Antifa/BLM are the Democrat Brownshirt shock troops?

Shall we start with David Duke?
Guess you forget he ran as a Democrat all through the 70's and 80's. He ran for President as a Democrat. He did not become a Republican when he "Supposedly" left the KKK. So you got anymore than 1? Because 1 does not really expand into all very well.
Guess you forget he ran as a Democrat all through the 70's and 80's. He ran for President as a Democrat. He did not become a Republican when he "Supposedly" left the KKK. So you got anymore than 1? Because 1 does not really expand into all very well.
And how George Wallace (D) was the winner of the 1972 Florida and Michigan ( among other States ) Democrat POTUS Primaries and was on a fast track to defeating Nixon until a Republican Nutjob in a black turtleneck shot him .
And how George Wallace (D) was the winner of the 1972 Florida and Michigan ( among other States ) Democrat POTUS Primaries and was on a fast track to defeating Nixon until a Republican Nutjob in a black turtleneck shot him .
Wallace had ZERO chance of beating Nixon. Stop saying stupid shit

Oh and Wallace won Maryland and Michigan primaries...both after he was shot.
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Given the special treatment they got in 2020, it was like the liberal equivalent of Kristallnacht. For Whites.
Not a bad analogy, IMO. The Nazis did indeed have brownshirts before Hitler became Chancellor and Nazi Party fanatics to beat people up in the streets and other places ---- as on Kristalnacht. Certainly the antifa and BLM do seem to be the Democrat Party's shocktroops! Very nice.
Not a bad analogy, IMO. The Nazis did indeed have brownshirts before Hitler became Chancellor and Nazi Party fanatics to beat people up in the streets and other places ---- as on Kristalnacht. Certainly the antifa and BLM do seem to be the Democrat Party's shocktroops! Very nice.
BLM is not violent. ANTIFA is the opposite side of the coin with the Proud Boys (the actual brown shirts) on the other.

The Brown shirts (Proud Boys) battled the communists (ANTIFA) in the streets of Germany for years.

There's your comparison
Wallace had ZERO chance of beating Nixon. Stop saying stupid shit

Oh and Wallace won Maryland and Michigan primaries...both after he was shot.
And he would have done far better than Carter did 4 years Later due to top tier Name Recognition built on a successful Political Career That was forged many years earlier than Carter’s
About how Democrat tried to steal the 2000 POTUS election , and I was 40
Nopre. Didn't happen. Dems took it to court...lost and had to live with it.

No riots. No storming the Capitol
About how Democrat tried to steal the 2000 POTUS election , and I was 40
I am not good at math, but I am 63 right now. about the same age. This is a poor example to try to say the Dems do it to, cause going to the courts is legal, storming the Capitol is not. Can you kinda see the difference?


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