Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

The idiot Governor is unaware.

I am watching him stumble around from Eastern Washington where I live.

He still has most of the state shut down, despite negligible China Virus presence, he is an idiot.

You live in KKK territory. I know the area well.

You are full of shit and a bald faced liar, there are no KKK shit in my region, that was mostly in IDAHO!

Meanwhile you show what a pile of crap you are over this latest organized lawlessness, it doesn't seem to bother you over what they are doing.

Right now I'm more bothered about the police harassment and murder of my people. If you were really worried about lawlessness you would be doing everything in your power to stop these criminal ass cops from rampaging in Black neighborhoods.

I can't fix issues in Minneapolis... These are LOCAL systemic problems.. Largely because your deep blue leaders have their heads up unicorn butts looking for the next "virtue" law... Like on Gwarming, or vaping or plastic straws... And they have a "justice interface" that is ONE SIZE FITS ALL.. Which leaves a LOT OF VICTIMS who get economically ruined just escalating a broken headlight citation... Will send back the cash in an envelope where you TRIED to pay off your fines in installments.. Have a WARRANT file where 15 or 20% of the warrants that the police operate on are BOGUS or inaccurate.

But with Antifa in the mix here -- maybe you'd prefer THEIR "style" of anarchist govt.. Hopin' that the momentum here is carried by folks who want to FIX THINGS -- not BREAK them.. And neither BLM or Antifa inspires any confidence in "fixing" things...

They cant be just local. It has to be a coordinated effort. When I joined the military I met Black and Latino people from all over this country. All had similiar stories like mine about cops. No such thing as a coincidence. BLMs aim is to stop police violence in the Black community A quick peruse of their website is all that is needed to educate the ignorant. I dont know much about Antifa but if they are anti fascists that sounds good. The enemy of my enemy..... Well you know the rest.
The idiot Governor is unaware.

I am watching him stumble around from Eastern Washington where I live.

He still has most of the state shut down, despite negligible China Virus presence, he is an idiot.

You live in KKK territory. I know the area well.

You are full of shit and a bald faced liar, there are no KKK shit in my region, that was mostly in IDAHO!

Meanwhile you show what a pile of crap you are over this latest organized lawlessness, it doesn't seem to bother you over what they are doing.

Right now I'm more bothered about the police harassment and murder of my people. If you were really worried about lawlessness you would be doing everything in your power to stop these criminal ass cops from rampaging in Black neighborhoods.

I can't fix issues in Minneapolis... These are LOCAL systemic problems.. Largely because your deep blue leaders have their heads up unicorn butts looking for the next "virtue" law... Like on Gwarming, or vaping or plastic straws... And they have a "justice interface" that is ONE SIZE FITS ALL.. Which leaves a LOT OF VICTIMS who get economically ruined just escalating a broken headlight citation... Will send back the cash in an envelope where you TRIED to pay off your fines in installments.. Have a WARRANT file where 15 or 20% of the warrants that the police operate on are BOGUS or inaccurate.

But with Antifa in the mix here -- maybe you'd prefer THEIR "style" of anarchist govt.. Hopin' that the momentum here is carried by folks who want to FIX THINGS -- not BREAK them.. And neither BLM or Antifa inspires any confidence in "fixing" things...

They cant be just local. It has to be a coordinated effort. When I joined the military I met Black and Latino people from all over this country. All had similiar stories like mine about cops. No such thing as a coincidence. BLMs aim is to stop police violence in the Black community A quick peruse of their website is all that is needed to educate the ignorant. I dont know much about Antifa but if they are anti fascists that sounds good. The enemy of my enemy..... Well you know the rest.

You offer anecdotes, where is the evidence?

I posted a link to a few studies showing BLM claims are false and unsupported, you ignored it because you can't address them.


Friendly Reminder: Multiple Studies Don’t Back Up Any of the Black Lives Matter Talking Points

Matt Vestpa
Posted: Jun 10, 2020


Do we have a racist cop issue in the United States? Based on the liberal media coverage, you’d think that there’s been an ongoing surreptitious and odious war against communities of color. Is the system racist? Attorney General William Barr said last week that there was explicit distrust among black Americans regarding our criminal justice system, which must change. He wants reform. That’s fine. There are multiple areas of reform that should be debated, especially regarding drug laws, mandatory sentencing, and nonviolent offenders. Yet, when it comes to policing and these tragic incidents where someone is shot and killed, the evidence has yet to bear out of any racist undertones. Multiple studies from academia to the Department of Justice under Obama has yet to yield a scintilla of evidence with regards to the talking points peddled by the far-left and Black Lives Matter about law enforcement.



Going to ignore it again?

The idiot Governor is unaware.

I am watching him stumble around from Eastern Washington where I live.

He still has most of the state shut down, despite negligible China Virus presence, he is an idiot.

You live in KKK territory. I know the area well.

You are full of shit and a bald faced liar, there are no KKK shit in my region, that was mostly in IDAHO!

Meanwhile you show what a pile of crap you are over this latest organized lawlessness, it doesn't seem to bother you over what they are doing.

Right now I'm more bothered about the police harassment and murder of my people. If you were really worried about lawlessness you would be doing everything in your power to stop these criminal ass cops from rampaging in Black neighborhoods.

I can't fix issues in Minneapolis... These are LOCAL systemic problems.. Largely because your deep blue leaders have their heads up unicorn butts looking for the next "virtue" law... Like on Gwarming, or vaping or plastic straws... And they have a "justice interface" that is ONE SIZE FITS ALL.. Which leaves a LOT OF VICTIMS who get economically ruined just escalating a broken headlight citation... Will send back the cash in an envelope where you TRIED to pay off your fines in installments.. Have a WARRANT file where 15 or 20% of the warrants that the police operate on are BOGUS or inaccurate.

But with Antifa in the mix here -- maybe you'd prefer THEIR "style" of anarchist govt.. Hopin' that the momentum here is carried by folks who want to FIX THINGS -- not BREAK them.. And neither BLM or Antifa inspires any confidence in "fixing" things...

Until guy with a gun takes over.

Well yeah.. At least the dim bulbs playing antifa realize that their "new territory" needs a border wall and guns to "keep the peace"... LOL...

Improvement over Occupy Wallstreet which looked like a camp-out of a large drug rehab center...
Just a matter of time before their "law" starts violating EVERY guarantee in the Bill of Rights. Then the Feds step in.... Like they do all too often for trivial shit like Ruby Ridge and Waco and that latest occupation of a Nat Park...
The idiot Governor is unaware.

I am watching him stumble around from Eastern Washington where I live.

He still has most of the state shut down, despite negligible China Virus presence, he is an idiot.

You live in KKK territory. I know the area well.

You are full of shit and a bald faced liar, there are no KKK shit in my region, that was mostly in IDAHO!

Meanwhile you show what a pile of crap you are over this latest organized lawlessness, it doesn't seem to bother you over what they are doing.

Right now I'm more bothered about the police harassment and murder of my people. If you were really worried about lawlessness you would be doing everything in your power to stop these criminal ass cops from rampaging in Black neighborhoods.

I can't fix issues in Minneapolis... These are LOCAL systemic problems.. Largely because your deep blue leaders have their heads up unicorn butts looking for the next "virtue" law... Like on Gwarming, or vaping or plastic straws... And they have a "justice interface" that is ONE SIZE FITS ALL.. Which leaves a LOT OF VICTIMS who get economically ruined just escalating a broken headlight citation... Will send back the cash in an envelope where you TRIED to pay off your fines in installments.. Have a WARRANT file where 15 or 20% of the warrants that the police operate on are BOGUS or inaccurate.

But with Antifa in the mix here -- maybe you'd prefer THEIR "style" of anarchist govt.. Hopin' that the momentum here is carried by folks who want to FIX THINGS -- not BREAK them.. And neither BLM or Antifa inspires any confidence in "fixing" things...

They cant be just local. It has to be a coordinated effort. When I joined the military I met Black and Latino people from all over this country. All had similiar stories like mine about cops. No such thing as a coincidence. BLMs aim is to stop police violence in the Black community A quick peruse of their website is all that is needed to educate the ignorant. I dont know much about Antifa but if they are anti fascists that sounds good. The enemy of my enemy..... Well you know the rest.

You offer anecdotes, where is the evidence?

I posted a link to a few studies showing BLM claims are false and unsupported, you ignored it because you can't address them.


Friendly Reminder: Multiple Studies Don’t Back Up Any of the Black Lives Matter Talking Points

Matt Vestpa
Posted: Jun 10, 2020


Do we have a racist cop issue in the United States? Based on the liberal media coverage, you’d think that there’s been an ongoing surreptitious and odious war against communities of color. Is the system racist? Attorney General William Barr said last week that there was explicit distrust among black Americans regarding our criminal justice system, which must change. He wants reform. That’s fine. There are multiple areas of reform that should be debated, especially regarding drug laws, mandatory sentencing, and nonviolent offenders. Yet, when it comes to policing and these tragic incidents where someone is shot and killed, the evidence has yet to bear out of any racist undertones. Multiple studies from academia to the Department of Justice under Obama has yet to yield a scintilla of evidence with regards to the talking points peddled by the far-left and Black Lives Matter about law enforcement.



Going to ignore it again?


Oh you thought I was trying to convince you? No. I was just telling the truth. You are going to believe what you want to because you revel in ignorance. You can lead a horse to water but if he is dumb he will just drown.
BLM started off with the right mindset and had much support from many. But they have stepped wayyyyyyyy over the line now and are affiliated with antifa whether they admit to it or not. They had a good thing, then fucked it up with the violence and/or non condemnation of violence even against their own race.
The idiot Governor is unaware.

I am watching him stumble around from Eastern Washington where I live.

He still has most of the state shut down, despite negligible China Virus presence, he is an idiot.

You live in KKK territory. I know the area well.

You are full of shit and a bald faced liar, there are no KKK shit in my region, that was mostly in IDAHO!

Meanwhile you show what a pile of crap you are over this latest organized lawlessness, it doesn't seem to bother you over what they are doing.

Right now I'm more bothered about the police harassment and murder of my people. If you were really worried about lawlessness you would be doing everything in your power to stop these criminal ass cops from rampaging in Black neighborhoods.

I can't fix issues in Minneapolis... These are LOCAL systemic problems.. Largely because your deep blue leaders have their heads up unicorn butts looking for the next "virtue" law... Like on Gwarming, or vaping or plastic straws... And they have a "justice interface" that is ONE SIZE FITS ALL.. Which leaves a LOT OF VICTIMS who get economically ruined just escalating a broken headlight citation... Will send back the cash in an envelope where you TRIED to pay off your fines in installments.. Have a WARRANT file where 15 or 20% of the warrants that the police operate on are BOGUS or inaccurate.

But with Antifa in the mix here -- maybe you'd prefer THEIR "style" of anarchist govt.. Hopin' that the momentum here is carried by folks who want to FIX THINGS -- not BREAK them.. And neither BLM or Antifa inspires any confidence in "fixing" things...

They cant be just local. It has to be a coordinated effort. When I joined the military I met Black and Latino people from all over this country. All had similiar stories like mine about cops. No such thing as a coincidence. BLMs aim is to stop police violence in the Black community A quick peruse of their website is all that is needed to educate the ignorant. I dont know much about Antifa but if they are anti fascists that sounds good. The enemy of my enemy..... Well you know the rest.

You offer anecdotes, where is the evidence?

I posted a link to a few studies showing BLM claims are false and unsupported, you ignored it because you can't address them.


Friendly Reminder: Multiple Studies Don’t Back Up Any of the Black Lives Matter Talking Points

Matt Vestpa
Posted: Jun 10, 2020


Do we have a racist cop issue in the United States? Based on the liberal media coverage, you’d think that there’s been an ongoing surreptitious and odious war against communities of color. Is the system racist? Attorney General William Barr said last week that there was explicit distrust among black Americans regarding our criminal justice system, which must change. He wants reform. That’s fine. There are multiple areas of reform that should be debated, especially regarding drug laws, mandatory sentencing, and nonviolent offenders. Yet, when it comes to policing and these tragic incidents where someone is shot and killed, the evidence has yet to bear out of any racist undertones. Multiple studies from academia to the Department of Justice under Obama has yet to yield a scintilla of evidence with regards to the talking points peddled by the far-left and Black Lives Matter about law enforcement.



Going to ignore it again?


Oh you thought I was trying to convince you? No. I was just telling the truth. You are going to believe what you want to because you revel in ignorance. You can lead a horse to water but if he is dumb he will just drown.

Any you still have nothing......

I accept your defeat.
The idiot Governor is unaware.

I am watching him stumble around from Eastern Washington where I live.

He still has most of the state shut down, despite negligible China Virus presence, he is an idiot.

You live in KKK territory. I know the area well.

You are full of shit and a bald faced liar, there are no KKK shit in my region, that was mostly in IDAHO!

Meanwhile you show what a pile of crap you are over this latest organized lawlessness, it doesn't seem to bother you over what they are doing.

Right now I'm more bothered about the police harassment and murder of my people. If you were really worried about lawlessness you would be doing everything in your power to stop these criminal ass cops from rampaging in Black neighborhoods.

I can't fix issues in Minneapolis... These are LOCAL systemic problems.. Largely because your deep blue leaders have their heads up unicorn butts looking for the next "virtue" law... Like on Gwarming, or vaping or plastic straws... And they have a "justice interface" that is ONE SIZE FITS ALL.. Which leaves a LOT OF VICTIMS who get economically ruined just escalating a broken headlight citation... Will send back the cash in an envelope where you TRIED to pay off your fines in installments.. Have a WARRANT file where 15 or 20% of the warrants that the police operate on are BOGUS or inaccurate.

But with Antifa in the mix here -- maybe you'd prefer THEIR "style" of anarchist govt.. Hopin' that the momentum here is carried by folks who want to FIX THINGS -- not BREAK them.. And neither BLM or Antifa inspires any confidence in "fixing" things...

They cant be just local. It has to be a coordinated effort. When I joined the military I met Black and Latino people from all over this country. All had similiar stories like mine about cops. No such thing as a coincidence. BLMs aim is to stop police violence in the Black community A quick peruse of their website is all that is needed to educate the ignorant. I dont know much about Antifa but if they are anti fascists that sounds good. The enemy of my enemy..... Well you know the rest.

You offer anecdotes, where is the evidence?

I posted a link to a few studies showing BLM claims are false and unsupported, you ignored it because you can't address them.


Friendly Reminder: Multiple Studies Don’t Back Up Any of the Black Lives Matter Talking Points

Matt Vestpa
Posted: Jun 10, 2020


Do we have a racist cop issue in the United States? Based on the liberal media coverage, you’d think that there’s been an ongoing surreptitious and odious war against communities of color. Is the system racist? Attorney General William Barr said last week that there was explicit distrust among black Americans regarding our criminal justice system, which must change. He wants reform. That’s fine. There are multiple areas of reform that should be debated, especially regarding drug laws, mandatory sentencing, and nonviolent offenders. Yet, when it comes to policing and these tragic incidents where someone is shot and killed, the evidence has yet to bear out of any racist undertones. Multiple studies from academia to the Department of Justice under Obama has yet to yield a scintilla of evidence with regards to the talking points peddled by the far-left and Black Lives Matter about law enforcement.



Going to ignore it again?


Oh you thought I was trying to convince you? No. I was just telling the truth. You are going to believe what you want to because you revel in ignorance. You can lead a horse to water but if he is dumb he will just drown.

Any you still have nothing......

I accept your defeat.

"Any you still have nothing......"

I have the truth. You have wishful thinking.
The idiot Governor is unaware.

I am watching him stumble around from Eastern Washington where I live.

He still has most of the state shut down, despite negligible China Virus presence, he is an idiot.

You live in KKK territory. I know the area well.

You are full of shit and a bald faced liar, there are no KKK shit in my region, that was mostly in IDAHO!

Meanwhile you show what a pile of crap you are over this latest organized lawlessness, it doesn't seem to bother you over what they are doing.

Right now I'm more bothered about the police harassment and murder of my people. If you were really worried about lawlessness you would be doing everything in your power to stop these criminal ass cops from rampaging in Black neighborhoods.

I can't fix issues in Minneapolis... These are LOCAL systemic problems.. Largely because your deep blue leaders have their heads up unicorn butts looking for the next "virtue" law... Like on Gwarming, or vaping or plastic straws... And they have a "justice interface" that is ONE SIZE FITS ALL.. Which leaves a LOT OF VICTIMS who get economically ruined just escalating a broken headlight citation... Will send back the cash in an envelope where you TRIED to pay off your fines in installments.. Have a WARRANT file where 15 or 20% of the warrants that the police operate on are BOGUS or inaccurate.

But with Antifa in the mix here -- maybe you'd prefer THEIR "style" of anarchist govt.. Hopin' that the momentum here is carried by folks who want to FIX THINGS -- not BREAK them.. And neither BLM or Antifa inspires any confidence in "fixing" things...

They cant be just local. It has to be a coordinated effort. When I joined the military I met Black and Latino people from all over this country. All had similiar stories like mine about cops. No such thing as a coincidence. BLMs aim is to stop police violence in the Black community A quick peruse of their website is all that is needed to educate the ignorant. I dont know much about Antifa but if they are anti fascists that sounds good. The enemy of my enemy..... Well you know the rest.

You offer anecdotes, where is the evidence?

I posted a link to a few studies showing BLM claims are false and unsupported, you ignored it because you can't address them.


Friendly Reminder: Multiple Studies Don’t Back Up Any of the Black Lives Matter Talking Points

Matt Vestpa
Posted: Jun 10, 2020


Do we have a racist cop issue in the United States? Based on the liberal media coverage, you’d think that there’s been an ongoing surreptitious and odious war against communities of color. Is the system racist? Attorney General William Barr said last week that there was explicit distrust among black Americans regarding our criminal justice system, which must change. He wants reform. That’s fine. There are multiple areas of reform that should be debated, especially regarding drug laws, mandatory sentencing, and nonviolent offenders. Yet, when it comes to policing and these tragic incidents where someone is shot and killed, the evidence has yet to bear out of any racist undertones. Multiple studies from academia to the Department of Justice under Obama has yet to yield a scintilla of evidence with regards to the talking points peddled by the far-left and Black Lives Matter about law enforcement.



Going to ignore it again?


Oh you thought I was trying to convince you? No. I was just telling the truth. You are going to believe what you want to because you revel in ignorance. You can lead a horse to water but if he is dumb he will just drown.

Any you still have nothing......

I accept your defeat.

"Any you still have nothing......"

I have the truth. You have wishful thinking.

It is missing since you can't remember to post it.

I posted studies, some during the Obama administration, you ignore it completely, THAT is wishful thinking.....

You have no argument to offer when you offer nothing to support it.
So now that Seattle has its first 'revolutionary government N Stuff', who do they call about the busted water main? I bet the 'revolutionaries' are to busy being Revolting to be bothered with stuff like municipal management, or even learning how to spell 'municipal' for that matter.

How much are the 'Revolutionaries' paying dog catchers there now?

Is it a living wage?

If it is, when will the 'Libertarian Revolutionaries' show up and force them to lower it to Red Chinese pay levels in order to for it to be 'competitive n stuff'?

Will they kill the dogcatcher to make an example out of him/her/it/mutant to the other uppity proles?

What happens if the Federalists show up at the same time? Will they fight with the Libertarians over who has the right to torture and kill the dogcatcher?
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Ya'll seem to forget this is a Democratic state and those in charge have rendered the police abilities to be bystanders with no power to confront or control the actions of these terrorists. But even those 'in charge' of the state (gov Inslee) and city of Seattle (mayor Durkin) have had opposing views with the City Council members. City Council is calling for Durkins resignation...….and many members are supporting Antifa's actions. Including inviting them into the now empty east Precinct of SPD. But from what I understand, after Antifa left the building, SPD moved back in. But their power to police is still in question.

Don't like Gateway Pundint? Here's a local source........ Protesters return to 'Free Capitol Hill' after packing into City Hall

From what I can find out, or not.....any major local source like Seattle Times or PI or other news sources aren't giving much voice to this story. What a surprise

The press is doing its job of hiding rather than providing information. My brother lives in Tacoma and works in Seattle. He told me this morning they are burning buildings to the ground and that several areas of Seattle are now no-go zones where leftists with clubs stop people and question them for political orthodoxy. This is a communist takeover.
and the sad part is the damn city council and local governments are letting them do this shit and won't allow the police to do anything about it.

This place is my home, born & raised here, just like both my parents were and my kids as well but I've about had it & ready to move out lock, stock & barrel.
Ya'll seem to forget this is a Democratic state and those in charge have rendered the police abilities to be bystanders with no power to confront or control the actions of these terrorists. But even those 'in charge' of the state (gov Inslee) and city of Seattle (mayor Durkin) have had opposing views with the City Council members. City Council is calling for Durkins resignation...….and many members are supporting Antifa's actions. Including inviting them into the now empty east Precinct of SPD. But from what I understand, after Antifa left the building, SPD moved back in. But their power to police is still in question.

Don't like Gateway Pundint? Here's a local source........ Protesters return to 'Free Capitol Hill' after packing into City Hall

From what I can find out, or not.....any major local source like Seattle Times or PI or other news sources aren't giving much voice to this story. What a surprise

The press is doing its job of hiding rather than providing information. My brother lives in Tacoma and works in Seattle. He told me this morning they are burning buildings to the ground and that several areas of Seattle are now no-go zones where leftists with clubs stop people and question them for political orthodoxy. This is a communist takeover.
and the sad part is the damn city council and local governments are letting them do this shit and won't allow the police to do anything about it.

This place is my home, born & raised here, just like both my parents were and my kids as well but I've about had it & ready to move out lock, stock & barrel.

Your nation was driven to barbarism some time ago. The effects are now showing up.
You fools do realize that if you're not ANTIFA then you're pro-fascist, right?

That's moronic word play... Bunch of pansy ass white boys with no careers stopping traffic, screaming at strangers (who live and work there) as white as they are about being racist pigs and "get off my street"..,. What they ARE ACTUALLY are "anti-fascist FASCISTS".. No different than the Nazi Brown shirts doing a KristalNacht or recruiting entire neighborhoods to the cause...

Whoops, I thought for a minute they were those white supremacist the Blue governors were claiming. Now we find it's really those Commie Antifas all along. They're going to trash that six block area. Hmm...., I wonder just how much the mayor left in all types of police equipment at the precinct.
Ammon and Cliven Bundy, Ruby Ridge, and Waco, anyone?

Federal agents should move into that occupied "autonomous zone" with tanks and burn them out like rats.
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This is just beyond belief.

President Trump tweeted late Wednesday that “domestic terrorists” have taken over an area in Seattle amid George Floyd protests and blamed the city’s “radical left Democrats” for contributing to the unrest.
"Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before," Trump tweeted. "Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped (sic) IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!"
His tweet did not go unanswered. Mayor Jenny Durkan, a Democrat, took a swipe at Trump, and responded, "Make us all safe. Go back to your bunker. #BlackLivesMatter."
This is not a a goofy student thing. Marxist radicals have infiltrated the Democratic Party, and BLM sends its contributions to the DNC.

The Democrats think that they can ride the Tiger, but it is going to eat them alive.

Meanwhile the insurgency grows by the day and consolidates their grip and is likely spreading the operation quietly like an unseen cancer to other cities and states as we sit on our asses and do nothing.

My God McConnel, show some balls and support our President against these traitors!

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