Antifa is going to be smacked down by strong young men who stand for God and free speech...

I think the conservatives need to come up with something as attention getting and as ridiculous as "antifa"...:eek-52: how about...anti-fart...anti-farce...anti-antifa...
We already have our names.
Proud Boys.

Simple, to the point, defines who they are.

You are so stupid. Who needs a little-penis boy in camouflage to tell us where we are going? They are pathetic little shits who run around with guns because they can't get it up on a good day. Not a believer in Jesus among them, and nothing patriotic about this common trash about them. White trash all.
Hello again. Have you read Prince Lestat yet? I am now on Prince Lestat Realms of Atantis. AWESOME book!
Anyway....I believe in Jesus..and I want another gun. Does that make me white trash?
And...aren't those who run around with masks on screaming at people to shut up also trash?
I think the conservatives need to come up with something as attention getting and as ridiculous as "antifa"...:eek-52: how about...anti-fart...anti-farce...anti-antifa...
We already have our names.
Proud Boys.

Simple, to the point, defines who they are.

You are so stupid. Who needs a little-penis boy in camouflage to tell us where we are going? They are pathetic little shits who run around with guns because they can't get it up on a good day. Not a believer in Jesus among them, and nothing patriotic about this common trash about them. White trash all. The garbage from our sewers.


Your side:

You people are unhinged.


Our side:


Your side:


Our side:

There are no strong young Christian men on the right to smack down antifa.

Antifa owns them, like they did at Charlottesville.
There are no strong young Christian men on the right to smack down antifa.

Antifa owns them, like they did at Charlottesville.

Yeah ok. Keeping dreaming pal. Antifa is a bunch of punks. They think there tough when there together in a group. One on one or even two on one I will drop the with ease. This Christian man will mop the floor with you punks.

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sure ting, muh man! This is not a fair fight, bozo. There is not going to be one on one or two on one.

When Alt Right marches en masse, they get their ass beat en passe.
There are no strong young Christian men on the right to smack down antifa.

Antifa owns them, like they did at Charlottesville.

Your so- called revolutionary vanguard hasn't met us yet. But they've seen some of us. Some of us are the guys in the mask next to you; trusted. We're that voice of doubt pinging both sides of skull; within and without.
You are that crazy voice pinging around in your head.

The guy next to you knows who you are. You are not invisible.

LEO knows who you are as well.
Antifa seriously needs their little dicks slapped.
They're getting it.

So I drive an ancient car right now. I'm in between cars..just traded in the Exploder I've driven for years...waiting for my next until I get it, I'm driving this ancient 4 door Honda lol. I think it's like a 98...maybe it's older I don't know.

Cracked windshield, screams like a banshee when I start it, bald tires with metal showing...NRA son was driving it prior to me driving it. Before he drove it, my nephew drove it, and before HE drove it, my sister and I drove it (when it was new).

I come up on this freaking gorgeous, shiny, mitsubishi suv thing..I've never seen anythign like it, but it looked expensive, and new. The shine from it blinded me.

And it had "#Resist" and "I Hate Trump" stickers on it.

I wanted to follow them around and let them be afraid of my nra sticker and broken windshield...and the bullet hole on the side of the honda.

But sadly, I had to go to work.
You are lucky you went to work as they are good shots.
Hello again. Have you read Prince Lestat yet? I am now on Prince Lestat Realms of Atantis. AWESOME book!
Anyway....I believe in Jesus..and I want another gun. Does that make me white trash?
And...aren't those who run around with masks on screaming at people to shut up also trash?
Christ is the complete opposite of guns.
Your so- called revolutionary vanguard hasn't met us yet. But they've seen some of us. Some of us are the guys in the mask next to you; trusted. We're that voice of doubt pinging both sides of skull; within and without.
You watch too much TV.
Hello again. Have you read Prince Lestat yet? I am now on Prince Lestat Realms of Atantis. AWESOME book!
Anyway....I believe in Jesus..and I want another gun. Does that make me white trash?
And...aren't those who run around with masks on screaming at people to shut up also trash?
Christ is the complete opposite of guns.

In Biblical times they did not have guns, but they did have swords, Our Lord instructed His Disciples who did not have a sword to sell their cloaks and buy a sword:


sure ting, muh man! This is not a fair fight, bozo. There is not going to be one on one or two on one.

When Alt Right marches en masse, they get their ass beat en passe.

I’m a right wing conservative and none of you punks won’t last two minutes with me. See you speak what you don’t know. See the alt right you speak of are cops, retired cops, military and veterans. The only asses getting stomped are you punks in mask who don’t have the balls to show your face.

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There are no strong young Christian men on the right to smack down antifa.

Antifa owns them, like they did at Charlottesville.

Your so- called revolutionary vanguard hasn't met us yet. But they've seen some of us. Some of us are the guys in the mask next to you; trusted. We're that voice of doubt pinging both sides of skull; within and without.

Yeah the left wing morons hear that voice of doubt and when it goes down there going to run to mama.

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Hello again. Have you read Prince Lestat yet? I am now on Prince Lestat Realms of Atantis. AWESOME book!
Anyway....I believe in Jesus..and I want another gun. Does that make me white trash?
And...aren't those who run around with masks on screaming at people to shut up also trash?
Christ is the complete opposite of guns.

Know he isn’t. He sacrificed himself for what he believed. We do the same.

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