Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

Meanwhile inside the new nation, residents are going tribal with their own security and someRapper has set himself up as the Warlord of the free zone.

A Minneapolis small business owner gathered an armed group to protect her neighborhood and its residents when police stepped back amid rioting and looting that grew out of protests over the death of George Floyd in the city, according to a report.
"Material things we can replace, that's true," restaurant owner Cesia Baires told NPR in a residential hallway above her business last week. "But there are families up here. These aren't empty buildings."
Baires and other residents rallied armed, properly licensed citizens for protection after police shrank their presence in her neighborhood, according to the outlet. At times, they watched from rooftops with semiautomatic rifles.
They also reportedly handed out fire extinguishers to their neighbors.
And Baires wasn’t alone -- armed citizens formed similar groups in neighborhoods around the city, The Washington Post reported Sunday.​
This is just beyond belief.

President Trump tweeted late Wednesday that “domestic terrorists” have taken over an area in Seattle amid George Floyd protests and blamed the city’s “radical left Democrats” for contributing to the unrest.
"Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before," Trump tweeted. "Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped (sic) IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!"
His tweet did not go unanswered. Mayor Jenny Durkan, a Democrat, took a swipe at Trump, and responded, "Make us all safe. Go back to your bunker. #BlackLivesMatter."
This is not a a goofy student thing. Marxist radicals have infiltrated the Democratic Party, and BLM sends its contributions to the DNC.

The Democrats think that they can ride the Tiger, but it is going to eat them alive.

Meanwhile the insurgency grows by the day and consolidates their grip and is likely spreading the operation quietly like an unseen cancer to other cities and states as we sit on our asses and do nothing.

My God McConnel, show some balls and support our President against these traitors!
do you know the legal definition of insurrection? When the president can claim such? this has to do with your title....
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So Democrats think they will win the election with Biden and BLM?

Lol, so we have the Democrats thus far this year:

Restricting small business to close, and churches max at 10 participants no matter what the building capacity is, meanwhile if you want to protest againt Trump, thats OK, no need to social distance, in the long run these idiots think more lives are saved. So it is rbellion yes, America Nyet!

They are supporting insurrection instead of standing with our President, and are hell bent on destroying our economy all over again. Great sales pitch there, Dims!

They make one lie after another about our police, and are also proposing to defund or eliminate altogether our city police.

But dont play baseball with your kids that will get you arrested.

And as they toss business people into jail for noncompliance with Social distancing, they are releasing violent felons due to COVID19.

Does any of this make sense?

Only if you are trying to start a rebellion, yeah.
This is just beyond belief.

President Trump tweeted late Wednesday that “domestic terrorists” have taken over an area in Seattle amid George Floyd protests and blamed the city’s “radical left Democrats” for contributing to the unrest.
"Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before," Trump tweeted. "Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped (sic) IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!"
His tweet did not go unanswered. Mayor Jenny Durkan, a Democrat, took a swipe at Trump, and responded, "Make us all safe. Go back to your bunker. #BlackLivesMatter."
This is not a a goofy student thing. Marxist radicals have infiltrated the Democratic Party, and BLM sends its contributions to the DNC.

The Democrats think that they can ride the Tiger, but it is going to eat them alive.

Meanwhile the insurgency grows by the day and consolidates their grip and is likely spreading the operation quietly like an unseen cancer to other cities and states as we sit on our asses and do nothing.

My God McConnel, show some balls and support our President against these traitors!

The good news in all this mayhem, from a strictly tactical standpoint is the "insurgents" utter lack of adequate weaponry or materiel support. In other words, even if the Antifa and BLM terrorists are genuine revolutionaries genuinely attempting to cause a revolution, they've got no supply lines, no resource depots, no armored forces and no airpower. In short, they exist at the pleasure of our federal law enforcement tactical teams and our President's good nature. Should they attack vital state or federal infrastructure or attempt to raid a military base—even a reserve or guard depot—they'll become bloody stains streaked across the streets. For now, the only threat they pose is to the well-being of the Seattle citizens trapped in the terrorists' so-called "free-zone". My conclusion in all of this is an example must be made, a very painful but necessary "advertisement" future would-be revolutionaries can see and heed. I believe police should evacuate innocent civilians from the six occupied Seattle city blocks and then our military should precision bomb the crowd of revolutionaries. Act like a terrorist, behave like an enemy combatant, receive fair treatment accordingly.
do you know the legal definition of insurrection? When the president can claim such? this has to do with your tittle....
"an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government " <-dictionary definition

Wikipedia says:

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion.
The act provides the "major exception" to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits the use of military personnel under federal command for law enforcement purposes within the United States.[1]
Before invoking the powers under the Act, 10 U.S.C. § 254 requires the President to first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse.
The Act empowers the U.S. president to call into service the U.S. Armed Forces and the National Guard:
  • when requested by a state's legislature, or governor if the legislature cannot be convened, to address an insurrection against that state (§ 251),
    • to address an insurrection, in any state, which makes it impracticable to enforce the law (§ 252), or
    • to address an insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination or conspiracy, in any state, which results in the deprivation of Constitutionally-secured rights, and where the state is unable, fails, or refuses to protect said rights (§ 253).
The 1807 Act replaced the earlier Calling Forth Act of 1792, which had allowed for federalization of state militias, with similar language that allowed either for federalization of state militias or use of the regular armed forces in the case of rebellion against a state government.[2]:60
The 1807 Act has been modified twice. In 1861, a new section was added allowing the federal government to use the National Guard and armed forces against the will of the state government in the case of "rebellion against the authority of the government of the United States," in anticipation of continued unrest after the Civil War.[3] In 1871, the Third Enforcement Act revised this section (§ 253) to protect African Americans from attacks by the Ku Klux Klan. The language added at that time allows the federal government to use the act to enforce the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.[2]:63–64 This section of the act was invoked during the Reconstruction era, and again during desegregation fights during the Civil Rights Era.[4]
The Insurrection Act has been invoked throughout American history. In the 19th century, it was invoked during conflicts with Native Americans. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was invoked during labor conflicts. Later in the 20th century, it was used to enforce federally mandated desegregation,[5] with Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy invoking the Act in opposition to the affected states' political leaders to enforce court-ordered desegregation.[6] More recently, governors have requested and received support most recently following looting in the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo in 1989 and during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[7]
In 2006, the George W. Bush administration considered intervening in the state of Louisiana's response to Hurricane Katrina despite the refusal from Louisiana's governor, but this was inconsistent with past precedent, politically difficult, and potentially unconstitutional.[2]:73–75 A provision of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, added by an unidentified sponsor, amended the Insurrection act to permit military intervention without state consent, in case of an emergency that hindered the enforcement of laws.[1] Bush signed this amendment into law, but some months after it was enacted, all fifty state governors issued a joint statement against it, and the changes were repealed in January 2008.[1]
On June 1, 2020, President Donald Trump warned that he would invoke the Act in response to the riots following the death of George Floyd in police custody.[8][9] As of June 9, 2020, the proclamation required by the Act has not been made, and federal troops have not been deployed.
The good news in all this mayhem, from a strictly tactical standpoint is the "insurgents" utter lack of adequate weaponry or materiel support. In other words, even if the Antifa and BLM terrorists are genuine revolutionaries genuinely attempting to cause a revolution, they've got no supply lines, no resource depots, no armored forces and no airpower.

With assymetric warfare tactics you dont need air power or armor, and they do have logistical supply from mysterious people as of yet not known.

In short, they exist at the pleasure of our federal law enforcement tactical teams and our President's good nature.

No, they exist because the Seatle Mayor and city council support these wack jobs as does the governor. Trump is demanding they act and they are siding with Antifa. and BLM.

Should they attack vital state or federal infrastructure or attempt to raid a military base—even a reserve or guard depot—they'll become bloody stains streaked across the streets. For now, the only threat they pose is to the well-being of the Seattle citizens trapped in the terrorists' so-called "free-zone". My conclusion in all of this is an example must be made, a very painful but necessary "advertisement" future would-be revolutionaries can see and heed. I believe police should evacuate innocent civilians from the six occupied Seattle city blocks and then our military should precision bomb the crowd of revolutionaries. Act like a terrorist, behave like an enemy combatant, receive fair treatment accordingly.

We need to federalize control of the national guard after declaring an insurrection and sweep these bastards up and end this shit now.

The Mayor of Seatle and the City Council and the governor need to be tried for treason.
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The good news in all this mayhem, from a strictly tactical standpoint is the "insurgents" utter lack of adequate weaponry or materiel support. In other words, even if the Antifa and BLM terrorists are genuine revolutionaries genuinely attempting to cause a revolution, they've got no supply lines, no resource depots, no armored forces and no airpower.

With assymetric warfare tactics you dont need air power or armor, and they do have logistical supply from mysterious people as of yet not known.

In short, they exist at the pleasure of our federal law enforcement tactical teams and our President's good nature.

No, they exist because the Seatle Mayor and city council support these wack jobs as does the governor. Trump is demanding they act and they are siding with Antifa. and BLM.

Should they attack vital state or federal infrastructure or attempt to raid a military base—even a reserve or guard depot—they'll become bloody stains streaked across the streets. For now, the only threat they pose is to the well-being of the Seattle citizens trapped in the terrorists' so-called "free-zone". My conclusion in all of this is an example must be made, a very painful but necessary "advertisement" future would-be revolutionaries can see and heed. I believe police should evacuate innocent civilians from the six occupied Seattle city blocks and then our military should precision bomb the crowd of revolutionaries. Act like a terrorist, behave like an enemy combatant, receive fair treatment accordingly.

We need to federalize control of the national guard after declaring an insurrection and sweep these bastards up and in this shit now.

The Mayor of Seatle and the City Council and the governor need to be tried for treason.

I agree with you to an extent but these kids aren't trained guerillas or trained anything else. Perhaps a few hardcore semi-trained cadre are running the show behind the scenes. Worst case scenario they try to blow up a power plant or something similar, but without actual logistical support in the form of either foreign military advisors or defectors from our own military, they remain a "local" disturbance. The other tactical possibility is BLM/Antifa coordinates mass takeover of blocks in several cities coast to coast. Such a move would be a direct challenge to both local and federal governments. Right now, however, as an American citizen my primary concern is for the lives of those who live on those six Seattle city blocks. I also agree that our President must act now.
Julio Rosas


· 20h

Replying to @Julio_Rosas11

SDOT has moved into the area to remove some of the barricades. They have negotiated with the protesters to leave most of the barricades in place. Protesters said they want them in place to keep white supremacists out.

If you read thier tweets and reddits "ending whiteness" ,capitailism ,and slaughtering the bourgeoisie is the main theme .......derp...shocker

Of course racial hatred and calls for violence are completely acceptable on social media platforms.....just make sure you hate who they tell you to and for what reasons.......or else lol

Blm and antifa have a history of sexual assaults

Antifa many members are weirdos and supported by radical faggit polesmokers ..the trans community.?.whatever the hell that means up in dr9ves to support them ...many members themselves are fairys


The antifa #CapitalHillAutonomousZone in Seattle has a subreddit set up. They are posting about making homemade chemical weapons, maintaining supply lines, & how to use those armed with guns to push police back. #antifa


Shaking down local business for protection ....who do they think they are ?the government.!?...Ha!


Got ammo
The good news in all this mayhem, from a strictly tactical standpoint is the "insurgents" utter lack of adequate weaponry or materiel support. In other words, even if the Antifa and BLM terrorists are genuine revolutionaries genuinely attempting to cause a revolution, they've got no supply lines, no resource depots, no armored forces and no airpower.

With assymetric warfare tactics you dont need air power or armor, and they do have logistical supply from mysterious people as of yet not known.

In short, they exist at the pleasure of our federal law enforcement tactical teams and our President's good nature.

No, they exist because the Seatle Mayor and city council support these wack jobs as does the governor. Trump is demanding they act and they are siding with Antifa. and BLM.

Should they attack vital state or federal infrastructure or attempt to raid a military base—even a reserve or guard depot—they'll become bloody stains streaked across the streets. For now, the only threat they pose is to the well-being of the Seattle citizens trapped in the terrorists' so-called "free-zone". My conclusion in all of this is an example must be made, a very painful but necessary "advertisement" future would-be revolutionaries can see and heed. I believe police should evacuate innocent civilians from the six occupied Seattle city blocks and then our military should precision bomb the crowd of revolutionaries. Act like a terrorist, behave like an enemy combatant, receive fair treatment accordingly.

We need to federalize control of the national guard after declaring an insurrection and sweep these bastards up and end this shit now.

The Mayor of Seatle and the City Council and the governor need to be tried for treason.
Why do you all care about this if you don't live in Seattle?
The good news in all this mayhem, from a strictly tactical standpoint is the "insurgents" utter lack of adequate weaponry or materiel support. In other words, even if the Antifa and BLM terrorists are genuine revolutionaries genuinely attempting to cause a revolution, they've got no supply lines, no resource depots, no armored forces and no airpower.

With assymetric warfare tactics you dont need air power or armor, and they do have logistical supply from mysterious people as of yet not known.

In short, they exist at the pleasure of our federal law enforcement tactical teams and our President's good nature.

No, they exist because the Seatle Mayor and city council support these wack jobs as does the governor. Trump is demanding they act and they are siding with Antifa. and BLM.

Should they attack vital state or federal infrastructure or attempt to raid a military base—even a reserve or guard depot—they'll become bloody stains streaked across the streets. For now, the only threat they pose is to the well-being of the Seattle citizens trapped in the terrorists' so-called "free-zone". My conclusion in all of this is an example must be made, a very painful but necessary "advertisement" future would-be revolutionaries can see and heed. I believe police should evacuate innocent civilians from the six occupied Seattle city blocks and then our military should precision bomb the crowd of revolutionaries. Act like a terrorist, behave like an enemy combatant, receive fair treatment accordingly.

We need to federalize control of the national guard after declaring an insurrection and sweep these bastards up and end this shit now.

The Mayor of Seatle and the City Council and the governor need to be tried for treason.
Why do you all care about this if you don't live in Seattle?

Because we are Americans who love our country and passionately care about the lives of our fellow countrymen. Some of us also took oaths to defend her against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But I suspect you already understand this . . .
The good news in all this mayhem, from a strictly tactical standpoint is the "insurgents" utter lack of adequate weaponry or materiel support. In other words, even if the Antifa and BLM terrorists are genuine revolutionaries genuinely attempting to cause a revolution, they've got no supply lines, no resource depots, no armored forces and no airpower.

With assymetric warfare tactics you dont need air power or armor, and they do have logistical supply from mysterious people as of yet not known.

In short, they exist at the pleasure of our federal law enforcement tactical teams and our President's good nature.

No, they exist because the Seatle Mayor and city council support these wack jobs as does the governor. Trump is demanding they act and they are siding with Antifa. and BLM.

Should they attack vital state or federal infrastructure or attempt to raid a military base—even a reserve or guard depot—they'll become bloody stains streaked across the streets. For now, the only threat they pose is to the well-being of the Seattle citizens trapped in the terrorists' so-called "free-zone". My conclusion in all of this is an example must be made, a very painful but necessary "advertisement" future would-be revolutionaries can see and heed. I believe police should evacuate innocent civilians from the six occupied Seattle city blocks and then our military should precision bomb the crowd of revolutionaries. Act like a terrorist, behave like an enemy combatant, receive fair treatment accordingly.

We need to federalize control of the national guard after declaring an insurrection and sweep these bastards up and end this shit now.

The Mayor of Seatle and the City Council and the governor need to be tried for treason.
Why do you all care about this if you don't live in Seattle?

We're marveling at the idiots and the establishment Muppets
This is just beyond belief.

President Trump tweeted late Wednesday that “domestic terrorists” have taken over an area in Seattle amid George Floyd protests and blamed the city’s “radical left Democrats” for contributing to the unrest.
"Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before," Trump tweeted. "Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped (sic) IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!"
His tweet did not go unanswered. Mayor Jenny Durkan, a Democrat, took a swipe at Trump, and responded, "Make us all safe. Go back to your bunker. #BlackLivesMatter."
This is not a a goofy student thing. Marxist radicals have infiltrated the Democratic Party, and BLM sends its contributions to the DNC.

The Democrats think that they can ride the Tiger, but it is going to eat them alive.

Meanwhile the insurgency grows by the day and consolidates their grip and is likely spreading the operation quietly like an unseen cancer to other cities and states as we sit on our asses and do nothing.

My God McConnel, show some balls and support our President against these traitors!
/——/ I heard BLM extorts protection money from shop owners and demands they put a BLM poster in their store window. Yup, that’s the democRATS for you.
The good news in all this mayhem, from a strictly tactical standpoint is the "insurgents" utter lack of adequate weaponry or materiel support. In other words, even if the Antifa and BLM terrorists are genuine revolutionaries genuinely attempting to cause a revolution, they've got no supply lines, no resource depots, no armored forces and no airpower.

With assymetric warfare tactics you dont need air power or armor, and they do have logistical supply from mysterious people as of yet not known.

In short, they exist at the pleasure of our federal law enforcement tactical teams and our President's good nature.

No, they exist because the Seatle Mayor and city council support these wack jobs as does the governor. Trump is demanding they act and they are siding with Antifa. and BLM.

Should they attack vital state or federal infrastructure or attempt to raid a military base—even a reserve or guard depot—they'll become bloody stains streaked across the streets. For now, the only threat they pose is to the well-being of the Seattle citizens trapped in the terrorists' so-called "free-zone". My conclusion in all of this is an example must be made, a very painful but necessary "advertisement" future would-be revolutionaries can see and heed. I believe police should evacuate innocent civilians from the six occupied Seattle city blocks and then our military should precision bomb the crowd of revolutionaries. Act like a terrorist, behave like an enemy combatant, receive fair treatment accordingly.

We need to federalize control of the national guard after declaring an insurrection and sweep these bastards up and end this shit now.

The Mayor of Seatle and the City Council and the governor need to be tried for treason.
Why do you all care about this if you don't live in Seattle?
/——/ You’re not serious, are you? Because it can spread to every city in the country, even where you live.
Who's the ANTIFA leader in Seattle?

are you really asking for the leader of a cell based non hierarchical organization?

A cell?

Who is calling the shots within ANTIFA? Give us a name or two.

Two tweeters in this article, who are now hiding their posts.

Antifa Domestic Terrorists Take Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle - Set Up Security Watch - Call for Armed Volunteers

Two tweeters physically took over 6 square city blocks? They are, according to you, occupying stolen property
(and presumably holding inhabitants hostage) and making negotiation demands. And we do not know their names?

You don't see how ridiculous you sound, do you?

You will believe anything.

Keep digging yourself a deeper hole.


That guy is the leader of ANTIFA?

He’s a rapper.

He's the guy claiming he's the "new cop" in the free zone.

Again, asking for the leader of a cell based de-centralized umbrella group is being a fucking dip.

You fucking dip.
Who's the ANTIFA leader in Seattle?

are you really asking for the leader of a cell based non hierarchical organization?

A cell?

Who is calling the shots within ANTIFA? Give us a name or two.

Two tweeters in this article, who are now hiding their posts.

Antifa Domestic Terrorists Take Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle - Set Up Security Watch - Call for Armed Volunteers

Two tweeters physically took over 6 square city blocks? They are, according to you, occupying stolen property
(and presumably holding inhabitants hostage) and making negotiation demands. And we do not know their names?

You don't see how ridiculous you sound, do you?

You will believe anything.

Keep digging yourself a deeper hole.


That guy is the leader of ANTIFA?

He’s a rapper.

He's the guy claiming he's the "new cop" in the free zone.

Again, asking for the leader of a cell based de-centralized umbrella group is being a fucking dip.

You fucking dip.

He is claiming that, huh? Cool.

I see the moron president has begun pushing out this conspiracy theory. He is the conspiracy nut in chief.
Who's the ANTIFA leader in Seattle?

are you really asking for the leader of a cell based non hierarchical organization?

A cell?

Who is calling the shots within ANTIFA? Give us a name or two.

Two tweeters in this article, who are now hiding their posts.

Antifa Domestic Terrorists Take Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle - Set Up Security Watch - Call for Armed Volunteers

Two tweeters physically took over 6 square city blocks? They are, according to you, occupying stolen property
(and presumably holding inhabitants hostage) and making negotiation demands. And we do not know their names?

You don't see how ridiculous you sound, do you?

You will believe anything.

Keep digging yourself a deeper hole.


That guy is the leader of ANTIFA?

He’s a rapper.

He's the guy claiming he's the "new cop" in the free zone.

Again, asking for the leader of a cell based de-centralized umbrella group is being a fucking dip.

You fucking dip.

He is claiming that, huh? Cool.

I see the moron president has begun pushing out this conspiracy theory. He is the conspiracy nut in chief.

This is being reported, there are videos, your denial of this just shows what a fucking hack you are.

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