Anti Semitism sky rocketing

Then there is this:

Gee, I wonder if Tucker is going to tone down the hateful rhetoric or ramp it up?
The New York Times published.... .

Jeff Bezos personal propaganda rag had something negative to say about Tucker Carlson. How shocking.

I didn't realize humor was your specialty.
Attacks on religious people have been rising for a long time, especially by governments.

But according to the MSM, this isn't a bad thing as long as the violence is directed at Da Evul Xians.
Well what are you talking about. British intelligence said that if we started a war with Iraq we likely would bring terrorism to our own shores and so we have. Earlier on it was the UK that was feeling it more. More recently it has been France but I think that has quietened down recently too. These are the violent Muslims. Most of the time a 'lone wolf'. France has had a tension between its Muslims and Jews because Algerian Jews fought alongside the French in Algeria. I am aware that Jews have been made a focal point of terrorism in France. Are they not alone in that? Do you know of any other European country where terrorists focus in on Jews and try to hurt them?
Very few Jews left in Europe
They are also being attacked in London

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