ANTIFA gets beat down !




Question: Does membership in ANTIFA make people retarded, or are retarded people naturally drawn to ANTIFA?

These are the same OWS clowns

This is an old one, but I can't help but notice thatANTIFA woman have bigger balls then ANTIFA men. In what crowed would an American man let a like minded American woman talk all the shit and step between them and another man? ANTIFA men are weak.

yes you are right is common knowledge that democrats who identify themselves as male have vaginas and the ones that identify themselves as female have balls .
in this video we have a proud American knocking out a couple of anti American communist gender confused democrats and when the whole mob tries to gang up and overwhelm him his friend jumps in a destroys several girly men to help his friend !
This one's a great example of hand-to-hand. ANTIFA coward tries to hit an unarmed man. Unarmed man catches coward's weapon bare-handed, while his arm's pulled all the way back. Unarmed man swings while sizing up his opponent. Unarmed man checks swing when he sees ANTIFA coward is a soi boi. Unarmed man swings all of 8 inches. ANTFA coward folds like a crunchy taco in a rainstorm.

He could have killed the coward with a full swing...but chose not to.

Wouldn't have been a great loss had he offed the trash.
Naaah. He's just a stupid kid. There's a possibility he'll grow out of his retardery. Being a dumbass isn't a capital crime; the unarmed guy used the appropriate amount of force.

Mm. In my day the lesson came on the toe of a boot when your mouth over loaded ones ass.
The kid will probably think twice about swinging on someone next time.

You would think, but I have my doubts.
Always a possibility. Some people grow up. Some just get older.
Of course Nazis think beating up someone against Nazis is a good thing.
I asked earlier, and now I'm asking you directly:

If it's okay to punch a Nazi, it's even more okay to punch a Commie, since Communism killed and oppressed far more people than Nazism. Right?"

Or how about people just grow the fuck up and realize words don't hurt?
Of course Nazis think beating up someone against Nazis is a good thing.
I asked earlier, and now I'm asking you directly:

If it's okay to punch a Nazi, it's even more okay to punch a Commie, since Communism killed and oppressed far more people than Nazism. Right?"

Or how about people just grow the fuck up and realize words don't hurt?
nobody condones attacking someone because of their speech !!! in these videos none of the punks that were knocked out were struck because of their speech the contrary they laid hands on the people showing support for this country in attempted assaults and the people defended themselves !! now when it comes to nazis conservatives are not nazis we condemn nazis,socialist communist and other violent authoritarian ideology !! conservatives vehemently deny the accusations that we are nazis .......on the other hand i find it very interesting that leftist have no problem with identifying themselves as communists,anarchists,or socialists all of which are violent in nature ! the left is the only nazis in these videos !
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i love this video !! in this video the democrat is so weak that his all out sucker punch is caught and then the little homo is chastised by a better man !

Poor little pantifa pussy.
His nuts dropped just last week only for them to go right back where they belong.

I admire the restraint that man showed.

Thinking about it I think it ended perfectly.
That little shit has been totally embarrassed on a world stage and I dont think he'll ever throw another punch in his life.
i love this video !! in this video the democrat is so weak that his all out sucker punch is caught and then the little homo is chastised by a better man !

Poor little pantifa pussy.
His nuts dropped just last week only for them to go right back where they belong.

I admire the restraint that man showed.

Thinking about it I think it ended perfectly.
That little shit has been totally embarrassed on a world stage and I dont think he'll ever throw another punch in his life.

I hope he never ends up in jail..

i love this video !! in this video the democrat is so weak that his all out sucker punch is caught and then the little homo is chastised by a better man !

Poor little pantifa pussy.
His nuts dropped just last week only for them to go right back where they belong.

I admire the restraint that man showed.

Thinking about it I think it ended perfectly.
That little shit has been totally embarrassed on a world stage and I dont think he'll ever throw another punch in his life.

I hope he never ends up in jail..


Stop lying....we'd all love to see him in jail.
i love this video !! in this video the democrat is so weak that his all out sucker punch is caught and then the little homo is chastised by a better man !

Poor little pantifa pussy.
His nuts dropped just last week only for them to go right back where they belong.

I admire the restraint that man showed.

Thinking about it I think it ended perfectly.
That little shit has been totally embarrassed on a world stage and I dont think he'll ever throw another punch in his life.

I hope he never ends up in jail..


Stop lying....we'd all love to see him in jail.

It reminds me of the time a kid in high school tried to cold cock me and I just shook it off and said "is that all you have?"

He ran away
Poor little pantifa pussy.
His nuts dropped just last week only for them to go right back where they belong.

I admire the restraint that man showed.

Thinking about it I think it ended perfectly.
That little shit has been totally embarrassed on a world stage and I dont think he'll ever throw another punch in his life.

I hope he never ends up in jail..


Stop lying....we'd all love to see him in jail.
It reminds me of the time a kid in high school tried to cold cock me and I just shook it off and said "is that all you have?"

He ran away

Had a dude spit in my face in high school and he stood there with his hands by his sides.
It was like playing the knockout game.
I admire the restraint that man showed.

Thinking about it I think it ended perfectly.
That little shit has been totally embarrassed on a world stage and I dont think he'll ever throw another punch in his life.

I hope he never ends up in jail..


Stop lying....we'd all love to see him in jail.
It reminds me of the time a kid in high school tried to cold cock me and I just shook it off and said "is that all you have?"

He ran away

Had a dude spit in my face in high school and he stood there with his hands by his sides.
It was like playing the knockout game.

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