Antifa/BLM are the Democrat Brownshirt shock troops?

They were about stopping a lawful election and forcing the WRONG person into the White House.

That is absolutely and insurrection
They about correcting an election fraud that put the WRONG person into the Office of POTUS.
Insurrection would be those doing the occupying claiming members among them are now the office holders and shooting the ones they replace. Jan 6 was street theater and still a suspicion much instigated by Antifa fifth element infiltrators.
The riots that occurred in the summer of 2020 had no relation to nor were they an excuse for the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol.

That’s just horse shit
I didn't say they were an excuse for the actions on Jan 6. I said they were in the same league but both earlier, much larger, and a greater danger to the nation. Those who perpted Summer 2020 (Extreme Left within AntiFa and BLM) are still a domestic threat and danger. So are those who excuse them and enable them.
I wonder why all those lawmakers were running for their lives then?

Hell Cruz was hiding in a closet
They realized the potential for danger. Especially once seeing the police remove barricades, open doors and invite the "protestors" in.
I didn't say they were an excuse for the actions on Jan 6. I said they were in the same league but both earlier, much larger, and a greater danger to the nation. Those who perpted Summer 2020 (Extreme Left within AntiFa and BLM) are still a domestic threat and danger. So are those who excuse them and enable them.
So if they aren’t an excuse for it, talking about them in this context is stupid.

I’m sure you agree
They realized the potential for danger. Especially once seeing the police remove barricades, open doors and invite the "protestors" in.
There were some cases of cops letting insurrectionists in. Those were isolated events. Virtually all those MAGArats SMASHED their way in or came through windows/ doors that other MAGArats had smashed on.

It’s still unclear as to whether those cops were MAGArats sympathizers or simply overwhelmed and concerned with self preservation. Clearly the cops taking selfies with the MAGArats were sympathetic to them.

About a dozen cops were disciplined/fired for those types of actions
They about correcting an election fraud that put the WRONG person into the Office of POTUS.
Insurrection would be those doing the occupying claiming members among them are now the office holders and shooting the ones they replace. Jan 6 was street theater and still a suspicion much instigated by Antifa fifth element infiltrators.
They were “correcting” nothing.
Given the special treatment they got in 2020, it was like the liberal equivalent of Kristallnacht. For Whites.

They've been basically running the same type of pogrom in effect, with ''Biden's'' judenvermögensabgabe also coming into play.

A pogrom, for those who do not know what that is, is a mob attack, either approved or condoned by authorities, against persons and property.

That it has happened to certain minorities in the past does not and should not in any way relegate its meaning in effect to only those to whom it's been previously applied. Which is something that many of our intellectually dishonest peers try to do in order to trivialize and dissuade the relevance of the discussion...if you let them.

Some relevant reading...

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Oh my…let’s see…you make a vapid comparison to a historical event and then…ooops..we can’t discuss it?

Be careful what you ask for. You might just find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to show us all how smart (or clever) you think you are in front of all of your friends.
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So if they aren’t an excuse for it, talking about them in this context is stupid.

I’m sure you agree
No, I don't agree.
See the thread title.
Note that it was about post #23 when the episode of Jan 6, 2021 was injected here.
There were some cases of cops letting insurrectionists in. Those were isolated events. Virtually all those MAGArats SMASHED their way in or came through windows/ doors that other MAGArats had smashed on.

It’s still unclear as to whether those cops were MAGArats sympathizers or simply overwhelmed and concerned with self preservation. Clearly the cops taking selfies with the MAGArats were sympathetic to them.

About a dozen cops were disciplined/fired for those types of actions
Recent released video evidence suggests you are mostly wrong.
Then again, as I've pointed out, you Leftist and Demorats never admit to your crimes and wrong doing. Especially when stealing and election via fraud.

You Won't See This On CNN: Trump Supporters ID Antifa dressed as Trump Supporters, Act To DEFEND Capitol
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They were “correcting” nothing.
They were asking for "correction" to vote/election fraud.
Your AntiFa and BLM 'brownshirts' of Summer 2020 were the ones "correcting" nothing. Just engaging in crimes-felonies, rebellion and insurrection and treason to the USA.
They were asking for "correction" to vote/election fraud.
Your AntiFa and BLM 'brownshirts' of Summer 2020 were the ones "correcting" nothing. Just engaging in crimes-felonies, rebellion and insurrection and treason to the USA.
They were not asking for a correction. They were trying to violently stop a lawful proceeding.

"Asking for a correction" would be holding a rally OUTSIDE the Capitol
They were not asking for a correction. They were trying to violently stop a lawful proceeding.

"Asking for a correction" would be holding a rally OUTSIDE the Capitol
Which about 95+% did. Outside the Capital building.
Asking for a better investigation is more correct.
The Fed and Demorats spent over four years chasing Russian Collusion to no real proof or results. The Fed and others could have spent a few more months delving into the fraudulent election.
Which about 95+% did. Outside the Capital building.
Asking for a better investigation is more correct.
The Fed and Demorats spent over four years chasing Russian Collusion to no real proof or results. The Fed and others could have spent a few more months delving into the fraudulent election.
First of all...even THOSE fuckers blasted through police their protest was not non-violent either.

But guess what? This isn't about the Magarats that didn't enter the Capitol.

It's about the ones that DID. Thousands of them
Which about 95+% did. Outside the Capital building.
Asking for a better investigation is more correct.
The Fed and Demorats spent over four years chasing Russian Collusion to no real proof or results. The Fed and others could have spent a few more months delving into the fraudulent election.
By April 19, 2019, The New York Times had documented that "Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the 2016 campaign and presidential transition."[15]
By April 19, 2019, The New York Times had documented that "Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the 2016 campaign and presidential transition."[15]
Russia Russia Russia 😆🤣

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