Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area


When this implodes on itself all the citizens of Chaz should be given a one way ticket to any African or Middle East country that says they'll take them because now that they've renounced their citizenship they're not welcome here. I don't care which influential persons son or daughter they might be.



Where the fuck have I been...first I'm hearing about any of this

There will be no mercy come elections
Elections... oh they have that all figured out already too. ALL MAIL IN, so they can BALLOT HARVEST like a bunch of wild ass progressive criminals... yep... that's their plan.

It is the ONLY way they could even dream of winning at this point in November. America is about ready to VOMIT at the mention of the DEMOCRAT PARTY and what they've been pulling, from the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA hoax to the FARCE IMPEACHMENT to now the RIOTS. The democrat party is the party of TRASH, and there really is no doubt left.
They are no longer a part of the USA, so they dont get USA senators or representatives....get it?

We should encourage ALL progressives to create Marxist Utopias and leave our nation, but they cant vote anymore in OUR elections.
This is actually a great idea.

Let the loony lefturds occupy inner cities, and strike their affiliation from US sovereignty. All the bed wetters can move there, consolidate themselves and fend for themselves.

Then starve to death.


When the south decided that they were going to be an independent nation, they fought a war over being autonomous.

Correct Me if I am wrong, but doesn't the left lay claim that the South, wanting to be autonomous to the United States, were traitors to the country?

I wouldn't mind hearing their thoughts on this new 'autonomous' country and who they stand with regard to treason.
They are no longer a part of the USA, so they dont get USA senators or representatives....get it?

We should encourage ALL progressives to create Marxist Utopias and leave our nation, but they cant vote anymore in OUR elections.
This is actually a great idea.

Let the loony lefturds occupy inner cities, and strike their affiliation from US sovereignty. All the bed wetters can move there, consolidate themselves and fend for themselves.

Then starve to death.


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We should put border fortifications around the new country of Chaz and demand that they provide passports to enter the United States.
Is Chaz Bono aware of this? He’s likely in need of a gig and who better to be the, at least titular, ruler of CHAZ than Chaz? Plus, he’s got leadership, politics in his blood thanks to former mayor of Palm Springs, CA, daddy, Sonny.
how about the residents
and the business owners, their bubble has burst, some probably won't recover, and the residents no doubt are losing big time
with their property.
CHAZ has been declared for three days. You're getting a little hysterical, aren't you? Shall I get the smelling salts for you?
Hysterical you say?

Shall we dig up your posts where you were shitting chickens, over some protesters carrying ammo-less rifles with open breeches in Michigan about a month ago?
Show me where I said we should send in the storm troopers to stop them.
The subject is hysterics, a state which you were clearly in during the Michigan lockdown protest....A protest, BTW, which left all property as it was when it began, and left no bodily injuries in its wake.

Be all of that is it may, CHAZ is an armed insurrection, not a truly peaceful protest like Michigan.....The Pantifa pussies are at least criminal gangsters, if not an internal military enemy.
And hopefully Chaz will turn out the same. But an overwhelming military type response to their "threat" is not the way to win this. If it turns violent, yeah, violent back. But what this requires is some smart folks with brains to open a dialogue. They either want attention or they want more trouble. Figure out which, but don't play into their hand here.
There are businesses forced to pay these thugs for "security." Disagreement is not allowed. THEY have called themselves an occupying ARMY. They need to be treated as such.

And you want to deal with these animals with "diplomacy"? They are CRIMINALS and need to be treated as such! Leftists never get anything right, and when you've been proven wrong EVERY DAMN TIME, you still never figure things out.
I think a lot of those reports of businesses being extorted and violence have turned out to be hearsay or shown to be false based on new articles written by journalists that have been in the area. It’s probably not out of the realm of possibility that many of these claims are being circulated to cast what’s happening there in a bad light in order to encourage force to taken against the protesters. Of course there may be some bad actors within those borders but most of what I’ve read is that it’s pretty peaceful and many businesses are actually seeing increased business.
We should put border fortifications around the new country of Chaz and demand that they provide passports to enter the United States.


but what about the people who aren't bed wetters that have to live there with their passports?

There are serious legal ramifications here.

I understand the assholes who started this shit never thought about it, but that's because they cannot think.
Is Chaz Bono aware of this? He’s likely in need of a gig and who better to be the, at least titular, ruler of CHAZ than Chaz? Plus, he’s got leadership, politics in his blood thanks to former mayor of Palm Springs, CA, daddy, Sonny.
Chaz Bono is a she...
I would say that the people of the Metropolitan Seattle area are well informed if they choose to be and all these hysterics, including by Trump seem to be frustration that they aren't able to go out beat some heads themslves.

If the mayor and the governor are not worried and are handling things then why are you? And no, I don't accept that crap about caring about the welfare of your fellow Americans and our country because many of you have expressed open hatred towards your fellow country men/women and have wished harm upon them. And I have no doubt that if you could inflict that harm personally without have to worry about repercussions, you all would do it in a heartbeat.

Here's a rationale and nuanced take on all that.. It's two different "attitudes", but BOTH are perfectly consistent if you ARE a "patriot" -- as the mayor of Seattle has described the rebels...

1) Chaz has violated the civil liberties of the residents, the biz owners, and the property owners.. They've OVERTURNED ELECTIONS including the Authority of the DELUDED mayor and City Council who will be the FUTURE targets of these idiots "playing fort" on private property...

It's communist anarchy on the hoof... It's only a matter of time before all the "woke" factions start eating each other arguing over "meatless zones" and giving black trans people AR-15s with no training to SHARE in the control.. There's ALREADY competing leadership for the zone, and there's no process to peacefully resolve differences..

It's also baffling that the LEFT calls them patriots, when any ARMED FACTION with a govt gripe on right -- was met with DEMANDS from our leftist buds to "SEND IN THE FEDS" and shoot them.. There's PILES of hypocrites on USMB recorded saying this.. To Waco, to Ruby Ridge, to the Bend Oregon "occupation" of an empty park to the Nevada cattle disputes with the BLM.. I find this hypocrisy REPULSIVE...

2) I find the hypocrisy repulsive because I'm NOT in favor of Federal intervention.. A CONSISTENT stand I've taken on most EVERYTHING that has to deal with "revolt as protest"... But I do not wish this ANARCHIST FASCIST experiment to spread and be repeated..

So -- the MASSIVE idiocy here will "kill itself" and should play out on its own.. If the LEADERSHIP of Seattle are moronic enough to believe "it's all under control" -- it's only a matter of time before the rabble mobs come for THEM.. Which I will CHEER ON.. Because we HAVE too many leftist govts filled with morons who think their "wokeness" protects them from anarchy/rebellion..

When it inevitably plays out on a LOCAL LEVEL, the entire leftist movement will be besmirched and the November election ISSUE will be pandering to anarchist morons who "play fort on public streets and property"....

Nothing could help re-elect Trump more than that... And END the long, painful suicide that the Dem party is bleeding out from..

What do you call it when an anarchist commie group checks IDs for entry to THEIR PROPERTY AND NEIGHBORHOOD? When they paint "Public Property" on business frontages? When they OVERTURN the results of voted elections?

If they "don't like you" they can refuse entry can't they? Why else would a bunch of "kiddies playing fort with real rifles" be checking IDs??

This isn't a benign exercise and it will end up in INTERNAL infernos of fighting.. And THEN the homes, biz, the public property that is being held hostage -- will end up in flames...

If YOU or the mayor can't see this coming -- That's why I'm in FAVOR of this "play fort for retarded children" playing out on its own... Because people are too politically blinded to analyze this for what it REALLY IS...
Is Chaz Bono aware of this? He’s likely in need of a gig and who better to be the, at least titular, ruler of CHAZ than Chaz? Plus, he’s got leadership, politics in his blood thanks to former mayor of Palm Springs, CA, daddy, Sonny.
Chaz Bono is a she...
Born with a bono he’s always a he even if it’s been chopped off.
I would say that the people of the Metropolitan Seattle area are well informed if they choose to be and all these hysterics, including by Trump seem to be frustration that they aren't able to go out beat some heads themslves.

If the mayor and the governor are not worried and are handling things then why are you? And no, I don't accept that crap about caring about the welfare of your fellow Americans and our country because many of you have expressed open hatred towards your fellow country men/women and have wished harm upon them. And I have no doubt that if you could inflict that harm personally without have to worry about repercussions, you all would do it in a heartbeat.

Here's a rationale and nuanced take on all that.. It's two different "attitudes", but BOTH are perfectly consistent if you ARE a "patriot" -- as the mayor of Seattle has described the rebels...

1) Chaz has violated the civil liberties of the residents, the biz owners, and the property owners.. They've OVERTURNED ELECTIONS including the Authority of the DELUDED mayor and City Council who will be the FUTURE targets of these idiots "playing fort" on private property...

It's communist anarchy on the hoof... It's only a matter of time before all the "woke" factions start eating each other arguing over "meatless zones" and giving black trans people AR-15s with no training to SHARE in the control.. There's ALREADY competing leadership for the zone, and there's no process to peacefully resolve differences..

It's also baffling that the LEFT calls them patriots, when any ARMED FACTION with a govt gripe on right -- was met with DEMANDS from our leftist buds to "SEND IN THE FEDS" and shoot them.. There's PILES of hypocrites on USMB recorded saying this.. To Waco, to Ruby Ridge, to the Bend Oregon "occupation" of an empty park to the Nevada cattle disputes with the BLM.. I find this hypocrisy REPULSIVE...

2) I find the hypocrisy repulsive because I'm NOT in favor of Federal intervention.. A CONSISTENT stand I've taken on most EVERYTHING that has to deal with "revolt as protest"... But I do not wish this ANARCHIST FASCIST experiment to spread and be repeated..

So -- the MASSIVE idiocy here will "kill itself" and should play out on its own.. If the LEADERSHIP of Seattle are moronic enough to believe "it's all under control" -- it's only a matter of time before the rabble mobs come for THEM.. Which I will CHEER ON.. Because we HAVE too many leftist govts filled with morons who think their "wokeness" protects them from anarchy/rebellion..

When it inevitably plays out on a LOCAL LEVEL, the entire leftist movement will be besmirched and the November election ISSUE will be pandering to anarchist morons who "play fort on public streets and property"....

Nothing could help re-elect Trump more than that... And END the long, painful suicide that the Dem party is bleeding out from..

They're already eating their own, so to speak. City Council member Sawant (born in India) is calling for Durkins resignation or will begin articles of impeachment (where have we heard that before?)…….all because Durkin & Inslee spoke against the violence, while this shitforbrains applauds it and has supported this Chaz takeover.

Unfortunately Seattle is known to be populated with non-thinkers that will do anything to get on national news outlets.....and here we are. I wouldn't hold my breath for it to play out for a REAL positive result for the city, county or state as a whole. Without 'something' being done to nip it in the bud......that Chaz will become an ever widening chasm.

That communist/fascist/whatever type devil has found the US weak point and is driving in the first nail to the US coffin. We can't afford to let this play out or we will become Amerikans for real

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