Antifa Communism Rejected in Spain

The dead were Communists.

Why do you always put this :lol: next to all of your comments? It's juvenile Doc yes?

In retaliation for that I will put this for you :funnyface:

The dead were not "communists", they were anyone who dared disagree with El Caudillo.

I have family that fought in the International Brigades. You likey have family that fought with the Wehrmacht.

That's the difference between you and I.

The International Brigades were Communists, they were paramilitary who were set up by the Comintern.

View attachment 153117

International Brigades | military force

Some of them were Communists, some were Anarchists, some were socialists, some were just leftists.

All were Republicans.

Franco was an Authoritarian statist, and a self-described fascist.

And Josef Stalin was also Authoritarian.

The Republicans aka the Communists they also used to dig up the rotting corpses of nuns and priests and display them in the streets.

View attachment 153119

View attachment 153120

Stalin most certainly was an Authoritarian.

The difference is you won't find any posts of mine on this board where I praise Stalin.

It's okay I still love you :funnyface:

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?
What fascist doc? Everybody is a fascist who is against communists? Broad brush you got there, no wonder the picture you are painting is blurred.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?

Most on this thread have made these comments before in other threads, you must not have been in those threads or you wouldn't be as shocked as you are.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?
What fascist doc? Everybody is a fascist who is against communists? Broad brush you got there, no wonder the picture you are painting is blurred.

There's no "broadbrushing" going on here.

Franco was a fascist. That's what he called himself. He patterned his regime after Mussolini and Hitler, and they were his closest allies.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?

Most on this thread have made these comments before in other threads, you must not have been in those threads or you wouldn't be as shocked as you are.

No, most of the time you guys at least pretend to support "freedom" and republicanism.

Rarely do you guys openly state your admiration and support for fascist dictators.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?
What fascist doc? Everybody is a fascist who is against communists? Broad brush you got there, no wonder the picture you are painting is blurred.

There's no "broadbrushing" going on here.

Franco was a fascist. That's what he called himself. He patterned his regime after Mussolini and Hitler, and they were his closest allies.
Yet he stayed neutral during WWII.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?
What fascist doc? Everybody is a fascist who is against communists? Broad brush you got there, no wonder the picture you are painting is blurred.

There's no "broadbrushing" going on here.

Franco was a fascist. That's what he called himself. He patterned his regime after Mussolini and Hitler, and they were his closest allies.

The Fascists today are the EU Commission.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?

Most on this thread have made these comments before in other threads, you must not have been in those threads or you wouldn't be as shocked as you are.

No, most of the time you guys at least pretend to support "freedom" and republicanism.

Rarely do you guys openly state your admiration and support for fascist dictators.

To Europeans Republicanism is anti-Monarchy, it means something different to what Americans consider Republicanism.

Leftists openly admire Communist Dictators, such as Nicolas Maduro who is destroying Venezuela, also when Fidel Castro died the Leftists mega admiration was epic.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

Spain would have become the next victim of International Communism, as instructed by Lenin, when he said for them to infest every nation across the world to spread International Communism.

Spain would have fallen were it not for Francisco Franco, he saved Spain from Communism, just like Augusto Pinochet saved Chile from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba and Jorge Videla saved Argentina from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba.

Franco, Pinochet and Videla were GREAT men, they saved Spain, Chile and Argentina from Communist vermin.

...and Hitler saved Germany from the Jews, right?
Your a dick.
Didn´t Hitler save the entire Europe from Communism? Who fought the communists and their allies?

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?
What fascist doc? Everybody is a fascist who is against communists? Broad brush you got there, no wonder the picture you are painting is blurred.

There's no "broadbrushing" going on here.

Franco was a fascist. That's what he called himself. He patterned his regime after Mussolini and Hitler, and they were his closest allies.
Yet he stayed neutral during WWII.

On paper he was neutral. In reality, he supplied the Nazis with war materials and shipping lanes, sent divisions to fight along side the Axis, and used his intelligence networks to supply Hitler with Allied troop movements.

He also routinely got help from them, such as the bombing of Guernica.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?

Most on this thread have made these comments before in other threads, you must not have been in those threads or you wouldn't be as shocked as you are.

No, most of the time you guys at least pretend to support "freedom" and republicanism.

Rarely do you guys openly state your admiration and support for fascist dictators.

To Europeans Republicanism is anti-Monarchy, it means something different to what Americans consider Republicanism.

Leftists openly admire Communist Dictators, such as Nicolas Maduro who is destroying Venezuela, also when Fidel Castro died the Leftists mega admiration was epic.
Little nazi fucks are destroying Venezuela.

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?

Most on this thread have made these comments before in other threads, you must not have been in those threads or you wouldn't be as shocked as you are.

No, most of the time you guys at least pretend to support "freedom" and republicanism.

Rarely do you guys openly state your admiration and support for fascist dictators.

To Europeans Republicanism is anti-Monarchy, it means something different to what Americans consider Republicanism.

Leftists openly admire Communist Dictators, such as Nicolas Maduro who is destroying Venezuela, also when Fidel Castro died the Leftists mega admiration was epic.

No, republicanism has the same meaning in the US.

This country exists because "republicans" fought against a monarch, and created a Republic.

And as for your "whataboutism", you are welcome to search my posts to find a single one where I "openly admired" a Communist dictator.

I already found one where you openly admired a fascist one.

I like it when you guys out yourselves.

We like it when you Communists out yourselves.

You know, here's some advice.

I know how much it upsets you when people call you a Nazi - so perhaps you shouldn't call one of Hitler's greatest allies and kindred spirits a "GREAT man".

I do not care anymore who calls me a Nazi, the term Nazi has been rendered meaningless by Leftists considering everyone who does not agree with and support the Leftist Agenda is now termed a Nazi and that's everyone from Conservatives to Libertarians to Classical Liberals and even Independents.

I don't care Francisco Franco was a great man, anyone who saves their nation from Communism is a great man, same with Pinochet and Videla as I mention.


I'm glad you've come out of the closet, fascist.

At least you're not lying to us anymore.
National pride is a good thing. Keeps us away from an United Nations Orwellian one world government.
Except when your country is labeled evil and Orwell marches in. Countries labeled evil are those having national pride and independence.
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?
What fascist doc? Everybody is a fascist who is against communists? Broad brush you got there, no wonder the picture you are painting is blurred.

There's no "broadbrushing" going on here.

Franco was a fascist. That's what he called himself. He patterned his regime after Mussolini and Hitler, and they were his closest allies.
Yet he stayed neutral during WWII.

On paper he was neutral. In reality, he supplied the Nazis with war materials and shipping lanes, sent divisions to fight along side the Axis, and used his intelligence networks to supply Hitler with Allied troop movements.

He also routinely got help from them, such as the bombing of Guernica.

The British and the Americans got into bed with Stalin, they ignored the multi millions who had already been murdered in Gulags and also the 7 million Ukranians who were starved to death in the Holomodor.


Ukrainian 'Holodomor' (man-made famine) Facts and History

Memories of Ukraine's silent massacre

Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933

Not to mention that after the Second War the British and the Americans condemned hundreds of millions of Eastern Europeans to live for nearly 50 years under the Communist Devils.
Franco was a a great patriot. He took care of the communists and other scum as it is depicted on this poster from the era.

View attachment 153121


Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?

Most on this thread have made these comments before in other threads, you must not have been in those threads or you wouldn't be as shocked as you are.

No, most of the time you guys at least pretend to support "freedom" and republicanism.

Rarely do you guys openly state your admiration and support for fascist dictators.

To Europeans Republicanism is anti-Monarchy, it means something different to what Americans consider Republicanism.

Leftists openly admire Communist Dictators, such as Nicolas Maduro who is destroying Venezuela, also when Fidel Castro died the Leftists mega admiration was epic.

No, republicanism has the same meaning in the US.

This country exists because "republicans" fought against a monarch, and created a Republic.

And as for your "whataboutism", you are welcome to search my posts to find a single one where I "openly admired" a Communist dictator.

I already found one where you openly admired a fascist one.

Okay then about Republicanism in America also.

I refer to Leftists in general openly admire Communist Dictators.

Another fascist outs himself.

You guys really are on a roll today, aren't you?

Most on this thread have made these comments before in other threads, you must not have been in those threads or you wouldn't be as shocked as you are.

No, most of the time you guys at least pretend to support "freedom" and republicanism.

Rarely do you guys openly state your admiration and support for fascist dictators.

To Europeans Republicanism is anti-Monarchy, it means something different to what Americans consider Republicanism.

Leftists openly admire Communist Dictators, such as Nicolas Maduro who is destroying Venezuela, also when Fidel Castro died the Leftists mega admiration was epic.

No, republicanism has the same meaning in the US.

This country exists because "republicans" fought against a monarch, and created a Republic.

And as for your "whataboutism", you are welcome to search my posts to find a single one where I "openly admired" a Communist dictator.

I already found one where you openly admired a fascist one.

Okay then about Republicanism in America also.

I refer to Leftists in general openly admire Communist Dictators.

Well, here's the thing - you're not talking to "leftists in general".

You're talking to me. I am not responsible for what others on the left believe. I am only responsible for what I believe - just as you are only responsible for what you believe.

We are discussing our beliefs - yours, and mine - not the beliefs of vaguely defined unnamed groups.
Most on this thread have made these comments before in other threads, you must not have been in those threads or you wouldn't be as shocked as you are.

No, most of the time you guys at least pretend to support "freedom" and republicanism.

Rarely do you guys openly state your admiration and support for fascist dictators.

To Europeans Republicanism is anti-Monarchy, it means something different to what Americans consider Republicanism.

Leftists openly admire Communist Dictators, such as Nicolas Maduro who is destroying Venezuela, also when Fidel Castro died the Leftists mega admiration was epic.

No, republicanism has the same meaning in the US.

This country exists because "republicans" fought against a monarch, and created a Republic.

And as for your "whataboutism", you are welcome to search my posts to find a single one where I "openly admired" a Communist dictator.

I already found one where you openly admired a fascist one.

Okay then about Republicanism in America also.

I refer to Leftists in general openly admire Communist Dictators.

Well, here's the thing - you're not talking to "leftists in general".

You're talking to me. I am not responsible for what others on the left believe. I am only responsible for what I believe - just as you are only responsible for what you believe.

We are discussing our beliefs - yours, and mine - not the beliefs of vaguely defined unnamed groups.

All these people are long dead Franco, Pinochet, Videla, so I don't know why all the excitement we are in 2017 we do not live in the past. Some people want to live in the past of course but that is not my problem, I live in today and tomorrow.
No, most of the time you guys at least pretend to support "freedom" and republicanism.

Rarely do you guys openly state your admiration and support for fascist dictators.

To Europeans Republicanism is anti-Monarchy, it means something different to what Americans consider Republicanism.

Leftists openly admire Communist Dictators, such as Nicolas Maduro who is destroying Venezuela, also when Fidel Castro died the Leftists mega admiration was epic.

No, republicanism has the same meaning in the US.

This country exists because "republicans" fought against a monarch, and created a Republic.

And as for your "whataboutism", you are welcome to search my posts to find a single one where I "openly admired" a Communist dictator.

I already found one where you openly admired a fascist one.

Okay then about Republicanism in America also.

I refer to Leftists in general openly admire Communist Dictators.

Well, here's the thing - you're not talking to "leftists in general".

You're talking to me. I am not responsible for what others on the left believe. I am only responsible for what I believe - just as you are only responsible for what you believe.

We are discussing our beliefs - yours, and mine - not the beliefs of vaguely defined unnamed groups.

All these people are long dead Franco, Pinochet, Videla, so I don't know why all the excitement we are in 2017 we do not live in the past. Some people want to live in the past of course but that is not my problem, I live in today and tomorrow.

Ok, well - right here, today - you praised a fascist dictator as a "GREAT man".

Why are you now taking issue with the fact that I'm trying to discuss a post you made less than half an hour ago?
To Europeans Republicanism is anti-Monarchy, it means something different to what Americans consider Republicanism.

Leftists openly admire Communist Dictators, such as Nicolas Maduro who is destroying Venezuela, also when Fidel Castro died the Leftists mega admiration was epic.

No, republicanism has the same meaning in the US.

This country exists because "republicans" fought against a monarch, and created a Republic.

And as for your "whataboutism", you are welcome to search my posts to find a single one where I "openly admired" a Communist dictator.

I already found one where you openly admired a fascist one.

Okay then about Republicanism in America also.

I refer to Leftists in general openly admire Communist Dictators.

Well, here's the thing - you're not talking to "leftists in general".

You're talking to me. I am not responsible for what others on the left believe. I am only responsible for what I believe - just as you are only responsible for what you believe.

We are discussing our beliefs - yours, and mine - not the beliefs of vaguely defined unnamed groups.

All these people are long dead Franco, Pinochet, Videla, so I don't know why all the excitement we are in 2017 we do not live in the past. Some people want to live in the past of course but that is not my problem, I live in today and tomorrow.

Ok, well - right here, today - you praised a fascist dictator as a "GREAT man".

Why are you now taking issue with the fact that I'm trying to discuss a post you made less than half an hour ago?

Yes I did but he's been dead for decades.

I'm not taking an issue, I'm saying why all the excitement about someone who has been dead for decades? I do not exist in the past, I exist in today and tomorrow.
No, republicanism has the same meaning in the US.

This country exists because "republicans" fought against a monarch, and created a Republic.

And as for your "whataboutism", you are welcome to search my posts to find a single one where I "openly admired" a Communist dictator.

I already found one where you openly admired a fascist one.

Okay then about Republicanism in America also.

I refer to Leftists in general openly admire Communist Dictators.

Well, here's the thing - you're not talking to "leftists in general".

You're talking to me. I am not responsible for what others on the left believe. I am only responsible for what I believe - just as you are only responsible for what you believe.

We are discussing our beliefs - yours, and mine - not the beliefs of vaguely defined unnamed groups.

All these people are long dead Franco, Pinochet, Videla, so I don't know why all the excitement we are in 2017 we do not live in the past. Some people want to live in the past of course but that is not my problem, I live in today and tomorrow.

Ok, well - right here, today - you praised a fascist dictator as a "GREAT man".

Why are you now taking issue with the fact that I'm trying to discuss a post you made less than half an hour ago?

Yes I did but he's been dead for decades.

I'm not taking an issue, I'm saying why all the excitement about someone who has been dead for decades? I do not exist in the past, I exist in today and tomorrow.


You just spend pages trying to pin the atrocities of Stalin on me and "leftists".

How exactly is that "existing in today"?

You just praised a fascist dictator as a "GREAT man", today. If you don't think about the past, why the fuck would you volunteer that today?

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