Anti-Semitism Codified By Elites; Merged with 'Double Standards'.

Kathianne said:
Get on with the discussion or don't. Your choice. You do not get to set the agenda of what I or anyone else may post.

I know---there used to be 2 separate agendas and threads.
You set the agenda by merging them into one. This is supposed to clarify things somehow?
dilloduck said:
I know---there used to be 2 separate agendas and threads.
You set the agenda by merging them into one. This is supposed to clarify things somehow?
Take it to pm with administrator, not me. I'm not unbiased.
SETTLE Down now, can we? Whatever the hell topic this thread covers - PICK one and stick to it. For ALL our sakes. :)
5stringJeff said:
Who the hell cares if a few Jews want to establish kill-the-non-Jew courts? I mean, really? Maybe it's just because the mail is slow up here, but I haven't been subpeonaed recently to renounce my faith in Jesus by a NWO 33rd-degree Mason Talmud-thumping rabbi. It's like arguing that the KKK wants to hang every non-WASP in America, or that the Black Panthers want to do a drive-by shooting on every non-black in America. So what? They'll never do it. Let them have their pathetic little hate groups. It's not going to affect my life.

You can't ignore the NWO, it won't let you.
rtwngAvngr said:
You can't ignore the NWO, it won't let you.

When our elected officials don't listen to the will of the people, it sure makes you wonder whose agenda they DO support. Even just on this board the posters are constantly asking :wtf:
5stringJeff said:
It's the other way around. The NWO can't get your panties in a wad unless you let them.

Tell them that when you're led forcibly to the chipping station and told to renounce christ.

When did ignorance become your bliss?
rtwngAvngr said:
Tell them that when you're led forcibly to the chipping station and told to renounce christ.

When did ignorance become your bliss?

I've heard the "Breeding Trailor" can be pleasant.
rtwngAvngr said:
Tell them that when you're led forcibly to the chipping station and told to renounce christ.

When did ignorance become your bliss?

The NWO just isn't that real or threatening to some people.
dilloduck said:
The NWO just isn't that real or threatening to some people.

Actually it's so threatening they can't function unless they hypnotize themselves into denial.:D
rtwngAvngr said:
Tell them that when you're led forcibly to the chipping station and told to renounce christ.

When did ignorance become your bliss?

It's just the opposite - it's the NWO types who are ignorant. They can lead me to the guillotine, and it won't change my beliefs. 'Do not fear those who can only kill the body; instead, fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell.'
5stringJeff said:
It's just the opposite - it's the NWO types who are ignorant. They can lead me to the guillotine, and it won't change my beliefs. 'Do not fear those who can only kill the body; instead, fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell.'

By nwo type, do you mean one who discusses the nwo, or one who considers himself an agent to bring about the nwo?

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