Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

The gay lobby has become so lame and mainstream. Opposing homosexual marriage and public displays of homosexuality is far more edgy, counter-culture and anti-establishment. I predict a conservative counter cultural revolution in the near future, we will smash the work of those baby boomers, their "summer of love, 69" crap, and a new era will come.
except there is absolutely no "morality clause "in this instance. If anything the morality standards are on the side of PR :lol:

When you cut the post off there and stop reading, you gonna look really really stupid. As you just did.

"Morality clause" is a legal term as the rest of the post explained. Apparently one that flew over your head. Why don't you just go back to "libtards yammer yammer libtards yammer yammer"?

I don't need the lengthy explanation to understand where it applies or not. I read your post, it is just more convenient to answer to one line if the answer is not lengthy.
Because there is no morality clause in what PR said.

and I do not say LIBtards. Our leftard nazis are NOT LIBERAL. they are leftist retards.

Pay attention next time :lol:

Again, you prolly should not dabble in areas that are over your head. Morality clauses don't live in "what people say". They live in contracts. Deal with it.
It's hardly "no one but me" mentioning the morality clause; several posters here as well as several articles on several sites including Fox news have brought it up. The fact that you're so pigheaded that you insist on pretending nobody's mentioned this, that's your problem.

And no, the network is neither "embarrassed" nor "looking for a way out". Second, there is no situation to need a "way out" of, because it's done. And first, once again for the obtusely deaf, a corporation does not act out of "embarrassment", "outrage" or "upset". Those are emotions. It operates for its bottom line. That bottom line explains both the suspension and the continued running/rerunning of the show.

There is no issue here. Take your fingers out of your ears and move the fuck on.

And not a one of you has read his contract.

Nor have you, but we all know what SOP is. But good luck proving a negative.
You've been punked here very likely as in real life. Get over it!:lol:
Surprisingly it's considered just terrible that A&E is getting death threats, when death threats against Melissa Klein was a reasonable reaction, including threats to kill her children.

Who the fuck is Melissa Klein?
A&E should have simply stated these were this man's opinions, and not their own. Then they should have let it go and moved on. If gays want to get outraged and Boycott, so be it. Too much outrage can often force unintended results. And i think gays are beginning to see that. The backlash against their outrage has been pretty substantial. Time to turn the page. Time to move on.

And really, wou,d the target audia ca if duck dynasty really be that offended ?
As a former owner of a PR and marketing firm, need I remind everyone that's it's ALL ABOUT THE BUCKS, "almost $500 million, in fact."

'Duck Dynasty,' A&E hope flap doesn't hurt sales | - Work

Of course it is, and always was. These wags yammering on and on about "outrage" and "embarrassment" are laughable. Phil Robertson, A&E, and their merch mongers are ALL laughing all the way to the bank while the unwashed bicker among themselves over some self-percieved moral high ground --- while simultaneously fueling that walk to the bank.

Once again H.L. Mencken speaks: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Still true. More than ever.
As long as you people let a bunch of narrow minded bigots set a political agenda which opposes gays, treats women as breeding cattle, and calls half of the population "takers", you will continue to see the decline of the American empire.
You are a real bottom feeder. Did it ever occur to you that you are the decline of your so-called American Empire?


Now you know how a crack addict was elected mayor of Toronto.

Meathead: I'm not an American. It's not my country being driven into the ground by obstructionist right wingers. It's yours.

Katzndogz: Rob Ford is a staunch conservative. He was elected on a platform to cut the size of government and to cut taxes, using lies and half truths. And he ran against a gay man. I didn't vote for him. Idiots like yourself voted for Ford - conservative idealogues who believed his lies.

That's how a crackhead got elected mayor of Toronto.
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As a former owner of a PR and marketing firm, need I remind everyone that's it's ALL ABOUT THE BUCKS, "almost $500 million, in fact."

'Duck Dynasty,' A&E hope flap doesn't hurt sales | - Work

Of course it is, and always was. These wags yammering on and on about "outrage" and "embarrassment" are laughable. Phil Robertson, A&E, and their merch mongers are ALL laughing all the way to the bank while the unwashed bicker among themselves over some self-percieved moral high ground --- while simultaneously fueling that walk to the bank.

Once again H.L. Mencken speaks: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Still true. More than ever.
How do you fags feel about making Robertson(A BIGOT!) a lot of money?
As a former owner of a PR and marketing firm, need I remind everyone that's it's ALL ABOUT THE BUCKS, "almost $500 million, in fact."

'Duck Dynasty,' A&E hope flap doesn't hurt sales | - Work

That $500 million will go elsewhere, say to FOX if A&E doesn't clean up their act.

"Clean up their act"? :lol:

I doubt the Robertsons are exactly unhappy with the windfall they're getting out of this. Why would they abandon it? :dunno:
Ach. A&E just needs to issue a statement "After careful consideration, we realize Phil meant no ill will to anyone, and he sincerely wishes God's blessings for every human being, so we ask for everyone's consideration and we wish to move on with a new season with Phil at the family helm."

'Duck Dynasty': A&E brass know they ducked up suspension - NY Daily News

And pass me a drumstick

So now its time for the backlash caused by A&E's reversal due to the original backlash.

A&E is trying to dodge traffic by standing on the double yellow line, good way to get hit by cars going both ways.

NOW you've got it. :clap2:

That was like pulling teeth. :rolleyes:
sorry Pogo, you've lost this one

no comparison the Dixie Mouths with A&E

that's just desperate
sorry Pogo, you've lost this one

no comparison the Dixie Mouths with A&E

that's just desperate

Can't handle the facts, go with Danth's Law. Failure to respond noted.

"Desperate"? I was asked for a comparison, so I gave it. "No comparison"? Well I made that point too. The Chicks got death threats; radio stations got threats (secondary); even advertisers who did business with stations that played the Chicks got threats (tertiary). So yeah it probably is an unfair comparison.

Here's that graphic I was looking for...

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sorry Pogo, you've lost this one

no comparison the Dixie Mouths with A&E

that's just desperate

Can't handle the facts, go with Danth's Law. Failure to respond noted.

Here's that graphic I was looking for...


Glad to see you're enjoying the little graphic

I stand by what I said...loser argument

now on to something more comparable and believable;)

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


What of people like you who attack the PC side out of knee-jerk reaction?

I don't care if the duck whacko is bigoted or not, prejudiced or not, or racist and homophobic or not. I don't.

I understand a fool who loves celebrity got caught up in an interview where his foot-in-mouth disease got played by the opposite side of asses like you. You play back.

Most of America is sick of you fucks and this victimhood game
sorry Pogo, you've lost this one

no comparison the Dixie Mouths with A&E

that's just desperate

Can't handle the facts, go with Danth's Law. Failure to respond noted.

Here's that graphic I was looking for...


Glad to see you're enjoying the little graphic

I stand by what I said...loser argument

now on to something more comparable and believable;)

Uh - you didn't make an argument, Steph. That was just gainsaying. I'm the guy who posted all the details.

That's called a "shutout". Now here's a Dixie Chicks tune for ya ... one, two... :eusa_boohoo:
What of people like you who attack the PC side out of knee-jerk reaction?

I don't care if the duck whacko is bigoted or not, prejudiced or not, or racist and homophobic or not. I don't.

I understand a fool who loves celebrity got caught up in an interview where his foot-in-mouth disease got played by the opposite side of asses like you. You play back.

Most of America is sick of you fucks and this victimhood game

Actually, it took me quite a while to be able to recognize PC, so it was hardly kneejerk.

I wonder what it is with you people. Is it genetically impossible for you to have a civil conversation? It's like you can't communicate without insults and name-calling, kind of like an online Tourette's issue.

Calm down, life is short.

What of people like you who attack the PC side out of knee-jerk reaction?

I don't care if the duck whacko is bigoted or not, prejudiced or not, or racist and homophobic or not. I don't.

I understand a fool who loves celebrity got caught up in an interview where his foot-in-mouth disease got played by the opposite side of asses like you. You play back.

Most of America is sick of you fucks and this victimhood game

Actually, it took me quite a while to be able to recognize PC, so it was hardly kneejerk.

I wonder what it is with you people. Is it genetically impossible for you to have a civil conversation? It's like you can't communicate without insults and name-calling, kind of like an online Tourette's issue.

Calm down, life is short.


PC shit is boring.

Dante is no leftie progressive and he definitely doesn't give two shits about pc shit.

What is annoying is people like you spending so much time on it and keeping it somehow relevant at the expense of real areas of agreements and disagreements

jesus, get a life:lol:

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