Antifa/BLM are the Democrat Brownshirt shock troops?

Yeppers and they disguised themselves as MAGAts and stormed the capitol. Damn near over threw the government.
[Neither Antifa nor BLM would have ever listened to Trump to tell them to go home after 3 hours.

In other words, Trump told his Followers to go to the Capitol, not Antifa and BLM, and they went to the Capitol.

3 hours after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, because Trump fueled their grievances about the election being stolen from him, he finally went outside and told them to leave, telling them he loved them.

Trump does not love BLM or Antifa, therefore he never said it to them, as there were none there on that day.

1000 Trump supporters who went into the Capitol when it was closed to the public that day have been arrested, tried and many are spending time in prison.

Not ONE BLM or Antifa was spotted near the Capitol, walked into it ,trashed the place, looked for Congress people to arrest or harm.

Matt Gaetz is a disgrace, as he is the one to spread that lie, knowing very well that it was Trump supporters who had invaded the Capitol]

During his post-raid election-certification speech in which he objected to Arizona's electoral votes, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.)advanced the theory that some people who invaded the Capitol were antifa, according to a Washington Times story that was later retracted.

"I don't know if the reports are true, but The Washington Times has just reported some pretty compelling evidence from a facial recognition company that some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters—they were masquerading as Trump supporters and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa," he said.

"My hope is that all violent agitators are arrested and their names are revealed publicly," conservative author and political commentator Candace Owens posted in a tweet. "Call it a hunch, but my guess is there are still ANTIFA thugs in the mix."

The screenshot Lin Wood shared and the antifa flyer shared across social media for months were both debunked. Both were proven to be jokes and have no connection to antifa supporters.

The men photographed in the building have been identified as neo-Nazis and a QAnon supporter, not members of antifa.

The claims from Representative Brooks and the other videos showing crowds yelling at alleged antifa operatives have not yet been verified or debunked.

(full article online)

Not again.

Mary, please learn some history.
For those who disagree, a brief history review to educate the self-indulgent self-proclaimed ”persecuted” unfairly treated creatures that conservatives today seem to have morphed into.

Brief overview of our modern “victims”. These are the people currently using their legislative power to shut down free speech, restrict discussions on racism, ban medical care for a truly persecuted minority (including adults), criminalize discussion that included non-hetero sexual orientation, ban books and promote active discrimination of certain groups in the guise of “religious liberty”. That is a lot of power for “victims” which begs the question…when will they have “enough” and be sated?

Compare that to the history they appear to have little actual knowledge of yet self-identify with:

It's not

I know how important it is to The Democrats that you think that, but you are wrong.

Republicans freed the slaves.

Liberals freed the slaves.
Conservatives fought to preserve and their descendents are still waiving the flag.

Democrats being pissed, passed Jim Crowe laws to thwart them.
Republicans would not enforce the laws, so Democrats originated the klan to enforce their laws.

Conservatives gave us Jim Crowe.

The civil rights movement had a higher percentage of Republicans behind it than Democrats
Johnson had to be "forced" to sign it.

Any other story is a myth.
You are an idiot.
Southern conservatives did not free the slaves.
True, but they won’t acknowledge this. They are stuck on a misunderstanding of political parties and an almost pathological need to strip away any ideological responsibility for anything bad, while simultaneously pretending to be “victims”.
Please review the referenced event (I included a link in a later post if there is any confusion).

I know it quite well. You apparently don't
I know it quite well. You apparently don't
Review the link I post explain exactly how today’s rightists resemble the persecuted Jews of Kristallnacht.

This should be interesting…but in reality, it is likely to be monumentally insulting to the victims of the real persecution.
In 1964 southern Democrats waged the longest fillabuster in USA history to try to stop The Civil Rights Act.
A few northern Democrats worked with Republicans to finally end the fillabuter.

Although Johnson signed it Democrats lost their electoral power for a generation.

All the racist names one hears were all Democrats.

Bull Conner
George Wallace
Weeks of illegal occupation of public and private property, plus scores of riots, arsons, looting, vandalism, assaults, murders, illegal weapons possessions, petty and felony crimes, insurrection, sedition, and secession; all happening in several USA cities.
Vastly out-scales a couple hours of street theater occupation of a Federal building, especially when done with aid of the police, a few months later. On a scale of about 10,000 to one.
Yet only a pitiful few of those criminals and traitors were ever prosecuted.
Occupying land inside the USA and declaring such as "Autonomous" is secession, sedition, and insurrection. In 1861 it resulted in a war and heavy Federal response. In 2020 it had sanction from Democrat mayors and governors, no Federal response/prosecution worth noting.
Our Republic was harmed and the Summer 2020 insurrection portents a dangerous future if the Extreme Left is allowed to continue.
10,000 of the blm rioters were arrested at the various riots in different cities and states during the 2020 protests is what I read a while back.

None on 1/6.
10,000 of the blm rioters were arrested at the various riots in different cities and states during the 2020 protests is what I read a while back.

None on 1/6.
Most had charges dropped and never went to trail.
BTW, there were far more AntiFa than BLM. Though the two do blend a bit.
Do you think Klanners voted for Biden?
Quite likely, many to most did. The Klan originated in the Democrat dominate post Civil War South. For decades, the Republican Party was an outcast and had few voters supporting since it was the party of Lincoln whom 'freed the slaves(Blacks)' and brought defeat upon the CSA.

FWIW, their votes likely had little effect, if they voted at all.
"The existence of modern Klan groups has been in a state of consistent decline due to a variety of factors from the American public's negative distaste of the group's image, platform, and history, infiltration and prosecution by law enforcement, civil lawsuit forfeitures, and the radical right-wing's perception of the Klan as outdated and unfashionable. The Southern Poverty Law Center reported that just between 2016 and 2019 the number of Klan groups in America dropped from 130 to just 51.[105] A 2016 report by the Anti-Defamation League claims an estimate of just over 30 active Klan groups existing in the United States.[106] Estimates of total collective membership range from about 3,000[106] to 8,000.[107] In addition to its active membership, the Klan has an "unknown number of associates and supporters".[106]"
Not sure what police station got burned down but you're lying about the church. In any case horrific events if true (they're not)

Doesn't excuse Jan 6 in the least
In Seattle, at the CHAZ~CHOP, a police station was set on fire, but didn't "burn down" and at leas tone local church has defaced, vandalized. Haven't time to waste on chasing down specifics in other cities.
The New York Times reported on August 7 that weeks after the protests, several blocks remained boarded up and many business owners were afraid to speak out about their experiences.[31] Carmen Best resigned as the chief of police three days later, after the Seattle City Council voted to downsize the department by up to 100 out of its 1,400 officers.[226] On Monday, August 24, following a night of protest against the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin, Desmond David-Pitts, 19, of Alaska, helped set a fire against the sally-port door of the East Precinct, while others attempted to bar the door so police could not escape. There was no significant damage but they soon erected temporary cement barrier walls which were later replaced by a tall security fence, to prevent further access to the building.[227] Public hearings about the fate of the zone's public art and community garden began in August, and were expected to continue for several months.[228]
"Jan 6" didn't see any claims from it's protestors that they were forming a new government or replacing any existing office holders or permanently taking over any government offices, duties, or functions. It didn't meet the standards and criteria of a coup or insurrection. The D.C. building "occupation" only lasted a few hours.

AntiFa's and BLM's 'Summer of Luv 2020' tour in several USA cities over the span of several weeks comes closer to the standard definition of an insurrection. Declaration of being an "Autonomous Zone", i.e. not subject to the laws of city, State, Nation is in effect a secession from the USA, similar to what happened in 1861. Just smaller on scale. The cumulative impacts of the vandalism, looting(thefts), arson, illegal occupation of private and public lands/real estate, illegal distribution of firearms, assaults, injuries, murders, etc. is a far large scale of threat and outrage towards our Nation.

The costs and consequences of 'Antifa/BLM Summer 2020' to 'Jan.6' is a scale on the order of about 10,000 to one.
"A police station and nearby businesses were set ablaze on Thursday, the third night of protests in Minneapolis."
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Liberals freed the slaves.
Conservatives fought to preserve and their descendents are still waiving the flag.

Conservatives gave us Jim Crowe.

You are an idiot.
Post Civil War Southern "conservatives" (modern CINOs) whom supported the Democrat Party for decades afterward.

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