Antifa/BLM are the Democrat Brownshirt shock troops?

WHY are Democrats memory holing everything but Trump and Jan 6th? What about say, Antifa burned down a church and a police station and assaulted the Capitol before any of this?
Not sure what police station got burned down but you're lying about the church. In any case horrific events if true (they're not)

Doesn't excuse Jan 6 in the least
Don’t let her drag you down her rabbit hole. It’s just another rubbish heap of perpetual grievance.
Do what you will. I am not "mostly peacefully" inciting riots burning down cities or crying "racism" over spilt milk. Um, the boy that cried "wolf" had NOTHING on racism and Jesse Smollet. Nothing.
We got two failed Trump impeachments, we get 5X trump investigations. Rinse, wash, repeat. Doesn't work. Repeating the same thing over and over again, expecting a different know.
And saying the same thing or asking the same thing over and over and over and over and over again Mary, makes us wonder why you are so obsessed with this? Were you hurt by the protesters or rioters in 2020? Did the 24/7 on loop coverage at Fox News, of the riots in 2020 scare you? Was it too close to your home?
Do what you will. I am not "mostly peacefully" inciting riots burning down cities or crying "racism". over spilt milk.
Hmmm...I don"t know any one who does. Why are you obsessing over it in thread after thread after thread after...well, you get the point.

Um, the boy that cried "wolf" had NOTHING on racism and Jesse Smollets.
Do you self identify as a snowflake?
Antifa is a violent hate group.


And saying the same thing or asking the same thing over and over and over and over and over again Mary, makes us wonder why you are so obsessed with this? Were you hurt by the protesters or rioters in 2020? Did the 24/7 on loop coverage at Fox News, of the riots in 2020 scare you? Was it too close to your home?
Weeks of illegal occupation of public and private property, plus scores of riots, arsons, looting, vandalism, assaults, murders, illegal weapons possessions, petty and felony crimes, insurrection, sedition, and secession; all happening in several USA cities.
Vastly out-scales a couple hours of street theater occupation of a Federal building, especially when done with aid of the police, a few months later. On a scale of about 10,000 to one.
Yet only a pitiful few of those criminals and traitors were ever prosecuted.
Occupying land inside the USA and declaring such as "Autonomous" is secession, sedition, and insurrection. In 1861 it resulted in a war and heavy Federal response. In 2020 it had sanction from Democrat mayors and governors, no Federal response/prosecution worth noting.
Our Republic was harmed and the Summer 2020 insurrection portents a dangerous future if the Extreme Left is allowed to continue.

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