Anti-science: Stacy Abrams claims no one knows when a pregnancy starts

Can you legally define when conception occurred?
Within how many hours or days?
When do you start the clock?
I agree that doctors cannot pinpoint the exact day that pregnancy began

If abrams were calling for a fudge factor within limits thats not unreasonable

But in fact she is using that as a smokescreen to call for no limits at all
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If a woman comes in for an abortion, show how you determine EXACTLY how far along she is

If you are going to turn away a woman because she is a day over the legal limit, show how you determine exactly when she conceived

That is what Abrams is saying

Actual medical science (not lefty voodoo) has been in agreement on this for a long time:

Actual medical science (not lefty voodoo) has been in agreement on this for a long time:

Nice Google, but it is still an estimation

A woman seeing a doctor eight weeks into pregnancy does not necessarily remember the day her last period started. A Doctor has no way of medically telling the day her last period started.
Ultrasound will give an estimate of the fetus age based on experience with other cases

Stacey Abrams is smarter than you
She knows there is no way of knowing the exact moment of conception.
I hate to agree with Stacy Abrams but she is correct that we do not have the technology to determine exactly when a sperm finds and penetrates the egg and/or when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall.

About the earliest a physician's hcg test can determine pregnancy is within 3-4 days of implantation in the womb or around 8-10 days after ovulation and fertilization. A home pregnancy test becomes generally reliable after 14 days or so. No states restrict use of contraceptives. Some states refuse to include morning after pills in insurance coverage but no states have outright banned these pills. While they are not intended for routine birth control but rather for emergencies (rape, incest, failure of regular birth control, etc.) these are at least 85% effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy.
I agree that doctors cannot pinpoint the exact day that pregnancy began

If abrams were calling for a fudge factor within limits thats not unreasonable

But in fact she is using that as a smokescreen to call for no limits at all
And besides, the slut factor of Stacy's base would probably make it impossible to even determine who the father was, much less when the pregnancy occurred.
And besides, the slut factor of Stacy's base would probably make it impossible to even determine who the father was, much less when the pregnancy occurred.
If fathers are required to pay child support shouldnt the woman need his written approval to get an abortion?

Just a thought

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