Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

They need some stuff.

What I would like to see is...the Mongols and HellsAngels burn tents, loot their twinkies from stores they took over from seattle businesses, set fire to their tricycles skateboards and spears, then trample their gardens they are trying to grow but need How To books to plant one.:abgg2q.jpg:
Know what's sad? The fucking mayor brought in porta pots for them. But she couldn't bother to do that for the homeless.
Then you are not thinking very clearly.
No, I just have a different perspective than a lot of you.

You had said in response to me, "No I think you all just want people to get mowed down by gunfire. "

Apparently you seem to think that I am some Kluxer or something, but I left the Democratic Party before I graduated high school, dude.

By lumping me in with some kind of nefarious bogyman, you demonstrated that you were not thinking clearly.

I am not asking for a fruitless appology, but I do wish you would get your facts straight.

And you just stated below (well actually a previous comment) that you want people shot and mention people who are armed and "using violent threats" which I'm not even going to speculate as to what you meant by that.
I agree. But that is why I think we should use precision forces to only attack those armed and using violent threats.
Those people kind of like volunteer to be shot.
I do not want people shot, lol, I was arguing against simply bombing them which would cause a lot of colateral injuries.

If it becomes necessary to physically reclaim our sovereign territory by force, I would prefer a more prcesion based approachh, like personally going in with infantry and shoot those who are armed and opposing rather than blowing up some Moma and her baby.

Simply being armed is not grounds for summary execution on the streets of Seattle but that's what exactly what you've stated should be done.

Armed individuals exercising their 1st and/or 2nd amendment rights while not violating the law (or working) is not an uncommon sight in downtown Seattle which is why I said we have different perspectives of the situation.

I've attended 3 protests/marches/rallies in Washington state beginning in 2014, all of them peaceful.

In December 2014 I attended the "We Will Not Comply" rally on the capitol steps in Olympia to protest the passage of a very poorly written gun control law. More than a thousand people showed up, the majority of which were armed with long guns and there were two Washington State Patrol vehicles on-site.

The second event was the very first time I had ever participated in a marched and I did so with Black Lives Matter in January 2015 specifically because of the death of Sandra Bland. The Seattle police department escorted and provided protection for the marchers.

The last event I attended was roughly 2017 and was an Anti-Sharia protest. I showed up at the end in order to join the counter protestors. There was some excitement when someone showed up wearing a holstered weapon and he was hussled off-site. I was in tact gear with weapon but no identifying insignia however one of the bike officers apparently recognized me from the BLM march because he waved when he saw me.

There are so many people on this board who have so much animus against others that would only make sense if these people had personally caused them harm yet that is not the case, although I have to admit there is a lot of creativity that has been put forth in an attempt to justify and rationalize the convoluated reasoning for these feelings.

I have grown acustomed to being on the receiving end of this kind of hatred as my attendance at the events I've outlined above would indicate. It's a little different however when it's being directed towards others similarily situation as myself though.
Know what's sad? The fucking mayor brought in porta pots for them. But she couldn't bother to do that for the homeless.
The City of Seattle spent a lot of money or some really nice porta potties but I can't remember if they were specifically for the homeless or for tourists. Nonetheless, the street people began using them in ways that rendered them unsanitary and unuseable for the public for which they were intended (sex, drug use, vandalism, creating unsanitary etc.)

Seattle to Remove Automated Toilets
Simply being armed is not grounds for summary execution on the streets of Seattle but that's what exactly what you've stated should be done.
Armed individuals exercising their 1st and/or 2nd amendment rights while not violating the law (or working) is not an uncommon sight in downtown Seattle which is why I said we have different perspectives of the situation.
I was speaking of an armed action by US armed forces to retake CHAZ. In such scenarios, like when you call a cop and he shows up, you need to DISARM.

Soldiers cannot take time to distinguish if that armed enemy looking person hold a rifle is really genuinely enemy or not. Before the move in, the military tells the people they are u nder martial law and to lay down their arms and if they do not they will be presumed to be hostile.

Why? Because in battle the enemy does not get Miranda rights or other civil rights, unlike what some idiots may think.

So if you have a rifle and dont want to shoot US forces, you need to store it away and not be holding it when the Army arrives.

Other wise your stupid ass will get shot.
Simply being armed is not grounds for summary execution on the streets of Seattle but that's what exactly what you've stated should be done.
Armed individuals exercising their 1st and/or 2nd amendment rights while not violating the law (or working) is not an uncommon sight in downtown Seattle which is why I said we have different perspectives of the situation.
I was speaking of an armed action by US armed forces to retake CHAZ. In such scenarios, like when you call a cop and he shows up, you need to DISARM.

Soldiers cannot take time to distinguish if that armed enemy looking person hold a rifle is really genuinely enemy or not. Before the move in, the military tells the people they are u nder martial law and to lay down their arms and if they do not they will be presumed to be hostile.

Why? Because in battle the enemy does not get Miranda rights or other civil rights, unlike what some idiots may think.

So if you have a rifle and dont want to shoot US forces, you need to store it away and not be holding it when the Army arrives.

Other wise your stupid ass will get shot.
So now I'm included in those that you want shot?

Utilizing the U.S. military against American citizens is not lawful particularly under the current set of circumstances. And there are a lot of ways to cause harm to others that don't involve pointing a firearm at them and risking return gunfire.

So pray tell, what offense have these individuals committed that they deserve to be shot in the streets? They havn't killed anyone yet you want them deprived of their lives due to principle? How fucked up is that and what will you gain by them doing so?
Hey, Crepitus, are you still insisting this is fake news?

He has disappeared now it has been shown that this CHAZ thing is actually happening, even Yahoo News is now reporting on it. Also as the Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best has said it was NOT her decision to abandon the area, it then must have been the Communist Mayor Jenny Durkan and so action should be taken against Durkan for CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY for EVERY rape, EVERY robbery that has occured since Seattle went lawless and was GIVEN to a mob of The Great Unwashed.

The below I posted last night from Breitbart, but to illustrate ALL the Breitbart stories are sourced from other sources here is the SAME story from Yahoo News:


Know what's sad? The fucking mayor brought in porta pots for them. But she couldn't bother to do that for the homeless.
The City of Seattle spent a lot of money or some really nice porta potties but I can't remember if they were specifically for the homeless or for tourists. Nonetheless, the street people began using them in ways that rendered them unsanitary and unuseable for the public for which they were intended (sex, drug use, vandalism, creating unsanitary etc.)

Seattle to Remove Automated Toilets
But the looting/burning/rioting/take over of a downtown, plus tents plopped in peoples yards is not unsanitary?
Saw a pic someone posted of hundreds of bikers on the hwy going to CHAZ, was going to post it here but twitter took it down.
So now I'm included in those that you want shot?

Lol, do you really think that is what I meant?

Utilizing the U.S. military against American citizens is not lawful particularly under the current set of circumstances. And there are a lot of ways to cause harm to others that don't involve pointing a firearm at them and risking return gunfire.

They are in rebellion and are traitors trying to break from the USA and are unlawfully detaining Americans who have not voted for their Marxist bullshit rule.

Yep, kill every damned one of them that violently resists the restoration of American sovereignty.

So pray tell, what offense have these individuals committed that they deserve to be shot in the streets? They havn't killed anyone yet you want them deprived of their lives due to principle? How fucked up is that and what will you gain by them doing so?

Whether they have killed anyone themselves personally is entirely irrelevant.
Just read over on twitter that the Hell's Angels and Mongols are heading up to CHAZ this weekend for "some fun". Which means...they will take back that downtown, hand the cops back their precinct, and bust a few heads while at it.

Wish I could see it happen!
Mongols and the HAMC hate each other, I don't see them doing anything together. They might stand together against cops, "Patches over badges, always", but I don't see them buddying up over some political shit.

Someone call rumor control.....
Just read over on twitter that the Hell's Angels and Mongols are heading up to CHAZ this weekend for "some fun". Which means...they will take back that downtown, hand the cops back their precinct, and bust a few heads while at it.

Wish I could see it happen!
Mongols and the HAMC hate each other, I don't see them doing anything together. They might stand together against cops, "Patches over badges, always", but I don't see them buddying up over some political shit.

Someone call rumor control.....
It is a truce between some chapters and about a dozen of each club, which is more than enough to handle ANTIFA cucks.
I'd like to make the point...What antifa has done here is treason. The textbook definition of treason.

Taking US land by force...and I wouldn't doubt that the mayor and governor are also guilty of treason for aiding and abetting them. (but that will be for lawyers to argue).

The penalty for treason is death by hanging.
They didn't take that area by force. The police abandoned the precinct after boarding it up and the protestors basically moved in.

I don't know what the current situation is at city hall but someone gave Seattle City Council person Kshama Sawant the keys and she and the protestors went inside and occupied it overnight. What happened the next day, I don't know. I don't know if the offices are still closed due ot COVID or what exactly is going on.
You can stop calling them protesters now. They're armed insurrectionists.
Then you are not thinking very clearly.
No, I just have a different perspective than a lot of you.

You had said in response to me, "No I think you all just want people to get mowed down by gunfire. "

Apparently you seem to think that I am some Kluxer or something, but I left the Democratic Party before I graduated high school, dude.

By lumping me in with some kind of nefarious bogyman, you demonstrated that you were not thinking clearly.

I am not asking for a fruitless appology, but I do wish you would get your facts straight.

And you just stated below (well actually a previous comment) that you want people shot and mention people who are armed and "using violent threats" which I'm not even going to speculate as to what you meant by that.
I agree. But that is why I think we should use precision forces to only attack those armed and using violent threats.
Those people kind of like volunteer to be shot.
I do not want people shot, lol, I was arguing against simply bombing them which would cause a lot of colateral injuries.

If it becomes necessary to physically reclaim our sovereign territory by force, I would prefer a more prcesion based approachh, like personally going in with infantry and shoot those who are armed and opposing rather than blowing up some Moma and her baby.

Simply being armed is not grounds for summary execution on the streets of Seattle but that's what exactly what you've stated should be done.

Armed individuals exercising their 1st and/or 2nd amendment rights while not violating the law (or working) is not an uncommon sight in downtown Seattle which is why I said we have different perspectives of the situation.

I've attended 3 protests/marches/rallies in Washington state beginning in 2014, all of them peaceful.

In December 2014 I attended the "We Will Not Comply" rally on the capitol steps in Olympia to protest the passage of a very poorly written gun control law. More than a thousand people showed up, the majority of which were armed with long guns and there were two Washington State Patrol vehicles on-site.

The second event was the very first time I had ever participated in a marched and I did so with Black Lives Matter in January 2015 specifically because of the death of Sandra Bland. The Seattle police department escorted and provided protection for the marchers.

The last event I attended was roughly 2017 and was an Anti-Sharia protest. I showed up at the end in order to join the counter protestors. There was some excitement when someone showed up wearing a holstered weapon and he was hussled off-site. I was in tact gear with weapon but no identifying insignia however one of the bike officers apparently recognized me from the BLM march because he waved when he saw me.

There are so many people on this board who have so much animus against others that would only make sense if these people had personally caused them harm yet that is not the case, although I have to admit there is a lot of creativity that has been put forth in an attempt to justify and rationalize the convoluated reasoning for these feelings.

I have grown acustomed to being on the receiving end of this kind of hatred as my attendance at the events I've outlined above would indicate. It's a little different however when it's being directed towards others similarily situation as myself though.
Why would you counter-protest an anti-Sharia protest?

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