Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

All I did was explain what a morality clause is, Eichmann. Eight times now at least. The desperation is in those who bend over backward to pretend they don't understand it, then want to twist its meaning, then become self-styled legal experts in the next post. Inconvenient I guess. But as always, you can only lead the horse to water; can't force the horse not to piss in it.

Fact is, a morality clause is SOP. DEAL with it. Or continue to look stupid.

Calm down.

Have a cookie.

Hilarious. You're just as much a hack as he is. Post a crock in your OP and when challenged, your response is to hand out cookies -- when forced to respond at all.

Hilarious waste of time. Coward.

Aw, don't be angry. I've already determined that trying to communicate with you is a "waste of time", since you invariably deteriorate into personal insults and name-calling. I'm just not interested in that.

And, since I wasn't addressing you, I have no obligation to play your games.

Translation: you have no answer.

As I said: coward.
Nobody said "immoral act" stupid. Learn to read.

Morality clause

Morals Clause - Wiki

Again, get your lazy ass off the rhetorical couch, open up your eyes and read, and stop posting like a fucking idiot.

So you're speculating about a so called morals clause, no statesment from A&E about envoking such a clause and for exactly what reason, just speculation. Meaning you got absoulutely nothing but your own opinion. BTW you can only punish someone for their actions, to invoke a morals clause there has to be an immoral act as defined in the contract.

So two posts ago you were claiming ignorance of what a morality clause is, and now five minutes later you're dispensing legal advice on it.

Dishonest hack.

You sir are a fucking liar, I didn't claim ignorance of anything, I demonstrated your ignorance. A man giving a simple opinion as to what he considers sin and recalling events in his life is not an immoral act, I asked how it could be considered one. You have danced and pranced like a fairy, but have yet to answer that question.
All I did was explain what a morality clause is, Eichmann. Eight times now at least. The desperation is in those who bend over backward to pretend they don't understand it, then want to twist its meaning, then become self-styled legal experts in the next post. Inconvenient I guess. But as always, you can only lead the horse to water; can't force the horse not to piss in it.

Fact is, a morality clause is SOP. DEAL with it. Or continue to look stupid.


Take a chill pill.
So you're saying you can't explain how simply giving a personal opinion on what constitutes sin is an immoral act. Did he call for any action to be taken against the faghadist, or adulterers, or others on his list, NO. So you believe in punishing an opinion you don't agree with and mislabeling it an immoral act because you got nothing else. How pathetic.

OKT, as I said in the original post of this thread, "By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance."


They can throw out diversions all they want, is simply boils down to one man giving a personal opinion on what he considers sin and recalling circumstances in his early life. The left is only making themselves look foolish by saying Phil didn't understand his own life, who the fuck are they, were they there in the fields with him? These are nothing but freaks who think if they are unhappy no one else could possibly be happy. Screw-em.

And who the fuck are you? Don't you dare put words in my mouth; I said nothing about what Phil Robertson "understands". I simply explained to you why a morality clause is relevant while you act like Jethro Fucking Bodine.

I "simply" explained. Apparently not simply enough. Oh well.
So you're speculating about a so called morals clause, no statesment from A&E about envoking such a clause and for exactly what reason, just speculation. Meaning you got absoulutely nothing but your own opinion. BTW you can only punish someone for their actions, to invoke a morals clause there has to be an immoral act as defined in the contract.

So two posts ago you were claiming ignorance of what a morality clause is, and now five minutes later you're dispensing legal advice on it.

Dishonest hack.

You sir are a fucking liar, I didn't claim ignorance of anything, I demonstrated your ignorance. A man giving a simple opinion as to what he considers sin and recalling events in his life is not an immoral act, I asked how it could be considered one. You have danced and pranced like a fairy, but have yet to answer that question.

You have now put words in my mouth twice and called me a fucking liar, because you're too dense to understand "morality clause" is a legal term and not an "act". Which means both you AND the OP are cowards who can't face their own issues.

I'm just amazed you're willing to look this stupid. But don't mind me, go on wallowing in your own ignorance.
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But don't you love it? They are all out of the closet now. We have them one by one. I love this. AWESOME!!!!!
OKT, as I said in the original post of this thread, "By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance."


They can throw out diversions all they want, is simply boils down to one man giving a personal opinion on what he considers sin and recalling circumstances in his early life. The left is only making themselves look foolish by saying Phil didn't understand his own life, who the fuck are they, were they there in the fields with him? These are nothing but freaks who think if they are unhappy no one else could possibly be happy. Screw-em.

And who the fuck are you? Don't you dare put words in my mouth; I said nothing about what Phil Robertson "understands". I simply explained to you why a morality clause is relevant while you act like Jethro Fucking Bodine.

I "simply" explained. Apparently not simply enough. Oh well.

Thank you for explaining something that has so far proven to totally irrelevant to the fucking discussion. A&E has issued no statement as to what their basis was for the suspension, you simply speculate about a phantom morals clause, got any proof? No, just more wind and still evading the question. I'm sorry your ignorance is so irritating to you. Would you like to take a breath and answer my fucking question?
The fag armies had to have known they would fail. But they don't care, and probably made a lot of money through donation from leftists and homos not in "the know" so to speak with this stunt.

Your assumption that GLAAD has failed is laughable. Because while you are up in arms defending Phil, state after state is either voting to allow gays to marry, or seeing their legislated bans on gay marriage being overturned in the courts. Public opinion polls now show that the majority of Americans now favour gay marriage. In Utah, the ban was overturned by the federal court of appeal, and gays are lining up to be married. A late pre-holiday attempt to put a stay on gay marriages was denied as well.

Gay marriage has been legal in Canada for more than 10 years now and God hasn't rained any lightning bolts down upon us. In fact our country continues to thrive, while the US has seen nothing but divisive politcal strife over social issues, which is holding your country back in recovering from Bush's recession.

As long as you people let a bunch of narrow minded bigots set a political agenda which opposes gays, treats women as breeding cattle, and calls half of the population "takers", you will continue to see the decline of the American empire.

This is the problem in this nation in what I have emboldened above, where as we have a rogue federal government that has decided to over ride the majority on behalf of a small minority more so than not anymore, and even though they were not elected to do this at all, they do it with impunity these days.

This is what is turning this nation upside down and inside out. The sad thing is, is that the people have been lied to, and duped by their elected officials badly, for whom were elected by the people to do a job and represent them. These types of reps or judges have turned on the people once they are in office. They have done we the people in for their own selfish powers in which they have sought after. They have empowered our enemies against us many times, and have empowered them also against our families. They have done this as traitors to their offices in regards for corrupt power and for corrupt money in which they seek afterwards or rather by that which has been thrown at them once they are elected.

I say "Corrupted", because that is what it becomes when they refuse to do the job that they were sent there to do, and instead grab power by those who pay them off in order to do that of another or rather they are now intimidated to do that of another.

They are sick with confusion and corrupt with power now. The American people as a majority are the losers in this currently, and the minority are laughing all the way to the top at what fools we have all become now. This bubble has been growing for years, but the results haven't been quite evident enough in the eyes of those who go about their daily lives working and not being directly affected by it all yet, but slowly it comes to them more and more. The assault is on now against them more and more, and people are beginning to recognize the pain in it all, yet they feel powerless to fix it, and that is what the government has since created in their minds.

Militant groups who are directing our own government against us, must be detached from our government by our demands upon our elected officials to do what we had elected them to do for us, and not them doing the opposite of what we had elected them for instead.

Federal Judges seem to have lost their way these days, and they are bending to small but powerful groups who lead them to rule against the masses in many unrighteous decision makings, and in their bad ways in which they have been turned towards, instead of them being led by the laws in which have been laid down over the centuries in order to guide them, and to be righteous in them just as it should be, yet they do the opposite now. They are ruling as wild eyed radicals in a seemingly protected bubble that has been created around them these days, and we know this, and we see this more and more which is causing many problems for all and even for them.

Outside their protected bubbles, they are exposed in a sea full of those who know better about what they do now, and they are among those in this nation for whom do seek to bring them back around to serve as they should serve, and to do this for a nation that has a tweaked (linked) belief system in which it has believed in since it's founding's and beyond. They are also to serve the laws in which that belief system has created for them over the years. They are to adhere to such known understandings and laws written as a guiding light when making there rulings, instead of free lancing for conflicts of interest in which serves not the American people. They should never serve a mere handful against the American people for special interest groups instead, but that is what they have been doing. They have gone way beyond what is right and wrong when serving and ruling, and they have since entered the world of favoritism of one groups needs or a few groups needs over the millions of Americans or over the masses whom may want different out of them as it should be.

Emotionally ruling from the bench as they have been doing, has become a huge injustice that has caused or created huge problems in this nation over time. How Far will they Go I wonder or better yet have they gone to far already ?
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They can throw out diversions all they want, is simply boils down to one man giving a personal opinion on what he considers sin and recalling circumstances in his early life. The left is only making themselves look foolish by saying Phil didn't understand his own life, who the fuck are they, were they there in the fields with him? These are nothing but freaks who think if they are unhappy no one else could possibly be happy. Screw-em.

And who the fuck are you? Don't you dare put words in my mouth; I said nothing about what Phil Robertson "understands". I simply explained to you why a morality clause is relevant while you act like Jethro Fucking Bodine.

I "simply" explained. Apparently not simply enough. Oh well.

Thank you for explaining something that has so far proven to totally irrelevant to the fucking discussion. A&E has issued no statement as to what their basis was for the suspension, you simply speculate about a phantom morals clause, got any proof? No, just more wind and still evading the question. I'm sorry your ignorance is so irritating to you. Would you like to take a breath and answer my fucking question?

Because they can't. When one signs on you are given a package. That's how I know how many idiots I deal with on a day to day on different boards.

Someone at A&E went mental koo koo bye bye and is now going to cost them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

mega bucks. :eusa_angel:
A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it

LOL......the guy is a fucking folk hero already tens of millions who are sick and tired of the msm and rampant bs PCness. Asshole progressives made a nothing story into a huge wake up call to tens of millions. Shit......I, like many other Americans never heard of Duck Dynasty" before 10 days ago and now the whole country is watching it!!!!:lol::lol::lol: Kudo's to A&E too.......basically giving the finger to the gayness of the progressives.

The progressives are getting it up the pooper in 2013........waaaaaaaay up the pooper.

The worm has turned s0ns.....indeed......the worm has turned.
And who the fuck are you? Don't you dare put words in my mouth; I said nothing about what Phil Robertson "understands". I simply explained to you why a morality clause is relevant while you act like Jethro Fucking Bodine.

I "simply" explained. Apparently not simply enough. Oh well.

Thank you for explaining something that has so far proven to totally irrelevant to the fucking discussion. A&E has issued no statement as to what their basis was for the suspension, you simply speculate about a phantom morals clause, got any proof? No, just more wind and still evading the question. I'm sorry your ignorance is so irritating to you. Would you like to take a breath and answer my fucking question?

Because they can't. When one signs on you are given a package. That's how I know how many idiots I deal with on a day to day on different boards.

Someone at A&E went mental koo koo bye bye and is now going to cost them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

mega bucks. :eusa_angel:

MAKE them megabucks is what you mean.

Again -- no such thing as bad publicity.
So you're speculating about a so called morals clause, no statesment from A&E about envoking such a clause and for exactly what reason, just speculation. Meaning you got absoulutely nothing but your own opinion. BTW you can only punish someone for their actions, to invoke a morals clause there has to be an immoral act as defined in the contract.

So two posts ago you were claiming ignorance of what a morality clause is, and now five minutes later you're dispensing legal advice on it.

Dishonest hack.

You sir are a fucking liar, I didn't claim ignorance of anything, I demonstrated your ignorance. A man giving a simple opinion as to what he considers sin and recalling events in his life is not an immoral act, I asked how it could be considered one. You have danced and pranced like a fairy, but have yet to answer that question.

morality clause is a set of requirements not to become a center of attention/gossip, which might damage the revenue, to put it in the most concise manner, not something that is immoral per se.
Which might have specific requirements on every particular entertainment contract.
However, in this day and age, when ANY attention brings revenue I highly suspect the morality clause differs from the one in the 30s or 50s.

Nobody read his contract, so it is basically speculation anyway.
Thank you for explaining something that has so far proven to totally irrelevant to the fucking discussion. A&E has issued no statement as to what their basis was for the suspension, you simply speculate about a phantom morals clause, got any proof? No, just more wind and still evading the question. I'm sorry your ignorance is so irritating to you. Would you like to take a breath and answer my fucking question?

Because they can't. When one signs on you are given a package. That's how I know how many idiots I deal with on a day to day on different boards.

Someone at A&E went mental koo koo bye bye and is now going to cost them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

mega bucks. :eusa_angel:

MAKE them megabucks is what you mean.

Again -- no such thing as bad publicity.

what a stoopid fuck

These progressives spend half their lives on BSNBC where reality is contrived 24/7. Theres being stuck in the matrix and then there are the far left nutters.

Gallup poll: Conservatives outnumber liberals - Tim Mak -
 late 2013, its now the turn for conservatives to be spiking the football in the faces of the k00ks.
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Thank you for explaining something that has so far proven to totally irrelevant to the fucking discussion. A&E has issued no statement as to what their basis was for the suspension, you simply speculate about a phantom morals clause, got any proof? No, just more wind and still evading the question. I'm sorry your ignorance is so irritating to you. Would you like to take a breath and answer my fucking question?

Because they can't. When one signs on you are given a package. That's how I know how many idiots I deal with on a day to day on different boards.

Someone at A&E went mental koo koo bye bye and is now going to cost them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

mega bucks. :eusa_angel:

MAKE them megabucks is what you mean.

Again -- no such thing as bad publicity.

which contradicts directly to your premise that PR has a morality clause in his contract to avoid any publicity :D
When you cut the post off there and stop reading, you gonna look really really stupid. As you just did.

"Morality clause" is a legal term as the rest of the post explained. Apparently one that flew over your head. Why don't you just go back to "libtards yammer yammer libtards yammer yammer"?

I don't need the lengthy explanation to understand where it applies or not. I read your post, it is just more convenient to answer to one line if the answer is not lengthy.
Because there is no morality clause in what PR said.

and I do not say LIBtards. Our leftard nazis are NOT LIBERAL. they are leftist retards.

Pay attention next time :lol:

Again, you prolly should not dabble in areas that are over your head. Morality clauses don't live in "what people say". They live in contracts. Deal with it.

what is this yammer about? :lol:
Because they can't. When one signs on you are given a package. That's how I know how many idiots I deal with on a day to day on different boards.

Someone at A&E went mental koo koo bye bye and is now going to cost them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

mega bucks. :eusa_angel:

MAKE them megabucks is what you mean.

Again -- no such thing as bad publicity.

which contradicts directly to your premise that PR has a morality clause in his contract to avoid any publicity :D

Not at all. A morality clause is a remedy for the Producer so they don't look bad by association. They would use that to hand down a suspension or firing or whatever; that settles their advertisers, which is what drives that action. THEN the unwashed in the blogosphere open 7624 threads on it, adding fuel to the whole thing. A&E satisfies its advertisers, the show goes on, the dittoes buy the merch, everybody makes money.

Except the dittoes lost in their comic book conspiracy putting up the money for the merch. That's why I ask, "who's playing who"?
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So two posts ago you were claiming ignorance of what a morality clause is, and now five minutes later you're dispensing legal advice on it.

Dishonest hack.

You sir are a fucking liar, I didn't claim ignorance of anything, I demonstrated your ignorance. A man giving a simple opinion as to what he considers sin and recalling events in his life is not an immoral act, I asked how it could be considered one. You have danced and pranced like a fairy, but have yet to answer that question.

morality clause is a set of requirements not to become a center of attention/gossip, which might damage the revenue, to put it in the most concise manner, not something that is immoral per se.
Which might have specific requirements on every particular entertainment contract.
However, in this day and age, when ANY attention brings revenue I highly suspect the morality clause differs from the one in the 30s or 50s.

Nobody read his contract, so it is basically speculation anyway.

I'm fully aware of all that, but until someone releases specifics all this speculation is so much hot air. That being said I agree with the OP that the PC Police who claims to be so tolerant, yet proclaims you must be prepared to accept the consequences of an opinion they disagree with. They would make great brown shirts in a Nazi army, correctness must prevail, no dissent acceptable. Like I said earlier, screw-em.
MAKE them megabucks is what you mean.

Again -- no such thing as bad publicity.

which contradicts directly to your premise that PR has a morality clause in his contract to avoid any publicity :D

Not at all. A morality clause is a remedy for the Producer so they don't look bad by association. They would use that to hand down a suspension or firing or whatever; that settles their advertisers, which is what drives that action. THEN the unwashed in the blogosphere open 7624 threads on it, adding fuel to the whole thing. A&E satisfies its advertisers, the show goes on, the dittoes buy the merch, everybody makes money.

Except the dittoes lost in their comic book conspiracy. That's why I ask, "who's playing who"?

there is no conspiracy. there is plenty of idiocy.

with even more money making at the end. and that is what makes some people question the motives at the very start of the debacle.

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