Anti Semitism sky rocketing

This Scottish guy has super long posts and I can only read a few comments
The Jews capital is Jerusalem not TA
By International Law Israel does not have all of Jerusalem. That was one of the things which was going to be resolved later. It being expected that their would be a Capital in Jerusalem for both.
Most Israeli were very happy

That may well be true. I said that most American Jews did not.
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By International Law Israel does not have all of Jerusalem. That was one of the things which was going to be resolved later. It being expected that their would be a Capital in Jerusalem for both.

That may well be true. I said that most American Jews did not.
Many American Jews are non practicing ethnic only Marxist Jews who side with the Arabs regarding Israel ( the tiny Jewish State)
Hammered by the Far Left & Left and by Islamists & Pro Arab/ Pro Palestinian Marxists
The 'study' was done in Israel. It would be astonishing if it said anything else. Current 'antisemitism' is about stopping free speech on Israel it is not about stopping hatred of Jews for being Jews. Where Western Jews are in the greatest vulnerability at the moment is in the rise of white nationalism.
The 'study' was done in Israel. It would be astonishing if it said anything else. Current 'antisemitism' is about stopping free speech on Israel it is not about stopping hatred of Jews for being Jews. Where Western Jews are in the greatest vulnerability at the moment is in the rise of white nationalism.
You would have an easier time finding a Laotian Midget than you would finding a real Kluxer in the United States today

That may well be true. I said that most American Jews did not.
Many American Jews are non practicing ethnic only Marxist Jews who side with the Arabs regarding Israel ( the tiny Jewish State)
Well wait a moment, Israel was created by non practising Jews. There is a Rabbi who has a lecture where he claims the Jews who started Israel did so to get away from Judaism not antisemitism.

I have heard it said that American Jews are liberal on everything except Israel. It is in their tradition to help the oppressed. Many younger American Jews though do not feel a link with Israel. They have felt safe and with rights in the US. You should also remember that until some time after WW2 the majority of Jews did not support Israel. Even in the first refugee camp where Jews were survivors of the holocaust the number who were at first interested in moving to Israel was - I have forgotten but it was defo under 20% and possibly under 10%.
Who gives a F what American Jews think
80 percent of them are committed Marxist

I am not a guy. Super long posts to you are four or five lines and this is a debate site!
I can’t read all that
The Palestinians are mostly terrorist who belong back in Saudi
I am not a guy. Super long posts to you are four or five lines and this is a debate site!
I can’t read all that


Difficult to debate with you then. I think you have made it clear though that to you it is not about antisemitism but about criticism of Israel.
I can’t read all that

Difficult to debate with you then. I think you have made it clear though that to you it is not about antisemitism but about criticism of Israel.
It’s about both !!!
Then why are American Jews being violently attacked if they hate Israel??
Would they not be commended ??
Difficult to debate with you then. I think you have made it clear though that to you it is not about antisemitism but about criticism of Israel.
It’s about both !!![/quote]

OK your thread was just about antisemitism but it looks like we have, no doubt for different reasons, understood the link between statistics on antisemitism and free speech on Israel.

Then why are American Jews being violently attacked if they hate Israel??

Would they not be commended ??

It doesn't help if you use such extremes, Why would anyone hate Israel? Why would American Jews hate Israel. .....and now you are telling me that American Jews are being violently attacked for their supposed hatred of Israel. Please give me a link.

Why on earth would anyone be commended for hatred?
It’s about both !!!

OK your thread was just about antisemitism but it looks like we have, no doubt for different reasons, understood the link between statistics on antisemitism and free speech on Israel.

It doesn't help if you use such extremes, Why would anyone hate Israel? Why would American Jews hate Israel. .....and now you are telling me that American Jews are being violently attacked for their supposed hatred of Israel. Please give me a link.

Why on earth would anyone be commended for hatred?
NYC has 275 rise in anti Semitism and this has zero to do with any white nationalism
NYC has 275 rise in anti Semitism and this has zero to do with any white nationalism

Ok I asked for a link to your claim that American Jews are being violently attacked for their 'hatred' of Israel and you come back claiming something else with no evidence for that either. I'd like the one about American Jews being violently attacked for their 'hatred' of Israel
Many of the attacks in London / Paris are from Muslims
Well what are you talking about. British intelligence said that if we started a war with Iraq we likely would bring terrorism to our own shores and so we have. Earlier on it was the UK that was feeling it more. More recently it has been France but I think that has quietened down recently too. These are the violent Muslims. Most of the time a 'lone wolf'. France has had a tension between its Muslims and Jews because Algerian Jews fought alongside the French in Algeria. I am aware that Jews have been made a focal point of terrorism in France. Are they not alone in that? Do you know of any other European country where terrorists focus in on Jews and try to hurt them?
Has anyone seen the new Israeli car?
Not only will it stop on a dime it'll pick it up too.
Well what are you talking about. British intelligence said that if we started a war with Iraq we likely would bring terrorism to our own shores and so we have. Earlier on it was the UK that was feeling it more. More recently it has been France but I think that has quietened down recently too. These are the violent Muslims. Most of the time a 'lone wolf'. France has had a tension between its Muslims and Jews because Algerian Jews fought alongside the French in Algeria. I am aware that Jews have been made a focal point of terrorism in France. Are they not alone in that? Do you know of any other European country where terrorists focus in on Jews and try to hurt them?
Nonsense......get your facts straight.

During the 1980s, bin Laden fought alongside the mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union. After the Soviets withdrew, he went home to Saudi Arabia, then moved to Sudan before being expelled and returning to Afghanistan in 1996 to live under Taliban protection. Within a few months of his arrival, he issued a 30-page fatwa, “Declaration of War Against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places,” which was published in a London-based newspaper, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, and faxed to supporters around the world. It was bin Laden’s first public call for a global jihad against the United States. I

Al-Qaeda Has Been at War With the United States for 20 Years
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