You come up with some convoluted platitude which you can't seem to nail, and probably
upset because your parents cut your allowance, and yet come up with the kind of drivel above. I am an American who lives in the Czech Republic and am currently in Greece visiting my Greek mother who is 86.

Who the fuck are you punk?

Obviously someone who knows a great deal more about how the world works than you.

Pogo knows things, because he supports gay marriage, he is enlightened and shit. LOL
No he didn't, that was the point dummy.......

Do you believe that's it's out of line, or inappropriate, or immoral, for you to sign a petition or join an interest group

demanding that the President be impeached?

Do you believe it's out of line, inappropriate or immoral for you to cheerlead and defend a president that lied to the American people over and over again?

Good question. See Dixie Chicks above.
Please post his contract. I would like to read it too.

Here's what he's talking about -- the "morality clause". It's been a standard of first the movie, and now the TV industry, for close to a century.

Typical language reads:
>> "If at any time while Artist is rendering or obligated to render on-camera services for the program hereunder, Artist is involved in any situation or occurrence which subjects Artist to public scandal, disrepute, widespread contempt, public ridicule, [or which is widely deemed by members of the general public, to embarrass, offend, insult or denigrate individuals or groups,] or that will tend to shock, insult or offend the community or public morals or decency or prejudice the Producer in general, then Producer shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to take any action it deems appropriate, including but not limited to terminating the production of the program." <<

Here's a sample TV Production contract for the same type ("reality") show. Too long to quote but see Section 13 on page 15.


>> Morals clauses were initially introduced in the early 1920&#8217;s (allegedly following the scandal of silent film comedian Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle) in Hollywood studio agreements with their contracted actors. Morals clauses were also initially employed in agreements between major sports leagues and their athletes (e.g., Babe Ruth). Today, morals clauses are ubiquitous in talent and endorsement agreements. Morals clauses can be drafted broadly to apply to behaviour that may shock, insult or offend public morals or decency, or which may bring the actor (and the brand by association) into public hatred, contempt, or disrepute, or behaviour that is simply embarrassing or inconsistent with the image of the brand (e.g., alcohol abuse or extramarital affairs). << (here)

Remember Tiger Woods or Michael Vick losing commercial endorsement contracts after being caught doing something unsavory? Morality clauses let those sponsors do that.

[MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], I have a JD. I know what a 'morals clause is.' I did not ask for a 'typical' clause. You said, 'When he signed his contract, he signed his free speech rights away.' As though you are privy to HIS contract. I asked for HIS contract. Now post up or admit you are just making stuff up.

That's actually Paulitician you're quoting, Sunshine. Although in effect he's right; if you want to be a bad boy off the set, it will cost you on the set. That's a standard way the Producer protects his investment.

A morality clause is SOP for a TV actor in a show like this. Obviously they don't post these contracts online so that's not available - so I gave you one from another reality show that I happened to find.

The contract I work under isn't online either. Why would it be?
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Jeebus, now the hater dupes are going after Canada lol...and Ford is not a crack addict, he only did it when he was plastered lol.
Apples : Oranges

INDIVIDUALS stopped buying Dixie Chicks music. There was no representational group that pressured their recording company to ditch them. If INDIVIUALS had decided to turn off DD and not watch, that would be equivalent to the Dixie Chicks brouhaha.

Radio is what makes or breaks a recording artist, not record companies. Radio and touring, which are the immediate day-to-day business of an artist. TD's here; she if anyone can back me up on this.

Nobody puts out a record album every day. But airplay and concerts, that is very much an artist's daily bread. And that's where the Dixie Chicks boycotts were organized. So the comparison is very much apples to apples.

And individuals have every right not to buy someone's record or not to watch their show. No one got them fired from their recording company.

The recording company isn't apples-to-apples. Radio and touring is. Nobody puts out a record every day or every week.

And I already said this.
Morality clauses are strange clauses. Not all contracts have them because they are very hard to prove violated. For instance a star who is openly homosexual would not violate a morality clause if he was giving an outspoken speech on gay rights even if he worked for the Family Channel. Someone known to be a drug user or alcoholic would not violate a morality clause when arrested for a drug or alcohol offense. Aaron Hernandez killed someone and no one thought that violated some morality clause.
Even morality clauses are construed under what you see is what you get. You might think that a blanket clause that an individual is prohibited from embarrassing the employer network or studio is important but it would be void as being too vague. One person's embarrassment may not to someone else. That might be the reason that no one is discussing a morality clause but you.

How embarrassed is this network if they are running DD marathons? Not too embarrassed are they? Can they come back later and say they are too embarrassed to have him on their program lineup? No. Even if there were an applicable morality clause subsequent behavior has destroyed its usefulnes
Industry leaders have called what A&E did is a rookie mistake. Now they have to find a way out.

It's hardly "no one but me" mentioning the morality clause; several posters here as well as several articles on several sites including Fox news have brought it up. The fact that you're so pigheaded that you insist on pretending nobody's mentioned this, that's your problem.

And no, the network is neither "embarrassed" nor "looking for a way out". Second, there is no situation to need a "way out" of, because it's done. And first, once again for the obtusely deaf, a corporation does not act out of "embarrassment", "outrage" or "upset". Those are emotions. It operates for its bottom line. That bottom line explains both the suspension and the continued running/rerunning of the show.

There is no issue here. Take your fingers out of your ears and move the fuck on.

And not a one of you has read his contract.

Nor have you, but we all know what SOP is. But good luck proving a negative.

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