ANTIFA gets beat down !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
i am not advocating violence against anyone !!! this thread is a teaching tool for people who are thinking about attacking others because they dont like someones viewpoints or political beliefs and try to silence them with violence like the liberal communist terrorist group ANTIFA does ! this is a thread to post videos of what happens when leftist ANTIFA cowards and weaklings attack people that love this country ...please feel free to post videos ANTIFA getting there asses kicked by people they attack .
in this video you see the classic cowardly masked homo democrat trying to bludgeon an unarmed patriot with a club !
i love this video !! in this video the democrat is so weak that his all out sucker punch is caught and then the little homo is chastised by a better man !
in this video you see the classic cowardly masked homo democrat trying to bludgeon an unarmed patriot with a club !

This one's a great example of hand-to-hand. ANTIFA coward tries to hit an unarmed man. Unarmed man catches coward's weapon bare-handed, while his arm's pulled all the way back. Unarmed man swings while sizing up his opponent. Unarmed man checks swing when he sees ANTIFA coward is a soi boi. Unarmed man swings all of 8 inches. ANTFA coward folds like a crunchy taco in a rainstorm.

He could have killed the coward with a full swing...but chose not to.

What did Jesus say about preaching in the street. He said they were hypocrites.

Jesus probably said something about not running out into traffic, too.

He didn't have traffic back then. I do not want to listen to evangelicals and preaching kids (like the Patriots- they only do it to instigate trouble) in the streets.

So, you're against both Freedom of Religion, AND Freedom of Speech?

What did Jesus say about preaching in the street. He said they were hypocrites.

Jesus probably said something about not running out into traffic, too.

He didn't have traffic back then. I do not want to listen to evangelicals and preaching kids (like the Patriots- they only do it to instigate trouble) in the streets.

They had traffic then, Genius. The Bible even says the apostles were in an Accord.

Stupid fag. To bad he didn't die. Hope he didn't splatter shit all over that nice truck. Now, I couldent help but notice the screed the other dumbfuck was blathering on about through the bull horn his mom bought him. What the fuck is "anarchist communism"? Meh, hope the dumb shit was crippled.
in this video you see the classic cowardly masked homo democrat trying to bludgeon an unarmed patriot with a club !

Awesom! Knocked the fuck out! That other stupid bitch should have eaten a fist to.

What did Jesus say about preaching in the street. He said they were hypocrites.

Jesus probably said something about not running out into traffic, too.

He didn't have traffic back then. I do not want to listen to evangelicals and preaching kids (like the Patriots- they only do it to instigate trouble) in the streets.

News flash: There's nothing that says you have to listen to it. Turn the channel, walk away. It's completely, totally, and utterly up to you. They're exercising their freedoms of speech and assembly.

Choosing to listen to something you don't want to hear is like choosing to step in dog shit instead of walking around it. If you get shit on your shoes, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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