Antifa is a myth or an idea


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Until they come to your house and after your family that is.

Reportedly is not evidentiary, probative or believable. This Senator has already expressed a desire to reject the 12th Amendment proving he is anti-democratic and not worthy to be accepted as a US Senator. Thus he is dishonest and cannot be believed of the allegations in this thread.

Until they come to your house and after your family that is.

Reportedly is not evidentiary, probative or believable. This Senator has already expressed a desire to reject the 12th Amendment proving he is anti-democratic and not worthy to be accepted as a US Senator. Thus he is dishonest and cannot be believed of the allegations in this thread.
Thank you for ignoring the 2nd link. Doesn't fit your narrative it seems.

Until they come to your house and after your family that is.

Reportedly is not evidentiary, probative or believable. This Senator has already expressed a desire to reject the 12th Amendment proving he is anti-democratic and not worthy to be accepted as a US Senator. Thus he is dishonest and cannot be believed of the allegations in this thread.

LOL, you suck down any TDS report on Trump from 2nd hand anonymous sources and try to play the "proof" game with this?

What a pathetic hack you are.

Until they come to your house and after your family that is.

Reportedly is not evidentiary, probative or believable. This Senator has already expressed a desire to reject the 12th Amendment proving he is anti-democratic and not worthy to be accepted as a US Senator. Thus he is dishonest and cannot be believed of the allegations in this thread.
Thank you for ignoring the 2nd link. Doesn't fit your narrative it seems.

WC is a partisan hack of epic proportions. Believes all of the propaganda and lies of liberal mainstream and nothing of truth.
The masked brown shirts are for real. They are the Dim’s radical wing storm troopers. History has a way of repeating itself and this generation is going to get a front row seat.
When did this boob stop believing news reporting?
The moment Antifa was reported to have attacked the home of sitting member of Congress and threatened
his wife and child. Such a cowardly and dishonest fuck.
I kind of like Antifa.
I think this country because WAY too fascist under the Military Industrial Complex of WWII and then even more under LBJ, Clinton, etc.
We need to fact the facts that Prohibition, Vietnam, the Invasion of Iraq, the War on Drugs, 3 Strikes, etc. are all totally and completely illegal.
This country has been fascist since the Spanish American War and the massacres of the natives.
A little anti fascism is way over due.

If there a danger those claiming to be anti fascist could be out for themselves?
Sure, but that is better than the for sure corrupt Military Industrial Complex that is taxing, imprisoning, and bombing innocents.
Reportedly is not evidentiary, probative or believable. This Senator has already expressed a desire to reject the 12th Amendment proving he is anti-democratic and not worthy to be accepted as a US Senator. Thus he is dishonest and cannot be believed of the allegations in this thread.

Spooge Catcher and vacuous bed wetting liberal parasites like him gulped down any anonymous source, asinine story, accusation and lie they could find and regurgitated it everywhere they could for the last 4 years. Now he has the gall to post inane shit like this.

Regarding Queen Antifa's minions...


Their utter ignorance thanks to being indoctrinated by leftist agitators allows them to exist in a world of delusions that the people they're programmed to hate are "fascists". If we have anything close to fascists in this country they're aligned with the democrook party. Anyone who knows anything (about anything) knows this, and understands the fascists were actually boy scouts compared to the bolsheviks that Antifa Turds emulate.

Thank God the democrooks programmed these sniveling bed wetters to be hoplophobes and terrified them for the most part about using guns. THe few examples we have of bed wetters using guns during political riots have shown how incompetent and stupid they are. If a real war breaks out, these parasites will finally achieve their only real potential in life.



Until they come to your house and after your family that is.

Reportedly is not evidentiary, probative or believable. This Senator has already expressed a desire to reject the 12th Amendment proving he is anti-democratic and not worthy to be accepted as a US Senator. Thus he is dishonest and cannot be believed of the allegations in this thread.
Thank you for ignoring the 2nd link. Doesn't fit your narrative it seems.

My comment is spot on, the headline in your first link is clear. The second link is absurd, it's at best an op-ed lacking any facts about liberals which are probative. I'm a liberal, and I oppose fascism. And Trumpism in America is as close to fascism as anytime since 1940. Learn some history, and don't try to rewrite it.
My comment is spot on, the headline in your first link is clear. The second link is absurd, it's at best an op-ed lacking any facts about liberals which are probative. I'm a liberal, and I oppose fascism. And Trumpism in America is as close to fascism as anytime since 1940. Learn some history, and don't try to rewrite it.

He REALLY is this stupid folks....
It probably meant to say "fuck the facts"....

That's kind of a leftist's philosophical starting point.
I think it was supposed to be "face the facts", which is something the left has a lot of problems doing.

Until they come to your house and after your family that is.

Reportedly is not evidentiary, probative or believable. This Senator has already expressed a desire to reject the 12th Amendment proving he is anti-democratic and not worthy to be accepted as a US Senator. Thus he is dishonest and cannot be believed of the allegations in this thread.
Thank you for ignoring the 2nd link. Doesn't fit your narrative it seems.

My comment is spot on, the headline in your first link is clear. The second link is absurd, it's at best an op-ed lacking any facts about liberals which are probative. I'm a liberal, and I oppose fascism. And Trumpism in America is as close to fascism as anytime since 1940. Learn some history, and don't try to rewrite it.
Nope. You're wrong on both counts. I ran into them personally. You calling me a liar?

Until they come to your house and after your family that is.

Reportedly is not evidentiary, probative or believable. This Senator has already expressed a desire to reject the 12th Amendment proving he is anti-democratic and not worthy to be accepted as a US Senator. Thus he is dishonest and cannot be believed of the allegations in this thread.
Thank you for ignoring the 2nd link. Doesn't fit your narrative it seems.

My comment is spot on, the headline in your first link is clear. The second link is absurd, it's at best an op-ed lacking any facts about liberals which are probative. I'm a liberal, and I oppose fascism. And Trumpism in America is as close to fascism as anytime since 1940. Learn some history, and don't try to rewrite it.
Nope. You're wrong on both counts. I ran into them personally. You calling me a liar?

Yep. I do, you have no proof that you ran into who, personally.

Until they come to your house and after your family that is.

Reportedly is not evidentiary, probative or believable. This Senator has already expressed a desire to reject the 12th Amendment proving he is anti-democratic and not worthy to be accepted as a US Senator. Thus he is dishonest and cannot be believed of the allegations in this thread.
Thank you for ignoring the 2nd link. Doesn't fit your narrative it seems.

My comment is spot on, the headline in your first link is clear. The second link is absurd, it's at best an op-ed lacking any facts about liberals which are probative. I'm a liberal, and I oppose fascism. And Trumpism in America is as close to fascism as anytime since 1940. Learn some history, and don't try to rewrite it.
Nope. You're wrong on both counts. I ran into them personally. You calling me a liar?

Yep. I do, you have no proof that you ran into who, personally.
I do. I went for lunch there the next day not knowing any of this and they tried to prevent me from entering.
The masked brown shirts are for real. They are the Dim’s radical wing storm troopers. History has a way of repeating itself and this generation is going to get a front row seat.

Opinions of this sort are not credible. They are nothing more than echoes of Trump&Co., and we all should know that honesty is not a part of Trumpism.

If anything, Antifa is composed of anarchists and agent provocateurs without portfolio. The same cannot be stated about the neo fascists / white supremacists.

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