Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

Seattle Cedes Fire Station To Protesters To Turn Into Community Center

New White Privilege Tax In CHAZ

They have become what they are fighting!
Seattle Cedes Fire Station To Protesters To Turn Into Community Center

New White Privilege Tax In CHAZ

They have become what they are fighting!

Oh, leftists never object to government oppression and corruption -- they just want to be the ones benefiting.
If There is anything that's needed it's to remove fire protection from black neighborhoods. Especially since blacks are so keen on burning down their own businesses.
This is the story of the CHAZ/American War. When protests guaranteed in the American constitution go to the absurd and people in general lose many rights because of it. If these men and women are dependent on people from the outside to keep them alive, then they are frauds to the worst degree.
Then you are not thinking very clearly.
No, I just have a different perspective than a lot of you.

You had said in response to me, "No I think you all just want people to get mowed down by gunfire. "

Apparently you seem to think that I am some Kluxer or something, but I left the Democratic Party before I graduated high school, dude.

By lumping me in with some kind of nefarious bogyman, you demonstrated that you were not thinking clearly.

I am not asking for a fruitless appology, but I do wish you would get your facts straight.

And you just stated below (well actually a previous comment) that you want people shot and mention people who are armed and "using violent threats" which I'm not even going to speculate as to what you meant by that.
I agree. But that is why I think we should use precision forces to only attack those armed and using violent threats.
Those people kind of like volunteer to be shot.
I do not want people shot, lol, I was arguing against simply bombing them which would cause a lot of colateral injuries.

If it becomes necessary to physically reclaim our sovereign territory by force, I would prefer a more prcesion based approachh, like personally going in with infantry and shoot those who are armed and opposing rather than blowing up some Moma and her baby.

Simply being armed is not grounds for summary execution on the streets of Seattle but that's what exactly what you've stated should be done.

Armed individuals exercising their 1st and/or 2nd amendment rights while not violating the law (or working) is not an uncommon sight in downtown Seattle which is why I said we have different perspectives of the situation.

I've attended 3 protests/marches/rallies in Washington state beginning in 2014, all of them peaceful.

In December 2014 I attended the "We Will Not Comply" rally on the capitol steps in Olympia to protest the passage of a very poorly written gun control law. More than a thousand people showed up, the majority of which were armed with long guns and there were two Washington State Patrol vehicles on-site.

The second event was the very first time I had ever participated in a marched and I did so with Black Lives Matter in January 2015 specifically because of the death of Sandra Bland. The Seattle police department escorted and provided protection for the marchers.

The last event I attended was roughly 2017 and was an Anti-Sharia protest. I showed up at the end in order to join the counter protestors. There was some excitement when someone showed up wearing a holstered weapon and he was hussled off-site. I was in tact gear with weapon but no identifying insignia however one of the bike officers apparently recognized me from the BLM march because he waved when he saw me.

There are so many people on this board who have so much animus against others that would only make sense if these people had personally caused them harm yet that is not the case, although I have to admit there is a lot of creativity that has been put forth in an attempt to justify and rationalize the convoluated reasoning for these feelings.

I have grown acustomed to being on the receiving end of this kind of hatred as my attendance at the events I've outlined above would indicate. It's a little different however when it's being directed towards others similarily situation as myself though.
Why would you counter-protest an anti-Sharia protest?
You figure it out.
So now I'm included in those that you want shot?

Lol, do you really think that is what I meant?

Utilizing the U.S. military against American citizens is not lawful particularly under the current set of circumstances. And there are a lot of ways to cause harm to others that don't involve pointing a firearm at them and risking return gunfire.

They are in rebellion and are traitors trying to break from the USA and are unlawfully detaining Americans who have not voted for their Marxist bullshit rule.

Yep, kill every damned one of them that violently resists the restoration of American sovereignty.

So pray tell, what offense have these individuals committed that they deserve to be shot in the streets? They havn't killed anyone yet you want them deprived of their lives due to principle? How fucked up is that and what will you gain by them doing so?

Whether they have killed anyone themselves personally is entirely irrelevant.
Longing for the good ole days huh?
The second event was the very first time I had ever participated in a marched and I did so with Black Lives Matter in January 2015
BLM only pertains to blacks killed by whites. Not blacks killing their own.
You are woefully misinformed. Black Lives Matter was created in response to the numerous law enforcement killings of young black men and women under circumstances that whites when similarly situated, somehow manage to escape with their lives intact.

It you don't understand the difference between being killed by a criminal simply looking for an opportunity and being deliberately killed by your own government, then perhaps you need to study more.
If There is anything that's needed it's to remove fire protection from black neighborhoods. Especially since blacks are so keen on burning down their own businesses.
I'm curious. How old are you and is everyone in your environment as openly racist as you are?
The second event was the very first time I had ever participated in a marched and I did so with Black Lives Matter in January 2015
BLM only pertains to blacks killed by whites. Not blacks killing their own.
You are woefully misinformed. Black Lives Matter was created in response to the numerous law enforcement killings of young black men and women under circumstances that whites when similarly situated, somehow manage to escape with their lives intact.

It you don't understand the difference between being killed by a criminal simply looking for an opportunity and being deliberately killed by your own government, then perhaps you need to study more.
lol. BLM is funded ONLY to get old white men into positions of power. The one that needs to study more is you.
Seattle Cedes Fire Station To Protesters To Turn Into Community Center

New White Privilege Tax In CHAZ

They have become what they are fighting!

Then you are not thinking very clearly.
No, I just have a different perspective than a lot of you.

You had said in response to me, "No I think you all just want people to get mowed down by gunfire. "

Apparently you seem to think that I am some Kluxer or something, but I left the Democratic Party before I graduated high school, dude.

By lumping me in with some kind of nefarious bogyman, you demonstrated that you were not thinking clearly.

I am not asking for a fruitless appology, but I do wish you would get your facts straight.

And you just stated below (well actually a previous comment) that you want people shot and mention people who are armed and "using violent threats" which I'm not even going to speculate as to what you meant by that.
I agree. But that is why I think we should use precision forces to only attack those armed and using violent threats.
Those people kind of like volunteer to be shot.
I do not want people shot, lol, I was arguing against simply bombing them which would cause a lot of colateral injuries.

If it becomes necessary to physically reclaim our sovereign territory by force, I would prefer a more prcesion based approachh, like personally going in with infantry and shoot those who are armed and opposing rather than blowing up some Moma and her baby.

Simply being armed is not grounds for summary execution on the streets of Seattle but that's what exactly what you've stated should be done.

Armed individuals exercising their 1st and/or 2nd amendment rights while not violating the law (or working) is not an uncommon sight in downtown Seattle which is why I said we have different perspectives of the situation.

I've attended 3 protests/marches/rallies in Washington state beginning in 2014, all of them peaceful.

In December 2014 I attended the "We Will Not Comply" rally on the capitol steps in Olympia to protest the passage of a very poorly written gun control law. More than a thousand people showed up, the majority of which were armed with long guns and there were two Washington State Patrol vehicles on-site.

The second event was the very first time I had ever participated in a marched and I did so with Black Lives Matter in January 2015 specifically because of the death of Sandra Bland. The Seattle police department escorted and provided protection for the marchers.

The last event I attended was roughly 2017 and was an Anti-Sharia protest. I showed up at the end in order to join the counter protestors. There was some excitement when someone showed up wearing a holstered weapon and he was hussled off-site. I was in tact gear with weapon but no identifying insignia however one of the bike officers apparently recognized me from the BLM march because he waved when he saw me.

There are so many people on this board who have so much animus against others that would only make sense if these people had personally caused them harm yet that is not the case, although I have to admit there is a lot of creativity that has been put forth in an attempt to justify and rationalize the convoluated reasoning for these feelings.

I have grown acustomed to being on the receiving end of this kind of hatred as my attendance at the events I've outlined above would indicate. It's a little different however when it's being directed towards others similarily situation as myself though.
Why would you counter-protest an anti-Sharia protest?
You figure it out.
Okay. You want to be treated like livestock.
That's why I'm in FAVOR of this "play fort for retarded children" playing out on its own... Because people are too politically blinded to analyze this for what it REALLY IS...
No one has a right to compromise the Constitutional rights of their neighbors.

The idiot mayor of Seatle and the Governor of Washington should have ended thison Day 2, but instead it is festering and likely going to encourage similar morons across the country to emulate them.

Rebellion must be nipped in the bud before it grows exponentially worse.

This can only replicate in areas where the "morons" need to learn a lesson.. Sucks for you if you LIVE in one of those places -- but that's why I FLED CALI with bags of money about 14 years ago... For a mayor to be talking about a "summer of love" and how these squatters are "PATRIOTS" means that SHE needs to deal with them.. It's like letting the kids ride their bikes in the house because you think discipline and limits are for child abusers.,..

I'm PERFECTLY happy with idiot mayors and governors giving up their duties of their offices... Seems like EVERYONE KNOWS what happens in the end when entire areas are trashed -- EXCEPT THEM -- the residents/businesses FLEE and the REST of the city starts looking at Zillow listings in the suburbs...

When that right wing "militia" took over a State Park in winter and no one was around, they were not denying Civil Rights, overturning elections, or destroying property... Yet people ended up getting killed because the left and media was SCREAMING for blood...
I'm PERFECTLY happy with idiot mayors and governors giving up their duties of their offices... Seems like EVERYONE KNOWS what happens in the end when entire areas are trashed -- EXCEPT THEM -- the residents/businesses FLEE and the REST of the city starts looking at Zillow listings in the suburbs...
So how many states of our nation are you willing to let rot?

It isnt all about you, ya know, right?
I'm PERFECTLY happy with idiot mayors and governors giving up their duties of their offices... Seems like EVERYONE KNOWS what happens in the end when entire areas are trashed -- EXCEPT THEM -- the residents/businesses FLEE and the REST of the city starts looking at Zillow listings in the suburbs...
So how many states of our nation are you willing to let rot?

It isnt all about you, ya know, right?

I know that a brain - addled socialist city council and Mayor in Seattle is "Not about me"... That's a self fixing problem like MOST socialist revolutions eventually when things blow up on them...

Can only happen in similar places... We've got about 1.5 generations BRAINWASHED into stinky leftist thinking that was POUNDED into them in 12 years of primary school and maybe 4 years of college.. I could type my fingers writing articles about that's now affecting the country -- or I could SIT BACK watch the kiddies play it out and FIGURE IT OUT for themselves and have a couple spiked ice teas...

Not gonna happen in most ALL of America.. No matter how ANGRY, DERANGED and INDOCTRINATED these socialist progressive leaders ARE --- Most of them haven't lost their "self-preservation" instincts and won't allow it..

Go knock yourself out STOPPING the best way to actually SAVE the Constitution and the country... A real-time EXPERIMENT in progressive movements revolution... They're ALREADY arguing between "identity groups"... C'mon, lighten up.. Maybe they'll KILL each other before 4th of July...
I know that a brain - addled socialist city council and Mayor in Seattle is "Not about me"... That's a self fixing problem like MOST socialist revolutions eventually when things blow up on them...
Nah, I think the average people living in that zone are just scared to death of attracting the attention of these Chicom warriors.

The POLICE and our government have the responsibility of protecting them and Democrats are impotent in the face of leftwing activists.

That zone is USA sovereign territory and I want it back ASAP and the traitors put on trial.
Black Lives Matter was created in response to the numerous law enforcement killings of young black men and women under circumstances that whites when similarly situated, somehow manage to escape with their lives intact.

It's really not a secret.

Whites usually don't assault the cop, scream obscenities, take the cops weapon, or try to shoot the cop.

Works every time! You should try it some time.
Black Lives Matter was created in response to the numerous law enforcement killings of young black men and women under circumstances that whites when similarly situated, somehow manage to escape with their lives intact.

It's really not a secret.

Whites usually don't assault the cop, scream obscenities, take the cops weapon, or try to shoot the cop.

Works every time! You should try it some time.
Bullshit. Better yet, where do you live and I'll provide you with proof of what you claim doesn't happen.

Then there are these instances
11 times police successfully disarmed white people without killing anyone

6. When police responded to a call reporting erratic behavior from open carry advocate, Joseph Houseman, they found him on the street wielding a rifle.


Photo: After shouting expletives, and refusing a breathalyzer test, officers retrieved his gun. Houseman was not arrested and his gun was returned the following day.

7. In San Diego, Lance Tamayo pointed his loaded 9mm pistol at police officers near a park where small children were playing.


Photo: Eventually, an officer shot Tamayo one time to disarm him. The police then called his cell phone and proceeded to speak to him for 15 minutes to negotiate a surrender.

8. These two men were arrested after shooting up a Walmart in Dayton, OH with BB guns stolen from the store.


Photo: Post Falls Police Department Oh, and they were intoxicated.

9. Julia Shields was arrested after shooting at passersby's while driving her car.


Photo: timesfreepress The Tennessee woman, clad with body armor, pointed her gun at officers as she led them on a high-speed chase. She lived to take this booking photo.

10. After engaging in a shooting spree that ended in a standoff with the New Orleans Police Department, Derrick Daniel Thomas, was arrested.


Photo: Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office[/caption] He was later booked on five counts of aggravated assault.
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There are hundreds of millions police interactions every year.

You'd think people understand what a bell curve is.
My daughter and her boyfriend live in Capitol Hill in Seattle. I just got off the phone with them.

The police precinct there is still fully staffed and operational. Barricades have been removed to allow protesters/marchers the ability to go through.

Antifa has successfully taken over nothing...

Is that still the case ?

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