Anti Semitism sky rocketing responded.

Strange how mentioning Trump amounts to some sort of syndrome but your bringing up Obama doesn't register with some folks. It just shows you're still hung up on the fact a black man became President.
"Further" and you are still proving yourself a pathetic troll.

Do you see racists under your bed and in the closet too?

Jews are being hammered from both sides and even in their own nyc they are not safe

even in 2022 we are seeing huge spikes in hate
I am sorry to hear it, Quasar. America was once determined to never let prejudices against ethnic groups. People left Europe to escape all that snubbery, and the Christian faith with its story of the Good Samaritan gave Christian followers a lesson that once unified people to adapt tolerance of other people's faith. It was especially dear to the Continental Congress because they received funding from people from all walks, and General Washington's prayers for God's help brought Solomon Haim, a Jew, to his tent in the Revolutionary to bring funding for coats and new shoes and boots, not to mention plenty of staple foods that gave him an impetus to win the war quickly. Mr. Solomon died poor because the earliest American Congress had no money to pay him back with. I learned that all-but-forgotten story when I bought a book, "An Almanac of American History" by Mr. Arthur M Schlesinger, Jr. (1917-2007) I wore out my first copy before 2000, so I found a brand new another one online a decade ago. If you want to know about every year that people from Europe came over here until the mid-80s, this book is the best, and I recommend it to anyone who wants an improved understanding of this wonderful nation of ours, the USA. Haim Solomon financed the American Revolution when it really needed funds to fight a war without forces starvation.

I am sorry to hear it, Quasar. America was once determined to never let prejudices against ethnic groups. People left Europe to escape all that snubbery, and the Christian faith with its story of the Good Samaritan gave Christian followers a lesson that once unified people to adapt tolerance of other people's faith. It was especially dear to the Continental Congress because they received funding from people from all walks, and General Washington's prayers for God's help brought Solomon Haim, a Jew, to his tent in the Revolutionary to bring funding for coats and new shoes and boots, not to mention plenty of staple foods that gave him an impetus to win the war quickly. Mr. Solomon died poor because the earliest American Congress had no money to pay him back with. I learned that all-but-forgotten story when I bought a book, "An Almanac of American History" by Mr. Arthur M Schlesinger, Jr. (1917-2007) I wore out my first copy before 2000, so I found a brand new another one online a decade ago. If you want to know about every year that people from Europe came over here until the mid-80s, this book is the best, and I recommend it to anyone who wants an improved understanding of this wonderful nation of ours, the USA. Haim Solomon financed the American Revolution when it really needed funds to fight a war without forces starvation.

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No country is or ever has been free of bigotry or prejudice.

In a free country it will not only exist people get to openly express it.

Of course, then they get to live with the consequences of doing so.

Our rights to free speech and association along with our religious rights only protect us from retribution by gov't for expressing them, we're still subject to the appropriate levels of ridicule, exposure, and disdain for doing so.
I am sorry to hear it, Quasar. America was once determined to never let prejudices against ethnic groups. People left Europe to escape all that snubbery, and the Christian faith with its story of the Good Samaritan gave Christian followers a lesson that once unified people to adapt tolerance of other people's faith. It was especially dear to the Continental Congress because they received funding from people from all walks, and General Washington's prayers for God's help brought Solomon Haim, a Jew, to his tent in the Revolutionary to bring funding for coats and new shoes and boots, not to mention plenty of staple foods that gave him an impetus to win the war quickly. Mr. Solomon died poor because the earliest American Congress had no money to pay him back with. I learned that all-but-forgotten story when I bought a book, "An Almanac of American History" by Mr. Arthur M Schlesinger, Jr. (1917-2007) I wore out my first copy before 2000, so I found a brand new another one online a decade ago. If you want to know about every year that people from Europe came over here until the mid-80s, this book is the best, and I recommend it to anyone who wants an improved understanding of this wonderful nation of ours, the USA. Haim Solomon financed the American Revolution when it really needed funds to fight a war without forces starvation.

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I'm not Jewish, Mr. Q, but I will definitely put the Jewish communities in our country and in other places on my prayer list, because Jesus Christ was a Jewish rabbi, and he came to bring peace on earth for all peoples. To the best of my knowledge the Continental Congress was made up by men educated in what we now call mainline Christian churches, but they learned to work together for the common good, and Solomon Haim and his fellow Jews were key to freeing the new nation from monarchies, so therefore we accepted religions that worshipped the creator known as "I am who I am" as well as those of our fathers who believed in Jesus Christ, God's son. We feel compelled to accept bonafide religions the world over due to the First Amendment that calls for freedom of religion and free speech (not to be confused with neither false witness nor calumny). IMHO.
No country is or ever has been free of bigotry or prejudice.

In a free country it will not only exist people get to openly express it.

Of course, then they get to live with the consequences of doing so.

Our rights to free speech and association along with our religious rights only protect us from retribution by gov't for expressing them, we're still subject to the appropriate levels of ridicule, exposure, and disdain for doing so.
The founders who wrote our futures into the Constitution understood the value of courtesy when dealing with persons of other perspectives. I'm not certain it's wise for us to say more than we think in a not ever kind of way. Today's political prima donnas do not always understand this.
The founders who wrote our futures into the Constitution understood the value of courtesy when dealing with persons of other perspectives. I'm not certain it's wise for us to say more than we think in a not ever kind of way. Today's political prima donnas do not always understand this.
You're right but if common courtesy was "common" we wouldn't be surprised today when we see it.
I have always contended that Jew Hatred is the result of hatred of God.

Jews are being hammered from both sides and even in their own nyc they are not safe

even in 2022 we are seeing huge spikes in hate
Very true and all the street attacks on Jews in NYC are particuarly disturbing and even more so on how the identity of the perps is covered up to the best of their ability by the MSM.

What ever happened to the Jewish Defense League in N.Y.C. ?

Well Meir Kahane the Rabbi who founded it was assassinated....did the movement die with him?

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Jews are being hammered from both sides and even in their own nyc they are not safe

even in 2022 we are seeing huge spikes in hate
I am very suspicious about these statistics. Remember the UK a few years ago when Corbyn was a potential PM and the amount of antisemitism there was in the Labour Party? The reality was that in real statistics antisemitism went down in the Labour Party while he was leader. Since then Keir Starmer has been busy expelling anyone from the labour Party who has a less than 100% approval of Israel. Leftist Jews are now antisemites. That I think in the UK is what it is about. Antisemitism is no longer about hatred of Jews for being Jews but disapproval of Israeli Policies. You have the same in the US except with Trump you had an added component where Jews who were not crazy about Israel were threatened by the Trump regime and of course with you gathering a new and appearing growing white nationalist movement there is a genuine danger of growing hatred of Jews. I would have to say that that probably does mean there is a genuine danger of it. We should be working on getting the ecosystem sorted but instead we are gambling with nuclear war and waiting to see the extent to which the US and Europe move again towards fascism now that Capitalism has again found it is not working.
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Here is one of Britain's supposed 'antisemites'.

The UK's Labour Party has dropped an investigation into an 82-year-old disabled Jewish woman for alleged antisemitism after she threatened to sue the party for illegally discriminating against her based on her belief in anti-Zionism.

Diana Neslen, a practising Jew who was being investigated by Labour for alleged antisemitism for the third time in less than three years, had been accused of antisemitism over tweets she posted about Israel and Zionism.

The Guardian newspaper reported in December that in a pre-action letter to Labour, Neslen's lawyers, Bindmans, had said Labour’s investigation was totally unjustified and disproportionate as it rested on a single tweet from 2017, which said, “the existence of the state of Israel is a racist endeavour and I am an antiracist Jew”.

I am very suspicious about these statistics. Remember the UK a few years ago when Corbyn was a potential PM and the amount of antisemitism there was in the Labour Party? The reality was that in real statistics antisemitism went down in the Labour Party while he was leader. Since then Keir Starmer has been busy expelling anyone from the labour Party who has a less than 100% approval of Israel. Leftist Jews are now antisemites. That I think in the UK is what it is about. Antisemitism is no longer about hatred of Jews for being Jews but disapproval of Israeli Policies. You have the same in the US except with Trump you had an added component where Jews who were not crazy about Israel were threatened by the Trump regime and of course with you gathering a new and appearing growing white nationalist movement there is a genuine danger of growing hatred of Jews. I would have to say that that probably does mean there is a genuine danger of it. We should be working on getting the ecosystem sorted but instead we are gambling with nuclear war and waiting to see the extent to which the US and Europe move again towards fascism now that Capitalism has again found it is not working.
Trump was the most pro-Israeli President in US history

THE JEW hate is not coming from white folks like you but from the Muslim Influx into Europe
I have always contended that Jew Hatred is the result of hatred of God.

Very true and all the street attacks on Jews in NYC are particuarly disturbing and even more so on how the identity of the perps is covered up to the best of their ability by the MSM.

What ever happened to the Jewish Defense League in N.Y.C. ?

Well Meir Kahane the Rabbi who founded it was assassinated....did the movement die with him?

JDL is a radical Marxist group that only cares about politics and nothing else
Trump was the most pro-Israeli President in US history

THE JEW hate is not coming from white folks like you but from the Muslim Influx into Europe
Did I say otherwise? Here is what I said
You have the same in the US except with Trump you had an added component where Jews who were not crazy about Israel were threatened by the Trump regime
He would have a go at American Jews who did not put Israel above everything else, It may surprise you to know that the majority of American Jews did not support moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem- Trump did not have the support of the majority of American Jews despite breaking International law with his support for Israel taking land which did not belong to her. The biggest supporter of Trump's policy re Israel were American Christian Zionists, people who have been working to make sure there is no 2 state solution since Oslo. Their reason being because it does not fit what they believe their bible says.

No, in the UK and largely in the US as well, the people who were being claimed as antisemites were/are in the main people who had problems with the actions of Israel rather than based on race/religion. Our courts did not support this believing we are a democracy and have the right to our choice of political view. The big concern from Israel was college students because they would become the leaders of tomorrow.

Your report is from Israel. I do not believe what it is saying. It was during the time of Corbyn that we were wrongly hearing every day that antisemititism was growing in the UK. Something which on its own made Jews afraid. We hear nothing of it now. How could it possibly be growing as your report says and we do not have it on our papers every day as we did then, I would suggest it is more Israel propaganda than anything else.

JFJFP have worked hard to create a good relationship with the Muslims of the UK. They invited them to come and meet them. Most had never met a Jew in their lives so came from interest if nothing else. They were very interested in learning what antisemitism was because they did not want to be antisemetic when criticising Israel. JFPFP would give out leaflets before marches in 2014 letting people know what antisemitism was and what it was not. Using Muslims has been a ploy both Israel and Christian Zionists have used for decades now. First it was supposed to be French Muslims though research showed that was not the case. Antisemitism now is to stop free speech on Israel. In that way it is about stopping people's political beliefs rather than hatred of Jews for being Jews, genuine antisemitism. The place where Jews are in the greatest vulnerability at the moment is the rise in white supremacy.
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Did I say otherwise? Here is what I said

He would have a go at American Jews who did not put Israel above everything else, It may surprise you to know that the majority of American Jews did not support moving the American Embassy to Israel - Trump did not have the support of the majority of American Jews despite breaking International law with his support for Israel taking land which did not belong to her. The biggest supporter of Trump's policy re Israel were American Christian Zionists, people who have been working to make sure there is no 2 state solution since Oslo. Their reason being because it does not fit what they believe their bible says.

No, in the UK and largely in the US as well, the people who were being claimed as antisemites were/are in the main people who had problems with the actions of Israel rather than based on race/religion. Our courts did not support this believing we are a democracy and have the right to our choice of political view. The big concern from Israel was college students because they would become the leaders of tomorrow.

Your report is from Israel. I do not believe what it is saying. It was during the time of Corbyn that we were wrongly hearing every day that antisemititism was growing in the UK. Something which on its own made Jews afraid. We hear nothing of it now. How could it possibly be growing as your report says and we do not have it on our papers every day as we did then, I would suggest it is more Israel propaganda than anything else.

JFJFP have worked hard to create a good relationship with the Muslims of the UK. They invited them to come and meet them. Most had never met a Jew in their lives so came from interest if nothing else. They were very interested in learning what antisemitism was because they did not want to be antisemetic when criticising Israel. JFPFP would give out leaflets before marches in 2014 letting people know what antisemitism was and what it was not. Using Muslims has been a ploy both Israel and Christian Zionists have used for decades now. First it was supposed to be French Muslims though research showed that was not the case. Antisemitism now is to stop free speech on Israel. In that way it is about stopping people's political beliefs rather than hatred of Jews for being Jews, genuine antisemitism. The place where Jews are in the greatest vulnerability at the moment is the rise in white supremacy.
The Jews capital is Jerusalem not TA
Most Israeli were very happy
Did I say otherwise? Here is what I said

He would have a go at American Jews who did not put Israel above everything else, It may surprise you to know that the majority of American Jews did not support moving the American Embassy to Israel - Trump did not have the support of the majority of American Jews despite breaking International law with his support for Israel taking land which did not belong to her. The biggest supporter of Trump's policy re Israel were American Christian Zionists, people who have been working to make sure there is no 2 state solution since Oslo. Their reason being because it does not fit what they believe their bible says.

No, in the UK and largely in the US as well, the people who were being claimed as antisemites were/are in the main people who had problems with the actions of Israel rather than based on race/religion. Our courts did not support this believing we are a democracy and have the right to our choice of political view. The big concern from Israel was college students because they would become the leaders of tomorrow.

Your report is from Israel. I do not believe what it is saying. It was during the time of Corbyn that we were wrongly hearing every day that antisemititism was growing in the UK. Something which on its own made Jews afraid. We hear nothing of it now. How could it possibly be growing as your report says and we do not have it on our papers every day as we did then, I would suggest it is more Israel propaganda than anything else.

JFJFP have worked hard to create a good relationship with the Muslims of the UK. They invited them to come and meet them. Most had never met a Jew in their lives so came from interest if nothing else. They were very interested in learning what antisemitism was because they did not want to be antisemetic when criticising Israel. JFPFP would give out leaflets before marches in 2014 letting people know what antisemitism was and what it was not. Using Muslims has been a ploy both Israel and Christian Zionists have used for decades now. First it was supposed to be French Muslims though research showed that was not the case. Antisemitism now is to stop free speech on Israel. In that way it is about stopping people's political beliefs rather than hatred of Jews for being Jews, genuine antisemitism. The place where Jews are in the greatest vulnerability at the moment is the rise in white supremacy.
No it’s about the destruction and hate of Israel

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