Antifa/BLM are the Democrat Brownshirt shock troops?

It DID happen...temporarily.

The Count was stopped and Congress fled.
Unfortunately for you...Pence never left the building and Congress came back in session once the filth were removed
Temporary is not your idiot status. It appears to be chronic.
It DID happen...temporarily.

The Count was stopped and Congress fled.
Unfortunately for you...Pence never left the building and Congress came back in session once the filth were removed

The filth was scum like you that led the chaos to stop debate on any or all possible fraud.
Why hasn't the BLM or the Antifia been scrutinized by the Democrats, ever? Seems a fair question.
antifa is a bunch of crazy kids who go after Nazis and are not Democrats, out in Portland and Seattle mainly. BLM is just fine and has nothing to do with the rioters later on at night. And they had something to really be mad about, not imaginary election fraud and vaccine hoaxes etcetera
antifa is a bunch of crazy kids who go after Nazis and are not Democrats, out in Portland and Seattle mainly. BLM is just fine and has nothing to do with the rioters later on at night. And they had something to really be mad about, not imaginary election fraud and vaccine hoaxes etcetera

Non functional brain dead retard.
The filth was scum like you that led the chaos to stop debate on any or all possible fraud.
so all those judges and lawyers and election officials from both parties are all in our conspiracy against poor little you.... You know, your heroes don't dare say their propaganda in court, that's a crime. so all of your courtroom cases were a joke, Just like the non existent evidence you have. Poor America. you are the worst thing that has ever happened to America. change the channel and rejoin humanity super Duper
so all those judges and lawyers and election officials from both parties are all in our conspiracy against poor little you.... You know, your heroes don't dare say their propaganda in court, that's a crime. so all of your courtroom cases were a joke, Just like the non existent evidence you have. Poor America. you are the worst thing that has ever happened to America. change the channel and rejoin humanity super Duper

You are a nonfunctional brain dead retard.
Funny, when I was growing up, this wan’t called “patriotism”.
View attachment 765361

It was sore losers who resorted to violence to overturn an election.
You mean something like this?

You mean something like this?

Nope. While that is wrong, it is nowhere close to the level of violence perpetrated on the Capitol.
A failed bank robbery is still a bank robbery.

Well what if the bank robber contends that he or she is ''cooperating fully with the investigation''...ahem?

Seems like some of you folks are rather selective in your logic, depending on who is committing the crime. Why is that? It cetainly doesn't lend to the credibiity or validity of any so-called professed principles.
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Anyway. I think we'll find that most of the first wave were federal agents provocateur.

I think I read something earlier some place that they were able to discover this via facial recognition technology.

We'll see, I suppose. Like everything, the truth always comes out (assuming one hasn't already browsed through the conspiracy theory section of the board where inconvenient truths are so often arbitrarily sent.)
What it is… is gibberish
They have said it over and over so many times they really believe there were really 50 million mail fake ballots with bamboo and Venezuela connections etc. On this web site we are allowed to argue with the conservatives and Trumpsters. If you go to a web site controlled by the trumpsters the conspiracy theories run rampant and unchecked. At least here some of us point out the obviously false ones. On those other sites they just repeat really crazy stuff over and over and over. If anyone disputes it they are generally banned or shouted down. But they repeat them over and over and over. soon they believe.
They have said it over and over so many times they really believe there were really 50 million mail fake ballots with bamboo and Venezuela connections etc. On this web site we are allowed to argue with the conservatives and Trumpsters. If you go to a web site controlled by the trumpsters the conspiracy theories run rampant and unchecked. At least here some of us point out the obviously false ones. On those other sites they just repeat really crazy stuff over and over and over. If anyone disputes it they are generally banned or shouted down. But they repeat them over and over and over. soon they believe.
It’s not a lot different here.

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