Anti Porn plank added to GOP platform

Right now the missile defense department spends more time on porn than on missile defense.

What a bold faced lie. Per your link:

“MDA has more than 8,000 employees, and less than a half- dozen were found to have accessed restricted sites or downloaded inappropriate materials,” Lehner said. “MDA has a highly- advanced monitoring system to detect intrusions, access to inappropriate websites, viruses and malware downloads, and it worked as designed, and there was never any compromise of the MDA computer network.”
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You just got to love democrats!

Nothing is more important than their sexual gratification when ever and where ever the need strikes them. Missile defense, who cares, download embedded malicious code, they got rights. Economic meltdown, leave them alone, they are having an on the job orgasm. What could be more important than that!

Missile Defense Agency: Porn Watching Employees Called Out By Boss

The agency's executive director, John James Jr., who penned the memo, should take solace in the fact that his employees aren't alone. According to Nielsen, 21 million Americans accessed X-rated websites from work computers in March 2010, spending, on average, an hour and 45 minutes perusing porn during the month. That's about 29 percent of the U.S. work force -- and doesn't even count folks who sneak a peek or two on mobile device on the job.

And the Missile Defense Agency isn't alone among federal agencies. The Securities and Exchange Commission was caught with its pants down, metaphorically speaking, in 2010 when workers there were found to have been surfing pornographic websites during perhaps the worst period imaginable -- the late-2000s economic collapse.

But don't think the DoD or SEC are being prudes here. Really, they're concerned about malicious software getting downloaded onto government computers. As a Missile Defense Agency spokesperson told Bloomberg, "a few people downloading material from some websites that were known to have had virus and malware issues."

Yet it took democrats to regulate porn out of Los Angeles.
Let me guess: You like to think of yourself as 'open-minded,' right?

Nope. Not when it comes to bigots and ignorance. My mind becomes very "narrow".

But you try this angle, Its quite old and been done before, But you go ahead and try it sally.

big deal, are we suppose to CARE?
you're are the perfect example of a troll

Seems you do or you would have glossed over my words.
you are the perfect example as to why abortion should always remain legal.
You just got to love democrats!

Nothing is more important than their sexual gratification when ever and where ever the need strikes them.

I keep my sexual gratification private. I'll turn this back around on you and say that nothing is more important to you than my sexual gratification.

Why are you up in my shit, bitch? Why are you up in our shit?
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A place like this DEMANDS honesty if we are to have any fun at all.
I agree... But I would derail it pretty bad... lol

I'm used to Off-Topic where the conversation went from someone found a huge dead spider in the bathroom to what the sexual position of "spider" is.

Hell... I used to make polls, when it was possible to, can't any more where I come from, where you could put pics in the polls. I would have wooden models in 20 different sexual positions and people would vote for which one they liked the best.

Sometimes for some people I'm just a little too "open book"

I'm still feeling around to see what I can get away with here.

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