Antifa/BLM are the Democrat Brownshirt shock troops?

If you really think about it, if the Dems are as corrupt as you say they are, and the RWers are as pure as you pretend to be, and yet, election after election, year after year, they keep punking you. Just give the F up. why bother? See, if you guys are completely right about every thing you is even worse.
Not really a "fair question".

The brown shirts were a paid group of vets who supported the goals of the wealthy elite.
They had the approval of government and were the well organized, extra legal, actors for the wealthy elite.

BLM and Antifa are totally disorganized anarchists who are just angry and upset over how badly the majority of the people are treated and ripped off by the wealthy elite in this country.
They have no weapons, organization, experience, training, etc., or even common goals.

BLM ANTIFA are highly organized members of the entitled and privileged elite just as the brown shirts were\\

They are NOT anarchisst they are communists which by definition makes them WORSE than any nazi

BLM ANTIFA are highly organized members of the entitled and privileged elite just as the brown shirts were\\

They are NOT anarchisst they are communists which by definition makes them WORSE than any nazi
Pure nonsense

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