Antifa is going to be smacked down by strong young men who stand for God and free speech...

This thread is cheering on the smacking down of ANTIFA.

AKA this thread is cheering on the smacking down of anti-fascists.

Therefore, those cheering that on, are in fact, cheering on the fascists.

Kuntinue the white cruelty the Trump Administration has given you full permission to engage in.

Knock yourselves out...

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists
This thread is cheering on the smacking down of ANTIFA.

AKA this thread is cheering on the smacking down of anti-fascists.

Therefore, those cheering that on, are in fact, cheering on the fascists.

Kuntinue the white cruelty the Trump Administration has given you full permission to engage in.

Knock yourselves out...

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists
Actually, to be totally accurate...this thread is created by those too afraid to participate in any action but perfectly willing to get their titillation over violence vicariously thru otherwords....a fascist cheerleader.
This thread is cheering on the smacking down of ANTIFA.

AKA this thread is cheering on the smacking down of anti-fascists.

Therefore, those cheering that on, are in fact, cheering on the fascists.

Kuntinue the white cruelty the Trump Administration has given you full permission to engage in.

Knock yourselves out...

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists

No, this thread is cheering on those who stand for free speech..despite being attacked by terrorist barfbags.
It's amusing how antifa maintains that if people defend themselves from being attacked to prevent them from speaking..then they are fascist.

It's also amusing when antifa find out what happens when you spit, throw rocks, bricks and their own shit at real men.

And even more hilarious is how they get arrested afterwards.
No, this thread is cheering on those who stand for free speech..despite being attacked by terrorist barfbags.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night over your support of fascists.

There, there now...

Antifa seriously needs their little dicks slapped.
They're getting it.

So I drive an ancient car right now. I'm in between cars..just traded in the Exploder I've driven for years...waiting for my next until I get it, I'm driving this ancient 4 door Honda lol. I think it's like a 98...maybe it's older I don't know.

Cracked windshield, screams like a banshee when I start it, bald tires with metal showing...NRA son was driving it prior to me driving it. Before he drove it, my nephew drove it, and before HE drove it, my sister and I drove it (when it was new).

I come up on this freaking gorgeous, shiny, mitsubishi suv thing..I've never seen anythign like it, but it looked expensive, and new. The shine from it blinded me.

And it had "#Resist" and "I Hate Trump" stickers on it.

I wanted to follow them around and let them be afraid of my nra sticker and broken windshield...and the bullet hole on the side of the honda.

But sadly, I had to go to work.
You are lucky you went to work as they are good shots.

Hahahaha no they aren't.
It's amusing how antifa maintains that if people defend themselves from being attacked to prevent them from speaking..then they are fascist.

It's also amusing when antifa find out what happens when you spit, throw rocks, bricks and their own shit at real men.

And even more hilarious is how they get arrested afterwards.
Here's what's NOT an assumption.

ANTIFA is only against fascists.

The fact that YOU feel it necessary to be on THEIR side, speaks VOLUMES.
This thread is cheering on the smacking down of ANTIFA.

AKA this thread is cheering on the smacking down of anti-fascists.

Therefore, those cheering that on, are in fact, cheering on the fascists.

Kuntinue the white cruelty the Trump Administration has given you full permission to engage in.

Knock yourselves out...

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists

We know who they CLAIM they are Einstein, but we also know they are actually violent goons when they hit the streets. You want to jump on their bandwagon, be my guest.
This thread is cheering on the smacking down of ANTIFA.

AKA this thread is cheering on the smacking down of anti-fascists.

Therefore, those cheering that on, are in fact, cheering on the fascists.

Kuntinue the white cruelty the Trump Administration has given you full permission to engage in.

Knock yourselves out...

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists
Antifa is short for antifags. They hate cigarettes.
We know who they CLAIM they are Einstein, but we also know they are actually violent goons when they hit the streets. You want to jump on their bandwagon, be my guest.
Who was it that mowed down an innocent young white woman in Charleston, NC, with evil in his heart, ANTIFA, or one of the violent goons you just mentioned?
We know who they CLAIM they are Einstein, but we also know they are actually violent goons when they hit the streets. You want to jump on their bandwagon, be my guest.
Who was it that mowed down an innocent young white woman in Charleston, NC, with evil in his heart, ANTIFA, or one of the violent goons you just mentioned?

The guy is a pos and he's got what's coming to him. That doesn't excuse the Antifa goons from their violence however.
This thread is cheering on the smacking down of ANTIFA.

AKA this thread is cheering on the smacking down of anti-fascists.

Therefore, those cheering that on, are in fact, cheering on the fascists.

Kuntinue the white cruelty the Trump Administration has given you full permission to engage in.

Knock yourselves out...

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists
Antifa is short for antifags. They hate cigarettes.
Sorry that and frighten you so much.
Those supporting the alt right against antifa are supporting fascists against anti-fascists.
Nah, elongobardi, the LEO, the vets, and the military will piss on the far right militias. Just straight truth.

Really well this LEO and all the ones I know have a different view. Military and Vets won’t stand with the people that fucked them over. Plus the left puts illegal aliens ahead of our Vets. Your dreaming pal and that is a fact. You girls keeping thinking that way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
sure ting, muh man! This is not a fair fight, bozo. There is not going to be one on one or two on one.

When Alt Right marches en masse, they get their ass beat en passe.

The more of you punks the better. You all will end up sharing rooms in the hospital. I have dealt with pieces of shit like you weasels and will drop you punks with ease. The more of you the better. More fun for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You should become a Proud boy.

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