Antifa/BLM are the Democrat Brownshirt shock troops?

First of all...even THOSE fuckers blasted through police their protest was not non-violent either.

But guess what? This isn't about the Magarats that didn't enter the Capitol.

It's about the ones that DID. Thousands of them
More like hundreds, rather than thousands.
But then you Lefturds and Demorats have a challenge with truth, accuracy, honesty, integrity, or math. For starters.
A reminder, this thread is about the AntiFa Brownshirts.
More like hundreds, rather than thousands.
But then you Lefturds and Demorats have a challenge with truth, accuracy, honesty, integrity, or math. For starters.
A reminder, this thread is about the AntiFa Brownshirts.
The 5th Column Far Left Shock Troops will get push back .
By April 19, 2019, The New York Times had documented that "Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the 2016 campaign and presidential transition."[15]
New York Times is hardly an objective source, but anyone running for POTUS should have contacts with major player nations if they want to properly guide this nation in foreign matters and relations.
Would seem Clinton's had contact's with the slimy side of UK intel operatives = Steele dossier fabrication. Biden, Joe and Hunter, had extensive contacts and payoffs(bought-offs) with Ukrainian nationals and corporations. The political game require contacts with many inside and outside the USA.

The "Russian Collusion" sham/scam found no evidence of "Russians" altering ballots or ballot counts in the 2016 elections, so you all were and continue to tilt at windmills.
New York Times is hardly an objective source, but anyone running for POTUS should have contacts with major player nations if they want to properly guide this nation in foreign matters and relations.
Would seem Clinton's had contact's with the slimy side of UK intel operatives = Steele dossier fabrication. Biden, Joe and Hunter, had extensive contacts and payoffs(bought-offs) with Ukrainian nationals and corporations. The political game require contacts with many inside and outside the USA.

The "Russian Collusion" sham/scam found no evidence of "Russians" altering ballots or ballot counts in the 2016 elections, so you all were and continue to tilt at windmills.
NO ONE EVER claimed Russians altered ballots. WHY lie?

NO ONE has EVER shown payoffs to Joe Biden from the Ukraine nor what Joe or Hunter was ALLEGEDY paid off to do for the Ukrainians.

That is 100% FAKE chose to believe and misinformation you CHOSE to spread.
Most from 1/6 have not gone to jail either!
Most from 1/6 didn't engage in and perform as serious crimes against property, the public,and the nation as did AntiFa and BLM during the Summer of 2020. That you defend them says a lot about your allegiance and concern for our nation (insert sarcasm emoji).
NO ONE EVER claimed Russians altered ballots. WHY lie?

NO ONE has EVER shown payoffs to Joe Biden from the Ukraine nor what Joe or Hunter was ALLEGEDY paid off to do for the Ukrainians.

That is 100% FAKE chose to believe and misinformation you CHOSE to spread.
Altering ballots and counts is the only real way "Russians" could have affected the election in Trump's favor.
Both Joe and Hunter have acquired wealth far beyond what their employment would have provided. There is records of fees paid, via devious routes, just you Lefturds and Demorats don't want to see or acknowledge such.
The 100% FAKE NEWS and misinformation, along with lies, are standard operating procedures for you and others on the looney Left.
Most from 1/6 didn't engage in and perform as serious crimes against property, the public,and the nation as did AntiFa and BLM during the Summer of 2020. That you defend them says a lot about your allegiance and concern for our nation (insert sarcasm emoji).
This just cracks me up. Someone who supports people trying to overthrow our government says something bout allegiance and concern for our nation. Glad you didnt say patriotic.
This just cracks me up. Someone who supports people trying to overthrow our government says something bout allegiance and concern for our nation. Glad you didnt say patriotic.
Typical disinformation from you socialists/communists/fascists. Whom are also mentally challenged it seems.
Out of thousands protesting at the Capital that day, only a few hundreds broke into the building. Other than a few souvenirs, looting was very minimumal, same with regard to vandalism, and there was no arson. As I've tried to explain, the was no real way those actions could have overthrow our government. But you fascist supports of AntiFa make a false comparison to your pilliage, thefts, looting, vandalism, arson, trespasses, assaults, and murders performed over several weeks/months in several cities in this country versus an event of a few hours on one day in one government building.

Not only are you stupid and ignorant, you are at the bottom of the barrel in qualifications to speak of patriotism.
Most from 1/6 didn't engage in and perform as serious crimes against property, the public,and the nation as did AntiFa and BLM during the Summer of 2020. That you defend them says a lot about your allegiance and concern for our nation (insert sarcasm emoji).
It is not a competition.

Read that again

One thing has nothing to do with the other
Altering ballots and counts is the only real way "Russians" could have affected the election in Trump's favor.
Both Joe and Hunter have acquired wealth far beyond what their employment would have provided. There is records of fees paid, via devious routes, just you Lefturds and Demorats don't want to see or acknowledge such.
The 100% FAKE NEWS and misinformation, along with lies, are standard operating procedures for you and others on the looney Left.
That is NOT the only way Russia could affect our elections. It’s what you want to claim
Typical disinformation from you socialists/communists/fascists. Whom are also mentally challenged it seems.
Out of thousands protesting at the Capital that day, only a few hundreds broke into the building. Other than a few souvenirs, looting was very minimumal, same with regard to vandalism, and there was no arson. As I've tried to explain, the was no real way those actions could have overthrow our government. But you fascist supports of AntiFa make a false comparison to your pilliage, thefts, looting, vandalism, arson, trespasses, assaults, and murders performed over several weeks/months in several cities in this country versus an event of a few hours on one day in one government building.

Not only are you stupid and ignorant, you are at the bottom of the barrel in qualifications to speak of patriotism.
Trumpsters are not great Americans. They are Trumpsters.
It is not a competition.

Read that again

One thing has nothing to do with the other
But they do have something in common with each other.
They are the opposite sides of the same coin.
Dis-satisfaction with "The System" over perceived injustices &/or prejudices.

Are you too dumb to see this or intentionally lying?
But they do have something in common with each other.
They are the opposite sides of the same coin.
Dis-satisfaction with "The System" over perceived injustices &/or prejudices.

Are you too dumb to see this or intentionally lying?
Nope. Nothing to do with each other.

Stop trying to find excuses for what you MAGArats did
Nope. Nothing to do with each other.

Stop trying to find excuses for what you MAGArats did
Further illustrates your mental dysfunction.
You start by not making excuses for the the Libturds, Leftists, seditionists, and secessionists who sought to start a second civil war in this country. Sought to destroy the Constitution and our Free Enterprise economy.
Trumpsters are not great Americans. They are Trumpsters.
"Trumpsters" know the Constitution and founding principles of this nation, and seek to restore such.

You pseudo Libtards, Lefturds, and socialist-fascists don't know such and are trying to destroy this nation and our future.
Consider emigrating to some other failed communist-socialist nation where you belong. There are many to chose from.

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