Anti-Trump Trump thread.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
Two of Four. This thread is for anti-Trump people to post their predictions of the next 4 years is Trump wins. Not your fears, but your honest predictions.

As I am not anti-Trump, I will not post. Any anti-Trumper with any balls, post what you think will happen. And hopefully 4 years from now, we can review this to see who among us is wise.

Your predictions.
The whole Trump-Up family is bizzare, and not too literate at problem-solving. Follow Don Jr. about the Covid-19 numbers. The deaths are relatively small when isolated just to Covid-19 is the claim. The dead people also have other problems(?): Which is not in dispute. Mostly they had them already(?). . .or something.

So along comes Covid-19 and they wind up in hospitals. Problem: The Covid-19 complications send cases to hospitals. There they take up hospital beds, and ICU space. Even little babies, with genitalia mutilation problems(?): Cannot access those beds. Harm of those babies is then clearly Trumped-Up intended. People with Opiod over-dose afflictions, cannot access those beds. People with heart attack problems: Can't even access hospital space, to have the stupid carcass of the heart removed and thrown away(?)!

Notice that the problem explanation goes beneath normal civil. That is the bizarre, Trumped-UP family, alternative facts and reality in play.

"Crow. James Crow: Shaken, Not Sitrred!"
(Noticing the impact of the Matthew 25: 14-30--"No Lives Matter" prayer: Smaller-sized Super-Spreader, Trumped-Up Rally events!
More deregulation, not the kind that gets rid of silly useless stuff, the kind that allows large corporations & big money to make more money.
Trump Republicans, never have & never will support better wages for working people. check it out never vote for increases for us, always vote for increases for them selfs.
Two of Four. This thread is for anti-Trump people to post their predictions of the next 4 years is Trump wins. Not your fears, but your honest predictions.

As I am not anti-Trump, I will not post. Any anti-Trumper with any balls, post what you think will happen. And hopefully 4 years from now, we can review this to see who among us is wise.

Your predictions.

You especially high when you wrote this?
How about this one, last US postmaster WORKED 27 years for post office, worked her way up from the bottom. New US postmaster, donated 800 thousand to Trump, bought the job, never worked at the post office. is doing a poor job.
Complete politicalization of the civil service. Vendetta, including unsubstantiated investigations, against everyone who said anything bad about him or refused to follow unlawful orders into investigating people that were on Trump's enemy list.

Closer ties to authoritarian leaders around the world. And a completion of the erosion of American influence on the international stage.

Legitimization of more conspiracy theories and rightwing extremists who will serving in Trump's new Popular Brigade and exempt from interference from the DoJ.

Ushering in a McCarthy area of persecution against perceived "leftist" enemies.

Continued civil unrest as the public continues to swing between pandemic fears and economic fears, racism (and the legitimization of a "clean" white supremacism) and the racially disparate economic fall out.

But...some interesting possibilities. Though I full expect vendetta's such as how Vindeman was attacked...Trump will be freed from constraints of re-election. Trump unchained. He has never been chained by legalities, and congress has been notoriously wimpy to rein him in. What is possible here?
BETTSY, never went to a public school, has zero education or job experience in public school education, donated millions to Trump, bought the job. this is called filling the swamp not draining it. MORE people getting government jobs who are lobbyist, more people getting jobs that worked against the agency's that they are now running. No more working your way up to the top. pay for play the new way is now in full swing.
Two of Four. This thread is for anti-Trump people to post their predictions of the next 4 years is Trump wins. Not your fears, but your honest predictions.

As I am not anti-Trump, I will not post. Any anti-Trumper with any balls, post what you think will happen. And hopefully 4 years from now, we can review this to see who among us is wise.

Your predictions.
Well...that point's moot, eh?

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