Antifa/BLM are the Democrat Brownshirt shock troops?

Typical disinformation from you socialists/communists/fascists. Whom are also mentally challenged it seems.

Let’s discuss “mentally challenged”…

Out of thousands protesting at the Capital that day, only a few hundreds broke into the building.

Between 2000 and 2,500 broke in and entered the building. Far more than a “few hundreds”.

Other than a few souvenirs, looting was very minimumal, same with regard to vandalism, and there was no arson.
Estimates of damage caused by the January 6 Capitol riot is currently $2.73 million.

As I've tried to explain, the was no real way those actions could have overthrow our government.
Just because an attempted insurrection failed or was poorly done doesn’t make it any less of an insurrection. A failed bank robbery is still a bank robbery.

But you fascist supports of AntiFa make a false comparison to your pilliage, thefts, looting, vandalism, arson, trespasses, assaults, and murders performed over several weeks/months in several cities in this country versus an event of a few hours on one day in one government building.

The only fascists I’m seeing are the apologists for the January 6th insurrection. Can’t find anyone supporting Antifa here either.

Not only are you stupid and ignorant, you are at the bottom of the barrel in qualifications to speak of patriotism.

I really don’t think you have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing someone’s patriotism. You are confusing your radical partisanship with patriotism.
Which about 95+% did. Outside the Capital building.
Asking for a better investigation is more correct.
The Fed and Demorats spent over four years chasing Russian Collusion to no real proof or results. The Fed and others could have spent a few more months delving into the fraudulent election.
You mean like the way the Republicans so n’t all that time on Benghazi and Clinton’s server?
Further illustrates your mental dysfunction.
You start by not making excuses for the the Libturds, Leftists, seditionists, and secessionists who sought to start a second civil war in this country. Sought to destroy the Constitution and our Free Enterprise economy.
Which is what you guys did on January 6.
No, it was a bunch of patriots. Come back when you know what patriot means.
Funny, when I was growing up, this wan’t called “patriotism”.

It was sore losers who resorted to violence to overturn an election.


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When you were growing the FBI was not weaponized by one political party. The violence was instigated. Also fighting for the American way of life has always been patriotic.
violently trespassing into a government building and stopping its operations is never patriotic.

When you were growing the FBI was not weaponized by one political party. The violence was instigated. Also fighting for the American way of life has always been patriotic.
Violently overturning an election because your guy lost has never been “the American way of life”.
Let’s hope that never happens but I expect democrats to do that in the next election if they can’t get away with election theft again.
It almost DID happen and it was REPUBLICANS

What you expect is based on your partisanship.
There was no possibility that was going to happen. Cut the drama.
It DID happen...temporarily.

The Count was stopped and Congress fled.
Unfortunately for you...Pence never left the building and Congress came back in session once the filth were removed

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