Anti Trump folks are you prepared?

1. I read between his lines. His retweets,his quoting of Mussolini,the way he acts towards the media jackals I have high hopes for Trump and what he truly intends to do.
2. Since we are DECADES at least away from ANY kind of political power that I want I support the candidate best for my views
Trump will build a wall to keep the non white invaders out,stop the anti European immigration rules,find out who did 9/11 he is critical of vaccines and autism he is America First,he takes no shit from ANYONE,He is for FAIR trade not this free trade crap that's killing jobs. He is not an Israel firster ass kisser and if you read between the lines of his AIPAC speech as I did you can see he was merely giving lip service to those bastards.

I have a feeling about Trump...he has given glimpses of what a STRONG leader is and what we NEED in this country.

So are you actually Jewish, like Hitler was?
Yawn. Little early in the day to be trolling isn't it?
? Are you? Are you prepared for what will happen if the RNC STUPIDLY steals the nomination from Trump whether he has 1237 OR has the majority of the delegates and at the same time disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters aka the MAJORITY of republican voters of who they wanted to be the candidate? Are you prepared for FOUR years of Hillary Clinton? 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices? 38,000 and counting have signed a petition to the RNC stating we will NOT support the nominee if its stolen from Trump and seeing how AFTER the end of April Cruz can't win then the nominee IS Trump. So tell me are you ready for this? I am...I dealt with shit candidates in 2008 and 2012 in Obama and WarMonger McCain and White Obama...I can deal with 4 years of Clinton and letting her pick some SC justices....very silly game you are playing...just a warning. Trump has brought people in who usually either vote 3rd party OR don't vote period. We are NOT die hard republicans. We don't give a shit if the corporate candidate with the R or D beside their name wins!
If it is taken from Trump, I will write in Bernie Sanders. I will not vote for that lying ignorant traitorous bitch hillary.
What if he isn't nominee? I don't know what I will do..sure won't be voting Sanders is nominee we shall see about that....more than likely won't vote.
1. I read between his lines. His retweets,his quoting of Mussolini,the way he acts towards the media jackals I have high hopes for Trump and what he truly intends to do.
2. Since we are DECADES at least away from ANY kind of political power that I want I support the candidate best for my views
Trump will build a wall to keep the non white invaders out,stop the anti European immigration rules,find out who did 9/11 he is critical of vaccines and autism he is America First,he takes no shit from ANYONE,He is for FAIR trade not this free trade crap that's killing jobs. He is not an Israel firster ass kisser and if you read between the lines of his AIPAC speech as I did you can see he was merely giving lip service to those bastards.

I have a feeling about Trump...he has given glimpses of what a STRONG leader is and what we NEED in this country.
At this point I'm not sure if you are really stupid or a troll. lol
Neither actually.Just explaining what will happen.
At this point I'm not sure if you are really stupid or a troll. lol

He's a liberal who thinks he's cute
Name ONE "liberal" stance I have.
You don't seem to get that WE DON'T CARE. Trump HAS and WILL have majority if not ALL the delegates he needs at the convention and if he gets screwed then the GOP will lose in November..for some reason you people think playing with fire is not going to burn just baffles me but at same time amuses me at the denseness of the Anti Trump clowns that THEY screw Trump and yes denying the nomination to the person with the MOST delegates is screwing them means they will lose the election they seem to think screw Trump and they can still win the election...I mean if they intend to cheat like in 2000 then sure go ahead....that will do it LOL
37% is not the will of the people. It is barley what some people think
FORCING a candidate that either didn't run or has less votes than Trump isn't the will of the people either. There was never going to be a MAJORITY winner since there was 17 people running to begin with.
what does Cruz have? 20%-25% of the votes...isn't THAT, LESS THAN the 37% of the will of the people? So that argument, doesn't really fly, does it?
Lately he has been getting 60% or more....Which is still more then trump.... We will see at the convention.

WHERE!? Not in Wisconsin! Didn't win Arizona....he "won" Utah under very OBVIOUS cheating circumstances hell Cruz didn't even win his home state with a majority! He won 43%!
Are you truly that much of a dumb fuck? It is hard to believe you are this stupid. Delegates count not votes....Especially votes gotten in a race with 17 candidates.
Go ahead....screw Trump. That's all I got to say. ANYONE that approves of and participates in not making sure Trump is the nominee is in essence insuring a Clinton victory.

So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

"Nazi liberal"

No doubt he eats dry water too. Lives on an underground mountain and drives to work on foot. After work he plays third base for the local basketball team. They play on the sixth Tuesday of every month with a K in it. Kickoff is at 25 o'clock sharp.
Last edited:
? Are you? Are you prepared for what will happen if the RNC STUPIDLY steals the nomination from Trump whether he has 1237 OR has the majority of the delegates and at the same time disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters aka the MAJORITY of republican voters of who they wanted to be the candidate? Are you prepared for FOUR years of Hillary Clinton? 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices? 38,000 and counting have signed a petition to the RNC stating we will NOT support the nominee if its stolen from Trump and seeing how AFTER the end of April Cruz can't win then the nominee IS Trump. So tell me are you ready for this? I am...I dealt with shit candidates in 2008 and 2012 in Obama and WarMonger McCain and White Obama...I can deal with 4 years of Clinton and letting her pick some SC justices....very silly game you are playing...just a warning. Trump has brought people in who usually either vote 3rd party OR don't vote period. We are NOT die hard republicans. We don't give a shit if the corporate candidate with the R or D beside their name wins!
The only thing stupid is the idiotic notion that the nomination can be ‘stolen.’
and yet the left claimed just that when Gore got his ass handed to him in Florida.

uh.... what? :dunno:
I realize if he doesn't reach the 1273, the RNC can do whatever they want....

but they ARE NOT REQUIRED to go to a contested convention, they could just accept Mr. Trump as the nominee, and push delegates in that direction....

If it had been Jeb, or Rubio, or Ryan etc. with the plurality of votes, they would have just pushed any one of them through as the presidential candidate....

So, although we know the rules ALLOW them to contest the candidate at the convention, I highly DOUBT they would have done so, if it were anyone else, but Trump.

And actually if he does get to 1273, or whatever number, the RNC can still do what they want. So can the DNC. It is after all a political party, not an election to office. Whatever the rules may be, they're the ones that make them.
However, it is still illegal to trade delegates (quit the race) in order to get a cabinet position. That is exactly what Hillary did. She traded Florida and Michigan delegates to Barry Soetoro in order to procure the three figure salary + perks Secretary of State job. That is a clear violation of the law.
1. I read between his lines. His retweets,his quoting of Mussolini,the way he acts towards the media jackals I have high hopes for Trump and what he truly intends to do.
2. Since we are DECADES at least away from ANY kind of political power that I want I support the candidate best for my views
Trump will build a wall to keep the non white invaders out,stop the anti European immigration rules,find out who did 9/11 he is critical of vaccines and autism he is America First,he takes no shit from ANYONE,He is for FAIR trade not this free trade crap that's killing jobs. He is not an Israel firster ass kisser and if you read between the lines of his AIPAC speech as I did you can see he was merely giving lip service to those bastards.

I have a feeling about Trump...he has given glimpses of what a STRONG leader is and what we NEED in this country.

So are you actually Jewish, like Hitler was?
Yawn. Little early in the day to be trolling isn't it?
? Are you? Are you prepared for what will happen if the RNC STUPIDLY steals the nomination from Trump whether he has 1237 OR has the majority of the delegates and at the same time disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters aka the MAJORITY of republican voters of who they wanted to be the candidate? Are you prepared for FOUR years of Hillary Clinton? 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices? 38,000 and counting have signed a petition to the RNC stating we will NOT support the nominee if its stolen from Trump and seeing how AFTER the end of April Cruz can't win then the nominee IS Trump. So tell me are you ready for this? I am...I dealt with shit candidates in 2008 and 2012 in Obama and WarMonger McCain and White Obama...I can deal with 4 years of Clinton and letting her pick some SC justices....very silly game you are playing...just a warning. Trump has brought people in who usually either vote 3rd party OR don't vote period. We are NOT die hard republicans. We don't give a shit if the corporate candidate with the R or D beside their name wins!
If it is taken from Trump, I will write in Bernie Sanders. I will not vote for that lying ignorant traitorous bitch hillary.
What if he isn't nominee? I don't know what I will do..sure won't be voting Sanders is nominee we shall see about that....more than likely won't vote.
1. I read between his lines. His retweets,his quoting of Mussolini,the way he acts towards the media jackals I have high hopes for Trump and what he truly intends to do.
2. Since we are DECADES at least away from ANY kind of political power that I want I support the candidate best for my views
Trump will build a wall to keep the non white invaders out,stop the anti European immigration rules,find out who did 9/11 he is critical of vaccines and autism he is America First,he takes no shit from ANYONE,He is for FAIR trade not this free trade crap that's killing jobs. He is not an Israel firster ass kisser and if you read between the lines of his AIPAC speech as I did you can see he was merely giving lip service to those bastards.

I have a feeling about Trump...he has given glimpses of what a STRONG leader is and what we NEED in this country.
At this point I'm not sure if you are really stupid or a troll. lol
Neither actually.Just explaining what will happen.
At this point I'm not sure if you are really stupid or a troll. lol

He's a liberal who thinks he's cute
Name ONE "liberal" stance I have.
You don't seem to get that WE DON'T CARE. Trump HAS and WILL have majority if not ALL the delegates he needs at the convention and if he gets screwed then the GOP will lose in November..for some reason you people think playing with fire is not going to burn just baffles me but at same time amuses me at the denseness of the Anti Trump clowns that THEY screw Trump and yes denying the nomination to the person with the MOST delegates is screwing them means they will lose the election they seem to think screw Trump and they can still win the election...I mean if they intend to cheat like in 2000 then sure go ahead....that will do it LOL
37% is not the will of the people. It is barley what some people think
FORCING a candidate that either didn't run or has less votes than Trump isn't the will of the people either. There was never going to be a MAJORITY winner since there was 17 people running to begin with.
what does Cruz have? 20%-25% of the votes...isn't THAT, LESS THAN the 37% of the will of the people? So that argument, doesn't really fly, does it?
Lately he has been getting 60% or more....Which is still more then trump.... We will see at the convention.

WHERE!? Not in Wisconsin! Didn't win Arizona....he "won" Utah under very OBVIOUS cheating circumstances hell Cruz didn't even win his home state with a majority! He won 43%!
Are you truly that much of a dumb fuck? It is hard to believe you are this stupid. Delegates count not votes....Especially votes gotten in a race with 17 candidates.
Go ahead....screw Trump. That's all I got to say. ANYONE that approves of and participates in not making sure Trump is the nominee is in essence insuring a Clinton victory.

So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

Wrong again.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, he's one of your fellow conservative nitwits.
I realize if he doesn't reach the 1273, the RNC can do whatever they want....

but they ARE NOT REQUIRED to go to a contested convention, they could just accept Mr. Trump as the nominee, and push delegates in that direction....

If it had been Jeb, or Rubio, or Ryan etc. with the plurality of votes, they would have just pushed any one of them through as the presidential candidate....

So, although we know the rules ALLOW them to contest the candidate at the convention, I highly DOUBT they would have done so, if it were anyone else, but Trump.

And actually if he does get to 1273, or whatever number, the RNC can still do what they want. So can the DNC. It is after all a political party, not an election to office. Whatever the rules may be, they're the ones that make them.
However, it is still illegal to trade delegates (quit the race) in order to get a cabinet position. That is exactly what Hillary did. She traded Florida and Michigan delegates to Barry Soetoro in order to procure the three figure salary + perks Secretary of State job. That is a clear violation of the law.

Yeah it is quite illegal. That was spelled out when Ben Carson admitted to doing just that.

Maybe if you're lucky, put on the red shoes and click the heels together three times, you'll find a quote of Hillary saying the same thing Carson did. Good luck with that.
So are you actually Jewish, like Hitler was?
Yawn. Little early in the day to be trolling isn't it?
If it is taken from Trump, I will write in Bernie Sanders. I will not vote for that lying ignorant traitorous bitch hillary.
What if he isn't nominee? I don't know what I will do..sure won't be voting Sanders is nominee we shall see about that....more than likely won't vote.
At this point I'm not sure if you are really stupid or a troll. lol
Neither actually.Just explaining what will happen.
He's a liberal who thinks he's cute
Name ONE "liberal" stance I have.
37% is not the will of the people. It is barley what some people think
FORCING a candidate that either didn't run or has less votes than Trump isn't the will of the people either. There was never going to be a MAJORITY winner since there was 17 people running to begin with.
Lately he has been getting 60% or more....Which is still more then trump.... We will see at the convention.

WHERE!? Not in Wisconsin! Didn't win Arizona....he "won" Utah under very OBVIOUS cheating circumstances hell Cruz didn't even win his home state with a majority! He won 43%!
Are you truly that much of a dumb fuck? It is hard to believe you are this stupid. Delegates count not votes....Especially votes gotten in a race with 17 candidates.
Go ahead....screw Trump. That's all I got to say. ANYONE that approves of and participates in not making sure Trump is the nominee is in essence insuring a Clinton victory.

So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

Wrong again.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, he's one of your fellow conservative nitwits.
Fascism was a ideology coined by a socialist.... A left wing liberal tyrant named Mussolini. It means bundle. As in a bundle of sticks is stronger then the individual stick. You see it is from the left and stays in the left....History is never good to the progressive because they can only survive on lies.
I realize if he doesn't reach the 1273, the RNC can do whatever they want....

but they ARE NOT REQUIRED to go to a contested convention, they could just accept Mr. Trump as the nominee, and push delegates in that direction....

If it had been Jeb, or Rubio, or Ryan etc. with the plurality of votes, they would have just pushed any one of them through as the presidential candidate....

So, although we know the rules ALLOW them to contest the candidate at the convention, I highly DOUBT they would have done so, if it were anyone else, but Trump.

And actually if he does get to 1273, or whatever number, the RNC can still do what they want. So can the DNC. It is after all a political party, not an election to office. Whatever the rules may be, they're the ones that make them.
However, it is still illegal to trade delegates (quit the race) in order to get a cabinet position. That is exactly what Hillary did. She traded Florida and Michigan delegates to Barry Soetoro in order to procure the three figure salary + perks Secretary of State job. That is a clear violation of the law.
What's funny is you and other rightwing morons actually think anyone believes your ridiculous lies.
So are you actually Jewish, like Hitler was?
Yawn. Little early in the day to be trolling isn't it?
If it is taken from Trump, I will write in Bernie Sanders. I will not vote for that lying ignorant traitorous bitch hillary.
What if he isn't nominee? I don't know what I will do..sure won't be voting Sanders is nominee we shall see about that....more than likely won't vote.
At this point I'm not sure if you are really stupid or a troll. lol
Neither actually.Just explaining what will happen.
He's a liberal who thinks he's cute
Name ONE "liberal" stance I have.
37% is not the will of the people. It is barley what some people think
FORCING a candidate that either didn't run or has less votes than Trump isn't the will of the people either. There was never going to be a MAJORITY winner since there was 17 people running to begin with.
Lately he has been getting 60% or more....Which is still more then trump.... We will see at the convention.

WHERE!? Not in Wisconsin! Didn't win Arizona....he "won" Utah under very OBVIOUS cheating circumstances hell Cruz didn't even win his home state with a majority! He won 43%!
Are you truly that much of a dumb fuck? It is hard to believe you are this stupid. Delegates count not votes....Especially votes gotten in a race with 17 candidates.
Go ahead....screw Trump. That's all I got to say. ANYONE that approves of and participates in not making sure Trump is the nominee is in essence insuring a Clinton victory.

So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

Wrong again.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, he's one of your fellow conservative nitwits.

First of all you're wrong. Hitler knew something that you didn't, he was a socialist. And they want a centrally planned economy. Ignorance oozes from you just like arrogance.

But even funner, the pompous blow hard Clayton didn't understand the two sentence post! I wasn't making that argument, you moron. Try reading it again, and click your sarcasm detector first, the needle is stuck. That is if it works at all ...
Yawn. Little early in the day to be trolling isn't it?
What if he isn't nominee? I don't know what I will do..sure won't be voting Sanders is nominee we shall see about that....more than likely won't vote.
Neither actually.Just explaining what will happen.
Name ONE "liberal" stance I have.
FORCING a candidate that either didn't run or has less votes than Trump isn't the will of the people either. There was never going to be a MAJORITY winner since there was 17 people running to begin with.
WHERE!? Not in Wisconsin! Didn't win Arizona....he "won" Utah under very OBVIOUS cheating circumstances hell Cruz didn't even win his home state with a majority! He won 43%!
Are you truly that much of a dumb fuck? It is hard to believe you are this stupid. Delegates count not votes....Especially votes gotten in a race with 17 candidates.
Go ahead....screw Trump. That's all I got to say. ANYONE that approves of and participates in not making sure Trump is the nominee is in essence insuring a Clinton victory.

So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

Wrong again.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, he's one of your fellow conservative nitwits.
Fascism was a ideology coined by a socialist.... A left wing liberal tyrant named Mussolini. It means bundle. As in a bundle of sticks is stronger then the individual stick. You see it is from the left and stays in the left....History is never good to the progressive because they can only survive on lies.
More ignorance from the right.
Are you truly that much of a dumb fuck? It is hard to believe you are this stupid. Delegates count not votes....Especially votes gotten in a race with 17 candidates.
Go ahead....screw Trump. That's all I got to say. ANYONE that approves of and participates in not making sure Trump is the nominee is in essence insuring a Clinton victory.

So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

Wrong again.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, he's one of your fellow conservative nitwits.
Fascism was a ideology coined by a socialist.... A left wing liberal tyrant named Mussolini. It means bundle. As in a bundle of sticks is stronger then the individual stick. You see it is from the left and stays in the left....History is never good to the progressive because they can only survive on lies.
More ignorance from the right.
That was actual historical fact... The only one dwelling in ignorance is you.
Are you truly that much of a dumb fuck? It is hard to believe you are this stupid. Delegates count not votes....Especially votes gotten in a race with 17 candidates.
Go ahead....screw Trump. That's all I got to say. ANYONE that approves of and participates in not making sure Trump is the nominee is in essence insuring a Clinton victory.

So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

Wrong again.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, he's one of your fellow conservative nitwits.
Fascism was a ideology coined by a socialist.... A left wing liberal tyrant named Mussolini. It means bundle. As in a bundle of sticks is stronger then the individual stick. You see it is from the left and stays in the left....History is never good to the progressive because they can only survive on lies.
More ignorance from the right.

Stalin and Hitler murdered and enslaved their citizens, they were both extreme nationalists (Russians still are far more than Germans), and the government controlled every aspect of their economies and made every economic decision.

But Hitler allowed a private citizen to be the figurehead of a company who had no say in what his company did while Stalin supported direct ownership of the company, and you think that makes them opposite.

And ... you call others ignorant. Classic. You wear ignorant on your sleeve, Clayton
I realize if he doesn't reach the 1273, the RNC can do whatever they want....

but they ARE NOT REQUIRED to go to a contested convention, they could just accept Mr. Trump as the nominee, and push delegates in that direction....

If it had been Jeb, or Rubio, or Ryan etc. with the plurality of votes, they would have just pushed any one of them through as the presidential candidate....

So, although we know the rules ALLOW them to contest the candidate at the convention, I highly DOUBT they would have done so, if it were anyone else, but Trump.

And actually if he does get to 1273, or whatever number, the RNC can still do what they want. So can the DNC. It is after all a political party, not an election to office. Whatever the rules may be, they're the ones that make them.
However, it is still illegal to trade delegates (quit the race) in order to get a cabinet position. That is exactly what Hillary did. She traded Florida and Michigan delegates to Barry Soetoro in order to procure the three figure salary + perks Secretary of State job. That is a clear violation of the law.
What's funny is you and other rightwing morons actually think anyone believes your ridiculous lies.
Can you explain how Soetoro got the Florida delegates?
Yawn. Little early in the day to be trolling isn't it?
What if he isn't nominee? I don't know what I will do..sure won't be voting Sanders is nominee we shall see about that....more than likely won't vote.
Neither actually.Just explaining what will happen.
Name ONE "liberal" stance I have.
FORCING a candidate that either didn't run or has less votes than Trump isn't the will of the people either. There was never going to be a MAJORITY winner since there was 17 people running to begin with.
WHERE!? Not in Wisconsin! Didn't win Arizona....he "won" Utah under very OBVIOUS cheating circumstances hell Cruz didn't even win his home state with a majority! He won 43%!
Are you truly that much of a dumb fuck? It is hard to believe you are this stupid. Delegates count not votes....Especially votes gotten in a race with 17 candidates.
Go ahead....screw Trump. That's all I got to say. ANYONE that approves of and participates in not making sure Trump is the nominee is in essence insuring a Clinton victory.

So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

Wrong again.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, he's one of your fellow conservative nitwits.

First of all you're wrong. Hitler knew something that you didn't, he was a socialist. And they want a centrally planned economy. Ignorance oozes from you just like arrogance.

But even funner, the pompous blow hard Clayton didn't understand the two sentence post! I wasn't making that argument, you moron. Try reading it again, and click your sarcasm detector first, the needle is stuck. That is if it works at all ...
Quote the lie and PROVE it is a lie, or STFU asshole!
? Are you? Are you prepared for what will happen if the RNC STUPIDLY steals the nomination from Trump whether he has 1237 OR has the majority of the delegates and at the same time disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters aka the MAJORITY of republican voters of who they wanted to be the candidate? Are you prepared for FOUR years of Hillary Clinton? 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices? 38,000 and counting have signed a petition to the RNC stating we will NOT support the nominee if its stolen from Trump and seeing how AFTER the end of April Cruz can't win then the nominee IS Trump. So tell me are you ready for this? I am...I dealt with shit candidates in 2008 and 2012 in Obama and WarMonger McCain and White Obama...I can deal with 4 years of Clinton and letting her pick some SC justices....very silly game you are playing...just a warning. Trump has brought people in who usually either vote 3rd party OR don't vote period. We are NOT die hard republicans. We don't give a shit if the corporate candidate with the R or D beside their name wins!

Why do you like Trump? I thought you were a Nazi or a socially racial brainless idiot or something ...
1. I read between his lines. His retweets,his quoting of Mussolini,the way he acts towards the media jackals I have high hopes for Trump and what he truly intends to do.
2. Since we are DECADES at least away from ANY kind of political power that I want I support the candidate best for my views
Trump will build a wall to keep the non white invaders out,stop the anti European immigration rules,find out who did 9/11 he is critical of vaccines and autism he is America First,he takes no shit from ANYONE,He is for FAIR trade not this free trade crap that's killing jobs. He is not an Israel firster ass kisser and if you read between the lines of his AIPAC speech as I did you can see he was merely giving lip service to those bastards.

I have a feeling about Trump...he has given glimpses of what a STRONG leader is and what we NEED in this country.

Trump's also a crazy anti-vaxxer?
Go ahead....screw Trump. That's all I got to say. ANYONE that approves of and participates in not making sure Trump is the nominee is in essence insuring a Clinton victory.

So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

Wrong again.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, he's one of your fellow conservative nitwits.
Fascism was a ideology coined by a socialist.... A left wing liberal tyrant named Mussolini. It means bundle. As in a bundle of sticks is stronger then the individual stick. You see it is from the left and stays in the left....History is never good to the progressive because they can only survive on lies.
More ignorance from the right.

Stalin and Hitler murdered and enslaved their citizens, they were both extreme nationalists (Russians still are far more than Germans), and the government controlled every aspect of their economies and made every economic decision.

But Hitler allowed a private citizen to be the figurehead of a company who had no say in what his company did while Stalin supported direct ownership of the company, and you think that makes them opposite.

And ... you call others ignorant. Classic. You wear ignorant on your sleeve, Clayton

That makes them Authoritarians --- not "leftists".

The word "Socialist", a new and trendy term at the time, was already in the NSDAP when Hitler joined it. He objected to the concept but went along with it. At the time it was effective marketing. As in the German Democratic Republic or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea or the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Of course there are those among us who believe "Grape Nuts" contain either of those ingredients or that the Pennsylvania "Dutch" have something to do with Holland, because hey, it's in the name, and they're not creative enough to see through a name. I take it they've never gone to a concert featuring the band "10,000 Maniacs" because with that many people on stage there would be no place to sit.

Simplistic thought for simplistic minds....
Last edited:
? Are you? Are you prepared for what will happen if the RNC STUPIDLY steals the nomination from Trump whether he has 1237 OR has the majority of the delegates and at the same time disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters aka the MAJORITY of republican voters of who they wanted to be the candidate? Are you prepared for FOUR years of Hillary Clinton? 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices? 38,000 and counting have signed a petition to the RNC stating we will NOT support the nominee if its stolen from Trump and seeing how AFTER the end of April Cruz can't win then the nominee IS Trump. So tell me are you ready for this? I am...I dealt with shit candidates in 2008 and 2012 in Obama and WarMonger McCain and White Obama...I can deal with 4 years of Clinton and letting her pick some SC justices....very silly game you are playing...just a warning. Trump has brought people in who usually either vote 3rd party OR don't vote period. We are NOT die hard republicans. We don't give a shit if the corporate candidate with the R or D beside their name wins!

Why do you like Trump? I thought you were a Nazi or a socially racial brainless idiot or something ...
1. I read between his lines. His retweets,his quoting of Mussolini,the way he acts towards the media jackals I have high hopes for Trump and what he truly intends to do.
2. Since we are DECADES at least away from ANY kind of political power that I want I support the candidate best for my views
Trump will build a wall to keep the non white invaders out,stop the anti European immigration rules,find out who did 9/11 he is critical of vaccines and autism he is America First,he takes no shit from ANYONE,He is for FAIR trade not this free trade crap that's killing jobs. He is not an Israel firster ass kisser and if you read between the lines of his AIPAC speech as I did you can see he was merely giving lip service to those bastards.

I have a feeling about Trump...he has given glimpses of what a STRONG leader is and what we NEED in this country.

As Odium points out- Trump is the candidate of White Supremacists and racists- and fans of Mussolini.....
So you're a Nazi liberal who wants Republicans to win. You have some issues beyond the obvious, don't you?

Wrong again.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, he's one of your fellow conservative nitwits.
Fascism was a ideology coined by a socialist.... A left wing liberal tyrant named Mussolini. It means bundle. As in a bundle of sticks is stronger then the individual stick. You see it is from the left and stays in the left....History is never good to the progressive because they can only survive on lies.
More ignorance from the right.

Stalin and Hitler murdered and enslaved their citizens, they were both extreme nationalists (Russians still are far more than Germans), and the government controlled every aspect of their economies and made every economic decision.

But Hitler allowed a private citizen to be the figurehead of a company who had no say in what his company did while Stalin supported direct ownership of the company, and you think that makes them opposite.

And ... you call others ignorant. Classic. You wear ignorant on your sleeve, Clayton

That makes them Authoritarians --- not "leftists".

The word "Socialist", a new and trendy term at the time, was already in the NSDAP when Hitler joined it. He objected to the concept but went along with it. At the time it was effective marketing. As in the German Democratic Republic or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea or the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Of course there are those among us who believe "Grape Nuts" contain either of those ingredients or that the Pennsylania "Dutch" have something to do with Holland, because hey, it's in the name, and they're not creative enough to see through a name. I take it they've never gone to a concert featuring the band "10,000 Maniacs" because there would be no place to sit.

Leftists and authoritarians are not only not mutually exclusive, but most of the former are the latter.

And Hitler's policies were also pure socialist, he had a centrally planned economy
? Are you? Are you prepared for what will happen if the RNC STUPIDLY steals the nomination from Trump whether he has 1237 OR has the majority of the delegates and at the same time disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters aka the MAJORITY of republican voters of who they wanted to be the candidate? Are you prepared for FOUR years of Hillary Clinton? 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices? 38,000 and counting have signed a petition to the RNC stating we will NOT support the nominee if its stolen from Trump and seeing how AFTER the end of April Cruz can't win then the nominee IS Trump. So tell me are you ready for this? I am...I dealt with shit candidates in 2008 and 2012 in Obama and WarMonger McCain and White Obama...I can deal with 4 years of Clinton and letting her pick some SC justices....very silly game you are playing...just a warning. Trump has brought people in who usually either vote 3rd party OR don't vote period. We are NOT die hard republicans. We don't give a shit if the corporate candidate with the R or D beside their name wins!

Why do you like Trump? I thought you were a Nazi or a socially racial brainless idiot or something ...
1. I read between his lines. His retweets,his quoting of Mussolini,the way he acts towards the media jackals I have high hopes for Trump and what he truly intends to do.
2. Since we are DECADES at least away from ANY kind of political power that I want I support the candidate best for my views
Trump will build a wall to keep the non white invaders out,stop the anti European immigration rules,find out who did 9/11 he is critical of vaccines and autism he is America First,he takes no shit from ANYONE,He is for FAIR trade not this free trade crap that's killing jobs. He is not an Israel firster ass kisser and if you read between the lines of his AIPAC speech as I did you can see he was merely giving lip service to those bastards.

I have a feeling about Trump...he has given glimpses of what a STRONG leader is and what we NEED in this country.

As Odium points out- Trump is the candidate of White Supremacists and racists- and fans of Mussolini.....

If you can read, and you read my posts, I've done one anti Trump thread after another.

But this is stupid, I've not seen a single racist quote from him.

And the Mussolini thing is even more retarded. He used a quote that happened to have been a Mussolini quote. That you would ever apply that standard to a Democrat is just laughable.

I like dishes with rice. OMG, Mao said that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
? Are you? Are you prepared for what will happen if the RNC STUPIDLY steals the nomination from Trump whether he has 1237 OR has the majority of the delegates and at the same time disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters aka the MAJORITY of republican voters of who they wanted to be the candidate? Are you prepared for FOUR years of Hillary Clinton? 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices? 38,000 and counting have signed a petition to the RNC stating we will NOT support the nominee if its stolen from Trump and seeing how AFTER the end of April Cruz can't win then the nominee IS Trump. So tell me are you ready for this? I am...I dealt with shit candidates in 2008 and 2012 in Obama and WarMonger McCain and White Obama...I can deal with 4 years of Clinton and letting her pick some SC justices....very silly game you are playing...just a warning. Trump has brought people in who usually either vote 3rd party OR don't vote period. We are NOT die hard republicans. We don't give a shit if the corporate candidate with the R or D beside their name wins!

Why do you like Trump? I thought you were a Nazi or a socially racial brainless idiot or something ...
1. I read between his lines. His retweets,his quoting of Mussolini,the way he acts towards the media jackals I have high hopes for Trump and what he truly intends to do.
2. Since we are DECADES at least away from ANY kind of political power that I want I support the candidate best for my views
Trump will build a wall to keep the non white invaders out,stop the anti European immigration rules,find out who did 9/11 he is critical of vaccines and autism he is America First,he takes no shit from ANYONE,He is for FAIR trade not this free trade crap that's killing jobs. He is not an Israel firster ass kisser and if you read between the lines of his AIPAC speech as I did you can see he was merely giving lip service to those bastards.

I have a feeling about Trump...he has given glimpses of what a STRONG leader is and what we NEED in this country.

As Odium points out- Trump is the candidate of White Supremacists and racists- and fans of Mussolini.....

If you can read, and you read my posts, I've done one anti Trump thread after another.

But this is stupid, I've not seen a single racist quote from him.

And the Mussolini thing is even more retarded. He used a quote that happened to have been a Mussolini quote. That you would ever apply that standard to a Democrat is just laughable.

I like dishes with rice. OMG, Mao said that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think Trump is at all racist- nor have I ever claimed that he is.

But racists like Odium think Trump is speaking to them.
? Are you? Are you prepared for what will happen if the RNC STUPIDLY steals the nomination from Trump whether he has 1237 OR has the majority of the delegates and at the same time disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters aka the MAJORITY of republican voters of who they wanted to be the candidate? Are you prepared for FOUR years of Hillary Clinton? 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices? 38,000 and counting have signed a petition to the RNC stating we will NOT support the nominee if its stolen from Trump and seeing how AFTER the end of April Cruz can't win then the nominee IS Trump. So tell me are you ready for this? I am...I dealt with shit candidates in 2008 and 2012 in Obama and WarMonger McCain and White Obama...I can deal with 4 years of Clinton and letting her pick some SC justices....very silly game you are playing...just a warning. Trump has brought people in who usually either vote 3rd party OR don't vote period. We are NOT die hard republicans. We don't give a shit if the corporate candidate with the R or D beside their name wins!

Why do you like Trump? I thought you were a Nazi or a socially racial brainless idiot or something ...
1. I read between his lines. His retweets,his quoting of Mussolini,the way he acts towards the media jackals I have high hopes for Trump and what he truly intends to do.
2. Since we are DECADES at least away from ANY kind of political power that I want I support the candidate best for my views
Trump will build a wall to keep the non white invaders out,stop the anti European immigration rules,find out who did 9/11 he is critical of vaccines and autism he is America First,he takes no shit from ANYONE,He is for FAIR trade not this free trade crap that's killing jobs. He is not an Israel firster ass kisser and if you read between the lines of his AIPAC speech as I did you can see he was merely giving lip service to those bastards.

I have a feeling about Trump...he has given glimpses of what a STRONG leader is and what we NEED in this country.

As Odium points out- Trump is the candidate of White Supremacists and racists- and fans of Mussolini.....

If you can read, and you read my posts, I've done one anti Trump thread after another.

But this is stupid, I've not seen a single racist quote from him.

And the Mussolini thing is even more retarded. He used a quote that happened to have been a Mussolini quote. That you would ever apply that standard to a Democrat is just laughable.

I like dishes with rice. OMG, Mao said that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think Trump is at all racist- nor have I ever claimed that he is.

But racists like Odium think Trump is speaking to them.

OK. I'm not sure I entirely agree with that, partially. But fair enough

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