Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

That's after the protester was throwing objects at the crowd. Next time the protesters may give it a thought or two before they start initiating violence. I'm sure steel toed boots dont feel very good.

Horsecrap. The protester was already being escorted out by cops when the supporter grabbed his sign and sucker-punched him. Nice deflection onto "Yeah, but he . . .", but no dice. Didn't your momma ever tell you two wrongs don't make a right?

That wasn't reported. And of course two wrongs don't make a right. But, it is reality.

WHAT wasn't reported? That he was being escorted out by the cops? Yes, it was.

And no, it is NOT reality that two wrongs make a right, nor that it's okay for people to try to make it be so. I find it hard to be blase about "It's wrong, but people are just going to act like wild animals. Oh, well."

In Az, protesters were chaining themselves to cars and in utah, protesters were throwing rocks at supporters. Two wrongs never make it a right. The reality references back to the two groups committing the actions.

Yes, and you're discussing the FIRST wrong there. The reality ALSO references the second wrong, where a bunch of Trump-supporting lunatics thought the appropriate response to protesters was to become physically violence, and now the THIRD wrong, where punk-ass savages like you sit around making excuses for it.

One more time for the thinking-impaired excuse-making fucktards in the audience: the protester was already being led away by the cops. That is how civilized societies, which are apparently anathema to the likes of you, deal with such situations. It was handled. The Trump supporter apparently decided that all this law-abiding "let the cops work" stuff just wasn't good enough, and attacked the guy.

I don't give a shit HOW many people were chaining themselves to cars in another city entirely. It does not justify THIS guy attacking someone already in police hands. Neither does your "But it's okay to hit people because . . ." bullshit. Unless your life and well-being are in imminent danger, you keep your fucking hands to yourself. My first-grader can comprehend this; why the hell can't Trump apologists understand it?

Yeah, whatever. These aren't protesters. They're engaging in criminal activity.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

The moment a peaceful protestor physically obstructs the rights of someone else, they are no longer a protestor. Simply, they are disrupting and obstructing not protesting.

Yes they are and should be ejected or arrested for it

Punching and kicking them is assault and they should serve time

Arrest for self defense??
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

The moment a peaceful protestor physically obstructs the rights of someone else, they are no longer a protestor. Simply, they are disrupting and obstructing not protesting.

Yes they are and should be ejected or arrested for it

Punching and kicking them is assault and they should serve time

Arrest for self defense??

Where did that happen in the incident described in the OP? At one point in the video did the man in the flag shirt attack anyone?
I'm not the one that would need "luck" were you to run over someone protesting in the street.

George Wallace/Donald and the same.

The idiot blocking my way would. Guess you do believe someone has the right to inhibit my travel. Typical Liberal. Doubt you would say the same if it were a bunch of Bernie or Hillary protesters.

Prison would suit you.

So sad you believe someone has the right to inhibit my right to freely travel. Typical Liberal.

It's so sad that you think that's what I'm saying.

I'll type slow so you don't have the right to kill someone who is "inhibiting your right to freely travel".

Someone protesting doesn't have a right to inhibit my free travel. Are you saying I should let them inhibit me? What are you suggesting I do?

Same thing you would do if someone jaywalked. I don't know about where you live, but in Arizona, they take vehicular assault quite seriously, even if the idiot WAS in the middle of the road.
It's all a scam. These wingnuts are paid and then planted in the rallies. Their sole purpose is to disrupt and incite. They're violating others' rights with their tactics. The radical wingnuts truly believe they're the only ones who have rights. They can put on their little shows, but then they'll be removed. The rights of all have to be respected.
If that is true, they are doing a great job

Go in there and show the country how violent Trump and his supporters are

All those attending the rallies have rights. And that includes Donald Trump. The overwhelming amount of people attending, are there to hear the Candidate speak. So throw your little tantrums, and then GTFO.

Very true

The candidate from either party has a right to speak and be heard
Those who disrupt the rally should be escorted out and arrested for disturbing the peace

However, beating up those who voice opposing views only confirms what they are saying about Trump
No it doesn't.
The beatings were not at the hands of Trump officials, so they cannot be blamed on Trump himself. Since the guilty parties acted on their own, they have only themselves to blame.

Still, if you start a fight with people, expect someone to react in a like manner.

The assholes were wearing KKK outfits and sticking confederate flags in supporters' faces. But one African American supporter decided he had enough. He decided to deliver a beat down. Unfortunately he'll have to answer for that, but i do understand why he lost it. Wearing KKK outfits and sticking confederate flags in an African American's face, is a very bad idea.

You "understand why he lost it"? Because a couple of pieces of fucking cloth are an intolerable danger to your well-being, such that it requires responding with physical violence? Has anyone suggested recently that you're a bit thin-skinned and in need of anger management therapy?
Of course Trumps hands are clean...he will not be arrested

However, the visuals of what Trump supporters are like are damning

When looked at closer, the visuals of you assholes wearing KKK outfits and shoving confederate flags in African American supporters' faces, is much more damning.

Not really...another non-violent protester taking a beating has become the norm at Trump rallies

The protesters obviously know which buttons to push with a Trump crowd and the Trumpies never fail to deliver

Meanwhile, Stumpy Fingers just sits there and claims he does not have a problem
Intentionally causing a crime to take place is called conspiracy to commit said crime, a felony.

Not quite...protesting and disturbing the peace is not a felony

Assault however, still is

There are laws pertaining to incitement. You can be arrested and prosecuted for inciting riots and violence. Wearing KKK outfits and shoving confederate flags in supporters' faces, could be considered incitement.

No, it can't. We have this funny notion in America that you can say offensive things and even wear offensive things without it being okay for someone to hit you.

Not stunning that you know as little about law as you do about everything else.
Not really...another non-violent protester taking a beating has become the norm at Trump rallies

The protesters obviously know which buttons to push with a Trump crowd and the Trumpies never fail to deliver

Meanwhile, Stumpy Fingers just sits there and claims he does not have a problem
Intentionally causing a crime to take place is called conspiracy to commit said crime, a felony.

Not quite...protesting and disturbing the peace is not a felony

Assault however, still is

There are laws pertaining to incitement. You can be arrested and prosecuted for inciting riots and violence. Wearing KKK outfits and shoving confederate flags in supporters' faces, could be considered incitement.

Free speech

Protesting Trumps endorsement of the KKK and support from racist groups is protected speech
Beating up those with other views is not
Trump rented the place he holds his rallies, so any protesters, violent or otherwise, are an unwelcome intrusion of the event. They can be charged. If they're fighting they can be locked up.

Yes, but if his supporters feel they "have" to assault the protesters, rather than allowing the cops to handle it as civilized human beings would do, THEY can and will be locked up, as well.
It's so sad that you think that's what I'm saying.

I'll type slow so you don't have the right to kill someone who is "inhibiting your right to freely travel".

Someone protesting doesn't have a right to inhibit my free travel. Are you saying I should let them inhibit me? What are you suggesting I do?

You don't have the authority to personally do anything about it beyond calling the cops. You don't get to run them over Mr. Wallace.

Don't get in front of me then.

That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.
Horsecrap. The protester was already being escorted out by cops when the supporter grabbed his sign and sucker-punched him. Nice deflection onto "Yeah, but he . . .", but no dice. Didn't your momma ever tell you two wrongs don't make a right?

That wasn't reported. And of course two wrongs don't make a right. But, it is reality.

WHAT wasn't reported? That he was being escorted out by the cops? Yes, it was.

And no, it is NOT reality that two wrongs make a right, nor that it's okay for people to try to make it be so. I find it hard to be blase about "It's wrong, but people are just going to act like wild animals. Oh, well."

In Az, protesters were chaining themselves to cars and in utah, protesters were throwing rocks at supporters. Two wrongs never make it a right. The reality references back to the two groups committing the actions.

Yes, and you're discussing the FIRST wrong there. The reality ALSO references the second wrong, where a bunch of Trump-supporting lunatics thought the appropriate response to protesters was to become physically violence, and now the THIRD wrong, where punk-ass savages like you sit around making excuses for it.

One more time for the thinking-impaired excuse-making fucktards in the audience: the protester was already being led away by the cops. That is how civilized societies, which are apparently anathema to the likes of you, deal with such situations. It was handled. The Trump supporter apparently decided that all this law-abiding "let the cops work" stuff just wasn't good enough, and attacked the guy.

I don't give a shit HOW many people were chaining themselves to cars in another city entirely. It does not justify THIS guy attacking someone already in police hands. Neither does your "But it's okay to hit people because . . ." bullshit. Unless your life and well-being are in imminent danger, you keep your fucking hands to yourself. My first-grader can comprehend this; why the hell can't Trump apologists understand it?

Yeah, whatever. These aren't protesters. They're engaging in criminal activity.

You know that the penalty for criminal activity in a civilized society - like the one America used to be - is being arrested and prosecuted through the courts, not summarily assaulted by psychotic mobs, right? I don't recall a new law being passed, authorizing private citizens to dispense "justice" via physical violence, but perhaps I just missed it.
Should we really put people in jail for attacking anti-Trump protesters? We already got the largest prison population on the planet so why prosecute them. We should just let them keep going because we can't afford to lock anyone away anymore.
Should we really put people in jail for attacking anti-Trump protesters? We already got the largest prison population on the planet so why prosecute them. We should just let them keep going because we can't afford to lock anyone away anymore.

I'm sorry, was that a serious suggestion that we should not prosecute people for committing assault because we don't like their victims? Seems I heard that somewhere before. Where was it? Oh, yeah. Black Lives Matter.
Someone protesting doesn't have a right to inhibit my free travel. Are you saying I should let them inhibit me? What are you suggesting I do?

You don't have the authority to personally do anything about it beyond calling the cops. You don't get to run them over Mr. Wallace.

Don't get in front of me then.

That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.
That wasn't reported. And of course two wrongs don't make a right. But, it is reality.

WHAT wasn't reported? That he was being escorted out by the cops? Yes, it was.

And no, it is NOT reality that two wrongs make a right, nor that it's okay for people to try to make it be so. I find it hard to be blase about "It's wrong, but people are just going to act like wild animals. Oh, well."

In Az, protesters were chaining themselves to cars and in utah, protesters were throwing rocks at supporters. Two wrongs never make it a right. The reality references back to the two groups committing the actions.

Yes, and you're discussing the FIRST wrong there. The reality ALSO references the second wrong, where a bunch of Trump-supporting lunatics thought the appropriate response to protesters was to become physically violence, and now the THIRD wrong, where punk-ass savages like you sit around making excuses for it.

One more time for the thinking-impaired excuse-making fucktards in the audience: the protester was already being led away by the cops. That is how civilized societies, which are apparently anathema to the likes of you, deal with such situations. It was handled. The Trump supporter apparently decided that all this law-abiding "let the cops work" stuff just wasn't good enough, and attacked the guy.

I don't give a shit HOW many people were chaining themselves to cars in another city entirely. It does not justify THIS guy attacking someone already in police hands. Neither does your "But it's okay to hit people because . . ." bullshit. Unless your life and well-being are in imminent danger, you keep your fucking hands to yourself. My first-grader can comprehend this; why the hell can't Trump apologists understand it?

Yeah, whatever. These aren't protesters. They're engaging in criminal activity.

You know that the penalty for criminal activity in a civilized society - like the one America used to be - is being arrested and prosecuted through the courts, not summarily assaulted by psychotic mobs, right? I don't recall a new law being passed, authorizing private citizens to dispense "justice" via physical violence, but perhaps I just missed it.

America used to actually prosecute them instead of slapping them on the wrist.
meanwhile, anti-trump muslims in brussels just ripped up the bodies of dozens of people in a most grisly fashion.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he incites.

The Leftists are freaking so much, this might be because if The Donald gets elected they're afraid they'll be forced to get a job.

I'm sure many Leftists obviously already have jobs, but these protesters aka Professional Agitators appear not to have a regular job as Agitation and Activism seems to have replaced a regular job.
and this is why republicans are so stupid ... look at the red states they live in ...they are the states that have more republicans on welfare then any blue state ... and he says we liberals don't work, thats shows you how ignorant trump supporters are ...
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he incites.

The Leftists are freaking so much, this might be because if The Donald gets elected they're afraid they'll be forced to get a job.

I'm sure many Leftists obviously already have jobs, but these protesters aka Professional Agitators appear not to have a regular job as Agitation and Activism seems to have replaced a regular job.

Well, it is Saturday, and thanks to unions - many people have Saturdays off work. You know - the "weekend"...
Lucky hamilton thinks every day is the weekend he's on welfare
liberals, including the rep establishment pushing cruz are quick to defend peaceful islam after they rip up people, but they are horrified when a cruz/sanders supporter dressed up like a KKK thug gets his ass kicked.
Intentionally causing a crime to take place is called conspiracy to commit said crime, a felony.

Not quite...protesting and disturbing the peace is not a felony

Assault however, still is

There are laws pertaining to incitement. You can be arrested and prosecuted for inciting riots and violence. Wearing KKK outfits and shoving confederate flags in supporters' faces, could be considered incitement.

Free speech

Protesting Trumps endorsement of the KKK and support from racist groups is protected speech
Beating up those with other views is not
Trump rented the place he holds his rallies, so any protesters, violent or otherwise, are an unwelcome intrusion of the event. They can be charged. If they're fighting they can be locked up.

Yes, but if his supporters feel they "have" to assault the protesters, rather than allowing the cops to handle it as civilized human beings would do, THEY can and will be locked up, as well.
I'm sure they will. But kicking these fuckers asses has a special satisfaction attached to it.
You don't have the authority to personally do anything about it beyond calling the cops. You don't get to run them over Mr. Wallace.

Don't get in front of me then.

That's not how it works, George.

As I said, don't get in front of me protesting and obstructing MY way. Your protest doesn't override by right to travel.

Your right to travel doesn't override the law requiring you not to hit pedestrians with your car, even when they're in the road where they shouldn't be. I have a right to travel to work in the morning, but that doesn't allow me to mow down jaywalkers.

A jaywalker doesn't have the objective to block you from traveling. A protester blocking the roadway does.

You still don't get to run them over with your car, George.

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