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Anti-West bloody Jihad 1947 by "Palestinian" (and other) Muslim Brotherhood


Oct 14, 2012
The CIA under Harry Truman - United States. Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Warner, Center for the Study of Intelligence (U.S.). History Staff, 1994, 473 pp.
[p. 147]

The partition of Palestine, as proposed to the United Nations, satisfies minimum Zionist demands, but will be bitterly resisted by the Arabs.
Its adoption and implementation would precipitate Arab armed resistance possibly assuming the proportions of a Holy War against Europeans and Americans as well as Jews. The Arab governments could not control this popular reaction; they would be coerced by it, supplanted by governments responsive to the popular will.
[pp. 154-5]
At the conference of the Political Committee of the Arab League in October 1947 it is significant that the Mufti, as Chairman of the Arab Higher Committee. played a leading role. Although the Arab Higher Committee and the Arab League. have differed as to the advisability of testifying before UNSCOP, the members of the League are in complete accord over the injustice of partition to the Palestinian Arabs...

(2) Religious Pressure.

The Arab governments are probably as greatly influenced by religious pressures as they are by nationalist pressures. The Arabs are capable of a religious fanaticism which when coupled with political aspirations is an extremely powerful force. Whether or not the Arab governments are capable of guiding this force is difficult to judge. It is very possible that certain religious organizations will take the initiative in organizing Arab resistance in Palestine.

The Ikhwan al Muslimin (Moslem Brotherhood), with headquarters in Egypt, is an organization of young Moslems founded for the purpose of orienting Arab society in accordance with Islamic ideologies. Branches of the Ikhwan have been formed in Syria and Lebanon, and one of the most active branches is in Palestine. The Ikhwan regards Westernization as a dangerous threat to Islam and would oppose any political encroachment of Zionism on Palestine with religious fanaticism. Should a "Jihad," or Holy War, be declared, the Ikhwan would be the Spearhead of any "crusade."
The Grand Mufti, as head of the Moslem Supreme Council, can count on the unanimous support of all members of the Ikhwan, who are assured of entrance into Paradise if they die on the ñeld of battle.

(3) Tribal Pressure.

The tribes of the Arab countries are a powerful element in the political and military pattern of the Middle East. The tribe is a group of related families under the leadership of a chief (sheikh) which may be joined in a confederacy with other tribes under a paramount sheikh The economic basis of tribal life is pastoral nomadism involving periodic migrations to seek pasturage for camels, sheep, and horses. The nomad (Beduin) population of Iraq, Syria, Transjordan, and Saudi Arabia has been estimated at 2,500,000.

The conditions of Beduin life have developed a hardy type of fighting man, not only imbued with a warilke tradition combining religious fanaticism with an enthusiastic devotion to looting, plundering, and raiding) but also trained in the use of small arms and the methods of desert warfare.

Large stipends have been paid annually to the tribes of the Near East by whatever power wished to have their support, whether that power was British, French, or the local Arab government. Since the Arab governments now pay the stipends, they could rely on the tribes within their regions. The tribes would doubtless join the crusade, not only for reasons of Arab patriotism but also for plunder, the assurance of additional stipends, and the thrill of battle. The Syrian Defense Minister stated on 9 October that as the Arabs marched into Palestine they "would be buttressed by 100,000 1oot*seeking Beduin described as 'mine fodder'."

The dramatic meeting of 500 Kurdish and Arab tribal sheikhs at Hílla in Iraq in October passed a resolution for a Holy War to defend Palestine. Although Prime Minister Saleh Jabr took the initiative in organizing this meeting, it is significant that the Arab and Kurdish leaders (many of whom are hostile to each other) consented to meet and to agree to a common program.
The CIA under Harry Truman - Michael Warner, Center for the Study of Intelligence (U.S.). - Google Books

[p. 158]
The Bludan Conference of 1946 established a course of procedure* to be followed by the Arab states in the event that the recommendations of the Anglo-American Committee should be implemented.
Following the publication of the UNSCOP report and the speech of Secretary Marshall before UNGA, the Arab League Political Committee met and decided in general terms to apply the Bludan recommendations if partition were voted by the UN.
However, in the discussions on the manner in which these recommendations should be applied, there was considerable disagreement in the Political Committee. Some of the Arab governments refused to consider a break in diplomatic relations with the Western powers, and others refused to cancel oil concessions. Nevertheless, there is complete unanimity among the Arab states as regards aim.
They are all unalterably opposed to the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Whether or not they now agree on retaliatory measures against the US is beside the point; in time US interests will be seriously affected, if not by the decisions of the Arab governments, certainly by instability and hostility which will inevitably be aroused in the Arab world.
The bombing of the American Consulate General in Jerusalem on 13 October is evidence of the Arab resentment against US support of the majority plan. This action was reported to have been taken by the newly formed Arab terrorist group which calls itself "the Jihad." Whatever the official position of the Arab governments may be, the attacks on US property, installations, and personell by irresponsible groups or...
The CIA under Harry Truman - United States. Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Warner, Center for the Study of Intelligence (U.S.). History Staff - Google Books



American Victims of Palestinian Violence (AVPV) AMERICAN VICTIMS KILLED DURING mostly "Palestinian" Arab TERRORIST ATTACKS mainly since 1968.
ok Tinnie approves-----muslims got together and DEMOCRATICALLY VOTED TO KILL JEWS-----so it is ok
ok Tinnie approves-----muslims got together and DEMOCRATICALLY VOTED TO KILL JEWS-----so it is ok
The term "democracy" and Muslim regimes are oxy morons. The so called Aeab spring is more of a stinky Christian winter.

Arab Spring, Christian winter « Hot Air Headlines

Basically, since the "Arab spring" the bigotry against minorities in Apartheid Islamic world only grew.

Marharba----during---the summer of 2010----I was posting on a board devoted to the same subject as this one----that board is now defunct ----in which persons of seemingly normal mentation -------generally something like WASPS-----INSISTED --over and over and over ----that christians in Lebanon and in Egypt were being treated with kid gloves and loving every minute of the glorious ARAB SPRING they were tinnie-types. Their propaganda was EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL
Christians in the ME were never equal, in Lebanon it was better because it used to be mostly Christian... But since the Arab spring, any "other" in the intolerant Middle East is treated terribly. Main victims are: Gypsies (Dom) in Jordan; fearful Christians in PA authority who won't even talk on camera...; al Akhdam in Yemen; blacks and Asian slaves in Lebanon;UAE;SaudiArabia;Kuwait, etc.; Sunni, Kurds and Christians in Supremacist Alawites in Syria; Christians, Bahai, and Ahwazi-Arabs in Fascistic Iran; Christians in Egypt and even in "moderate" Turkey.
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Well Marharba-----you know that and I know that-----but if you continue reading this board------you will find lots of people who are either completely clueless or lying. I attended USA public schools for my entire education----and incessantly had to endure as a "requirement" a "history class" (ugh) -----usually entitled HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION -------the textbooks were all seriously flawed---------of course they all LAUD THE TOLERANT MUSLIMS WHO BROUGHT CIVILIZATION TO THE WORLD and courteously-----brought barbaric midieval christian europe of ignorance and illiteracy etc etc I blame a lot of the ignorance that you see regarding the relationships between muslims and non muslims -----ON OUR DAMN HISTORY BOOKS -------they are silly
Yes, I can also tell you that "pro palestinianism" consists mainly of a handful Liberals one one hand, and on the other many Anti-Jewish bigots. (Otherwise known as Antii-Semites, as prof. Lewis wrote only referred in history to anti Jewishism) seizing any opportunity, yet have no love lost for "brown" Arabs whom Hitler and WW2 Nazis regarded as monkeys.
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Ever noticed the cowardice silence from the Islamists and their enablers on this subject?
Christians in the ME were never equal, in Lebanon it was better because it used to be mostly Christian... But since the Arab spring, any "other" in the intolerant Middle East is treated terribly. Main victims are: Gypsies (Dom) in Jordan; fearful Christians in PA authority who won't even talk on camera...; al Akhdam in Yemen; blacks and Asian slaves in Lebanon;UAE;SaudiArabia;Kuwait, etc.; Sunni, Kurds and Christians in Supremacist Alawites in Syria; Christians, Bahai, and Ahwazi-Arabs in Fascistic Iran; Christians in Egypt and even in "moderate" Turkey.
i agree with you, mostly and its terrible

and the christians aint equal in israel either; even less so in the west bank

why do the christians allegedly support assad?

what do you want; a phalangist crusade like sabra and shatila?

if i were a christian in any arab country OR israel I would leave for a christian country which many are

the israelis are little better, you know

are you really an arab christian? I doubt it.............
Well Marharba-----you know that and I know that-----but if you continue reading this board------you will find lots of people who are either completely clueless or lying. I attended USA public schools for my entire education----and incessantly had to endure as a "requirement" a "history class" (ugh) -----usually entitled HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION -------the textbooks were all seriously flawed---------of course they all LAUD THE TOLERANT MUSLIMS WHO BROUGHT CIVILIZATION TO THE WORLD and courteously-----brought barbaric midieval christian europe of ignorance and illiteracy etc etc I blame a lot of the ignorance that you see regarding the relationships between muslims and non muslims -----ON OUR DAMN HISTORY BOOKS -------they are silly

i did a history degree as well as school and heard hardly a word about muslims, good or bad

plenty about jews, mostly positive

a bit of her story instead of his story would have been good..........
answer to why christians support ASSAD-------because they are more afraid of the ISLAMICIST PIGS than of Assad------ They are doing precisely what jews did in the middle east in the past 1400 years-----finding the lesser intense filth
Well Marharba-----you know that and I know that-----but if you continue reading this board------you will find lots of people who are either completely clueless or lying. I attended USA public schools for my entire education----and incessantly had to endure as a "requirement" a "history class" (ugh) -----usually entitled HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION -------the textbooks were all seriously flawed---------of course they all LAUD THE TOLERANT MUSLIMS WHO BROUGHT CIVILIZATION TO THE WORLD and courteously-----brought barbaric midieval christian europe of ignorance and illiteracy etc etc I blame a lot of the ignorance that you see regarding the relationships between muslims and non muslims -----ON OUR DAMN HISTORY BOOKS -------they are silly

i did a history degree as well as school and heard hardly a word about muslims, good or bad

plenty about jews, mostly positive

a bit of her story instead of his story would have been good..........

You are lying Kvetch-----jews do not show up at all in USA high school textbooks----muslims a bit ALL VERY POSITIVE as if they invented lemons

I will never forget a picture in my high school text of a jerk with scimitar on his belt (proving that he was a muslim) handing an amazed and grateful "KNIGHT" a lemon
and the caption regarding all the fascinating MUSLIM PRODUCTS to which the crusaders were introduced by friendly muslims
Ever noticed the cowardice silence from the Islamists and their enablers on this subject?

I do.

I do notice indeed! All the time. :(

Ohhhh. A Newbie
Well Marharba-----you know that and I know that-----but if you continue reading this board------you will find lots of people who are either completely clueless or lying. I attended USA public schools for my entire education----and incessantly had to endure as a "requirement" a "history class" (ugh) -----usually entitled HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION -------the textbooks were all seriously flawed---------of course they all LAUD THE TOLERANT MUSLIMS WHO BROUGHT CIVILIZATION TO THE WORLD and courteously-----brought barbaric midieval christian europe of ignorance and illiteracy etc etc I blame a lot of the ignorance that you see regarding the relationships between muslims and non muslims -----ON OUR DAMN HISTORY BOOKS -------they are silly

i did a history degree as well as school and heard hardly a word about muslims, good or bad

plenty about jews, mostly positive

a bit of her story instead of his story would have been good..........

You are lying Kvetch-----jews do not show up at all in USA high school textbooks----muslims a bit ALL VERY POSITIVE as if they invented lemons

I will never forget a picture in my high school text of a jerk with scimitar on his belt (proving that he was a muslim) handing an amazed and grateful "KNIGHT" a lemon
and the caption regarding all the fascinating MUSLIM PRODUCTS to which the crusaders were introduced by friendly muslims
that's a bit rich, Rosie

i was talking england school;

you were talking USA school; how could I know that???

i did teach for a couple of days in a high school in Hawaii during the Kuwait war because none of the teachers even knew where kuwait was!!

i saw then in the papers they had given young yanx a map of the world with the country names taken out, then tested the students

2% could find kuwait and iraq....not such a shock

but 60% couldn't find the USA on the map

yanx are world famous for their geographical ignorance; it's a stereotype of USA in the world

not the coastal yanx..the interior ones

Yes, I can also tell you that "pro palestinianism" consists mainly of a handful Liberals one one hand, and on the other many Anti-Jewish bigots. (Otherwise known as Antii-Semites, as prof. Lewis wrote only referred in history to anti Jewishism) seizing any opportunity, yet have no love lost for "brown" Arabs whom Hitler and WW2 Nazis regarded as monkeys.
10% of palestinians are christian,

are you not pro them??

or are you just a zionist pretendin to be a christian...........that's what I think
answer to why christians support ASSAD-------because they are more afraid of the ISLAMICIST PIGS than of Assad------ They are doing precisely what jews did in the middle east in the past 1400 years-----finding the lesser intense filth

e.g. Obama ???
I am dead in the water on geography Just the word in school would make me feel nauseated but---there was a time when I could have a conversation with an Indian on the phone and tell from which province in India he hailed----based on "accent" when he spoke in english. I cannot do that anymore. Since you traveled ----you learned geography-----so? I spent a few years----doing a few hours each week on a switchboard (long ago ----in the time of the PBX)---so I learned how to understand------the particular population involved Given a rough outline of the world and asked to locate cities or countries------I am dead

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