Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

What of people like you who attack the PC side out of knee-jerk reaction?

I don't care if the duck whacko is bigoted or not, prejudiced or not, or racist and homophobic or not. I don't.

I understand a fool who loves celebrity got caught up in an interview where his foot-in-mouth disease got played by the opposite side of asses like you. You play back.

Most of America is sick of you fucks and this victimhood game

Actually, it took me quite a while to be able to recognize PC, so it was hardly kneejerk.

I wonder what it is with you people. Is it genetically impossible for you to have a civil conversation? It's like you can't communicate without insults and name-calling, kind of like an online Tourette's issue.

Calm down, life is short.


PC shit is boring.

Dante is no leftie progressive and he definitely doesn't give two shits about pc shit.

What is annoying is people like you spending so much time on it and keeping it somehow relevant at the expense of real areas of agreements and disagreements

jesus, get a life

That. :thup:
Actually, it took me quite a while to be able to recognize PC, so it was hardly kneejerk.

I wonder what it is with you people. Is it genetically impossible for you to have a civil conversation? It's like you can't communicate without insults and name-calling, kind of like an online Tourette's issue.

Calm down, life is short.


PC shit is boring.

Dante is no leftie progressive and he definitely doesn't give two shits about pc shit.

What is annoying is people like you spending so much time on it and keeping it somehow relevant at the expense of real areas of agreements and disagreements

jesus, get a life

That. :thup:
Thumbs up for proven a punk?! What the fuck is wrong with you?

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


What of people like you who attack the PC side out of knee-jerk reaction?

I don't care if the duck whacko is bigoted or not, prejudiced or not, or racist and homophobic or not. I don't.

I understand a fool who loves celebrity got caught up in an interview where his foot-in-mouth disease got played by the opposite side of asses like you. You play back.

Most of America is sick of you fucks and this victimhood game

As usual the dainty boy is ass backwards to the rest of the world. It's the faghadist and race pimps who are claiming to be a victim of one man simply stating what he sees as sin and recounting his early life memories. But he has some money and a TV show so the cock sucking jealous left and the race pimps couldn't resist making an issue of it. And the rest of us says, fuck off, crawl back in your hole and shut the fuck up.
PC shit is boring.

Dante is no leftie progressive and he definitely doesn't give two shits about pc shit.

What is annoying is people like you spending so much time on it and keeping it somehow relevant at the expense of real areas of agreements and disagreements

jesus, get a life

That. :thup:
Thumbs up for proven a punk?! What the fuck is wrong with you?

The amazing thing is that they're proving my points with every post, and they don't even realize it. They're just on auto-pilot and not paying any attention.

Even when I point it out. I just toss the softballs up in the air, and they knock 'em over the fence for me.


Thumbs up for proven a punk?! What the fuck is wrong with you?

The amazing thing is that they're proving my points with every post, and they don't even realize it. They're just on auto-pilot and not paying any attention.

Even when I point it out. I just toss the softballs up in the air, and they knock 'em over the fence for me.


Horseshit. You haven't even attempted to address your own bias that I called out on my first post here.
Thumbs up for proven a punk?! What the fuck is wrong with you?

The amazing thing is that they're proving my points with every post, and they don't even realize it. They're just on auto-pilot and not paying any attention.

Even when I point it out. I just toss the softballs up in the air, and they knock 'em over the fence for me.


Horseshit. You haven't even attempted to address your own bias that I called out on my first post here.

Mac is a leader in the USMB Dementia Brigade
There is nothing more fun than a person who whines about others insulting him.....while claiming that everyone who disagrees with him is just to stupid to grasp the subject matter.

I wish I had a nickel for every time Mac has accused another poster of being too blinded by ideology to think clearly or unable to give a direct answer to a question.
People are offended by the Thought Police, and the Thought Police don't have enough muscle to stop A&E from acting in interest of their profits and keeping Phil Robertson on.

Of course, this whole episode just how irrelevant the issues are that our political discourse allows discussion on, showing how easily the little people are distracted by side issues of no significance, whether it be the christians or the fag foot soldiers of the left. It also shows how far the culture has degenerated that some scripted TV personality is the political rally point of one side and the demon of the other.

Politics is now like professional wrestling. Scripted and moderated for mass consumption.

Your characterization of this may be dead on. But I would remind you that many a landmark SCOTUS decision has turned on what many would categorize as equally unimportant issues.
Gays get another stick in the eye from the majority.

Duck the Halls: Duck Dynasty Christmas Album Zooms Up Charts | Truth Revolt

According to Billboard, Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas ranked 6th best-selling album this week across all genres, trailing only releases by Beyonce, Garth Brooks, Kelly Clarkson, R. Kelly, and One Direction.

In Country, the Duck Dynasty album earned 2nd, behind Garth Brooks’ new multi-CD release, Blame It All On My Roots. Prior to the release of Brooks' best-of compilation, the album attained the top-ranked slot for the genre, and its highest ranking for all genres was third.

--- just one more demonstration that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

You really don't get it do you? You're just determined to imagine two "sides" in conflict in your fantasy comic book -- because that's what your blogosphere commands you to do, and you obey. In the world of reality both of those 'sides' are laughing all the way to the bank. Hand in hand. So to speak.

Coming from you.......:lol:
Gays get another stick in the eye from the majority.

Duck the Halls: Duck Dynasty Christmas Album Zooms Up Charts | Truth Revolt

According to Billboard, Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas ranked 6th best-selling album this week across all genres, trailing only releases by Beyonce, Garth Brooks, Kelly Clarkson, R. Kelly, and One Direction.

In Country, the Duck Dynasty album earned 2nd, behind Garth Brooks’ new multi-CD release, Blame It All On My Roots. Prior to the release of Brooks' best-of compilation, the album attained the top-ranked slot for the genre, and its highest ranking for all genres was third.

--- just one more demonstration that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

You really don't get it do you? You're just determined to imagine two "sides" in conflict in your fantasy comic book -- because that's what your blogosphere commands you to do, and you obey. In the world of reality both of those 'sides' are laughing all the way to the bank. Hand in hand. So to speak.

I am wondering if this wasn't a ploy by A&E and Glaad(and their combined fag armies), to not only increase the profits of DD and indirectly A&E, but also of GLAAD.

The fag armies had to have known they would fail. But they don't care, and probably made a lot of money through donation from leftists and homos not in "the know" so to speak with this stunt.

That is too far fetched. Those 3 entities would not come together to conspire.
A big defender of the first amendment...for WHOM? You defend Phil Robertson's right to spew his venom, and the people he is ridiculing and degrading have the right to remain SILENT.

Silly liberal, debating is for adults.

There is nothing wrong with people calling Phil a jerk, an asshole, or whatever. What GLAAD is doing, is going to the next step via making threats about the economic well-being of A&E if GLAAD does not get thier way.

If Phils comments were soooo offensive, you would expect a slower, more broad groundswell of opposition, like what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Such a groundswell may still occur against Phil, but A&E didnt even wait for that, GLAAD said "boo" and A&E proudly got on it's knees and started slurping.


Radio stations organizing to boycott the Dixie Chicks (for disagreeing with the war of all things) had their current record plummeting in one week.

Is that "slow groundswell" enough for your ass?

Did they lose their recording contract?

And speaking of contracts you still have not posted Robertson's contract with A&E. I'm waiting.
I'm still not seeing where Political Correctness applies to this whole issue...unless "PC" these days mean people can say things people find offensive but you can't point out that you find it offensive.
Jeebus, now the hater dupes are going after Canada lol...and Ford is not a crack addict, he only did it when he was plastered lol.

Wait, wait! You mean that Ford guy is REAL? I thought he was another SNL character sketch making fun of Canadians.


Gawd, the gift that keeps on giving.

He's the one politician I'll drop everything for when I hear his name on TV.

And speaking of SNL, when I think of Ford I can't help but think of:


I think both the Robertson's and A&E are benifiting from all this free publicity. If this were planned it would be marketing genius. People are buying up Duck stuff now at an amazing rate which benefits both A&E and the Duck guys. Daddy Duck is suspended when they are not filming DD anyway, so what difference does it make? DD is going to get a big kick in the ratings due to the red neck support factor for what Dady Duck said. And A&E will get credit for disciplining the duck guys from the LBGT community, even though the "suspension" is meaningless in reality. When it comes time to renotigiate the contract, the DD guys will be getting a huge increase and Daddy Ducks suspension will be over.
Silly liberal, debating is for adults.

There is nothing wrong with people calling Phil a jerk, an asshole, or whatever. What GLAAD is doing, is going to the next step via making threats about the economic well-being of A&E if GLAAD does not get thier way.

If Phils comments were soooo offensive, you would expect a slower, more broad groundswell of opposition, like what happened to the Dixie Chicks. Such a groundswell may still occur against Phil, but A&E didnt even wait for that, GLAAD said "boo" and A&E proudly got on it's knees and started slurping.


Radio stations organizing to boycott the Dixie Chicks (for disagreeing with the war of all things) had their current record plummeting in one week.

Is that "slow groundswell" enough for your ass?

Did they lose their recording contract?

And speaking of contracts you still have not posted Robertson's contract with A&E. I'm waiting.

So am I, for what it's worth. Which ain't much.
Again, why would that contract be online? If somebody leaks it we'll all go look but it's just not realistic to expect to find some actor's current contract -- nor is it to need this specific one when we have the model. The difference would be a "wherefore" in the laguage. Its function is standard. We already know the function.

Again, we're not the ones who need the contract language. The signatories to the contract are.

Do we need to see your hospital contract to accept you were a nurse? Or to see your JD? I don't.

And by the way "recording contract" is apples and oranges. Have the Robertsons lost their duck business? OK then.
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--- just one more demonstration that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

You really don't get it do you? You're just determined to imagine two "sides" in conflict in your fantasy comic book -- because that's what your blogosphere commands you to do, and you obey. In the world of reality both of those 'sides' are laughing all the way to the bank. Hand in hand. So to speak.

I am wondering if this wasn't a ploy by A&E and Glaad(and their combined fag armies), to not only increase the profits of DD and indirectly A&E, but also of GLAAD.

The fag armies had to have known they would fail. But they don't care, and probably made a lot of money through donation from leftists and homos not in "the know" so to speak with this stunt.

That is too far fetched. Those 3 entities would not come together to conspire.

I agree. I don't think even two of them would.
DD will not renew the contract. Daddy Duck will increase the number of speaking appearances and Willie will run for Congress and win.
I think both the Robertson's and A&E are benifiting from all this free publicity. If this were planned it would be marketing genius. People are buying up Duck stuff now at an amazing rate which benefits both A&E and the Duck guys. Daddy Duck is suspended when they are not filming DD anyway, so what difference does it make? DD is going to get a big kick in the ratings due to the red neck support factor for what Dady Duck said. And A&E will get credit for disciplining the duck guys from the LBGT community, even though the "suspension" is meaningless in reality. When it comes time to renotigiate the contract, the DD guys will be getting a huge increase and Daddy Ducks suspension will be over.

You got that right. As we said many times, both A&E and the Robertsons are laughing all the way to the bank, the pockets of both stuffed with the proceeds from the same people who make this big a deal about a freaking TV show. To mix a Disney metaphor, this entire daffy deal about a Mickey Mouse cable show is fuckin' goofy.
DD will not renew the contract. Daddy Duck will increase the number of speaking appearances and Willie will run for Congress and win.

Who the fuck is "Willie"?



(I wonder if anyone at all will get that reference... :coffee: )
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