Antifa/BLM are the Democrat Brownshirt shock troops?

Why hasn't the BLM or the Antifa been scrutinized by the Democrats, ever? Seems a fair question.

Not really a "fair question".

The brown shirts were a paid group of vets who supported the goals of the wealthy elite.
They had the approval of government and were the well organized, extra legal, actors for the wealthy elite.

BLM and Antifa are totally disorganized anarchists who are just angry and upset over how badly the majority of the people are treated and ripped off by the wealthy elite in this country.
They have no weapons, organization, experience, training, etc., or even common goals.
They have said it over and over so many times they really believe there were really 50 million mail fake ballots with bamboo and Venezuela connections etc. On this web site we are allowed to argue with the conservatives and Trumpsters. If you go to a web site controlled by the trumpsters the conspiracy theories run rampant and unchecked. At least here some of us point out the obviously false ones. On those other sites they just repeat really crazy stuff over and over and over. If anyone disputes it they are generally banned or shouted down. But they repeat them over and over and over. soon they believe.
50 million non-electioneering-proof mail-in ballots. Deal with that. Facts are an aberration for democrats.
No, you made a claim and I asked you to back it up with facts. Someone who is not a troll can do that. Someone who is a troll, cannot. You cannot!
Me? You’re confused. The guy you were talking to is the one who deserves your ire. He is the troll
50 million non-electioneering-proof mail-in ballots. Deal with that. Facts are an aberration for democrats.

50 million non-electioneering-proof mail-in ballots. Deal with that. Facts are an aberration for democrats.

They will never even understand what you are saying.
Their Cult leaders have completely shielded them from ever knowing about the unverifiable/unvetted ballots.
That was the entire reason that the Democrats needed the chaos on Jan. 6th.
Mail in ballots?
What mail in ballots?
We always have absentee ballots.

The power of the Democrat Bubble Cult.

Of course, if the outcome were reversed that is all the Democrat Media Bubble Cult would have focused on.

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