Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

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When this implodes on itself all the citizens of Chaz should be given a one way ticket to any African or Middle East country that says they'll take them because now that they've renounced their citizenship they're not welcome here. I don't care which influential persons son or daughter they might be.



So if they step outside of the zone...…..they are then considered illegal immigrants? And subject to ICE??? How awesome is that? :badgrin:
That's why I'm in FAVOR of this "play fort for retarded children" playing out on its own... Because people are too politically blinded to analyze this for what it REALLY IS...
No one has a right to compromise the Constitutional rights of their neighbors.

The idiot mayor of Seatle and the Governor of Washington should have ended thison Day 2, but instead it is festering and likely going to encourage similar morons across the country to emulate them.

Rebellion must be nipped in the bud before it grows exponentially worse.
2) I find the hypocrisy repulsive because I'm NOT in favor of Federal intervention.. A CONSISTENT stand I've taken on most EVERYTHING that has to deal with "revolt as protest"... But I do not wish this ANARCHIST FASCIST experiment to spread and be repeated..

So -- the MASSIVE idiocy here will "kill itself" and should play out on its own..

I believe president Trump agrees!

His tweets about sending in troops are only meant to bring attention to this lunacy...He doesn't intend to send troops unless masses of people start getting seriously harmed or killed.

But he does want everybody watching so we can all see what democrats really are!
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Your link doesn't work. Has the city shut off the water and electric to the area?

Well, here's another one Old Lady. If it doesn't work, you can just go to the PJMEDIA site and read it without me leading you to the Truth.

How do you expect this to end?

Do you support these people who have taken over part of a city; declared an Autonomous State; and are making outrageous demands?

Do you think they have a right to do so in Seattle, because of some bad cops in Minneapolis, or is this about something else?

Do you think Hating-Don-Trump is a good enough reason to riot in all the big cities, claiming "systemic racism" even though those same cities have been run by Democrats for half a century?

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When the south decided that they were going to be an independent nation, they fought a war over being autonomous.

Correct Me if I am wrong, but doesn't the left lay claim that the South, wanting to be autonomous to the United States, were traitors to the country?

I wouldn't mind hearing their thoughts on this new 'autonomous' country and who they stand with regard to treason.
Do not expect consistency from the left. There is no deeply-held conviction they won't throw on the ground next to a trash can for political expediency.
Antifa have allegedly barricaded and zoned off a section of Seattle, and attempted to create their own autonomous zone.


WTF?! Totally pathetic now Shitattle have actually given CONTROL of a fire station to the feral Blacks and ROFLAO the feral Blacks have renamed that area of Shitattle "Africatown"




His tweets about sending in troops are only meant to bring attention to this lunacy...He doesn't intend to send troops unless masses of people start getting seriously harmed or killed.
But he does want everybody watching so we can all see what democrats really are!
CHAZ is a 24/7 advertisement why we should never vote for a Dimocrat at any level of government.

Why would he really want to end his free publicity?

I personally think that protecting the sovereign territory of our nation and keeping ones oath of office is more important, but maybe thats just me.
His tweets about sending in troops are only meant to bring attention to this lunacy...He doesn't intend to send troops unless masses of people start getting seriously harmed or killed.
But he does want everybody watching so we can all see what democrats really are!
CHAZ is a 24/7 advertisement why we should never vote for a Dimocrat at any level of government.

Why would he really want to end his free publicity?

I personally think that protecting the sovereign territory of our nation and keeping ones oath of office is more important, but maybe thats just me.

As CHAZ has declared it is not part of America anymore and therefore is a separate nation, then The Donald should put Sanctions on CHAZ and starve them out.

Also what a CRAP name CHAZ, this crowd have ZERO class on ANY level.

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