Antifa Burns US Flag

right now and probably this entire century neither party has done much to benefit we the people....but they are great with their tit for tat bullshit.....

Seems to me the clean air and water act, the civil rights act and the voting rights act helped We the People; the disability act and Obama care helped a number of other people; regulations have made automobile transportation safer and systems like BART and DART and the Metro have made it easier to get to work and school for many others.
i said right now and this century.....and i delivered mail to quite a few people were Obama care fucked up their ins while it helped some too.....

Didn't Obamacare improve their policies by getting rid of lousy ones with high deductibles, high co-pays and limits, which in times of major surgeries or chronic illness (cancer, heart disease) were exceeded and left the family in debt? Didn't those with a preexisting condition who lost their job or quit for a better one end up with no health care at all?
not the people i was talking too on the route,some of them had ins they were pretty happy with but with new regulations they now had policies that were changed and they were not happy....but like i said some people who had no ins were happy because now they had ins...

Did your hlth. ins. change? Mine did not, not in price nor in benefits.
I have a handicapped son. Without pre-existing conditions coverage being required by law my insurance will go an order of magnitude if I can find coverage at all.
Like Hillary, this domestic terrorist group took cash from the Russians to spread racial hatred and violence...just like Black Lives Matter and the Black Fist did...

Another post lacking evidence.
The evidence, as you know, has been posted MANY times in the past, over and over and over...

You snowflakes repeat the same tactics again and again. No matter how many times you have been given links / evidence you always demand to see it again and declare 'm evidence' if you are not given it EVERY TIME....

...whatever helps you remain in denial, snowflake.
The Democrats rammed a minority-supported piece of socialist agenda into law, down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

It was sold on the basis of some of the biggest, most obvious lies in our nation's history:
- 'It will not cost a dime.'
No govt program in the history of the world has ever cost NOTHING.

- It will pay for itself.
No govt program in the history of the world has ever paid for itself.

- If you like your plan / doc you can keep them.
The democrats destroyed the previous health care system and replaced it with the ACA which mandated every policy contained items/coverage they insisted it have .... Meaning every policy that did not have those items could not be kept...

The cost of coverage for some Americans rose more than 100%, and others lost their insurance as companies abandoned the markets.

Even Harry Reid quickly admitted the ACA was created to fail and was supposed to be a stepping stone to Single Payer.

And now the authors and legislators who rammed this shut that still bares Barry's name are STILL trying to blame the ACA's existence on the GOP.
It doesn't make sense that he would do that. What a monumental waste of fucking time. Why would a person spend 10 years and untold hours pretending to be a Republican on an internet forum? I won't say it's impossible because some people do some strange shit, but it seems infinitely more likely that he's just an outlier with an unusual set of views and that you and those others are just paranoid and created a conspiracy so you can ignore him based on your belief that he's illegitimate.
geezus have no idea what im talking about do you? picked your name well....

Maybe you could elaborate and explain why my view on it is wrong?
ok will do it real slow....jake has always claimed he is a republican.......through the years he always seemed to side a great deal of the time with the left....still with me? many righties here have always accused him of NOT BEING what he claims he is.....hence his nickname....fakey do you get it?...
Has Jake ever taken a conservative position? I put him on ignore about 8 years ago so I don't really know the answer to that.
i can put it like this.....over those 8 years i have yet to see a righty here claim the guy as one of them....but that could be because he never has anything good to say about the right....nothing....
So, he hasn't changed. Holds no conservative values, supports no conservative policy and is shunned by conservatives. Pretty much Jake in a nutshell.
Darkwind chatters and natters, nothing more. He is typical of the anti-American far right in that he attacks me and cannot offer not a thing in support of the OP.

One, the alt right and the far right do not support true Republican values, as does McCain, Graham, Kasich, Rubio, and others.

Two, no one has been able to identify the flag burners as Democrats.

Three, the far and alt right attack the freedom of press: it's lawful dissent to burn the flag.
So sad the filthy commies hate America. The New York Yankees and the Atlanta Braves wore an assortment of patriotic, July 4th, attire at the baseball game a few hours ago. Batting gloves, shoes, socks, compression undershirts, etc. Very cool. God bless America, the greatest country on Earth and interestingly was founded by White men.
That attack on American education is simply your opinion, Two Thumbs. So what.
It's not the schools job to turn our children against the very country they live in.

I'm 51, my American history teacher spent 15 minutes on the Korean war so he could spend time bragging about how he lied and stole his way out of being drafted.

that was 1983 and the school already refused to do anything to him.
So your hasty generalization accurately describes American education?
considering how common it's become and the fact you have to ignore it, on purpose, to not know it's common... seriously, the fact you're acting like it's not common is idiotic
Your anecdotal evidence is only that. I don't doubt that's how you remember it, but that is meaningless without more evidence.
liberal teacher lesson plans - Bing
right now and probably this entire century neither party has done much to benefit we the people....but they are great with their tit for tat bullshit.....

Seems to me the clean air and water act, the civil rights act and the voting rights act helped We the People; the disability act and Obama care helped a number of other people; regulations have made automobile transportation safer and systems like BART and DART and the Metro have made it easier to get to work and school for many others.
i said right now and this century.....and i delivered mail to quite a few people were Obama care fucked up their ins while it helped some too.....

Didn't Obamacare improve their policies by getting rid of lousy ones with high deductibles, high co-pays and limits, which in times of major surgeries or chronic illness (cancer, heart disease) were exceeded and left the family in debt? Didn't those with a preexisting condition who lost their job or quit for a better one end up with no health care at all?
not the people i was talking too on the route,some of them had ins they were pretty happy with but with new regulations they now had policies that were changed and they were not happy....but like i said some people who had no ins were happy because now they had ins...

Did your hlth. ins. change? Mine did not, not in price nor in benefits.
the only thing that happened with me is a couple of increases in premiums and some drugs my wife takes were no longer covered,her doctors had to write letters saying she needs those drugs so they started covering them again for her....but otherwise for me that was it....but others i ran into, the ones who were working,some were not happy with changes they got while others who were laid off were happy they now were able to get ins....
It's fun to watch the alt right bots lie and sigh.

It was your guys who burned the flag.
Yer losin' it, Jake. What's with all this "alt-right" and "black ops Russian inspired" crap? No one here is inspired by Russians.

If anything, well, I like that one Russian guy that posts the nice pics, but the other two in the garden forum were insufferable. It was like all-out war with those Russian guys. An Expat Canadian even volunteered and spearheaded the fight.

dOnald tRump is pretty much burning the Constitution and you're worried about some protesters engaging in 1st amendment protected free speech?

The last I checked the only ones trampling on our Constitution, are the leftists telling people on the right that their voices shouldn't be heard and telling their followers that those on the right should be chased out of stores, restaurants and harassed at their homes. The Trump administration wants only "strict" Constitutionalists on the Supreme Court bench.
Who said your voice shouldn't be heard?
A combination of protesters, Antifa and commentators in news interviews. It's the left's tool.....shout down differing voices. Marxism.
dOnald tRump is pretty much burning the Constitution and you're worried about some protesters engaging in 1st amendment protected free speech?

The last I checked the only ones trampling on our Constitution, are the leftists telling people on the right that their voices shouldn't be heard and telling their followers that those on the right should be chased out of stores, restaurants and harassed at their homes. The Trump administration wants only "strict" Constitutionalists on the Supreme Court bench.
Who said your voice shouldn't be heard?
A combination of protesters, Antifa and commentators in news interviews. It's the left's tool.....shout down differing voices. Marxism.
That's hilarious coming for a trump supporter. His main tactic is to repeat his lies long enough and loud enough to convince the weak minded.

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